The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2299 Surprise

Chapter 2299 Surprise
Li Bai's palm also destroyed the meridians of resurrection, no matter how good his performance was, he was also a member of the Huangfu family, so Li Bai would not be soft on his hands.

These two are just the guards at the gate, and there is a patrolling team in the other courtyard. None of these zhenqi fighters have arrived yet, and to him, they are almost like garbage.

"The warehouse of Huangfu's house is important, get out." A young man turned cold and said angrily.

"Bullshit, I don't know what I'm doing here in Huangfu's warehouse, hum." Li Bai snorted coldly, and sent the man flying with his palm from the air.

The gap in strength is really too big. There is an absolute gap between the masters of the Nascent Soul stage and the innate masters.

With high fives, these people were blown away, and they walked directly into the warehouse.

As for the defense system here, it's really nothing to him, so he just rushed away.

After taking away all the medicinal materials inside, there are still a lot of spiritual herbs, which is beyond Li Bai's expectation.

After robbing, Li Bai left directly.

In Xiannong Society, a group of masters also appeared, at least at the level of true qi fighters.

But there was no surprise, Wang Chu and Golden Flame Dragon Lizard barely stopped these people.

However, there were also some injuries, Wang Chu was also injured, but he had already retreated to the Xiannong Club. Although these people were all true qi warriors, they still couldn't break through the spirit formation here.

The spirit array arranged by Li Bai used quite a lot of spirit array stones, all of which are star arrays, with strong defense.

Even the strong ones from Yuanying's previous stage would have to spend a lot of effort, these true qi fighters don't have to think about it here, and they can't break through it for a few days or nights.

But here is also big news, why so many people suddenly came to Xiannong Society to trouble the students in Huaxia Academy, but now everyone knows.

This kind of battle, the farther away the better, but in this way, the school has some opinions. This is obviously caused by the enthusiasm of Xiannong Society, but Principal Wang can't help it. Li Bai has brought much more to Huaxia College many.

Not only in terms of benefits, but also in terms of reputation, and more importantly, in terms of status. Now Li Bai's reputation is not only in the whole of China, but at least in the whole of Kyoto.

Fortunately, those people only troubled Xiannongshe, and did not disturb the students of the school.

On the side of Xiannong Building, Hong Yu and Chen Feiyu Bai Jun also suffered some minor injuries, but they were not seriously injured.

Here in Xiannong Mansion, Li Bai has arranged a maze of stars, which is similar to a phantom formation. After entering, don't even think about going in, even if you find it, don't think about leaving so easily.

Hong Yu and Chen Feiyu's Bai Jun also attacked these people in the star puzzled formation, but they were still injured. Although they knew the star array's eyes and formation map, their strengths were still quite different.

These biochemical ninjas are really quite strong, but in the star maze, it doesn't matter even if they lose, they can return directly.

"Feiyu, how is it? Are you okay?" Hong Yu looked at the wound on Chen Feiyu's chest, which was cut off by a Japanese samurai sword.

"It's okay, I'll go find that damned ninja again, I still can't believe I can't beat him, hum." Chen Feiyu said angrily.

"Then be careful, don't torture yourself to death." Hong Yu said with a smile, this is actually a minor injury, but it is also a rare actual combat experience, so he will not stop him, on the contrary, he and Bai Jun once again Walking into the star ecstasy array, I had a great time playing with these biochemical ninjas. Anyway, I can't die, and a little injury is nothing.

"Then I'll go too." Bai Jun also got in.

This place has become a training base for the three of them, but this kind of display experience is rare, and it is good to improve it.

When Li Bai returned to the villa, there were also a group of people here, but they didn't have to think about it here in the villa, this was his second base camp, and the star formation was very solid.

Although the Xue family said that two old men were here, and there was an old man with a white beard who was also constantly attacking the silver light covering the villa, but there was no damage at all.

"I said, you old men, you clink like irons. Are you tired? You're so annoying." Su Daji is the only one who is still so optimistic.

"Three grandpas, I mind if you can try with a bomb and see if you can kill us." Well, upon hearing this, Feng Yunxi was another nervous woman.

Su Daji and Feng Yunxi, when these two goblins met together, they were really fighting with each other. They were so majestic. It could be seen that the three old men were also very angry.

They were quite surprised in themselves, there is actually a mask here, it is really amazing.

"Brother Xue Hong, what should we do? What the hell is this thing? Why can't the three of us work together to open it?" The white-bearded old man looked at Xue Tian and asked.

"No way, I remember that there seems to be a kind of spiritual formation like this, but it is difficult for a cultivator to master. Could it be that this kid can really arrange that kind of spiritual formation?" Xue Hong was also very puzzled. They were quite sure, who knew there would be such a big cover here.

They couldn't get in at all, and the three masters in the Nascent Soul Stage were helpless.

"Three old grandpas, why don't I come out and let you take him away, and then threaten Li Bai, so that you won't be so tired." Feng Yunxi said with a smile, this girl really has no nerves at all, she didn't know this If the old man rushed in, the people inside them would suffer.

