The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2301 The Prodigal Kid

Chapter 2301 The Prodigal Kid
Seeing that the old guys really left, Li Bai felt relieved, the door panel fell directly, Li Bai also fell, and sat down on the roof of the villa.

This pretending is so tiring. If the old man doesn't leave, he probably won't be able to hold on anymore. Using spiritual power to support objects and then fly is indeed not ordinary tiring, and the consumption is also abnormally large.

"Oh, you fucking fell to my death." Li Bai patted his butt.

"By the way, we still have to go to the Xiannong Building." Li Bai just remembered that there should also be disaster.

You don't need to think about it, but Xiannong Club and Xiannong Building are protected by spirit arrays, and Wang Chuhongyu is guarding them respectively, and there are two little guys, Jin Yan and Hei Yan, so there should be no problem.

When I came to the Xiannong Society, there was no one there, and it seemed that I had received the news, but Wang Chu and the people in the Xiannong Society also suffered a little injury, which is not a problem.

"Boss, those bastards are shameless, yet they are bullied by too many people." Wang Chu's face was full of bitterness. In fact, his strength is already very strong, but the time is still too short. There are some gaps.

"Well, so we need to pick more people. That's all right. If you rush out by yourself, don't bark if you want to hit three. Take care of your injuries. I'll go to Xiannong Building to have a look." Li Bai smiled.

He knew very well about Wang Chu, this kid must have gone out on purpose to find someone to practice his hands, otherwise he wouldn't be beaten like this, the star array here is enough to make Xiannongshe safe.

Since he went out, he definitely wanted to test his own strength, and now he was crying and complaining that he just wanted to show off in front of Li Bai.

"Boss, that kid Hong Yu has already called, and he doesn't seem very optimistic, but he should be about the same as me." Wang Chu said.

"Well, you need to recuperate first, I'll go and have a look, this time it's a bit dangerous." Li Bai turned and left, not listening to this guy crying.

When we arrived at Xiannong Mansion, it was almost the same, but there were still a few Japanese in the Star Maze here, and it seemed that they were not strong enough to get out.

Li Bai also made a direct move, arresting a few guys directly, treating Hei Yan and Jin Yan as nutritious as well.

"Boss, you're finally here, but I can't get up anymore, forgive me." Hong Yu looked at Li Bai, who couldn't get up anymore, his surname was Li, and he was seriously injured.

Bai Jun and Chen Feiyu are similar, they are both lying in bed and unable to get up, it seems that these guys are desperate enough, there is no way, although their strength is not bad, but the actual combat experience is too little, so it is also special excitement.

"It's okay, just come back from the beating next time. There are still opportunities." Li Bai smiled. He also knew that he had the Star Fascination Formation here, and they were still injured. Obviously, he went there by himself. Now that he has more actual combat experience, if they are not injured, he will be unhappy.

There is no other loss, but the strength of Wang Chu and others has been greatly improved, which is a good thing, and Li Bai is also relieved.

It happened that the members of the Mu family were also sent out. After such a long time, they would have woken up a long time ago. They would have known that it would not be dangerous to let the members of the Mu family build a building first. Who knows.

It can only be said that Li Bai also overestimated these guys, and now Xiaoxi has no idea where to go, and Li Bai can be sure that the current Xiaoxi is probably not that Xiaoxi, but that blood soul bone.

"It's okay, just be careful in the future and I'll take care of it." Li Bai said to the Mu family, fortunately they are all fine.

Li Bai left again, but Mu Xiaoting followed out desperately, not knowing what to do.

"Stop." On the way, Mu Xiaoting looked at Li Bai and said.

"Miss Xiaoting, it's not here yet, what are you doing stopping on the street?" Li Bai asked suspiciously.

"Go there, stop quickly." Mu Xiaoting pointed to the Tianxia Hotel next to her, and said without expression.

"Sister, what are you doing at the hotel for most of the day, why don't you go home." Li Bai asked doubtfully.

Mu Xiaoting looked at Li Bai with persistent eyes, Li Bai had no choice but to drive the car into Tianxia Hotel.

After the two got out of the car, Mu Xiaoting dragged Li Bai into the hotel. Li Bai looked reluctant, because he had already guessed what Mu Xiaoting was going to do. These women wanted to eat him up, really. It's too evil.

"Welcome, what do you need?" The waiter looked at Mu Xiaoting and Li Bai, with a smile in the corner of his eyes, and thought, this man is too stupid, he is reluctant to be dragged by such a beautiful woman look.

"Open a room, it's more expensive." Mu Xiaoting pulled Li Bai, as if she was afraid that Li Bai would run away.


"Sister Xiaoting, it's broad daylight, don't you want to do this?" Li Bai said with a smile, this is simply a robbery, when did Miss Xiaoting become so lustful.

People's hearts are not old, and the world is getting worse. What happened to these women? One by one is getting hungrier and thirstier.

"Shut up." Mu Xiaoting glanced at Li Bai, unable to discuss it.

