Chapter 2330

Of course, Li Bai did not refuse Tian Yu's request. After tidying up their new home, the two headed towards a food festival near the community.

The flowers and trees in the suburbs are more prosperous than those in the urban area, and the air is also fresher. In addition, the sun has just set and the breeze is coming out, so people at this time are quite comfortable.

Li Bai and Tian Yu were sitting next to a barbecue stand, there were already many people, and there was a burst of smoke and fog. Li Bai looked a little curious at this scene.

"Um, little brother Bai, do you not like this environment, or we should change to another one." Tian Yu glanced at Li Bai worriedly, and Li Bai explained with a smile: "It's not that I don't like it, but that some Curious, I heard that this kind of snack existed 100 years ago, I didn’t expect it to still exist now.”

Tian Yu felt relieved: "Brother Bai, you don't understand. Although this kind of open-air barbecue looks dirty, most people like this kind of environment very much, so although the government has been banning it for environmental protection reasons, , but it is still repeated.”

Li Bai and Tian Yu found an empty table and sat down, ordered a lot of dishes, and also ordered two beers, which were ordered by Tian Yu, saying that they wanted to compete with Li Bai.

After a barbecue, the two ate from the sunset to the branches on the moon. When the two finally finished eating, Tian Yu was already drunk.

"It's delicious, it's so stretched, it's so dizzy." Tian Yu's walking was a little unsteady, but Li Bai was fine, so he had no choice but to help Tian Yu to walk home.

"Brother Bai, can you carry me on your back? Since I was a child, no one has ever carried me on my back." Tian Yu said drunkenly, holding Li Bai's arms, and the pair of not-so-big peaks rubbed against Li Bai's. Arms, through the thin summer clothes, let Li Bai's nameless hotness spread all over his body.

"Okay, come up." Li Bai squatted down and asked Tian Yu to lie on her stomach. Tian Yu hugged Li Bai's neck tightly, and the two bodies were even more tightly attached to each other.

"This feeling is great, if only I could go on like this." Tian Yu murmured, the girl's unique breath sprayed on Li Bai's neck, making Li Bai's heart itch.

The two of them didn't speak any more, they just walked slowly under the dim streetlight, looking very peaceful.

But at this moment, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew up, making Li Bai shiver, and at the same time, his spirit became alert.

"Who?" Li Bai stopped and looked at a dark place not far away.

No one responded to Li Bai, but in Li Bai's soul perception, there was a black shadow hiding there, motionless.

"You want to sneak attack, don't you?" Li Bai sneered, and sat Tian Yu down against a street lamp.

"Someone is coming to die again, just wait for me." Li Bai said to Tian Yu, at the same time he picked up a stone, stood up and threw it towards that side.

There are trees blocking the path of the stone, but the stone draws a strange arc in the air and flies towards the back of the tree trunk.

With a muffled "dong", the stone finally hit the tree, but the man hiding there finally couldn't hide his figure and appeared in Li Bai's sight.

"That's right, that's right, you're really vigilant, but, in the face of absolute strength, you're still going to die." The man walked slowly towards Li Bai as he spoke, and when his voice fell, his speed suddenly increased, bringing Give Li Bai an indomitable momentum.

That's right, a martial artist of the seventh level of true qi.Li Bai admired, not that this person can be his opponent, but the whole person, he is already the most powerful person he has met during this trip.

However, if it's just like this, it's really not enough for Li Bai.

Li Bai didn't move at all, waiting for the man to rush forward, and when the man was fully charged and was about to punch Li Bai, Li Bai's figure also moved suddenly, but he took two steps back.

The man punched the air with his fist, his whole body was boiling with qi and blood, and he was bitten to death uncomfortably. This feeling was like trying to push a door that was open with all his strength, and all his strength was in vain.

"The momentum is there, but the brains are not enough." Li Bai said to the man, taking advantage of the man's inability to refrain, he rushed forward again, and the same group rushed towards the man.

The man wanted to learn from Li Bai to avoid this group, but his speed couldn't compare to Li Bai's. He was hit by Li Bai's group in the heart, and with a wow, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his heart was about to explode.

"Not dead yet?" Li Bai stomped the man who had fallen to the ground, "Tell me, who sent you this time?"

The man made a strange sound, not because he didn't want to talk now, but because he was really uncomfortable now.

"Don't move, or I'll kill your woman." At this moment, another cold voice came from behind the capital, and Li Bai turned around to look, and there was another man in the same dress, Holding a dagger against Tian Yu's neck.

Li Bai frowned slightly. It was really his mistake that he didn't notice this man just now.

