The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2313 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 2313 Breaking the Formation
When Li Bai brought Tongtong back to the hotel, the room was empty, and Donger and Linger had disappeared.

But thinking about it, Li Bai and Tongtong disappeared for a month inexplicably. Naturally, the two of them would not just do it like this. In this place where values ​​​​are extremely subverted, they also need to continue to work to survive.

"Tongtong, I'll give you the money. Go eat whatever you want. I've wronged you this month." Li Bai handed Tongtong some money, apologetic. He never expected that this trip to thank the family would cost so much. The time, and in his Qiankun ring, there is nothing delicious.

Tongtong didn't refuse either, picked up the money, but didn't leave immediately, but looked straight at Li Bai.

"What's wrong? Is there dust on my face?" Li Bai asked. This was just a joke. As a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, it can be said that as long as he wants, his body will never get dirty.

"No, no, I just think you are so handsome, little white brother." Tongtong looked at Li Bai with a nympho look on her face. She clearly remembered the protection Li Bai gave her on the day of the martial arts competition, which made her feel very Feeling warm, looking at Li Bai, I feel like my boyfriend.

"That's natural." Li Bai grinned, and took off his shirt while speaking, "You must be very hungry, go and eat by yourself first, I want to take a shower and then sleep."

Strong muscles and bronze-colored skin immediately caught Tongtong's eyes, making her a little stunned. Thinking of the first night when they met for the first time, she didn't seem to feel the breath of this body, This made Tongtong a little disappointed.Thinking about it, Tongtong stepped forward and hugged Li Bai tightly from behind.

"Brother Bai, I like you." Tongtong said shyly.

Li Bai frowned, turned around and pushed Tongtong away: "Don't make trouble, I'm already very tired and need to rest, you should go eat first, it's best to bring Dong'er and Ling'er back, and wait until I wake up." Take you out." After speaking, Li Bai walked into the bathroom, and shut Tongtong out of the bathroom with a "bang".

This Tongtong is indeed pretty, but when he thinks that they are here, how many men have cultivated their bodies, Li Bai feels disgusted, and when he thinks that there are so many beauties waiting for him at home, Li Bai is even more displeased. Maybe something happened to them.

Tongtong outside the bathroom was a little dazed, she didn't expect things to turn out like this, she threw herself into her arms, but Li Bai didn't respond at all, which made her nose a little sour.But there are still good things, they can finally leave this ghost place immediately.

Tongtong left the hotel, called Donger and Linger, and told them that she was back.

Here, after taking a shower, Li Bai just lay down and fell asleep, and setting up the prison spirit array consumed a lot of his star energy, which made him very tired.However, Li Bai, who has experienced so many battles, suddenly felt that he really should take time to study this formation. There are only a few people, but with the blessing of the formation, they can display good combat effectiveness. If Xiannong If everyone in the society learns a few sets of formations, then the Xiannong Society will become even stronger.

Li Bai fell into a deep sleep and slept for six hours. When Li Bai woke up, it was almost dark.

"Brother Bai, you're awake." Tongtong ran to the bed with a happy face, and handed a glass of water to Li Bai.Dong'er and Ling'er had also returned to the room, looking at Li Bai expectantly.

"Are you all ready?" Li Bai looked at the three of them, who nodded solemnly, "Okay, then let's set off now."

A group of four people walked on the street and walked towards the outer periphery. The combination of three women and one man made pedestrians look sideways. Maybe it was because these three women usually received too many customers, and they were recognized on the spot when they were walking on the street. come out.

"Hey, isn't this Tongtong? Where are you going? Why don't you spend the night with me today, and the price is up to you." A man approached Tongtong and grabbed Tongtong's arm.

"No, I have something else to do." Tongtong wanted to resist, and yanked her arm vigorously, but was grabbed tightly by the man.

"Why, you never rejected me in bed before. Could it be that this little boy gave you more money? I paid twice as much as he paid!" The man said without looking at Li Bai.

Dong'er and Ling'er also stepped forward to stop the man, but they were hugged tightly by the man's arms: "It's not bad for the three of you to accompany me, come home with me."

The man said that he wanted to take the three girls away forcibly, but the three girls couldn't resist and looked at Li Bai with tears in their eyes.

Li Bai sighed, originally he could ignore it, but he had already promised to take them out, so of course he couldn't ignore the current situation.

"Brother, do you still have a first-come-first-served one? I bought the three of them first, and they total 100 million." Li Bai patted the man and looked at him sideways.

"100 million?" The man was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately laughed, "Little boy, you think I'm easy to fool, don't you? It's just the three of them, no more than 2000 yuan a night, I advise you to give it to me quickly." Get out of here, that's not how you pretend to be, so hurry up and get out."

