The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2302 I'm Sure

Chapter 2302 I'm Sure
Li Bai didn't say anything, and rushed directly to the principal.

In the principal's office, there was a group of people showing off, the principal didn't speak, but a group of directors, experts and professors were arguing.

"Old Su, I still think it's the best way to get that kid to disband the Xiannong Society. Look at the movement, and who it is. It's an ancient warrior. What if it affects students?" An old man with thinning hair said to him. said to the person on the other side.

"Short-sighted, can't you see Li Bai's influence? What happened after those powerful ancient warriors came yesterday? Did the Xiannong Society be demolished? It didn't. I won't talk about the contribution of the Xiannong Society to the school. , Who has made such a great contribution in history?" The old man called Su Lao is also not to be outdone.

"Contribution, when those ancient martial arts forces wiped out Huaxia Academy one day, what is the use of his contribution? What kind of Emperor Nong, he simply doesn't know what is good or bad, and is arrogant." The old man with thinning hair said in a disdainful tone.

"I don't know what society is now. In the era when ancient martial arts prevailed, Lao Tian, ​​I think you can't keep up with the times at all. Do you think it's still a purely modern society?" Elder Su said.

The people here are probably divided into two parts, one part is from Mr. Su's side, who supports keeping Li Bai, thinking that Li Bai will go far.

The other part was Lao Tian, ​​who felt that Li Bai would harm Huaxia College, and insisted on disbanding the Xiannong Society and driving Li Bai out of the school.

When Li Bai arrived, of course, it was also a time when the two parties were arguing. Principal Wang didn't speak, and sat in his seat very leisurely, as if these people had nothing to do with him.

"Principal, I'm here. Do you have any instructions?" Li Bai's figure appeared out of nowhere and appeared opposite Principal Wang.

Wang Chunen looked at Li Bai who suddenly appeared, pouted at him angrily, and said, "You can solve it yourself. Both Lao Tian and Lao Su are the directors of the school, and I have to listen to them. Lao Tian asked you to disband, just deal with him." gone."

Li Bai smiled smugly, unexpectedly, the old principal's attitude is quite good, he looks like he has nothing to do with it, it seems that only Li Bai can handle it by himself.

Seeing that the two groups of people in the room were about to fight, Li Bai could only use some means. The silver star power came out through his body, forming a galaxy between the two groups of people.

"It's a lot of age, why are you still so impulsive? It's not good if you get angry because of me, I think everyone should calm down, why don't you eat a few watermelons first." Li Bai then waved, several times A watermelon flew out of the sky, and then with a flash of silver light, it split into several halves and floated in front of everyone.

This action stunned these mortals for a moment. Ordinary people are always ordinary people. Lao Tian and his group just think that Li Bai is incompetent and will bring disaster to the school.

This is understandable, after all, the ancient warriors are so powerful, Li Bai is only a young man in his twenties, it is normal to be suspected and distrusted, but the fact is the best way to solve the problem.

For Li Bai, if he shows his hands casually, ordinary people will be dumbfounded. Although they know ancient warriors and have heard of martial arts, it is not easy to truly understand them.

First of all, they are ordinary people. They will not be full of enemies like Li Bai. They often see Japanese ninjas, genetic people, and mutants. They live in the secular world and face only ordinary people every day. It is also what to eat in the morning and what to eat at noon, and how much money can be allocated this month.

I don't know about ancient martial arts, abilities, and genes at all. This is normal, because your world doesn't have these things, so you won't believe it.

What Li Bai is doing now is to let them see it. In the final analysis, it is a matter of strength. Although force cannot be used to solve the problems of the secular world, it is still possible to use any means.

Sure enough, everyone in the room fell silent in an instant, looking at the watermelon floating in front of them in shock, and the wall of airflow in the middle that looked like a galaxy.

"The watermelon is very fresh. I bought it on the road just now. You can eat it directly. You are welcome." Li Bai smiled.

Tian Fushui also looked at the watermelon in front of him in shock, and the galaxy of air currents, but he still had some disdain. This kid is an ancient warrior, and others should know these methods, so why is he curious?

"We are all ordinary people. Can your methods be different from other ancient warriors? Since you are an ancient warrior, you know who you offended. This is a disaster for Huaxia College, so I will not change my point of view. " Tian Fushui said, still very disdainful.

"Old Tian, ​​you still have such a bad temper, don't you know what Li Bai did? Ancient martial arts, if they don’t develop, Huaxia Academy will only be eliminated.” Su Xueyi picked up the watermelon in front of him and took a bite. He knows a lot about ancient Chinese martial arts, and he is also very optimistic about Li Bai. This is the way the world is now.

