The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2303 Unmoved

Chapter 2303 Unmoved
But it is impossible in this mortal world, but it is not difficult for Li Bai.

"Then let's go now, go directly to Tian's house." Li Bai smiled, seeing how anxious and exhausted he and the old man were, what if he didn't be more active.

"Okay, let's go now." Tian Fushui went downstairs directly.

"I'll go and have a look, too. It's okay." Su Xueyi also followed. In fact, the relationship between the two is not bad, but since Lao Tian's grandson was raped like that, Lao Tian has also become a little abnormal, and he can understand that now Li Bai can To solve his heart disease, he also indirectly cooperated with the old man to play a scene.

Furthermore, he also wanted to see how powerful Li Bai was, and of course the most important thing was to get closer to Li Bai.

These old guys who have lived for half their lives are all old foxes, which is not as simple as it seems.

"You're an old guy everywhere, hum." Tian Fushui said angrily like a child, but his eyes were very happy.

The three of them drove to Yidong's private villa, which was Tian Fushui's home.

"Come in, there are no outsiders at home." Tian Fushui said.

"Old woman, someone is here, let's say hello." Tian Fushui called upstairs, and after a while, an old woman came down from upstairs.

Li Bai glanced at the old woman, she looked about 50 years old, but Li Bai knew that this woman should be more than 50 years old, she should be in her [-]s, but it was not obvious, but her face was still haggard.

When the old woman came down, she also looked at Li Bai and Lao Su in surprise, thinking that there had been no outsiders in this house for several years, what did the old man do wrong today.

But I was surprised, but still greeted Li Bai and Mr. Su very politely: "This is Mrs. Su, I haven't seen you for a long time, young man, you are welcome, there are few people at home, so it is relatively simple, drink a glass of boiled water Bar."

"Sister, don't be too busy. I have something happy today. This is a student from our school who came to save Tian Lin." Su Xueyi said directly.

Li Bai couldn't help feeling a little moved, there wasn't even a servant in the villa, the old couple were not too tired, and there was a grandson who was paralyzed, it was really pitiful.

Old Su didn't seem to understand, and explained the matter directly, so as to make the old man happy.

The old lady looked at Tian Fushui and saw Tian Fushui nodded. He knew that the old man couldn't joke, so he couldn't help but grabbed Li Bai's hand in surprise, and almost knelt in front of Li Bai in excitement.

"Can you really save my old woman's grandson? Thank you, thank you genius doctor." The old lady was very excited. If Li Bai hadn't supported her, she might have knelt down for real.

Li Bai was also a little moved. There are only two old people in such a big villa. If Li Bai's guess is correct, the son of Tian Lao is probably gone. Even the only grandson has become like this. One can imagine how lonely the old couple are. .

The old man grabbed Li Bai and went directly to a room upstairs. On the bed lay a young man about 20 years old.

Li Bai knew that this was of course Tian Lin, and after a sweep of his soul consciousness, he found that the man's heart veins were sealed, and all the meridians in his hands and feet were broken. He was not dead, but he was almost dead.

The person who made the attack was quite ruthless, and could even be described as vicious.

"How is it, genius doctor?" The old lady stood behind Li Bai, asking with a hopeful face, and the faces of Elder Tian and Elder Su next to him were also full of hope.

Li Bai smiled and said: "It's okay, someone sealed his heart veins and disabled his meridians. Although it's troublesome, it's okay. Let's not talk about hands and feet. I can let him wake up first."

Li Bai stretched out his finger and tapped on Tian Lin's chest. The silver star force followed in, reached the heart, and directly flushed away the circle of energy outside it. It can be seen that the one who used this method must be a cultivator.

But the strength is not very good, otherwise Li Bai would not be able to untie it so easily.

"Cough, cough!!" Tianling moved his body, coughed out two breaths, and then woke up.

"Lin Zi is awake, old man, Lin Zi is really awake." The old lady was very excited, tears filled her eyes, and finally woke up.

"I saw it, I saw it, my grandson finally woke up, old man, I can go up and die now." Tian Fushui said excitedly, and the two old men knelt directly in front of Li Bai.

"Mr. Tian, ​​no, I'm a junior, you can't kneel to me, your life will be shortened, even though your grandson is awake, he may not be able to walk softly, all the meridians of his hands and feet have been disabled, and his tendons and tendons have also been cut off. , It’s been several years, and it’s still a bit difficult to recover.” Li Bai pulled the two old people up, but he didn’t expect that the old man who was blowing his beard and staring in the office just now was tearful and changed too quickly.

However, he understood the psychology of the two old people. He was really excited that the only grandson finally woke up.

"Grandpa, grandma." Tian Lin on the hospital bed looked at the two old people, also very excited.

In the past few years, he has been awake all the time, but his heart has been blocked, but he can't wake up. Of course, he knows that his grandparents have been taking care of him, and his parents have not come back.

