The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2315 is like the sea

Chapter 2315 is like the sea
Li Bai finally chose to pick up Wang Chu's Tianxun, because Wang Chu would not contact him if he had nothing to do.

"Nonghuang, you are finally back. We all thought you were missing. If you don't come back, we really can't hold on." Wang Chu's figure appeared on Tianxun for a month. In the past, Wang Chu lost a lot of weight, his face was pale, and his lips were dry, as if he had experienced something important.

"Don't worry, talk slowly, what happened?" Li Bai's heart sank, couldn't hold on anymore?What does it mean?Before he left, both the Xiannong Society and the Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company building were proceeding in an orderly manner. Even without Li Bai, there should be no mistakes.

Wang Chu slowly began to talk about what had happened in the past month, and Li Bai's complexion also slowly sank.

Within a week of Li Bai's news, everything was running normally according to Li Bai's plan, but as more and more people could not contact Li Bai, the news of Li Bai's "disappearance" seemed to have wings Generally, it quickly spread to the whole of Kyoto.

The people who had been suppressed by Li Bai and Xiannong Society also started to move around. First, they sent some shrimp soldiers and crab generals to provoke them, but they were beaten back by Wang Chu and the others. But as the enemy became stronger, Wang Chu and others couldn't resist anymore. .

At this time, they finally confirmed that Li Bai had completely disappeared in the capital for some unknown reason.

This news is tantamount to a blockbuster, which once again disturbed the situation in the capital. The Zhao family is fine, because Li Bai had let them leave the capital before, so they did not get the news in time, and the Huangfu family and The Xue family couldn't hold back the impulse in their hearts anymore, and they started to join forces to deal with Xiannongshe.

Because Li Bai held an auction before he left and announced two medicines, Blood Crystal Needle and Blood Crystal Pill, and these two medicines are absolutely shocking for the whole of China, which made the Xue family and the Huangfu family very happy. It's greedy.

Originally, these two medicines were exclusively owned by Xiannongshe, but just half a month after Li Bai disappeared, Xue's pharmaceutical company actually launched these two medicines at the same time, and the price was lower than that of Xiannongshe. .

As for the blood crystal needles and blood crystal pills of Xiannong Society, because they were all made by Li Bai alone, with the boom in sales, the inventory gradually ran out, so that in the second half of the month, everyone who wanted to buy blood crystal needles and blood People from Jingdan flocked to Xuejia Pharmaceutical Company, and at the same time, they already had the momentum to monopolize the entire market.

As for the Xiannong Society, up to now, apart from providing stable Donggen to the research institute, there is no other income.

"Okay, I got it. Wait for me for a while, and I'll go back to Xiannong Society right away." Li Bai hung up the Tianxun with a sullen face. Unexpectedly, during the month of his absence, the capital is like a sea of ​​vicissitudes. This happened.

The Xue family and the Huangfu family have always wanted to take action against Li Bai, but because of Li Bai's strength, they have been unable to take advantage of it for a long time. Unexpectedly, they took this opportunity to make such a move. This is tantamount to challenging Li Bai's patience.

Li Bai hurried back to Xiannongshe. After a month passed, Xiannongshe seemed to have become a little deserted, without the hustle and bustle of before.

The three plots of land in front of the Xiannong Society are still growing vigorously, but there are far fewer members of the Xiannong Society working there.

This made Li Bai's anger even more intense.

Walking into the office building of Xiannong Society, there were already many people waiting for him. Seeing Li Bai wanting to say hello, Li Bai waved his hand to calm them down.

"Wang Chu, Zhang Yuhan, Qin Yubing, come with me to the office. Everyone else should go about their own business first." Li Bai's voice was low, and Su Daji and other girls who were standing aside did not dare to offend Li Bai at this time.

With a bang, the door of the office was closed, and Wang Chu and Zhang Yuhan stood in front of the desk without saying a word.

"Where's Qin Yubing?" Li Bai glanced at the two of them and asked in surprise.

The two shook their heads and told Li Bai that Qin Yubing seems to be in Xiannong Building now.

"Then tell me about the current situation." Li Bai looked at Zhang Yuhan and said.

Zhang Yuhan told Li Bai the income of Xiannong Club in this month in detail, which must be completely different from a month ago.

"I see." Li Bai nodded, then turned to Wang Chu, "How did the Xue family and the Huangfu family get the method of making blood crystal needles and blood crystal pills? Didn't I say that blood crystal needles and blood crystal pills The Blood Crystal Pill must not be sold to members of the Xue family or the Huangfu family."

This is Li Bai's biggest confusion. The blood crystal needle is easy to say, but the blood crystal pill needs to be refined. As ancient martial arts families, the Xue family and the Huangfu family have no cultivators. How did they succeed in alchemy?At the same time, Li Bai was also very angry. The reason for the current situation is that these two things must have passed into the hands of the two families.

