Chapter 2298
On the street, Mu Xiaoting and Xiaoxi were in the car, and the surrounding cars were jammed, but there seemed to be no one inside.

In other words, the people inside are already in a coma.

Mu Xiaoting had nowhere to go, there were cars all around her, and the driver in front had already passed out, even she herself felt a little groggy.

Looking at the cars of his father and grandpa behind him, they were also stuck in heavy traffic jams. Although he left the Xiannong Building immediately after receiving Li Bai's call, it seemed that it was still a step late.

Xiaoxi's pretty face was still very cold, expressionless, but she looked at the figure that kept flickering in the distance.

Mu Xiaoting was also very anxious, but she couldn't move in this position at all, and she was about to pass out.

The members of the Mu family in the two cars behind had also passed out a long time ago. There was nothing they could do. There was a rather strange smell wafting from this area.

Finally, Mu Xiaoting also fainted. Although the members of the Mu family also started to cultivate, the time was too short to be ignored.

Xiaoxi looked at Mu Xiaoting next to her, then her whole body twisted slightly, and she got out of the car window.

A pair of straight jeans are tightly worn on the two long legs. Although Xiaoxi is only 13 years old, her figure has already developed to a considerable scale, especially the two long legs, which are quite slender, but the top is not Big, but not too bad.

Xiaoxi looked at the figure constantly jumping on the roof of the car, her pupils gradually turned red, and her pretty face became cooler.

The bloody vortex in his hand began to rotate slowly, and rushed out directly.

Whoosh whoosh!
Countless black shadows came from all directions, Xiaoxi's pretty face was cold, and a bloody vortex magnified infinitely, absorbing those black shadows.

Immediately, the bloody vortex opened up again, and the flying ninja darts flew back directly.

"I won't let you run away again this time, hum." A Japanese ninja headed by him had a cold expression on his face.

"Let me just say we still have a chance. Those members of the Ability Palace are actually scared. It's really funny. The Chinese people will never change the bad habit of infighting. Now that Li Bai is being held back, I want to see who can come." Save you little girl." The leading Japanese ninja laughed.

From all directions, there were biochemical ninjas constantly rushing over, surrounding Xiao Xi with boundless killing intent.

As soon as Xiaoxi's figure moved, almost the entire eye sockets were covered with blood, and the bloody aura began to spread completely.

"Humph, show me the Yin-Yang diagram." Kanda Jiro appeared again, he was scared away last time, but this time he seemed really sure.

A huge Yin-Yang fire pattern appeared directly beside Xiao Xi, and the bloody vortex in Xiao Xi's hand waved again, and began to absorb the continuous Yin-Yang fire.

But this is different from the last time, this time Kanda Jiro used the yin and yang diagram, the yin and yang fire is ruthless and endless, and there are countless onmyojis attacking Xiaoxi.

Xiaoxi waved the bloody vortex in her hands, and seemed to be unable to absorb it, her eye sockets had all turned red, and there was still a voice in her body that wanted to rush out.

"Give up, use my power, you will die this time, you little girl is quite stubborn, even if you don't use my power this time, I can use it to rush out, hehe." A gloomy voice came The sound came from Xiao Xi's body.

"Brother...Brother, I'm leaving." Although Xiaoxi wanted to suppress it, she couldn't resist the attack of Yin Yang Huo at all. Once he couldn't suppress it, this blood soul bone would absolutely control her body Body.


The bloody vortex shattered, and Xiaoxi's whole body was covered by the yin-yang diagram. Erlang Kanda was overjoyed, but within half a second his face changed drastically.

"Little Yin-Yang Huo, you just want to do something to me? A humble human?" A voice came from the Yin-Yang Diagram.

The whole person was bathed in blood and walked out from the yin and yang fire. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and a bloody thread pierced Kanda Jiro's forehead.

The bloody storm had just begun, and countless bloody threads continuously pierced through the eyebrows of these onmyojis. In an instant, more than a dozen onmyojis and Japanese ninjas had all died.

Xiaoxi's figure also soared into the sky, and disappeared in place without knowing where she went.

It was inevitable that Li Bai would encounter trouble on the road. Like last time, another group of people stopped him.

This time was different from the last time, but they were all acquaintances. They were the two old fellows of the Xue family, Xue Pi and Xue Hong.

Both of them were in the Nascent Soul stage, but Li Bai didn't care about these two old things at all, he just ran away.

The two old men were directly thrown away, and the two old men did not expect that everyone was in the Nascent Soul stage, how could Li Bai's speed be so fast.

Only Xue Pi was caught by Li Bai last time, but this time Xue Hong also came together, and the two of them are sure that they will never be caught by Li Bai again.

But they didn't expect Li Bai's speed to be so fast.

But even so, when Li Bai rushed to Mu Xiaoting's place, he saw countless corpses of Japanese ninjas.

"Xiaoxi, I still can't hold back." Li Bai sighed, and directly put the Japanese corpses all over the floor into the ring space.

