The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2318 Alchemy Ratio

Chapter 2318 Alchemy Ratio
She seemed to know that she would never be able to win the war of words, so Xue Donghong stopped talking instead and began to refine the super fast pill.

The speedy pill is a very basic kind of medicine. It only needs the starry sky grass as the main raw material, supplemented by the other two medicinal materials. The refining speed is also very fast. It has to be said that Xue Donghong chose to refine this kind of medicine There is still some truth to the pill.

Xue Donghong put a portion of Starry Sky Grass into the container, and covered the top of the container with his palm, and the green aura slowly overflowed from his palm, rushing towards that portion of Starry Sky Grass.

The green aura slowly wrapped the starry sky grass, and as the aura became thicker, the starry sky grass slowly floated up.At the same time, Xue Donghong slowly manipulated the aura to make the starry sky grass start to rotate, and little by little impurities were thrown out of the starry sky grass during this slow rotation, making the starry sky grass more delicate.

This is a step that takes a lot of time. While refining, Xue Donghong glanced sideways at Li Bai, but found that Li Bai hadn't started to move yet.

"Why, have you already surrendered? You don't need me to tell you the importance of alchemy speed, right?" Xue Donghong said disdainfully to Li Bai. From his point of view, Li Bai is still worrying about how to refine this super speed pill, after all The refining method of each elixir is very important, and it is generally impossible to spread it casually.

"I just want to see how good a rookie can be. Now it seems that the skill is beyond my expectations." After Li Bai finished speaking, he also started to move.

The steps are almost exactly the same, Li Bai also wraps the starry sky grass with aura first, and then removes the impurities in the starry sky grass, but this method of removal seems a bit irritable.

A group of silver-white flames shot out directly from Li Bai's palm, slowly burning the green star grass.

Xue Donghong on the other side saw it, and laughed all over her face: "In this way, although the speed has been improved a lot, the integrity of the starry sky grass will also be damaged. Is it because you don't know alchemy or I don't know alchemy, ha ha."

Li Bai ignored Xue Donghong and continued to burn himself.The burning speed was very fast, and in a short while, the entire Starry Sky Grass turned into a transparent emerald green, and there seemed to be no trace of damage at all.

Xue Donghong opened his mouth as if he had eaten a big pile of shit, and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. If he could control the spirit energy to the point of perfection, he could keep the spirit grass intact. Their king of medicine Gu's inner disciples can do it.

It's just that Xue Donghong never thought that Li Bai could do this.Xue Donghong's heart went cold, but just this moment, he had already been thrown away by a hundred and eight thousand miles.Moreover, Xue Donghong almost broke her Starry Sky Grass under the shock. If she didn't recover quickly, the next steps would be useless.

Xue Pi naturally also saw Xue Donghong's reaction, with a solemn expression, and Deng Xin's words of Nonghuang cheering made Xue Pi doubt Xue Donghong's ability.

However, the competition did not stop there, and continued. When Xue Donghong also made the Starry Sky Grass transparent, Li Bai had already started to process the third spiritual herb.

"Would you like me to wait for you for a while." Li Bai stopped what he was doing, went to drink a glass of water, and waited until Xue Donghong's progress caught up before continuing.

The last step is the process of melting pills. The medicinal properties of a pill depends on whether this last step can be controlled.

Xue Donghong and Li Bai simultaneously used spiritual energy to wrap the three processed spirit grasses in the air, and the rich spiritual energy kept in contact with the spiritual grasses, crushing them, and then fused them.

After a full 10 minutes, a green elixir finally formed in the air and slowly fell into the container.So far, the pill refining has finally come to an end.

Xue Donghong wiped his forehead. Although the Super Speed ​​Pill is a very common elixir, he spent a lot of effort in order to win the competition. He glanced sideways at Li Bai, but it seemed that he had done something insignificant .

"You just pretend, see if you lose later, can you still pretend?" Xue Donghong said secretly.

"Okay, the super speed pill has been practiced, now let's find two ordinary people to test the medicinal properties of the pill, whoever's pill lasts longer will win." Deng Xin clapped his hands and said , and then put the pills in the two containers into a small box respectively, and mark the name on it.

Xue Donghong readily agreed to Deng Xin's proposal.Everyone walked towards the outside of Xiannong Society together, and there were still many students gathered outside, all wanting to know the final result of this competition.

"Next, we need two ordinary students to compete, just you and you, you come here." Xue Pi said in advance, and ordered two people.

"This is the elixir of our Xue family. This is Li Bai's. After taking it, you can start running. You can stop when the effect of the medicine wears off." Xue Pi said to the two of them, and at the same time distributed the elixir to them. .

Li Bai raised his eyebrows, his soul consciousness swept towards the two of them, and he really found that the person who was going to eat Xue Donghong's pill was already an ancient warrior, while the one on his side was just getting started.