Li Bai left the injured man, walked towards the open space in the middle of both sides, and stopped again.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Li Bai asked in confusion. Could it be that these two people were sent by Niu Yi again?Hasn't he been scared by himself?

"Do you want her life or yours? If you want her life, you can kill yourself in front of me, and save me from doing it." The man said to Li Bai.

At this time, Tian Yu's wine was also awakened by fright. She looked at Li Bai in horror, but she didn't dare to say a word. She just kept blinking at Li Bai with worried eyes. Li Bai could tell that Tian Yu was I want him to get out of here quickly.

Li Bai didn't speak, put his hands behind his back, released Hei Yan who had been staying in the Qiankun ring, and at the same time, asked Jin Yan to tell Hei Yan to run behind the man.

The street lights were not on, so the appearance of Hei Yan didn't attract the man's attention at all, but when the man saw the back of Li Bai's hand, he tightened Tian Yu's neck with a knife, and traces of blood finally seeped out.

"Take out your hand, otherwise, I will do it." The man threatened Li Bai, but Li Bai looked at the man and laughed.

"Okay, you can kill if you want, anyway, if she dies, you will be buried with her!" Li Bai said.

Li Bai's answer stunned the man, which was beyond his expectation, because in the battle between Li Bai and his accomplices just now, it seemed that Li Bai's strength was definitely beyond his reach, so he could only use the method of kidnapping hostages. He tried to threaten Li Bai with various methods, but Li Bai didn't expect this at all.

"Okay, if this is the case, I can only kill your woman!" The man didn't want to wait any longer, and wanted to do it directly, but at this moment, his right hand felt numb, and the man looked over , a small black animal did not know when it lay on his arm, and his clothes had been bitten through, leaving several irregular teeth marks.

"You, despicable!" The man gritted his teeth and said, and then fell to the ground so softly, Li Bai rushed up to hold Tian Yu who was about to fall.

"General, the last general has fulfilled his mission and returned victorious." Hei Yan also imitated Jin Yan's tricks and asked Li Bai for credit. Li Bai hurriedly stuffed Hei Yan into the ring, and Tian Yu almost saw it.

"Brother Bai, who was talking just now?" Tian Yu fell into Li Bai's arms and asked in a low voice, but as if she didn't know the answer to this question at all, she asked again, "What you said just now is Really? Does it really matter if I die or not?"

Regarding Tian Yu's question, Li Bai was very helpless, and kept saying that it was just his trick. If Tian Yu was shocked, he apologized.

"Brother Bai, thank you for protecting me, I, I..." Tian Yu whispered, but suddenly raised her head, and kissed Li Bai's lips fiercely. After a long, long time, the two finally separate.

"Brother Bai, I feel that I like you." Tian Yu said shyly, blushing up to the base of her neck.

Li Bai smiled helplessly, he finally found out why many women like him, because he frequently saved them at the critical moment of their lives, such a heroic act would happen to anyone.

"Then let's go home." Li Bai said softly to Tian Yu, then picked up Tian Yu on his back and walked towards home.

The two people who wanted to assassinate him have already been searched by Li Bai, and Li Bai has seen clearly what a man named Ma Jiajun ordered them to do, so he naturally knows that this matter is still closely related to Niu Yi .

This Niu Yi really couldn't give up, Li Bai sneered, it seemed that he really had to find a chance to wipe out Niu Yi.

The two quickly returned home, turned on the lights, and felt warm.

"I'm home, go to bed." Li Bai gently put Tian Yu on the bed, but Tian Yu still tightly hooked her neck.

"Brother Bai, I'm so cold. Tonight, can you hug me to sleep." Tian Yu said to Li Bai coquettishly, at the same time her body twisted uncomfortably, the spring light on her chest was quietly exposed come out.

If he still didn't understand what Tian Yu meant, then Li Bai really wasn't a man. He pushed Tian Yu's arm away, and then ruthlessly pressed Tian Yu under his body.

Another night of romance.

The next morning, when Li Bai woke up, Tian Yu was still soundly asleep, maybe it was because of the crazyness last night.

Li Bai didn't wake Tian Yu up, and after simply washing up, he came to the company again.

And when Li Bai entered the company, he felt the difference in the atmosphere. Everyone in the company looked serious and hurried on their way.

Li Bai didn't understand what was going on, so he asked the little security guard what happened.

"Boss, don't you know? There was a fire in the Niu's mansion the night before yesterday, and it was probably done by their competitors, the Ma family, so now all the family members are very angry and want to get back on the spot every minute."

Li Bai laughed when he heard this, he never thought that his temporary revenge would make such a rift between the two families.

"By the way, the chairman said that when you come to the company, I want you to go to his office." The little security guard said to Li Bai again.

(End of this chapter)

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