The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2311 Xie Family Manor

Chapter 2311 Xie Family Manor
The disappearing Xie Jin was naturally put into his Qiankun ring by Li Bai. At the same time, in order to prevent Xie Jin from making trouble inside, Li Bai also told Jin Yan to keep a close eye on him.

"The last general obeys the order and promises to complete the task." Jin Yan said to Li Bai seriously, and then tied Xie Jin up with gold thread, and Hei Yan also followed suit, making the already uncomfortable Xie Jin It was even more difficult.

"Why, do you still want to use my grandson to threaten me?" The old man's voice was a little nervous and a little angry, but Xie Jin was in Li Bai's hands, so he didn't dare to make any moves now.

"I didn't threaten you. I guarantee that your grandson will be fine. As long as I get what I want, I will naturally let your grandson go." Li Bai stepped into the red whirlpool.

This feeling is very strange, it is red in all directions, like wind, and like flowing liquid. Li Bai stretched out his hand to touch it, but found it was unfathomable.And Li Bai himself was constantly moving along with the red whirlpool, slowly sinking into the bottom of the whirlpool.

The red world disappeared in an instant, and Li Bai was greeted by a grand light, which made Li Bai almost unable to open his eyes.

When Li Bai gradually got used to the environment here, he was surprised to find that this place is like a paradise, with bright sunshine, mountains and water, and the fragrance of birds and flowers.

Looking around, this place is more like a farm, with several buildings in the distance, and before the buildings, there is a large field. Li Bai casually glanced at the things planted inside, and was even more surprised to find that there All the plants were planted with spiritual herbs, and rootless flowers were the most important among them.

It seems that the space channel brought him to another place. After all, the sun above his head is so real. If it is underground, there would be no sun at all.

"Boy, you're finally here." The old man's voice suddenly rang in Li Bai's ears again. Li Bai looked around, but he didn't find the old man. to plant.

"Why, don't you dare to see me?" Li Bai walked along the path towards the building. Because of the appearance of outsiders, the farmers of the Xie family also stopped their work and looked at Li Bai one after another. There was a hint of anger in his eyes.

But Li Bai didn't care about the eyes of these people, they were just a group of people who failed to build a foundation, and they wouldn't pose any threat to him at all.

"Don't dare? Kid, I really don't know where you got the courage to break into my Xie's manor alone." As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged man appeared at the end of the path. His voice was not that of the old man before. He is from Xie Jin's father's generation.

"Who are you?" Regarding the sudden appearance of the man, Li Bai didn't panic in the slightest. He just slowly felt the Xie Family Manor with his soul power. .

"I am the head of the Xie family, Xie Tiangang." Xie Tiangang looked at Li Bai walking in front of him righteously. He was taller than Li Bai, so he looked down upon him with a proud face.

"Oh, Patriarch of the Xie family, so you arranged the spirit-absorbing formation and piranha formation outside?" Li Bai glanced at Xie Tiangang. The so-called Patriarch of the Xie family was only a seventh-rank ancient warrior.

"We don't need you, an outsider, to point out what our Xie family has done. Since you dare to come to my Xie's manor and hurt my son, then you don't want to leave." Xie Tiangang not only did not answer Li Bai's question turned out to be fierce, "Of course, if you make some compensation and let my son go, I won't take your life."

Xie Tiangang just wanted to see Li Bai's reaction, but he felt a gust of wind blowing from his side, and then Li Bai's right foot kicked Xie Tiangang's stomach fiercely, sending him flying far away.

"Fuck, I always threaten others. When did someone threaten me and want me to compensate you? Well, this is the compensation I will give you." Li Bai was furious.

Xie Tiangang was clutching his stomach, and he didn't react at all. He never thought that in their Xie family's territory, surrounded by people from the Xie family, this kid would dare to attack him directly. You know, he is the Xie family. Patriarch.

Xie Tiangang quickly stood up again, he just didn't react just now, and he would not be kicked to death by Li Bai: "Boy, you are really arrogant, but now I have changed my mind, your life will be saved today it's here."

Speaking, from the mansion of the Xie family, more than a dozen servants ran out, each of whom already had the strength of a fourth-order ancient warrior.

"A few cannon fodder of the fourth-tier ancient martial arts want to put me to death? Isn't it too small to look down on me?" Li Bai didn't move, just waiting for these servants to rush.

Xie Tiangang even looked reassuring, quietly looking at Li Bai, as if he was already looking at a corpse.

"Blood Spirit Formation, cloth!" The leading servant shouted, and a dozen servants surrounded Li Bai in a strange position.

It seems that the positions of these servants are chaotic, as long as Li Bai rushes casually, he can break through.

"Haha, boy, if you don't fall into this blood spirit array, maybe you still have a chance of surviving, but unfortunately, you are destined to die." Xie Tiangang beside him laughed wildly.

