The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2312 Rootless Flower

Chapter 2312 Rootless Flower

"What?" Hearing this, the old man finally couldn't help but patted the table. He hadn't asked Li Bai for compensation yet. Unexpectedly, Li Bai turned against the customer and demanded compensation from him one step ahead.

"I said, how are you going to compensate me? Your grandson Xie Jin almost hurt me from the very beginning, and when I come in to your place, your son created some kind of blood spirit array to kill me." Li Bai pretended to come out. With a frightened look, he said again, "If it weren't for my superior strength, Horror would die here today, but fortunately I didn't die, but my young heart can't bear this fact, how can you see how to compensate me? Bar."

The old man was so angry that he blew his nose and stared, and with a young heart, such a brazen person caused tons of damage to his heart.

"Boy, do you really think that my Xie family has no one left? The one just now was just the most common attack." The old man's face became gloomy, and he was not going to continue talking nonsense with Li Bai.

But Li Bai remained calm: "Oh? Then let me remind you that your grandson Xie Jin is still in my hands. If you make me unhappy, you may never see him again."

The old man didn't seem to be surprised by Li Bai's threat, but he showed more helplessness. His angry expression just calmed down, and he looked at Li Bai: "Boy, what exactly do you want?"

"I've already said, compensation. I see that you have a lot of rootless flowers here, why don't you just pay me some of them." Li Bai was delighted in his heart. If he knew it was so easy to get the rootless flowers, he would I don't want to waste so much time studying the array, but after thinking about it, it was the housekeeper of the Xie family who greeted Li Bai last time, and the Xie family probably didn't care much about his life or death.

"Tell me, how much do you want?" The old man thought for a while, and finally compromised. He had no way to kill Li Bai before Li Bai did it. Even if he killed Li Bai, I'm afraid Xie Jin would still be worse than death in another dimension.

"Let me do the math, your Xie family has wasted 30 days of my time, so you can compensate me with [-] rootless flowers. I think this should not be a difficult task for the Xie family, who has a big business." Li Bai The corner of his mouth was slightly tilted to look at the old man. Although Xie Tiangang was the head of the family, it seemed that the old man in front of him was in charge.

"Three hundred? Boy, don't push yourself too hard. Do you know the characteristics of rootless flowers? Among the rootless flowers planted on an acre of land, only one of them is spiritual. Therefore, the rootless flowers of our Xie family are not Too many, I can't satisfy your unreasonable request." The old man was very angry, this Li Bai was like a lion opening his mouth.

But Li Bai didn't think so. Looking outside the mansion, the vast field was more than [-] mu.

After getting Xie Jin out of the Qiankun ring, Li Bai directly threw him on the ground. At this time, Xie Jin's whole body was tightly bound by golden and black silk threads, and he couldn't move.

"Grandpa save me, grandpa is just me." Seeing the old man, Xie Jin cried out for help, the old man was so anxious that he wanted to rescue him, but Li Bai had already taken Xie Jin back into the Qiankun ring.

"Is it too much to exchange three hundred rootless flowers for one of your grandsons?" Li Bai looked at the old man with interest, his expression became more and more cold, and Li Bai was ready to tear his face and fight.

"Okay, I promise you." The old man chose to compromise, and immediately ordered his servants to pick ripe rootless flowers.

"You can let my grandson go now." The old man was full of anger, but he didn't dare to show it. He thought in his heart that once Xie Jin was safe, he would kill this ignorant kid on the spot.

"One more pot of tea, why don't you just let me sit like this?" Li Bai ignored the old man at all, and continued to command Li Bai unscrupulously. The old man could only swallow his anger and continue to order.

But at this moment, a few more people walked in from the door, and shouted loudly at the old man: "Old man, what are you doing? Rootless flowers are the root of our Xie family. Give it to outsiders casually?"

Three middle-aged men walked in, one of them was Xie Tiangang who had just been injured by Li Bai. Although his legs and feet were still a little awkward, Li Bai could feel the influence of his silver star power on Xie Tiangang. can be ignored.

This rootless flower is really amazing.Li Bai admired secretly, and over there, the noisy voice sounded again.

"Old man, I think you are really old and confused. This kid actually injured the elder brother. Not only did you not kill him, but you promised to compensate him so many rootless flowers." The speaker stared at the old man angrily. and Li Bai.

Li Bai didn't speak, but looked at the old man quietly again.

"Xie Jin is in his hands." The old man also replied quietly.

Now, it was the turn of the three of them to be silent, and none of them seemed to know what happened outside the passage.

"Who are they? Can you drive them out? I really don't like having a group of cicadas making noise in my ears when I'm doing business." Li Bai said to the old man in disgust.

They are the old man's three sons, the eldest Xie Tiangang, the second Xie Tiancha, the third Xie Tianben, and Xie Jin is the son of the second Xie Tiancha, no wonder he inherited his evil spirit.