"Sister, we think it's better to be more cautious, and I can be regarded as your grandfather." Li Bai had to remind him, but it didn't seem to be of any use to Mu Xiaoting.

"It's okay if you don't move, I'll just come, so I can also have the pleasure of conquering." Mu Xiaoting pushed Li Bai on the bed brutally, very rudely.

Li Bai wanted to refuse, but under Mu Xiaoting's protective power, even the slightest flame of resistance was extinguished. He wanted to say that he was passive.

At least he was passive at first, but later on, it was a natural physical reaction, so we can't blame him.

An hour later, when the two left the hotel again, Mu Xiaoting drove back by herself as if nothing had happened.

Leaving Li Bai alone at the entrance of the hotel, the kind doorman handed him a glass of milk and said, "Sir, don't be sad, at least you are not a woman."

"Fuck you." Li Bai was speechless. Was he being glanced at, walled off, or forced to learn from others? It's too embarrassing.

Moreover, he was still a little messed up by his junior, so he wanted to pretend to be a wave and calm down.

"Actually, I was just thinking, if there is a next time, should I refuse, too handsome is also a kind of distress, don't worship brother, brother is just a legend." Li Bai said, looking at the sky.

In fact, he really didn't expect Mu Xiaoting to be so angry. Yes, she was really angry. Are women so entangled in this kind of thing?
Li Bai can't help it, what can happen to this kind of thing, so many beauties, so many accidents, if Deng Xin is in love, Zhang Yuhan is an accident, Qin Yubing is also forced to be found, Zhang Yuhan is the first to go, so these empresses in the palace sit Can't stop.

Can you blame him for this? Didn't everyone say to be wary of the little secretary? If you don't guard yourself, blame me.

Li Bai felt that he was very innocent, and he also wanted to be fair, but there is no such fair thing in the world, or you women would pull me into the small black room and take my turn.

This is fair, but there is still the question of who comes first. It is estimated that killing a few will not be fair.

At this moment, Li Bai's sky message rang. After looking at it, it was actually the call from the school's principal Wang.

"Hey, Principal Wang, what's the matter?" Li Bai asked directly.

"Li Bai, where are you now? I have some time to find you. Can you come here?" Principal Wang is very polite. After all, Li Bai is a big celebrity now, and his influence is higher than some celebrities. Of course, he knows the importance.

"Oh, yes, principal." Li Bai said.

After hanging up on Tianxun, Li Bai directly took a taxi to go back to school. What is this called? To be forcibly extracted by a beautiful woman and even robbed of the car is really useless.

"Young man, are you broken in love?" The taxi driver greeted Li Bai with his expertise.

Li Bai smiled and asked, "Master, what do you think this woman is thinking?"

"Woman, didn't the ancients say that women and villains are the most difficult to raise. When you are close, he finds you annoying, and when you are far away, he blames you for not loving him enough. Seeing how handsome you are, you won't be the one who strikes up a conversation and is called a girl everywhere." Did your friend find out?" the master asked very experienced.

"Is this true? Master, you know that kind of thing, right? If a woman takes the initiative, what does it mean?" Li Bai asked.

"Women take the initiative? I can't see that you are quite attractive, but if you really wait for a woman to take the initiative, you can be regarded as pushing people into a hurry, otherwise you are afraid that you will run away." The master analyzed professionally, Li Bai was still a little puzzled.

"Master, if there are a group of beauties who all like you, who would you have sex with first, or will it make other beauties unhappy?" Li Bai asked cautiously. After all, the driver master is a person who has been there and is quite experienced. , Maybe I can give him some pointers.

"Hehe, you're joking, a group of beauties, what kind of people must they be, but if it's me, I'll flip the sign, isn't that what they did in ancient times, since they like me, then I care about their thoughts What are you doing? I get a headache if I think about it too much, but it's enough to have a headache if a group of women like it. Anyway, I get a headache just thinking about it."

"Uh, it seems to be the same. It's quite a headache." Li Bai also had a very headache. If you say that everyone else will be unhappy if you go first, what the hell should you do? It's better not to think about it.

"It's here, don't think about it, it's impossible, what's the use of having a headache, hey, 58 yuan." The master looked at his watch and said.

Li Bai threw a stack of several thousand yuan to the master, and said, "Thank you, master, and I invite you to drink."

"Oh, let me go, you prodigal boy, how much wine do I have to buy for this money, it is not easy for your parents to earn some money, uncle can't take it." The master scolded him, but found that Li Bai had disappeared. Only then was he taken aback, he knew that he had met an expert.

Li Bai entered the school refreshed, chatted with the master, and his mood improved a lot. He really had a headache when facing this group of women. Had a headache.

But like the master said, if you want to open it up, they like him anyway, and it will be over. Now that the matter is like this, there is nothing to do if you have a headache.

"Brother Bai, people from the student union have come to urge you several times, you should go quickly." Zhang Yuhan watched Li Bai come back and said directly.

(End of this chapter)

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