"Hmph, I was against it at the beginning. A good school, what kind of college should it be? A bunch of hooligans." Tian Fushui was very angry, it seems that he didn't have an opinion on Li Bai, but on Gu Wu, and he also had an opinion on this world.

Can you stop the prevalence of ancient martial arts? This is a trend, it is inevitable, you can still stop it or something, Li Bai didn't expect this old man to be so old-fashioned, isn't his means enough?

"Mr. Tian, ​​I don't know why you have such opinions on Guwu, and I don't want to talk to you about trends and other big principles. Sometimes the development of the world is so unsatisfactory, but you can ask for anything. Bring it up, as long as I'm not asked to die, I should be able to do it." Li Bai looked at Tian Fushui, the old man must have something to do, otherwise he wouldn't be so stubborn.

No matter how stubborn you are, you should understand the development of these trends, but there is definitely a reason why they still have such a strong impact on Gu Wu.

"What's the use of you going to die? I just don't want to see the ancient martial arts prevail, and I don't want to see Huaxia Academy being messed up and turned into a gang of hooligans." Tian Fushui's face was full of anger, but Li Bai said that whenever he asked , A glimmer of hope still flashed deep in the old man's eyes.

"As long as I am here, I will stick to my opinion." Tian Fushui's eyes widened.

Li Bai wasn't angry at all, he walked up to the principal Wang Chunen and said, "What's going on, does the old man have a knot in his heart?"

Wang Chunen glanced at Li Bai in surprise, and said, "Young boy Huigen is not bad. Lao Tian's grandson was injured in a martial arts competition three years ago, and he is still lying on the bed now?"

Wang Chun'en didn't say much, he knew that for a young man like Li Bai who would be tall, he only needed to click.

A smile appeared on Li Bai's face, and said, "I see."

Li Bai stood up again, and said to the others, "I have a talk with Mr. Su and Mr. Tian. If the others go out first, Xiannong Society will give everyone a guarantee."

"Go out, let's all go out, I'll just talk to Lao Tian, ​​let's all go out." Su Xueyi said with a smile, he admired young people like Li Bai very much, so he also believed that Li Bai could handle this matter.

"Well, let's all go out." Wang Chunen also waved his hand.

People on both sides started to go out. Surprisingly, Tian Fushui didn't stop him, but he still put on a bad face.

After everyone else went out, Old Su pulled Tian Fushui and said, "You old guy, isn't that what you want? Why don't you just sit down and calm down? No one will quarrel with me when you're mad. gone."

"Hmph, I won't die even if you die." The two little old heads were fighting like children.

Li Bai saw that Tian Fushui's face had improved a lot, so he said, "Mr. Tian, ​​take me to see Brother Tian. The principal told me that I have a way to make Brother Tian stand up."

"Are you serious?" The old guy finally couldn't sit still, and sat up straight away. His grandson has been interested in ancient martial arts since he was a child. He was once called a genius, but who knew that he was seriously injured in a martial arts competition three years ago. , still lying on the bed.

Since then, the old man hated Gu Wu to the extreme. What kind of Gu Wu has become in a good society? Wouldn’t it be good to be an ordinary person? But that's about it.

"Really, but many experts can't do anything about it. Don't talk big. If you give me some hope and it can't be cured in the end, believe it or not, I will die in front of you on the spot." Tian Fushui burst into tears, of course he knew Xiannong Society.

Of course, I know that Xiannong Society has solved the problem of the virus, as well as the newly developed blood crystal needle, the most important blood crystal pill, which is said to be made by a very powerful fairy.

Anyway, that's what it said on TV, he didn't usually see Li Bai, and he couldn't bear to let Wang Chunen speak out, so he chose this way.

The old man is actually quite shrewd, and the fact is true. Generally speaking, not everyone can see Li Bai, even Wang Chunen.

He would only show up after making such a fuss, and what happened yesterday gave him this opportunity.

"Guaranteed, if I can't save Brother Tian, ​​I'm afraid there will be no one in this world who can save Brother Tian, ​​but don't worry, Mr. Tian, ​​I'm sure." Li Bai said, the paralysis caused by Gu Wu is nothing more than damage to the meridians, or It is something he often does to have his meridians disabled.

Although ordinary people can’t do anything about it, he still has a way. There are too many things like this in the world of cultivation. Some people can still become masters of decision-making through the entire meridian, and some people have no legs. It is also possible for the legs to grow back with the aura of heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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