Li Bai glanced at these servants disapprovingly. He didn't know what was so powerful about this blood spirit array, so he chose a direction to test it out.

This blood spirit array doesn't seem to be an active attack formation, and the guards didn't move until Li Bai made a move. However, with Li Bai's attack, the blood spirit array put more and more pressure on Li Bai, as if he What he was facing was not an ordinary ancient warrior, but more like a few monks who had already established their foundations.

"Swamp, you know, the more you struggle, the faster you die." Xie Tiangang said again, Li Bai also discovered this problem, like sticky blood, the blood spirit array has no obvious flaws.

Li Bai stopped, thinking about countermeasures.

"It's useless, wait until you die." Xie Tiangang also moved, but Li Bai didn't move, the Blood Spirit Formation couldn't kill Li Bai, and he had to make a move.

At this time, Tianyun appeared in Li Bai's hands.

"Tianyun · Flow Cut!" The power of countless silver stars poured into Tianyun's blade. Seeing such a terrifying scene, the guards moved their formation anxiously, trying to buffer the power of this blow through the flow of the formation. .

However, Li Bai did not give them such a chance.

Tianyun chose the direction of a servant and struck with all his strength. Under the impact of the explosion, the servant's body and head were separated immediately, and the blood spirit formation also seemed to be cut off from its flow, and it stopped immediately.

"How, how is it possible?" Xie Tiangang looked in horror at Li Bai who rushed out of the blood spirit formation, his movements did not stop, and he was shooting straight at himself at this moment.

Xie Tiangang mobilized all the blood-red power in his body to avoid Li Bai's blow, but he was still cut by Tianyun on the thigh. The blood flow was not just a trivial matter, he couldn't stand up at this time because his meridians were broken.

"Didn't you want to kill me? Now you want to kill me?" Li Bai kicked Xie Tiangang to the ground again, and stepped on the wound on his thigh so hard that Xie Tiangang couldn't cry out in pain.

"Forgive others and forgive others, boy, be a low-key man." At this time, the figure of the old man finally appeared in front of Li Bai. Li Bai didn't want to talk to him, but immediately a ruthless blood-red force was aimed at Li Bai. The shot came, so Li Bai had to avoid the edge temporarily.

Xie Tian just crawled back to the old man's side and almost passed out.

"Why, the younger ones came to the old ones, and the older ones came to the older ones, right?" Li Bai looked at the old man, pretending not to care, but judging from the power of the blood-red force just now, this The old man is already a ninth-rank peak ancient warrior, and with the blessing of the spirit-absorbing array, he can barely fight himself for a few rounds.

"Are young people nowadays so irritable? Why don't you come into the mansion with me and have a cup of tea." As he spoke, the old man asked his servants to lift Xie Tiangang up and walked towards the Xie family's mansion.

Seeing the appearance of the old man, everyone seemed to be relieved and continued with their work, leaving only Li Bai standing there alone.

But soon Li Bai followed, now that Xie Jin was in his hands, there was no need to be afraid of what Xie's family would dare to do to him.Just now Xie Tiangang wanted to kill him because Li Bai felt that he didn't need much effort to deal with him.

The simple gate, the old threshold, when Li Bai walked into the Xie's mansion, he thought he had returned to the legendary ancient times. He heard his father said many things about the ancient times of the earth, and he also had a lot of understanding of ancient things.

Behind the gate is a courtyard paved with bluestone slabs. On both sides of the courtyard, the maids stood respectfully, nodding their heads slightly, calmly, as if everything that happened just now had nothing to do with them.

"Please sit down."

At the end of the courtyard, there was a table. The old man was sitting on one side of the table, and there was a set of tea sets on it.

Since he dared to come in, Li Bai was naturally not afraid of what the old man might do to him, so he sat on another empty chair and drank the tea in front of him in one gulp.

"How do you know I'm tired, but your tea really quenches your thirst." After drinking a cup of tea, Li Bai didn't think it was enough, so he picked up the teapot and poured it into his mouth.

Li Bai is not afraid that the tea is poisonous, and with Jin Yan, the king of all poisons, in his body, he is not afraid of any poison.

On the contrary, the old man became a little uneasy. Looking at Li Bai, it was like looking at a psychopath: "This is the spiritual tea that I planted with great difficulty. Why did you drink it all at once!"

The old man said distressedly, almost wanting to shoot the case.

"Hehe, I told you to pretend to be with me, can't you sit still now? None of your Xie family members is a good thing. You used to talk to me like that, but now it's like this again. I can guess with my toes. Please be kind." Li Bai looked at the old man with a rascal expression, and the old man was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"At first I wanted to have a good talk with you, but it seems that you are not very cooperative." The old man's expression finally cooled down, revealing his fox tail.

"Well, tell me how you plan to compensate me." Before the old man could speak, Li Bai said in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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