Chapter 2314
In the end, Li Bai didn't leave with the three daughters. Even though Tongtong, one of them, accompanied Li Bai for a month, they didn't have much relationship with Li Bai after all, and Li Bai could tell that they wanted to follow him. , but greedy for their own money.

Li Bai didn't dare to ask for such a woman, and after tactfully refusing, Li Bai left alone.I don't know how Tian Lin's condition is now after a month.

Although it was said that Li Bai used the power of the stars to wake up Tian Lin who had been sleeping all the time, but Tian Lin's meridian was cut off. If there is no rootless flower, he will be a useless person in this life.

And this is the magic of rootless flower. If it is used as medicine, it can slowly restore people's meridians, and if the dose is enough, it can even reconnect the broken meridians.

When Li Bai appeared at Tian Fushui's house again, the family was almost moved to tears when they saw Li Bai.

"Genius doctor, you are finally back, we, we thought..." The second half of the old lady's sentence was drowned in tears, but Li Bai could tell that they must have thought that they would never come back again.

"No way, the journey this time is really a bit difficult." Li Bai said awkwardly to the old lady, in their eyes, he can do anything.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Tian Fushui, who was standing on the side, said equally excitedly. Li Bai's actions in school gave Tian Fushui a little understanding of Li Bai, and he knew that he must be right in front of them again. , which means that he must have got the rootless flower.

"How is Tian Lin's situation?" Li Bai asked as he walked towards the bedroom.

After opening the door, he saw Tian Lin lying on the bed, struggling to get up, but at this time his face was very pale, much worse than when he just woke up.

"Master, you're back." Tian Lin struggled again and again, but finally couldn't get up, and said weakly to Li Bai.

Li Bai walked to the bed with a big stride, and touched Tian Lin's heart with his right hand. The power of the silver stars gushed out instantly, pouring into Tian Lin's body continuously.

"Miraculous doctor, can our son be saved? We have been feeding him great tonics every day for the past month, but Lin Zi's physical condition is getting worse day by day. Apart from you, we really have no other way." The old lady Talking with snot and tears, Tian Fushui stood beside the old lady and gently put her shoulders on her shoulders.

Tian Lin's heart veins have not been connected, so no matter how much nutrition is supplemented, it is impossible to be absorbed. Therefore, the busyness of the old lady and the others is just a waste of effort.

However, Li Bai didn't say anything. After roughly understanding Tian Lin's current situation, he withdrew his hand: "Mr. Tian, ​​do you have a casserole for making traditional Chinese medicine at home?"

In order to treat Tian Lin, they had tried both Chinese and Western medicines. After a while, Tian Fushui brought a casserole from the kitchen, and found a pestle according to Li Bai's request.

With a wave of his hand, an extra-large cloth bag appeared in the bedroom, which shocked Tian Fushui and the old lady, and at the same time admired Li Bai's ability again.

"These are rootless flowers for Tian Lin's treatment." Li Bai opened the bag and took out two hundred rootless flowers.

Although rootless flowers can treat people's meridian problems, the only problem is that a single rootless flower is not very effective. If you want to achieve the purpose of reconnecting broken veins, you need a large amount.

When he was in Xie's mansion, Xie Tiangang was able to stand up so quickly because of Rootless Flower, but the amount of medicine needed was not much.

"Mr. Tian, ​​I need to trouble you next. You need to grind these two hundred rootless flowers into juice, and then boil it and drink it." Li Bai said to the elders, although he can also use the stars for this job. It can be done by hand, but it is not as effective as doing it by hand.

"Okay, okay, genius doctor, we will listen to you in everything." The old lady said excitedly, grabbed the tools from Tian Fushui's hand and started working. Tian Fushui also ran to the neighbor's house to borrow a set of tools, and the two started working together .

"Master, thank you." Tian Lin's lips were already chapped and his breath was weak, but he still wanted to speak.

"If you still want to be my apprentice, don't say a word from now until you finish drinking the medicine." Li Bai glared at Tian Lin.

Tian Lin wanted to recognize Li Bai as his master, Li Bai was still very happy, this was the first apprentice he accepted, before, it was just Wang Chu and others from Xiannong Society or Long Wei, Li Bai did not accept them as apprentices, Just give them some cultivation methods.

After Tian Fushui's narration, Li Bai also knew that Tian Lin was only 16 years old this year, and he was already a seventh-rank ancient warrior three years ago when he was 13 years old. This kind of talent is definitely the highest among the people Li Bai knows.

Three hours later, all the work was done, and the second elder seemed not tired at all, and brought the hot medicine to Tian Lin.

