The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2316 Don't pretend to be in front of me

Chapter 2316 Don't pretend to be in front of me
Xue Donghong's face suddenly stretched very long. If there was a donkey by his side, the faces of the two would be almost the same at this time.

Xue Tian and Xue Pi were even more astonished. They looked at Xue Donghong in a panic. In less than a month, Xue Donghong hadn't suffered a single grievance. Whatever he wanted to do, the Xue family would cooperate with him. What.

Xue Tian could also tell from all kinds of little things that Xue Donghong was a person who cared about face, but what he didn't expect was that Li Bai's sudden arrival was not counted even after thousands of calculations.

"Who the hell are you? Can anyone come in here?" Xue Donghong yelled. In Yaowang Valley, his strength was not good enough, so he swallowed his anger all day long. When he came to the capital, he wanted to use his strength to show off his power. , but this sightless soil turtle gave him a blow to the head.

"Who am I? Hehe, didn't Xue Tian mention me to you?" Li Bai smiled lightly, his soul consciousness swept towards Xue Donghong, and found that he was only a cultivator of the golden core period, but Xue Tian and Xue Pi But he was respectful to him, and Li Bai immediately realized that this person must be the rescuer sent by Yaowanggu.

"You, you are Li Bai?" Xue Donghong stared at Li Bai. The clothes of this man in front of him were very simple, without famous brand, let alone fancy, and there was not even the slightest fluctuation of aura on his body. I don't know why the Xue family treated this man very much. fear.

"It seems that the saying that a dog's eyes look down on people is not completely correct, you just know me." Li Bai pulled out a chair, sat down, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Such a conscious move made Xue Tian and Xue Pi very angry, but they had nothing to do with Li Bai, they could only watch Li Bai feasting on him.

Xue Donghong, who was repeatedly humiliated, was very angry: "You are so vulgar and disrespectful, no wonder your Xiannong Society has gone into decline, and a person like you still calls himself the Emperor of Agriculture. In my opinion, even an emperor is nothing more than He is an emperor of the last days."

Xue Donghong sneered back, secretly complacent, Li Bai definitely couldn't refute such a remark.

"The food is delicious, don't you want some? Also, can you drive this barking dog out, I find him annoying." Unexpectedly, Li Bai didn't seem to listen to Xue Donghong's words at all, He was still very dissatisfied and protested against Xue Tian and Xue Pi.

"Shameless, shameless!" Xue Donghong finally exploded, pointing at Li Bai angrily, speechless.

"Take your dog's paw back." Li Bai suddenly threw out a chopstick in his hand and shot directly at Xue Donghong. The speed was so fast that Xue Donghong was caught off guard.

With a sound of "ding", just as the chopsticks were flying, a chopstick also flew out from the side, knocking Li Bai's aside. It was Xue Tian who made a move. If he didn't make a move, with Xue Donghong's reaction speed, His fingers were about to fall off.As an alchemist, hands are the most important tool.

"It seems that your Xue family is quite fond of this dog. Not bad, not bad." Li Bai clapped his hands and looked at the panicked Xue Donghong. He could clearly see a trace of cold sweat streaming down Xue Donghong's forehead.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Xue Tian finally stood up and looked at Li Bai coldly, as if he would fight if there was any disagreement.

"What do I want to do? I want to ask what you want to do?" Li Bai was also angry, and he slapped the dining table with his palm. The dining table was instantly torn apart, and the plates and chopsticks on the table were scattered all over the floor, clanging.

"When I was not around, you stole our achievements and shamelessly took them for yourself. Are you so shameless?" Li Bai looked at the three of them and snapped.

"Stealing your achievements, hehe, Li Bai, right? Do you really think you know a lot about alchemy because you can do it well? It's just too naive." Xue Donghong finally regained his senses at this moment, with Some ridiculed, "Although blood crystal needles and blood crystal pills are precious, they still can't reach the point where only you can know them. I regret it a little, why didn't I come to Xue's house before you developed them? chances are gone.”

Xue Donghong said eloquently, her eyes were constantly communicating with Xue Tian and Xue Pi, which was full of proud information.

"It seems that you don't cry when you don't see the coffin!" Li Bai smiled. Xue Donghong's words must have been discussed in advance, and they are really shameless.

Li Bai reached out and took out a memory chip, and threw it away casually, a memory appeared before everyone's eyes.

Before Li Bai came to the hotel, he arrested a researcher from the Xuejia pharmaceutical company, and under duress, he told the truth about the incident.

"When your Xiannong Society sold blood crystal needles and blood crystal pills, the boss asked other people to buy one back. After a few days of research by a mysterious expert, our company finally mastered this pharmaceutical technology and started Official production." In the video, the researcher said tremblingly, his voice was full of panic.

After a memory was played, Li Bai squinted his eyes and looked at Xue Donghong: "Now, what else do you have to say."