"Old man, you have to think carefully. If you compromise with this kid now, it will definitely be a great disaster for our Xie family in the future. It is better to cut the grass and root out now." Xie Tianben pointed at Li Bai.

Li Bai raised his eyebrows, will he be a disaster for the Xie family in the future?But this Xie family is nothing more than ancient warriors. Could it be that... Li Bai's thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"Then what about my son?" Xie Tiancha frowned and looked at the third child.

Xie Tianben patted the second child on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Think about it, if you don't kill this kid at Xie Jin's price now, this kid may be a great threat to our entire Xie family in the future. Which is more important? You shouldn't understand, right?"

Li Bai, who had been quietly watching the show, finally laughed, unexpectedly, the Xie family members were so vicious that they could not spare their loved ones.

With a wave of Li Bai's hand, Xie Jin was thrown to the ground by him again: "I don't know if you heard what they said just now, they said, in order to kill me, let me kill you first." Li Bai Facing Xie Jin and speaking, the expressions of the three brothers of the Xie family were erratic.

"No, how is it possible." Xie Jin's expression was full of shock, looking at Xie Tiancha and wanting to hear him speak, but Xie Tiancha's voice made him despair.

"Third brother, you are right. We should eliminate such a sinister person as soon as possible." Xie Tiancha said coldly, as if Xie Jin was not his own son, or in other words, in the eyes of their Xie family, it was possible to achieve making any sacrifices for the purpose.

Li Bai changed, he never imagined that Xie Tiansha decided the life and death of his son under Xie Tianben's two words. Seeing that their killing intent was determined, Li Bai took Xie Jin back again, and at the same time summoned Jin Yan and Jin Yan. Hei Yan, this battle seems to be impossible if we don't fight.

The old man also moved, and his target was Li Bai, who was not far away from him. After being angry for such a long time, he had long wanted to tear Li Bai's body to pieces.

"Brother, I will deal with these two, you only need to care about one of them." Jin Yan said to Li Bai, his strength after evolution has improved by leaps and bounds, even Li Bai is no match for him, and against the combination of the second and the third, he will not lose at all.

Li Bai and the old man stood together, with the power of blood on one side and the power of silver stars on the other. You came and I went back and forth aggressively, but because neither of them used their ultimate move, the battle was inextricably fought. Can't tell a winner.

"Father, can this thing be eaten?" Just as everyone was fighting fiercely, a childish voice came out. Everyone looked over and saw that little fellow Hei Yan didn't know when to kill the boss Xie Tiangang with black The silk was tied tightly.

Li Bai was overjoyed, he punched the old man back two steps, and let Hei Yan bring Xie Tiangang to his side.

"Now, do you still want to kill me?" Li Bai looked at the three members of the Xie family with a sneer. If they didn't even care about the Patriarch of the Xie family, then he had nothing to do.

"Let brother go." Xie Tianben said in a deep voice, it was his bad idea just now, and now he wants to go back on his word.

"Xie Jin has [-] rootless flowers, Xie Tiangang has [-], a total of [-], and I will release them." Li Bai continued to increase the chips, but he did not believe that they dared to have any objections.

Soon, a large bag of rootless flowers was thrown in front of Li Bai, and the old man's heart was bleeding when he saw it. This was almost their annual output.

"You can let them go now." The old man clenched his fists slightly, struggling incomparably.

Asking Xie Tiangang to use his blood power to open the space channel, Li Bai returned to the arena again, and threw Xie Jin and Xie Tiangang back to the channel, Li Bai was relieved.

However, Li Bai did not intend to leave just now, but took out hundreds of spirit formation stones from the Qiankun ring and arranged them above the martial arts arena.

On the other side, several members of the Xie family gathered together, with serious expressions on their faces. They were discussing something, but at this moment, the old man's face changed in shock: "Ling Ling Formation!"

That's right, the formation that Li Bai arranged is the spirit-locking formation. Although he studied two formations in the Qiankun ring for a month, he couldn't find a way to break it, so he had to learn a spirit-locking formation, which can make people suck The effect of the spirit array was completely suppressed, and the piranha array in that array would not be able to produce any effect because of the existence of the spirit-locking array. That is to say, the space channel connecting the two places of the Xie family was also locked. .

It took Li Bai a lot of star energy to set up this spirit-locking formation, but, at least in a short period of time, Xie's family will not come out to harm others again.

Li Bai couldn't hear the violent scolding from Xie's family, so he called Tongtong out, and then asked him to lead him towards the hotel.

"Brother Xiaobai, the matter has been resolved?" Tongtong looked at Li Bai in surprise, and Li Bai nodded.

"Then can we leave here?" Tong Tong was ecstatic, and Li Bai nodded in the same way.

"However, I have to sleep first." Li Bai said to Tongtong, but Tongtong's face turned red, and she immediately thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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