The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2319 Compensation

Chapter 2319 Compensation
Xue Tian came to Xiannong Club alone, facing all the members of Xiannong Club, no matter how you looked at it, he seemed weak.

"What did you do to Senior Donghong and my third brother? Xue Tian looked at Li Bai with a sullen face, angry and worried. He naturally knew what the two of them were doing at Xiannong Society today. Come on, they lost, and they lost completely.

"What did I do to them? Hehe, it's nothing. They just lost the competition, and then they told everything about your Xuejia Pharmaceutical Company." Li Bai looked quietly, as if he was talking A trivial thing, "But don't worry, they are not dead yet, but if you want to be depressed, I can't guarantee their lives."

As they said that, several people brought out Xue Pi who was in a coma and Xue Donghong who was beaten into a pig's head, and threw them on the steps again, and the two rolled down the steps, looking as miserable as they could be.

"Li Bai, what exactly do you want to do?!" Xue Tian finally got angry when he saw the two of them. The people in Gu knew that if Xue Donghong had an accident in the Xue family, the support for the Xue family might be greatly reduced in the future.

"I should ask you this question, right?" Li Bai looked at Xue Tian coldly, "When I was not around, your Xue family pharmaceutical company not only imitated my medicine, but also took the opportunity to suppress our Xiannong Society What do you think, if I don't come back, you will take the opportunity to destroy our Xiannong Society?"

Following Li Bai's words, the expressions of the members of the Immortal Farming Society became more and more indignant. In the past days, they came here under suppression.

This is indeed the Xue family's true thoughts. Xue Tian wanted to quibble, but swallowed it back, his Adam's apple moved slightly, and finally spit out a sentence word by word: "What on earth is it that you are willing to let him go?" In the words, Full of unsatisfactory taste.

"It's very simple. Because of your Xue family's intervention, our market share has dropped a lot. If we want to return to the previous level, I'm afraid it will take two months. A total of three months of income, in exchange for your Xue family's income. Shares in a pharmaceutical company." Li Bai thought for a while, then twitched his lips.

The corner of Xue Tian's mouth twitched obviously, as if he had suffered a stroke. This Li Bai really dared to open his mouth like a lion. The monthly income of blood crystal needles and blood crystal pills can reach about [-] million. After a month, it will be one billion. This money is enough to be worth one-third of the shares of Xuejia Pharmaceutical Company. If one-third of the shares are just handed over to Li Bai, then it can be said that in the future, Xuejia Pharmaceutical The development of the company requires Li Bai's help everywhere.

"No, there are too many, I can't agree." Xue Tian quickly replied, "Or you can change the conditions, such as..."

But before Xue Tian finished speaking, Li Bai interjected: "It's fine if you don't agree, then these two people surnamed Xue don't even think about leaving here alive. You should prepare two coffins to carry them away as soon as possible." As soon as the shape moved, it came to Xue Donghong's side, kicked him who was about to mutter something just now, and knocked him out.

"You!" Xue Tian glared at Li Bai, and his aura fluctuated violently in an instant, but soon returned to calm. He knew that if he did something, not only would he not be able to wipe out Li Bai and Xiannongshe, but what happened today would be even worse. On a path of no return.

Xue Tian was silent, one side was the lives of Xue Donghong and Xue Pi, and the other was the shares of Xue's pharmaceutical company, the palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, Xue Tian really didn't know how to choose.

"I'll give you another 2 minutes to think about it. When the time is up, I'll do it." Li Bai urged impatiently.

"No, I promise you." Xue Tian's voice also rose at the right time, and immediately called Tianxun to the board of directors, asking them to draw up a share transfer agreement.

After a while, the agreement was sent to Li Bai. Li Bai asked Zhang Yuhan to look it over again and again, and finally confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it.

With a wave of his hand, Li Bai wrote his name on the agreement, and the agreement officially came into effect, and from today onwards, Li Bai became one of the largest shareholders of Xuejia Pharmaceutical Company.

"Now, can you let him go?" Xue Tian gritted his teeth and said, looking at Li Bai. His eyes fell on the members of Xiannong Club, but he found that they were very happy now and didn't hear what he said at all. What, in a short while, everyone, including Li Bai, left, leaving only Xue Tian standing there alone, as well as the unconscious Xue Donghong and Xue Tian.

Therefore, Xue Tian, ​​the patriarch of the Xue family in the dignified capital, had no choice but to carry them to the car one by one by himself, looking as unhappy as he could be.

"Li Bai, one day, you will regret what you have done." Xue Tian said with his teeth clenched, the car soon left the site of Xiannongshe, and he no longer wanted to stay in this place.