Xue Donghong smiled complacently again: "Do you think that if you just find someone and spend some money to make up this story, we will believe it? I advise you to save yourselves, you have already lost this game. "

Li Bai's face darkened, because he set off too hastily, he really didn't have enough evidence, and wanted to clean up Xue Donghong, but Xue Tian, ​​who was in the stage of transformation, was on the side, so he had no chance at all.

"Of course, you still have one chance to win it back." At this moment, Xue Pi interrupted.

"You said you can make alchemy, then, you and senior Donghong will have a competition, whoever loses will get out of the pharmaceutical industry forever, do you dare?" Xue Pi looked at Li Bai sinisterly, waiting for Li Bai In the middle.Xue Donghong is a disciple of Yaowanggu, and his alchemy skills are probably among the best in the entire capital.

"Heh, challenge?" Li Bai finally understood what a good show these three people were putting on, "Okay, since you are looking for death in an open and honest manner, then I will fulfill you."

It's just a monk at the Golden Core stage, and he wants to openly compete with himself in alchemy, but it's just hitting a stone with an egg, Li Bai doesn't pay attention at all.

"Well, in case you can't afford to lose and make irresponsible remarks, the competition will be held in your Xiannong Society. When you lose, I think your Xiannong Society will not leave a few people." Xue Xue Pi kept sneering, but he didn't realize that some golden and black silk threads had been wrapped around his body, and soon spread all over his body, making Xue Pi unable to move.

"You, what are you doing?" Xue Pi looked at Li Bai in horror. He was abused by Li Bai like this last time. Unexpectedly, Li Bai was so arrogant that he dared to fight in front of Xue Tian.

"I just hate other people pretending to be in front of me." Li Bai turned and left, beckoning, Jin Yan and Hei Yan also returned to him.

"Brother, do you just ignore it?" After Li Bai left, Xue Pi finally stood up and looked at Xue Tian angrily. Xue Tian was very helpless, he really couldn't help Li Bai.

When Li Bai returned to the villa, it was almost eleven o'clock at night, but at this time the villa was still brightly lit.

Su Daji, Feng Yunxi, Deng Xin, Chen Fei'er, and Zhang Jingjing were all anxiously waiting for Li Bai's return in the living room.

"Didn't my husband come back in the afternoon? Why isn't he coming home now? Could it be that he spent the night somewhere else?" Feng Yunxi crossed his hands, his face full of worry.

"He dares, if he dares, I will castrate him when he comes back." Su Daji said angrily.

"Both of you, can you calm down a bit, my husband will be very busy after such a big incident happened in Xiannong Club recently, we just need to wait patiently." Deng Xin said with a smile on the side, even though she was also worried with.

Chen Fei'er and Zhang Jingjing didn't open their mouths. They could only be regarded as Li Bai's employees, and their relationship was not as close as the three of them.

"Wife, I miss you!" At some point, Li Bai secretly appeared behind the crowd, and immediately hugged Su Daji, Feng Yunxi and Deng Xin, causing them to scream in shock.

"Let us down, we are still angry!" The little fairy Su Daji shouted loudly, Li Bai touched the three of them all over, and finally put the three of them on the sofa reluctantly.

"Aren't you happy to see me? Why are you still angry?" Li Bai looked at the three innocently.

"Tell me, where have you been this month? If you can't tell, you can sleep on the floor for me tonight!" Feng Yunxi stared at Li Bai with small eyes.

Deng Xin didn't speak, but stood up, kissed Li Bai's forehead, and then went upstairs to sleep, leaving Li Bai watching Su Daji and Feng Yunxi look at each other.

"I'm off to work on something." Li Bai said, and told them what happened to him this month, of course, ignoring the existence of Tongtong and the others.

"Tell me, did you hook up with another woman again?" Su Daji leaned close to Li Bai's body and smelled it vigorously, trying to smell something different.

"No way, I'm not a philandering radish." Li Bai said while carrying Su Daji and Feng Yunxi on his shoulders.

"I told you to suspect me, you should hit me." Li Bai slapped the two of them on the buttocks, making the two of them keep talking coquettishly, but they couldn't hide their joy.

Su Daji and Feng Yunxi looked at each other and smiled. They had already discussed with Deng Xin. After Li Bai came back tonight, she was not allowed to fight with them.

How could Li Bai not know their little thoughts, he stayed in that ghostly place for this month, but he was suffocated, now that he finally came back, how could he not vent it.

Throwing Feng Yunxi and Su Daji on the spacious bed, Li Bai jumped on it like a tiger.

"Didn't you all want it all the time? Tonight, I'll make it happen for you two." Li Bai said with a smirk, and a wild aura enveloped the two of them immediately.

"Honey, it's our first time. Can you be gentle." Su Daji said shyly, closing her eyes nervously.

"I will." Li Bai clung to the ears of the two of them, exhaling a breath of restless steam, and for a while, the room was filled with spring.

(End of this chapter)

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