The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2324 Security Supervisor

Chapter 2324 Security Supervisor
malicious.This is Li Bai's first impression of Niu De.

If he didn't guess wrong, Niu De knew Niu Yi's plan a long time ago, so he knew everything that happened today.

Niu Yi's foot was broken by Li Bai, and his brother is still smiling at Li Bai like a pug. Anyone with a brain knows that something is wrong.

But the fact is indeed like this. When Niu De knew that Niu Yi's foot was broken by Li Bai, he was furious. However, as the chairman of the company, he quickly calmed down. Judging from Niu Yi's description, This Li Bai's skills are quite good, thinking that the Niu family was frequently at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Ma family, Niu De actually wanted to solicit.

Today, he actually followed the "police car" to come here early. The reason why he didn't show up is to see how powerful this Li Bai is. If he can't even beat the few people he sent, then there is no good. Solicited.

And Li Bai's swift action made Niu De nervous, such a powerful person, he wished he belonged to their Niu family, so he played a role that was long overdue, and at the same time wanted to invite Li Bai to dinner.

Li Bai also probably guessed what Niu De was thinking, and he just expressed disgust at this, but Li Bai did not refuse Niu De's invitation. Learn more about the city.

At the dinner table, apart from Li Bai Tianyu and Niu De, there was also a person who disgusted them both, Niu Yi, Niu De's younger brother, but at this time Niu Yi's feet had been connected, except for walking a little awkward Apart from the smoothness, it seems that there is no serious problem.

This made Li Bai even more happy. The quick recovery must be due to the effect of the panacea. If so, the Niu family must have had some contact with the Qin family.

"Xiao Yu, why are you still angry? It was indeed my mistake yesterday. I apologize to the head office, right?" Niu Yi saw Tian Yu, and said with a smile on his face, but Tian Yu didn't want to talk to him at all, and turned his head stubbornly to the side.

This made Niu Yi very embarrassed. He glanced at Li Bai who was sitting next to Tian Yu, wishing he could eat Li Bai.

Niu Yi knew that Tian Yu did share a room with this little boy last night, but Niu Yi couldn't be sure whether that happened or not.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and apologize!" Niu De twitched the back of Niu Yi's head, which made Niu Yi a little astonished: "Apologize? What are you apologizing for?"

Niu De pointed to Li Bai, and gave Niu Yi a white look: "Of course I apologize to Mr. Li. If Mr. Li's subordinates were not kind yesterday, you would be dead by now."

Niu Yi opened his mouth and was very angry, but he was like a dumb man eating coptis, unable to express his suffering.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." Niu Yi finally did not dare to disobey his brother, and bowed his head to apologize, but the moment he bowed his head, the flames of revenge burst out in his eyes.

Regarding Niu Yi's apology, Li Bai naturally would not believe that he was sincere, but Li Bai would not care about Niu Yi's thoughts, and just forgave him perfunctorily.

When the food was served, Niu De raised his wine glass and looked at Li Bai: "I heard that Mr. Li came to Xihong City this time to find someone. I wonder if you found him?"

"Not yet, I wonder if you know the Qin family in Xihong City?" Li Bai asked, and at this moment he noticed that Niu De's hand holding the wine glass suddenly trembled uneasy, and the wine almost spilled out.

"The Qin family in Xihong City? I haven't heard of this one, but I can help you find it together." Niu De said with a smile on his face, and this scene made Li Bai more sure that Niu De had ghosts in his heart, but he didn't It's good to break it all at once.

"Excuse me first, go to the bathroom." Li Bai got up and left the private room, walked into the toilet, took out another pack of ecstasy incense from the Qiankun ring, returned to the private room, and inadvertently sprinkled the ecstasy incense in the air .

"Mr. Li, if you can't find the Qin family, you will stay in Xihong City, right?" Niu De took the time to ask Li Bai again, as if he was afraid that Li Bai would run away.

Li Bai nodded, which made Niu De very happy.

"Well, I see that Mr. Li, you are also a talent, why don't you come to our brilliant company to work for a while, I can give you a salary of 1 yuan per day, and you can leave after you find the Qin family." Niu De said again, which surprised Niu Yi on the side. He didn't understand why Niu De was so enthusiastic about this little boy.

"Let me think about it." Li Bai said, and at this moment, the ecstasy incense took effect, and the three of them passed out in a daze.

"You want to keep me here? Hehe." Li Bai stood up, searched Niu De and Niu Yi's soul, and actually got some news about the Qin family, but the news was very vague, and Li Bai couldn't understand it. Extract useful information from it.

How could the Qin family be so secretive?Li Bai was worried and pretended to be unconscious.