"Lin Zi, Lin Zi, it's good if you wake up, we are afraid that you will never wake up." The old lady was also tearful from excitement.

Li Bai and Su Xueyi also retreated to the side, and it was only necessary for the three of them to cry, otherwise they would not be able to vent their emotions.

"Li Bai, you said just now that Tian Lin's tendons and tendons were broken. Do you have a way to treat it? Lao Tian's life is also very difficult. Look..." Su Xueyi asked.

"Old Su, I understand, don't worry, although it is difficult, it is not too difficult for me, but it will take some time." Li Bai said, the tendons in the arms and legs were broken by someone, and it is true that they cannot be restored, but there are spirit grasses. The words are different.

"Oh, that's good." Elder Su said reassuringly.

The three people over there were almost crying too, so Li Bai walked over, glanced at Tian Lin on the bed, and then said to Lao Tian: "Old Tian, ​​you should know a little about Tian Lin's situation, I just locked him up. The heart veins were broken, but the tendons in the hands and feet were abolished, and he still couldn't get out of bed. To recover, he had to use a kind of spiritual grass called rootless flowers. I don't know if there are any on the earth today. Do your best to find it.”

"Rootless flower, what is that, I've never heard of it." Elder Tian wondered, of course he wanted his grandson to recover again and stood up.

"Genius doctor, what is this rootless flower? Look, we don't even know. Do you know where it is? Let's pay for it." The old lady also said anxiously, and now they really believed in it.

"Li Bai, don't play charades, just tell me where there is that thing, let's find a way, Huaxia Academy still has some energy, as long as Huaxia has it, we will get it." Su Xueyi also looked at Li Bai and said.

Just as Li Bai was about to speak, Tian Lin on the hospital bed spoke, "Master, I know where there are rootless flowers."

Li Bai was slightly puzzled, looked at Tian Lin, and said, "Hey, why do you call me Master, do you know Rootless Flower?"

"I want to worship you as my teacher. I know you are an expert. The reason why I lie on the bed is because of rootless flowers. No, I can only say that it has something to do with it. It is the Xie family, and it is because I discovered their spiritual grass. , was turned into this." Lin Tian looked at Li Bai and said, he knew that Li Bai was an expert, otherwise he would definitely not be able to save him.

"Well, I didn't agree to you again. You're calling it too hasty. Tell me, what does this Xie family do?" Li Bai also became interested, looking at Tian Lin and asked.

"I don't know what it is. Xie's family should be an ancient martial arts family. I accidentally discovered the spiritual grass planted in their home, and then Xie Tuju picked up the plane and said that he would compete with me. Unexpectedly, he took the opportunity to turn me into a That's it." Tian Lin said.

"The ancient martial arts family, this is interesting. They grow spiritual grasses, what kind of spiritual grasses do they have, other than rootless flowers?" Li Bai asked.

In fact, he said it was so hard to find because he didn't want to do it for nothing. Although the old couple are pitiful, he doesn't want to work for nothing. At least he has to give some money. Mr. Tian is the director of the college, so it shouldn't be wrong to take tens of millions. What's the matter?

But this kid actually said that there are other spiritual herbs, so he is interested, so don't do it for nothing, otherwise it will be too bad.

"Yes, it's in the city, but that place doesn't seem to be accessible at ordinary times, and I also entered by accident. If I knew it would turn out like this, I wouldn't go in, but I want to worship you as my teacher." Tian Lin was a little stubborn He said that he knew that Li Bai was a master, so he must not miss the opportunity this time.

"Well, let's talk about it later. You tell me the address first, and how to get in." Li Bai said, this kid dares to threaten him, how can I say that brother is also your savior, and the rootless flower is to save you kid, you Also gave me a bargain.

"No, I have to worship you as my teacher. If you want to be my master, I will tell you that I know you are interested in those spiritual herbs." Tian Lin said stubbornly, his stubbornness was almost the same as old man Tian Fushui.

"You can't stand up now, how can you be a teacher? If you can stand up and worship me, I can accept you as a little apprentice. Otherwise, I won't talk about it." Li Bai said, he really didn't think about accepting an apprentice. , but this kid is still a bit interesting, if he is really good, he can accept it.

"it is good."

Tian Lin grinned, and then moved his body. Mr. Tian and the old lady refused to come to help him. This stubbornness was exactly the same as that of Tian Fushui.

For a person who has been lying on the bed for several years, his physical function has declined very badly. It is very difficult to move, and it is even more difficult to kneel on the bed.

However, there seemed to be a force in Tian Lin's body that supported him to move his body continuously, but he didn't use his hands and feet to support him, trying hard to get up.

First lay down on the bed, then exerted all his strength with his head, and tried to support himself with his waist.

He didn't succeed at first, and failed several times in a row, but Tian Lin didn't give up, and kept using the same method to stand up.

Time and time again, Li Bai looked at him calmly, unmoved. According to this level, it was impossible for him to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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