"No, change." Li Bai said coldly.

"Substitution?" Xue Pi was a little surprised when he heard it. He had already hidden this person well, so he shouldn't be discovered.

"In this way, you pick someone for me, and I pick someone for you, it's fairer." Li Bai said, and gave Xue Donghong his classmates, "You pick someone for me."

Xue Pi was stunned for a moment. This person was the one he had chosen poorly for Li Bai. In this way, he had to eat all the bitter fruits he had planted.

As a last resort, Xue Pi tried his best to call out from the crowd who also looked bad: "Is it okay now?" Xue Pi gave Li Bai a resentful look, and Li Bai nodded.

A group of people came to the playground, and the two who were selected took the Super Speed ​​Pill. Under Li Bai's order, the two began to run around.

The figures of the two people rushed far away, and those who knew the two classmates were very surprised when they saw it, because they knew how much the two of them usually ran.

As soon as he started running, Xue Donghong's face turned pale, because the classmate who took Li Bai's elixir was much faster than him.

"Maybe he usually runs very fast, it depends on the time of the medicine." Xue Pi comforted Xue Donghong, Li Bai just smiled, but said nothing.

As time went by, Xue Donghong's complexion became even paler after the next situation. The classmate who took his elixir only ran for 5 minutes, and the speed dropped significantly, while the other classmate seemed to have eaten Xuanmai. , showing no sign of stopping.

"Okay, don't run away, it's over." Li Bai asked people to stop the two classmates, gave them a little service fee, and then looked at Xue Donghong.

"Now, what else do you have to say, huh?" Li Bai's voice became colder, and he grabbed Xue Donghong's lapel with one hand.

"You, what are you going to do?" Xue Donghong looked at Li Bai in horror, while the other members of Xiannong Club surrounded Xue Pi.

"Take it back." Li Bai carried Xue Donghong, and the group returned to Xiannongshe in a mighty manner, everyone's faces were full of anger.Seeing this, many bystanders also knew that the Xue family was still being compared by Li Bai.

As for what happened in the past month, everyone has their own answers in their hearts, and they are not ashamed of Xue's pharmaceutical company's ugly behavior.

"Tell me, how did your Xue family's blood crystal needles and blood crystal pills come from?" Li Bai threw Xue Pi and Xue Donghong on the ground, and closed the door again with a bang.

"Although I lost the competition, I did refine the Blood Crystal Needle and the Blood Crystal Pill by myself. This is an undeniable fact!" Xue Donghong still said stubbornly.

Li Bai didn't have time to talk nonsense with Xue Donghong, so he rolled up his sleeves and slapped Xue Donghong's face until Xue Donghong turned into a pig's head before Li Bai stopped.

"Speak or not?" Li Bai asked coldly.

"Heh, do you think you can change the facts by threatening me? If we let the people in Yaowang Valley know, you can't afford to walk around." Xue Donghong looked at Li Bai with swollen eyes.

"Then if I kill you, will they know? I think your strength is probably at the lowest level in the Valley of the Bullshit Medicine Kings!" Saying this, the Sky Meteor Knife appeared in Li Bai's hands, and it was another shot. On Xue Donghong's neck, with a little force, traces of blood appeared there.

Xue Donghong panicked, because what Li Bai said was the truth, even if he really died, people from Yaowanggu would not come to him.

"I said, I said." Xue Donghong finally compromised, Xue Pi anxiously shouted to Senior Donghong, but he still couldn't stop it, but was knocked unconscious by Li Bai's punch.

From buying the blood crystal needle and blood crystal pill, to how to imitate them, Xue Donghong explained everything clearly, and the two TV reporters also faithfully recorded everything that happened. If uploaded to TV and the Internet, The Xue family should stop thinking about gaining a foothold in the capital.

"Nonghuang, Nonghuang, please let me go. I just came here to help Xue's family. They asked me to do it. I am also a victim." Xue Donghong knelt on the ground, crying bitterly.

Seeing him like this, Li Bai snorted, let him go?If they win in the end, will they let themselves go?
"Call Xue Tianxun and ask him to come and lead someone. Of course, if there is no sincerity, I don't mind putting this video on the Internet." Li Bai called Zhang Yuhan in and asked her to share all the reporter's information. All images are copied.

Xue Tian came to Xiannong Club in a hurry, looking equally flustered, he even buttoned the wrong button of his suit.

And seeing Xue Tian's embarrassment, everyone was also very surprised. This is Xue Tian, ​​the head of the Xue family in Kyoto. A few days ago, he appeared on TV with glory because of the pharmaceutical company. But it seems so desolate.

"Xue Tian, ​​you are finally here." Li Bai stood at the door of Xiannong Society, and beside him stood a group of key members of Xiannong Society. They have suffered too much in the past month. Today, it is A moment of elation.

(End of this chapter)

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