On the other side, the entire Xiannong Society is immersed in a sea of ​​joy. Although it has indeed suffered a lot in the past month, once the Emperor of Agriculture came back, Xiannong Society got one-third of the Xuejia Pharmaceutical Company. shares, which will undoubtedly be a great driving force for the future development of Xiannongshe.

"The Nonghuang is mighty." Someone shouted a word, which excited all the members of Xiannong Club, one person, two people, and more and more people joined in.

"The Nonghuang is mighty, the Nonghuang is mighty, the Nonghuang is mighty!"

The sound resounded through the sky, making the students who watched the whole process envious. They knew that the good life of the members of Xiannong Society had to go one step further.

Standing in front of the crowd, Li Bai pressed his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, then glanced at everyone with red faces, and finally spoke.

"First of all, I want to say sorry to everyone. Because there was an urgent matter last month, I left everyone without saying goodbye. Everyone has worked hard this month. In order to make up for everyone's losses, everyone can today. Receive a bonus of 10 yuan according to the level." Li Bai said slowly, and the crowd was boiling again.

"But!" Li Bai suddenly changed the topic, and his voice became stiff.

"However, in the past month, I have also seen the problems exposed by everyone, that is, without me, you can't operate at all on your own. This is a very dangerous thing for Xiannongshe. things." Li Bai's eyes fell on Wang Chu, Zhang Yuhan, Chen Feiyu and several key members, making them bow their heads in shame.

"I know you have worked hard to save it, but why haven't you succeeded? It's because you are not strong enough. If we are strong enough, will his little Xue family rush to act presumptuously in front of our Xiannong Society? " Li Bai said impassionedly.

"Don't think that if you get a bonus of 10 yuan, you can eat and wait to die in Xiannong Club. I also announce one thing. If all of you present still fail to reach Wunong within two months If you are at the same level as me, then get out of here as soon as possible, Xiannongshe, don't waste it!"

Everyone was shocked. There are more than 300 members in the Xiannong Society, half of them are the most ordinary medicine farmers, and Wu Nong's requirements are at least the level of fifth-order warriors. It is quite difficult, but not impossible task.

"Or if you think I'm making things difficult, you can go get the money and leave now." Li Bai glanced at the crowd again, but at this time, everyone's eyes were firm.

A smile finally appeared on Li Bai's face: "Very well, after two months, I will see your performance."

After finishing speaking, everyone disbanded and started to go about their own business. Li Bai called Zhang Yuhan to the office and planned to arrange the shares of Xuejia Pharmaceutical Company.

But unexpectedly, as soon as the office door was closed, Zhang Yuhan threw Li Bai onto the sofa.

"The way you were angry just now was really scary." Zhang Yuhan said aggrievedly, Li Bai smiled, and walked dishonestly on Zhang Yuhan's body with both hands.

"Damn it, didn't you want to tell me about work?" Zhang Yuhan wanted to struggle, but he couldn't do it at all.

"You took the initiative to throw yourself into your arms, so you still have to blame me?" Li Bai was very dissatisfied, and while speaking, he carried out Zhang Yuhan's Fa-rectification on the spot. Soon, a panting voice sounded, and the air was full of restlessness.

"Dong dong dong", just when the two of them had just reached the ultimate level of joy, there was a knock on the office door. It sounded a little hasty. The two of them put on their clothes reluctantly, and Li Bai opened the door.

Standing at the door was Wang Chu, with an anxious expression on his face: "Nong Huang, it's bad, the Xiannong Building has been breached!"

"What?" Li Bai's complexion changed. He spent a lot of effort in setting up the spirit formation in Xiannong Building. When the Xue family and the royal family joined forces to deal with Li Bai, they couldn't break through the formation in Xiannong Building. Why is it now? It was broken, "Who made it?" Li Bai asked.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not Xue's and Huangfu's. The Xiannong Building is managed by Qin Yubing, why don't you contact her immediately." Wang Chu said anxiously.

Li Bai nodded, and while quickly leaving Xiannong Club and heading towards Xiannong Building, he dialed Qin Yubing's Tianxun.

Moreover, it was at this time that Li Bai suddenly realized that he hadn't seen Qin Yubing's face since he came back. Thinking of this, Li Bai's heart sank.

"The Tianxun you dialed is temporarily unavailable." And soon, the voice from Tianxun made Li Bai's heart go cold, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace. Something must have happened to Qin Yubing.

And when Li Bai finally came to Xiannong Building, he immediately became furious. The entrance of the entire Xiannong Building became dilapidated at this time, as if it had been destroyed by a bomb. The spirit array has long since disappeared.

"Don't let me know who did it, or you will die!" Li Bai clenched his fists and walked towards the inside of Xiannong Building.

(End of this chapter)

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