"Damn girl, it's so annoying. This old man is so old. I haven't met the most hurtful little girl. When I go in, I will kill you." The old man with a white beard is called Huangfu Ming. Also relatively irritable.

"I'm so scared, come and drink some water, don't be tired, I feel sorry for you who are so old and irritable." Feng Yunxi laughed, really angry.

"Hey, let's go, there's nothing we can do. It seems that we still underestimated that kid. There are such strong defenses. I'm afraid there won't be too good gains in other places." Xue Hong could only say, this big man The cover is too strong, even the attack of the three of them together just now couldn't break it, it's useless.

"Okay, let's go then." Huangfu Ming also said, here again he couldn't guarantee whether he would be pissed off by Su Daji and Feng Yunxi inside.

Just about to leave, a figure came from far to near, saying: "Since you're here, let's play more, haha."

Li Bai's figure slowly appeared, looked at the three old guys and smiled.

Xue Hong, Xue Pi, and Huang Fuming were startled. The speed was so fast. Xue Hong and Xue Pi once again saw Li Bai's speed. It was so fast that they had been thrown away before.

"Boy, you are looking for death, don't think that you can be rampant if you are fast." Xue Pi said angrily, still brooding about Li Bai's arrest.

"Your butt is itching again, right? If you talk about old things, if it falls into my hands, I will kill you directly. It's still the problem of your bad mouth." Li Bai glanced at Xue Pi and said angrily.

"Looking for death, I am so ignorant of the world at such a young age, today I, Huangfuming, want to see what you are capable of." Huangfuming old man is also a bad tempered man, and he was told by Feng Yunxi and Su Daji just now that the little girl was so angry Yes, now I have finally met someone who can fight.

"I'm afraid that you are not strong enough, old man, but it doesn't matter, I can play with you, hehe." Li Bai smiled, Huangfu must belong to the Huangfu family, I don't know that the old guy knows that he robbed the warehouse of the Huangfu family What will happen next, will you jump in anger.

But this is not Li Bai's concern. What he wants most now is to teach these three old guys a lesson. Last time and this time, it's two times in total, and he was almost beaten back to his original shape by these old bastards.

It is conceivable that if the Xiannong Society is over, then everything he has done in the past six months will be in vain, and the Xiannong Building will be meaningless.

"Rampant boy, the old man is going to peel you off today, hmph." Huangfu Ming's face changed drastically, and the long sword in his hand directly aimed at Li Bai in the air.

Li Bai's figure was directly shrouded and split in two in an instant, but unfortunately, it was just an afterimage.

"The old guy has a lot of temper, haha, I'm afraid you will become even more irritable after you know something." Li Bai held a dozen or so pearl spirit grasses in his hands, and laughed.

"Lanfeicao? Geranium? Clover... how come you have these, boy?" Huangfu Ming's face changed drastically. These are all spiritual herbs from the warehouse of his Huangfu family.

"I'm sorry, I just went up to the warehouse of your Huangfu's house and brought some things along the way. The old man won't mind, right?" Li Bai looked at the old man's beard and staring, but he was even more cheerful.

Let you rely on the old to sell it, isn't it to deal with labor and management, if you don't give you a little pain, you really think that I am still bullying.

"I killed you little bastard, you dare to move the warehouse of Huangfu's house, I will kill you little bastard today." Huangfu was clearly angry, like an old hen erupting, his anger was unspeakable.

"I'm afraid you don't have the strength, haha." Li Bai laughed loudly, and he just happened to teach the three old guys a lesson.

"Die, three old immortals."

"Tianyun · Soul Falling Slash." Li Bai shouted loudly, and the sword light that had been prepared for a long time appeared in an instant, and slashed at the three old guys in the air.

The reason why he was angry with Huangfu Ming Qiqiao Shengyan was to catch him by surprise, and this method was the best way to deal with this kind of old guy who is so easy to get angry.

"Damn it, kid, you're playing dirty tricks again." Xue Pi's face changed drastically. He still had the shadow of being bullied by Li Bai last time, but he prepared well this time.

"Old guy, you can't keep up with the times. What kind of dirty tricks are not dirty tricks, as long as they can hit you, anything is a good trick." Li Bai laughed.

But this time Li Bai's target is not Xue Pi, but Huangfu Ming who is furious and furious.

This old guy didn't even have a good face defense yet, so it's best to target him.

The move of soul fall also comes with a soul attack, but it is relatively small. Xue Pi and Xue Hong were prepared and did not stop, but the old man Huangfu Ming was not at all prepared.

Pausing for a moment, Li Bai Lingkong's saber light also cut down instantly. Without a doubt, Huangfu Ming was sent flying with one knife, causing the old guy to spurt out a mouthful of old blood.

"Little bastard, you are despicable."

Li Bai smiled: "This is called surprise, old guy."

(End of this chapter)

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