The house was immediately filled with a strong fragrance of flowers, Li Bai took two deep breaths, and felt the strong aura contained in it.

"Genius doctor, should I drink this medicine while it's hot or cold?" The old lady asked Li Bai. Li Bai was a little bit dumbfounded, why they all ask for their own opinions now.

"It's all right." Li Bai said and glanced at Tian Lin, and Tian Lin was so anxious that he asked to drink now.

The potion was very hot, but it was not as hot as Tian Lin's enthusiasm for getting better.Gudu Gudu, Tian Lin poured all the potion into his stomach in one breath, and within two seconds, Tian Lin's whole body became glowing red, and even the temperature around him rose a little.

"Genius doctor, what's wrong with Lin Zi?" The old lady looked at Li Bai nervously.

"Second elder, this is a normal phenomenon, don't worry, go out first, I will protect him." Li Bai asked the elder to leave the room, and then walked to Tian Lin's side.

When an ordinary person catches a cold, the body's own defense system fights against the virus, causing people to have fever symptoms, and the symptoms caused by the reconnection of the meridians are now like this.

Li Bai's silver star power entered Tian Lin's body again, as if he was in charge of the overall situation, allowing Wugenhua's aura to be fully used in the reorganization of meridians.

The whole process lasted all night, and when the sun rose the next day, Tian Lin also opened his eyes.

Feeling the changes in his body, Tian Lin tried to clenched his fists, and suddenly the feeling of strength surged up.

For three whole years, Tian Lin lay motionless on the bed, like a useless person, but now the regained power made Tian Lin want to cry and laugh at the same time, punching the air, there was a faint sound of air explosion.

"Ninth rank, ninth rank peak fighter." Tian Lin was surprised and delighted, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

"Congratulations on your rebirth." Li Bai said to Tian Lin. Seeing Tian Lin's changes, he was also very happy. He didn't expect that Tian Lin would be blessed by misfortune after passing through this time. Appropriate cultivation methods, it can be said that under cultivation, there is no match.

Tian Lin turned around and looked at Li Bai incredulously, then knelt down immediately, and kowtowed three times to Li Bai: "Thank you, master, thank you, master..."

Apart from these four words, Tian Lin couldn't say anything else, which was enough to show the joy in his heart.

"Okay, get up, your body hasn't fully recovered yet." Li Bai helped Tian Lin up, and the parents who heard the movement came quickly, and saw Tian Lin appearing alive and kicking in front of them, weeping with joy .

"Li Bai, from now on, you will be our family's benefactor." Tian Fushui was also in tears, and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Mr. Tian, ​​you are too serious. This is just my little effort, as long as you don't lose confidence in Gu Wu again." Li Bai said with a smile to Tian Fushui. Turn against everyone.

"No, no, no, you have accepted my son as your apprentice, so I have nothing to object to." Tian Fushui finally smiled, and Tian Lin also took the opportunity to call Li Bai "Master".

Li Bai didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It seemed that he hadn't directly agreed to Tian Lin all this time. Now it seemed that he couldn't do it anymore.

"You should take this set of Nine-turn Star Jue and practice first, and come to me after you fully recover." Li Bai took out a copy of the exercises from the Qiankun ring and handed it to Tian Lin, which made Tian Lin overjoyed.

Li Bai also didn't give Tian Lin any foundation building pills. If Tian Lin can successfully build a foundation without using external forces, then he can also say that his future is limitless.

Leaving Tian's house, Li Bai finally opened Tianxun again after a lapse of a month, and then Li Bai's brain was about to explode, message after message, and reminder sounds of missed calls swept through Li Bai's mind like locusts crossing the border. After half an hour it finally quieted down.

At this time, Li Bai finally started to read the news.

"Nonghuang, why is that Zhao guy here again?" This was from Zhang Yuhan.

"I don't have class this afternoon, can you go shopping with me?" This is Su Daji's.

"The foundation of the real estate has been laid, and their speed is really not slow." This is Wang Chu reporting the progress of the company building.

Of course, the next few days will be the blowout period of news, and they are all asking where Li Bai "died". Everyone's news has become a deep worry.

But fortunately, before Li Bai left, all the big and small matters of Xiannong Club had been arranged, and he was in charge for this month's absence, so it might really be messed up.

"I'm back, don't worry everyone." Li Bai created a new Tianxun message group to send to everyone. Before waiting for a moment, countless new Tianxun messages came over, and the large and small video windows immediately filled Li Bai's eyes. The division of the Tianxun window made Li Bai feel dizzy for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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