Chapter 2325
Li Bai stood at the door without saying a word, but looked at the man in the bathroom with disgust.

Just like what is written in all novels, in this seemingly pure company office building, there are always some sinister and wretched people who want to use their official positions to subtly rule some of their small employees.Such as boss and secretary, such as superiors and subordinates.

And the wretched middle-aged man in front of Li Bai is such a typical example, with a big belly.

"What the hell am I talking to you? Did you hear me? Get out, or I'll be rude!" As he spoke, the man pulled out the evil belt from his trousers, and without picking up his trousers, he just Throwing towards Li Bai.

Li Bai still didn't look at him, letting the belt swing towards his face, but just when the belt was about to fall on his face, Li Bai's hand moved suddenly, so fast that the man didn't even see clearly, Li Bai's His hands gripped the man's belt tightly.

"Fuck, are you new here? Don't you know who I am?" The man became furious and wanted to pull the belt back, but Li Bai's hands were clenched tightly like a hinge, preventing the belt from moving.

"What right do you have to know my name? It's just another piece of shit on the land of China." Li Bai finally spoke. His voice was calm but full of anger. The man flew up like a balloon.

The man screamed in horror in the air, baring his teeth and claws, but he couldn't control his body at all. The wall in his sight was getting bigger and bigger. Then, with a "bang", the man's head hit the hard wall heavily. A pool of blood appeared on that smooth surface.

"You, no matter who you are, I'm telling you, you're finished!" The man finally landed on the ground, raised his head, blood was continuously flowing from his forehead and nostrils, and he looked terrified, making the other The woman actually forgot the panic just now and her still naked body, and kept screaming.

"Shut up!" Li Bai was also a little annoyed, he scolded the woman, then lifted the woman's clothes with the power of silver stars, and put them on her body.

After showing such a trick, the woman finally calmed down and looked at Li Bai with a very respectful expression: "My name is Du Juan."

Li Bai ignored the woman, and no matter how remote the bathroom is, someone finally found out what happened here, and then spread the word, and soon many people gathered outside the bathroom, facing the inside. The three of them pointed.

"Hey, isn't this Manager Xu from the Promotion Department? Unexpectedly, he was enthusiastically pointing me out two days ago. Unexpectedly, under his gentle appearance, there is such a human face and animal heart. I really feel sorry for that little girl."

"Don't you know that woman? She is a new batch of employees who came to our company, and she can be regarded as the most beautiful one. It's a pity that she was murdered by this old man."

"I guess I haven't been murdered yet. Don't you see that there is a young man standing next to him, and the woman is also wearing clothes. And look, Manager Xu's appearance is really miserable. Why didn't anyone call an ambulance? Just keep bleeding like this, maybe you will die."

A group of people were discussing, making the already cramped environment even more noisy. Li Bai, who was in the center of the crowd, was also a little irritable. He didn't expect that such a trivial matter could cause such an uproar.

"Let me go out, I still have things to do." Li Bai walked towards the crowd with a sullen face, but unexpectedly someone blocked him.

"Why do you want to run after beating someone? Didn't you see that Manager Xu has lost so much blood? If someone dies, can you bear the responsibility?" A man stood in front of Li Bai with worried eyes. Falling on Manager Xu, it seemed that the two should be on the same front.

At this time, Manager Xu, who had been pretending to be dead for a long time, struggled to grab Li Bai's trousers, and cried loudly: "Everyone, judge me, this man wants to rape this woman, I rushed in to stop it!" , In the end, he actually beat me up, everyone, don't let him go, you must wait for the security supervisor to come over."

There was a sudden commotion among the crowd, and the truth of the matter was unexpectedly like this.

Li Bai, who was the person involved, sneered again and again, unexpectedly, the fat man had perfected his ability to sue the villain first.

"Get out of here!" Li Bai roared angrily, and kicked Manager Xu against the wall again. After Li Bai's roar, everyone was shocked instantly. In the air, only breathing was left. sound.

"Girl, tell me, what happened just now." Li Bai said to the woman, who nodded and told everything that happened just now.

Manager Xu glared at the woman: "Well, you are a femme fatale, you are so bloody, I, I really misunderstood you!" Manager Xu pointed at the woman angrily, as if what he said really happened for a while. .