These Japanese people were all killed by the bloody energy passing through the eyebrows, and there was no one else except Xiaoxi. It seemed that the things in Xiaoxi's body still came out.

"I will definitely get you back, Xiaoxi." Li Bai whispered.

Looking at the members of the Mu family, they are all fine, just lethargic, there is no serious problem, and all the members of the Mu family are directly put into the ring space.

Li Bai left directly, last time he knew that the Huangfu family had colluded with the Wa people, so he didn't expect to come this time.

The most important thing is that he didn't have time this time, neither did Jin Yan and Hei Yan.

Jin Yan and Hei Yan are in Xiannongshe, which is his base camp, so there must be no mistakes.

Looking around again, Li Bai left directly. Since the Huangfu family gave him a big gift, he would be too sorry for them if he didn't go around.

Huangfu's family.

Huangfu Courtyard, in a separate courtyard.

Ordinary people can't get in here, only the core members of the Huangfu family can get in, there aren't many people to search for, but there are a lot of guards.

Two guards were talking to each other, and a tall guard said, "Be alert, this is an extraordinary time, and prevent outsiders from sneaking in."

"Brother Fusheng, have you heard about the Xiannong Society? I heard that the Nonghuang boy is very powerful. He arrested the old man of the Xue family. Aren't we uniting with the Xue family now? I think it is Deal with that kid named Nonghuang." A tall and thin guard said.

"Don't hide it. When can you change your big mouth and return to the Nonghuang boy? If he comes, he can kill you immediately." The tall Fusheng brother said.

"Cut, what is that kind of person afraid of? Even if he is very powerful, he can't be so rampant. Now that the Huangfu family, the Xue family and some other ancient martial arts families have been provoked to deal with him, I think he will be at the end. If I have that This kind of strength, I just hide and practice for decades, who will be my opponent at that time, that person, he has the strength, but he has no brains, what do you think, Brother Fusheng?" The guard with a big mouth still looked a little disdainful .

"Shut up, you will never be as powerful as others, how do you know what others think, you will die with your mouth one day." Fu Sheng said angrily.

"Hey, what are you afraid of? There are no outsiders here, and I won't pretend to be one in front of others. I'm a natural master anyway. I usually don't provoke people who are better than me. I'm not like that idiot Nong Huang." Big Mouth continued, in his eyes, this was simply an act of overthinking one's own strength and bringing about one's own destruction.

"Say a few words less, why don't you think more about how to improve your strength?" Fu Sheng didn't want to talk to this guy, but there were only two of them here, and they were already used to this guy's shocking quotations.

"Strength can't be improved just by wanting to improve. I think that Nonghuang boy must have picked up some peerless cultivation skills by luck. Otherwise, he would have no strength at all. He would have to create some kind of Xiannong Society by himself, and the name It's so strange, what is it called Xiannong, farmers should be farmers, and what is called Xiannong, do you think it is strange?"

"I think that kid must be a farmer, and then I was lucky enough to pick up a peerless cultivation method, and I felt that I was against the sky, and no one paid attention to it, haha, I really want to take a look at this guy if I have a chance, but I may not be able to see it soon, and it will be a pity." Big Mouth wanted to say something, but found a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Brother Fusheng, I... Am I dazzled? Why am I hallucinating?" Big Mouth looked at the figure that appeared in front of him, and he swore that the figure appeared suddenly without any warning.

"It's not a hallucination, it's real." Fu Sheng looked at Li Bai with a calm expression. He was able to appear without a sound, and they didn't even know each other. The identity of this person was already obvious.

"You don't want to see me, why don't you talk anymore?" Li Bai looked at the guy who kept talking about him being a fool.

" are..." Big Mouth looked at Li Bai dumbfounded.

"I'm the fool you're talking about. If you want to tell me something, you might as well talk about it." Li Bai smiled, seeing the panic on this guy's face is still very exciting.

"It's no fun if you don't talk. Since you like being a fool so much, I'll make you a fool." Li Bai's face changed, and he slapped Big Mouth's chest with his palm.

His meridians were abolished, and his head was also hit, so he can only be an idiot in the future.

Fu Sheng next to him swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked at the big mouth that had already collapsed in surprise.

"Aren't you going to run away?" Li Bai looked at the terrified resurrection and asked with a smile.

"I know that I can't run away, and whether I run or not is a result. I thought that the Emperor Nong only had the ability to resist, but I didn't expect that the Emperor Nong would dare to take the initiative to attack the Huangfu family. The Huangfu family will suffer this time, haha." Fu Sheng smiled. Dao, it seems to look very well dressed.

"If ordinary people hear you say that, they will think you are very smart, and they will even accept you as a subordinate, but I may disappoint you, ha ha." Li Bai also slapped it out.

He doesn't need people from such cheap enemy forces, he is not good to himself or others, and he is still worried about using them himself.

(End of this chapter)

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