Ten minutes later, the four woke up one after another.

"What happened just now?" Li Bai said in a daze, but the other three were even more unclear.

In order to prevent danger, the four left the hotel in a hurry, and on the return journey, Li Bai agreed to Niu De's invitation.

Since the Qin family is in Niu De's memory, Li Bai will definitely find clues to the Qin family along the lines of the Niu family.

Niu De arranged for Li Bai to be the security supervisor in the company. This is a casual job. He usually just watches over the daily work of the security guards. If there is danger, he will not be too late to act.

Li Bai was very satisfied with this position. Although his daily income was already in the millions, Li Bai joined the Brilliant Company only to find clues to the Qin family.

But some people quit. Niu Yi was very angry with Niu De's decision: "Brother, how could you do this? He hurt me! I know you want to find a strong thug, but why did you choose Looking for him?"

Niu Yi was very angry, but Niu De didn't want to pay attention to this younger brother who only knew how to make trouble every day.

"The decision I make naturally has my own meaning, so you don't have to worry about it." After speaking, Niu De walked towards his office, leaving Niu Yi alone.

But how could Niu Yi swallow this bad breath, he immediately left the company and walked towards the Niu's mansion.

It tends to be consistent with the overall quaint style of Xihong City. The entire Niu Family Mansion looks like an antique architectural park, and the furnishings inside also try to maintain the ancient style. The four major families in Kyoto are even worse.

In the study room, Niu Tianming, the head of the Niu family, was holding a Buddhist scriptures and reading. When he saw Niu Yi rushing in recklessly, he frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

Although Niu Tianming is just in his early sixties, he basically doesn't care about the big and small things in the family. He has allocated all the properties of the Niu family to his sons to manage them. Will come forward to make some decisions.

As for Niu Yi, an incompetent and impatient son, Niu Tianming had nothing to do.

"Father, you have to make the decision for me." Niu Yi twisted his feet and walked in front of Niu Tianming, looking very pitiful.

Then, Niu Yi told Niu Tianming about him and Li Bai with embellishments. According to Niu Yi, Li Bai was a villain who robbed Tian Yu, and he was just a victim who couldn't beat Li Bai.

"What, Niu De recruited this kind of person into the company?" After hearing Niu Yi's story, Niu Tianming was furious all of a sudden, but he hurriedly said a few words "Amitabha" to calm himself down.

"I know Niu De's temperament. Ten cows can't bring back what he decides. In this way, I will send two people to your company tomorrow to find trouble with Li Bai. It doesn't matter if he is injured or killed, and then you can let him go." Niu De drove him out." Niu Tianming said to Niu Yi, the more Niu Yi listened, the happier he became, and this decision was just in line with his appetite.Moreover, the people Niu Tianming sent would definitely be much better than the people around him.

If Li Bai were here at this time, he would definitely sneer at the two of them. As expected, like father like son, as for Niu Tianming, does he still believe in Buddhism?Shame on Buddhism.

"Thank you dad, I'll go there first," Niu Yi said.

"Let's not cause trouble in the future, the future of the Niu family depends on you." Niu Tianming urged again, although he knew that Niu Yi would not listen.

On the other hand, in the company, Li Bai quickly got to know all the security guards, and simply ordered them to go to work, and then he wandered around the company by himself.

This Brilliant Co., Ltd. is a company that specializes in buying brains, which surprised Li Bai. In this day and age, it is very difficult to set up a company of brains. Unexpectedly, this Niu family is so rich. powerful.

Li Bai really wants to find some hidden information through the brain here, but many places require retinal scans and the like, and Li Bai doesn't have this permission at all.

Li Bai, who was bored, walked casually, and unknowingly came to a very remote corner, only to find that there was a toilet here.

Just when Li Bai was about to leave, there was a voice yelling "Help" from the toilet.

Li Bai walked quickly to the door of the toilet and pushed it lightly, only to find that the door of the toilet had been locked from the inside.

"Shout, even if you shout your throat, no one will come back to save you. No one will come here for 100 years, so just obey me obediently. From now on, you will be guaranteed a promotion and salary increase." A wretched A man's voice came out quietly, followed by a woman's voice of resistance.

"Can't you tell, your breasts are still quite big, and they must feel good." The man's lewd voice came again and again, while the woman's voice became more and more miserable.

With a sound of "dong", Li Bai finally couldn't hold it anymore, and kicked the door of the toilet open with all his might. At this time, the man who pressed the woman against the wall of the toilet had already pulled off all the clothes of the woman, and was about to lift his gun. go to battle.

"Who are you, get out!" The man was a little flustered at first, but after seeing Li Bai's face clearly, he changed into a fierce face and yelled at Li Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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