"What if I'm the security supervisor you're waiting for?" Li Bai finally spoke, and after finishing speaking, the crowd who had just sparked a discussion fell silent again.

At this time, Chairman Niu De finally arrived at the scene, and after a brief understanding of the situation, he repeatedly apologized to Li Bai, and then said to Manager Xu: "Because of your moral character, you have been fired. "

After finishing speaking, I apologized for inviting Li Bai to leave this place of right and wrong.

"My God, who is this man? Why does the chairman respect him so much?" People were very puzzled, but they couldn't tell why.

Li Bai finally returned to his job, with a helpless expression on his face. It seems that he can't rush to find the clues of the Qin family from Brilliant Company, he can only take his time. I hope it won't take too long.

At this moment, there was a commotion at the gate of the company. Several security guards stood at the gate, as if trying to prevent someone from entering.

"Get the hell out of here, I'm going to see your general manager, cheating customers, you people are devoid of conscience, don't stop me, I want to go in!"

Li Bai looked up, and saw two middle-aged men standing at the entrance of the company like two shrews, making a scene. Although the security guards could do it, if they beat up the consumers, it would undoubtedly be a stain on Brilliant Company.

The little security guards were chattering, but the two men were still arguing, and in the end they threw their hands at one of the security guards to the ground.

Li Bai's pupils contracted, and the moment the man made a move, he judged their strength. The ancient martial artist of the third level of true energy, this is already the most powerful person Li Bai has seen since he came to Xihong City up.

People of this strength actually come to make trouble, it must not be because of any product problems, maybe they just want to make trouble.

Li Bai walked towards the two of them, with a calm expression on his face: "May I ask what's your problem, you are so angry?"

The two men looked at each other, and they both confirmed from each other's eyes that this man was the one they were going to deal with Li Bai.

"We bought two smart brains from your company, but they haven't been used for a week, and the smart brains are broken. We went to your after-sales service to repair them, but they didn't care, so we can only come to you to seek justice. "The two men talked one by one, as if they were talking about cross talk.

Li Bai smiled lightly: "Okay, please come to the office with me, and I will solve this problem for you."

Li Bai made an invitation gesture to the two, which made them a little surprised. Their script was like this, because of their troubles, Li Bai was very angry and wanted to attack them, and then the two could kill Li Bai in a legitimate way.

But Li Bai's respectful attitude made the two of them very astonished, and had no choice but to follow Li Bai to his office.

"Are you the company's sales manager? How are you going to help us solve the problem?" A man asked aggressively, wanting to anger Li Bai in the shortest possible time.

"Of course I did it by hand." Li Bai looked at the two of them with a smile, "Of course, you can also show the purchase receipt first, and I can naturally replace it with a new computer for you."

"Why do we keep that thing? We threw it away a long time ago. Don't you want to solve the problem for us? If you don't solve the problem for us, we won't be polite!" to their ultimate goal.

"This is your real problem, right?" Li Bai's voice suddenly became cold, he picked up an ashtray on the table, and threw it at the two of them.

The two of them were startled, only then did they realize that their purpose had been seen through by Li Bai long ago, they were furious and didn't hide it, they just wanted to do it.

At this time, the power of the silver star quietly appeared in Li Bai's hand, and it shot towards the ashtray in the air. His vision was instantly blocked.

At the same time, Li Bai's body shot towards the two of them like a spring. In order not to waste too much time, the power of the silver stars wrapped his two fists again, hitting the left and right of the two of them. chest.

With two sounds of "Wow", blood spurted out of the mouths of the two middle-aged men, and their eyes protruded a little, and the eyes were full of disbelief.

"I don't know, is your problem solved now?" Li Bai asked in a deep voice. The two middle-aged men sat on the ground, unable to say a word.

Several small security guards saw what happened inside the office from outside, and they were shocked by Li Bai's strength. At the same time, they were pleasantly surprised, and their unhappiness about being made things difficult just now was wiped away.

At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a child rushed in from outside. Seeing the two men vomiting blood, he burst into tears.

"Father, uncle, what's wrong with you? Why did he beat you? I sent you your shopping voucher." The child cried bitterly on top of the two of them, and the expressions of the group of security guards outside froze.

(End of this chapter)

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