The man said domineeringly to Li Bai, Li Bai actually smiled, but the smile was instantly withdrawn, and he put on a cold expression again: "You just get the hell out of me, you dare to talk to me like this Not getting impatient anymore."

Li Bai slapped the man on the head, and the man flew away like a kite with a broken string.

"You, you wait for me!" The man got up from the ground, seemingly unaware of Li Bai's terror.

Li Bai naturally ignored him and continued to walk towards the border with the three girls.

"After crossing here, you will officially leave here. Are you really ready?" Li Bai turned his head and asked, and the three girls nodded excitedly. How long has it been, if it is not for Li Bai, I am afraid they will not be able to leave here in this life.

Li Bai took a step forward, and the oppressive feeling disappeared immediately, but when he continued to walk a few steps forward, he found that the three women did not keep up.

Turning around suddenly, the three women seemed to have bumped into something invisible, their eyes became lifeless, and then they turned around and walked back. When they were five meters away from the boundary, they seemed to be out of this state. woke up.

"Brother Bai, can't we get out?" Looking at Li Bai from a distance, Dong'er burst into tears.

Only then did Li Bai remember that the Xie family had also set up a spirit gathering array at the outermost periphery of this place, as long as people who come in here, it is impossible to get out.

As a last resort, Li Bai walked into the spirit-gathering formation again, ready to find the formation's eye.

At this time, a group of people walked towards Li Bai in a mighty manner. The man who had just been taught by Li Bai was bowing his head and following a man with a machete, pointing at Li Bai.

"Boy, are you the one who injured my brother?" The knife man threw the cigarette butt in his mouth on the ground, and stomped it out again.

"Yeah, what's the matter, is there a problem?" Li Bai looked at the crowd with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Is there a problem? Boy, it seems that you are new here. Don't you know that here, our Xie family is everything? I, Xie Feng, is the supervisor here!" Xie Feng looked at Li Bai like a fool.

"Xie family, I'm so scared. If people from the Xie family come, I will definitely die a miserable death, right?" Li Bai said to Xie Feng in a strange way. Seeing that Xie Feng is just the most common member of the Xie family. He dared to show off his power like this when he was not at the level of a true qi warrior, but the Xie family had already been sealed by Li Bai with the Lingling Formation, so Xie Feng probably didn't know about it yet.

Xie Feng was immediately irritated by Li Bai, and immediately called everyone to rush up with the guy.

The three of Tongtong backed away in fright, while Li Bai turned into a gust of wind and blew into the crowd. In the blink of an eye, everyone fell to the ground, crying out in agony.

"You, you will regret it, our Xie family will definitely not let you go." Xie Feng struggled and said to Li Bai.

"The Xie family? The owner of the Xie family is Xie Tiangang, right? Don't worry, you will never see them again." Li Bai patted Xie Feng's face, Xie Feng was in disbelief.

The fight attracted many people to watch. When Li Bai stood up, they looked at Li Bai as if they were looking at a devil.

"Everyone, you must want to leave here too, right?" Li Bai glanced at the crowd, and then slowly said what the Xie family had done, which filled the crowd with righteous indignation, wishing they could drown the Xie family with their saliva.

"Everyone, don't get excited. I'm here today to save everyone. As long as I break the spirit gathering formation, everyone can leave here safely. Please wait for a while." Li Bai assured everyone.

The soul consciousness dispersed, and Li Bai quickly found the eye of the gathering spirit formation, which was the statue of Xie Jiali in the center of the town. Tianyun appeared in Li Bai's hands, and fiercely slashed towards the statue. With a loud noise, the statue collapsed.

It seemed that the haze in their hearts was swept away, and everyone felt a clear difference. The impatient people ran towards the border, but they did not receive any obstacles.

Everyone rushed outside like crazy in an instant, and Li Bai couldn't help being a little bit astonished.

After 10 minutes, the three of Tongtong squeezed to Li Bai's side.

"Brother Bai, didn't you agree to take us out of here only? Why did you let them all out?" Ling'er pouted.

Li Bai touched Ling'er's head, and said with a smile: "The Xie family has tortured you for too long, and many people must want to leave here. If this is the case, why don't I do a good deed. You know, good people are rewarded."

If Li Bai's opponents heard Li Bai's words, they would probably spit out a mouthful of old blood. In their eyes, Li Bai was the heinous crime, and no good man would be rewarded.

Of course, Li Bai doesn't care what these people think, after all, there are as many slanders as there are praises, as long as he is the truest self.

"Brother Xiaobai, can we follow you?" Without the shackles of the Spirit Gathering Formation, everyone can come in and out freely, but Tongtong doesn't want to leave Li Bai's side, so she asked pitifully.

(End of this chapter)

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