"Nonghuang, I have been investigating this matter for a long time, and it seems to have some clues." Wang Chu said to Li Bai, "First of all, there must be no traitors in our Xiannong Society this time. Maybe someone bought them from us and handed them over to Li Bai. into their hands..."

"Get to the point." Li Bai interrupted Wang Chu's nonsense.

"Behind the Xue family, there seems to be a force called Yaowanggu. The Xue family is originally a family of medicine, and the medical skills of the people in Yaowanggu are unfathomable. After getting the blood crystal needle and blood crystal pill, they can quickly A method of imitation has been researched, but as far as I know, the efficacy of the medicine is not as good as ours, but for ordinary people, it is also very good." Wang Chu said to Li Bai.

Li Bai frowned again, Medicine King Valley?This name sounds like a sect of comprehension. Didn't the sect of comprehension agree that they are all hidden from the world?Why does it have the momentum to emerge again now?
"How many people from Medicine King Valley have appeared?" Li Bai asked.

"I asked Chen Feiyu to investigate. There is only one person named Xue Donghong. His strength is unknown, but he must be stronger than us." Zhang Yuhan replied to Li Bai, his eyes were full of worry.

"Okay, I see, you guys go down first, I'll refine some blood crystal needles and blood crystal pills to replenish our inventory." Li Bai said solemnly.

Even if the Xue family and the Huangfu family have already monopolized the market, fakes are fakes. Now that Li Bai is back, all fakes and shoddy products will die!

But in a private room of a certain hotel at the other end of Kyoto, it was very lively at this time. A group of people sat around the table, washing their cups and drinking more, their faces glowing red.

"Senior Donghong, you really did us a big favor this time. If it wasn't for you, we really don't know what to do." Xue Tian raised a wine glass and toasted Xue Donghong.

It's just that the toasted Xue Donghong, from his appearance, is just 24, but in his gestures, there is indeed a hint of a senior, and he doesn't take Xue Tian seriously.

"Actually, I should thank you. If you hadn't made such a big mistake, I might still be practicing in Yaowang Valley. You may not know that the higher the strength, the more lonely the person." Xue Donghong was very happy , although he has only been in the capital for less than a month, his vanity has been greatly satisfied here.

In Yaowang Valley, he was just a very small person, but when he came to the secular world, he was like a fairy. The profits made the entire Xue family regard him as a treasure.

"Senior Donghong, with you here, the Xiannong Society will definitely not survive the second month." Xue Pi who was sitting on the other side was also very excited. They couldn't solve Li Bai by force, so in business The fact that they could defeat Li Bai in the auction also made them feel angry. Thinking of what happened at the auction a month ago, Xue Pi was still trembling with anger.

"It's easy to say, but I'm a little surprised. Who is this Li Bai? I feel that you are all jealous of him." Xue Donghong asked. He had never asked about Li Bai's situation before, because in his eyes, an ancient warrior No matter how powerful he is, he cannot be his opponent as a cultivator.

"Eh..." Xue Pi felt a little embarrassed all of a sudden, because if the things that happened before were told, it would be too embarrassing.

"By the way, Senior Donghong, this Li Bai seems to have a high level of alchemy skills. If you can compete with him openly, then we will absolutely completely monopolize the pharmaceutical market." Xue Pi said excitedly.

"That's a good idea, but didn't I hear that Li Bai has disappeared? How do you compare?" Xue Donghong asked back.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Xue Tian's message rang, Xue Tian picked it up, and then his face changed slightly: "Li Bai is back."

Xue Pi's expression was a little stiff when he heard this, he was just talking casually just now, unexpectedly Li Bai reappeared by such a coincidence.

At this moment, the door of the private room was kicked open with a bang, and Li Bai's figure suddenly walked in from outside.

"Everyone, it's been a long time. You've had a lot of fun this month." Li Bai squinted his eyes and looked at the people in the private room with a smile on his face, but it made everyone feel the obvious killing intent on him.

"Boy, we didn't look for you, but you came to your door." Xue Tian angrily slapped the table and stood up.

"So what if I sent you to my door, can you kill me?" Li Bai snorted coldly, and gave Xue Tian a disdainful look. But Li Bai, who is pregnant with all kinds of treasures, is not afraid of Xue Tian's threat at all.

Afterwards, Li Bai's eyes fell on Xue Donghong again coldly: "I heard that you helped the Xue family monopolize the pharmaceutical market?"

Xue Donghong raised her head proudly: "Why, are you not convinced?"

Li Bai spat on the ground: "In my eyes, I can drown you with one spit."

In the room, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Xue Donghong glared at Li Bai, as if his self-esteem had been greatly challenged.

(End of this chapter)

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