The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2331 Expelling Niu Yi

Chapter 2331 Expelling Niu Yi

"Ask me for a meeting?" Hearing what the little security guard said, Li Bai was a little dazed. He is just a security supervisor in Brilliant Company, so what qualifications does he have to participate in a management meeting, "Why?"

The little security guard shook his head: "Chairman Niu didn't tell me either, but he was very serious. This meeting should be very important. Boss, go quickly, it will be nine o'clock soon."

Li Bai nodded and walked towards the highest level of the company.

After lightly knocking on the door, there was an invitation to come in. Li Bai pushed the door open and found that the meeting room was relatively empty with not many people.

And Niu De and Niu Yi were already in the conference room, sitting together, discussing something.

"Chairman, I'm here." Li Bai said, attracting the attention of the two of them. When Niu Yi saw Li Bai, his expression changed, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Come here so early, just find a place to sit, our company doesn't pay much attention to seating." Niu De smiled at Li Bai, Li Bai smiled back, but under this smile, there was more disgust, All the things that happened before have made Li Bai's impression of Niu De very bad.

"I'm just a security supervisor, so I won't sit near you." After speaking, Li Bai pulled out a chair and sat down, but it was far away from the Niu De brothers.

Niu De didn't say anything, but Niu Yi became a little excited: "Brother, he is a security supervisor, how can he be qualified to participate in today's meeting? This is an important secret of our Niu family, and he is still an outsider. "

Niu Yi spoke without restraint, making Niu De frowned.

Hearing what Niu Yi said, Li Bai was not angry, but felt a little relieved: "Yes, Chairman Niu, I also think that I am not qualified to participate in today's meeting, or I will leave first. Something needs to be dealt with.”

Li Bai was about to stand up, but Niu De pressed his palm and motioned for Li Bai to sit down: "Director Li, don't say that. Since I hired you to be the security supervisor in the company, I have already recognized your identity." , so you can also attend today's meeting."

"But..." Niu Yi wanted to say something, but Niu De gave him a hard look and had to swallow his words back. He just gave Li Bai another disgusted look, his face uncertain.

Yesterday he obviously asked Ma Jiajun to help him get rid of this Li Bai. Could it be that they also failed?Or is it that Ma Jiajun didn't take his words seriously at all.

Niu Yi was eager to prove it, but with the arrival of the company's executives one after another, the meeting was about to begin, which forced Niu Yi to choose to forbear for the time being.

Li Bai also waited boredly, not knowing what to do in this meeting.

"It's time, everyone is here?" As soon as nine o'clock came, Niu De stood up and looked around. All the people had already arrived. At the same time, Niu De's expression became serious.

"The convening of this emergency meeting is related to the future development of our brilliant company, and it is also closely related to the future of our Niu family." A simple sentence made the atmosphere in the entire conference room dignified, and everyone was solemn He looked at Niu De seriously, waiting for his next words.

"You all should have understood that just the night before yesterday, a fire broke out in our Niu's mansion. Although we announced to the public that the cause of the accident was only the improper operation of the chefs, we know it well. That night, someone sneaked into Niu's house, causing the panic."

Niu De looked around again and looked at the expressions of everyone. Even Li Bai had a serious face and listened decently. In fact, he was about to burst out laughing.

"In Xihong City, the Ma family is the only one who dares to attack our Niu family. Although we don't have enough evidence, they have already bullied us. We have no reason to sit still. Therefore, today The content of the meeting is to hope that everyone will discuss together how to deal the biggest blow to the Ma family in the next few days."

Niu De's tone became more and more impassioned, and every executive of the company showed an expression of indignation. Only Niu Yi sat there, looking a little helpless.

"The business scope of the Ma family does not have many conflicts with our Niu family. Maybe we can also develop their market and make their economy suffer."

"Actually, we can also find private investigators to investigate this matter. As long as we have enough evidence, we have a reason to ask the Ma family to pay compensation."

Everyone was discussing with each other, and Niu Yi sat there, looking a little helpless.

"Niu Yi, do you have any good ideas?" Niu De asked.

"Me?" Niu Yi was mentioned, a little out of his expectation, and then pretended to be contemplative, "Brother, tell me, is it possible that someone framed what happened that night? After all, our Niu family and The relationship between their Ma family is there, and none of us should touch the delicate balance."

Niu Yi said, his eyes fell on Li Bai. The more he thought about it these two days, the more he felt that something was wrong. That night, only the second child returned to the Niu's mansion, but the eldest was not there. After he left the Niu's house, Niu Yi After such a big incident happened at home, Niu Yi went to look for the second child, but the second child also disappeared strangely.

This puzzled Niu Yi, but he also couldn't find any evidence to prove that the murderer was Li Bai.

When Niu Yi said this, everyone fell into deep thought. What Niu Yi said seemed to be right. It has been two years since the rise of the Ma family. Although the Ma family and the Niu family have always been in a competitive relationship, there has been no major conflict. The other party wants to start a war so suddenly, there is no way to justify it.

The meeting room was very quiet. Li Bai sat on the side with his hands tied.

"Well, can I say a few words?" Li Bai's voice sounded quietly, and Niu De nodded.

Li Bai stood up, gave Niu Yi a meaningful look, and then said to everyone: "I am an outsider, and I don't know exactly what kind of grievances there are between your Niu family and Ma family, but what I want to say is that since ancient times So far, I don’t know how many leaders have died at the hands of the latecomers, because each leader feels that other people are not a threat to him, or they will not have the idea of ​​​​a threat to him at all..."

Li Bai paused: "But, there is a saying in China, you should also know that the embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest. Maybe this fire is just a test by the Ma family. If the Niu family does not make a strong counterattack, Then in the end, it is tantamount to boiling a frog in warm water, and in the end, I have no strength to resist."

After Li Bai finished speaking, everyone fell into contemplation again. Many of Li Bai's words hit their pain points, and at this time, Li Bai's words sounded again: "At this time, in fact, everyone should be united in the same hatred. It’s a single heart, the Ma family has bullied us, and there are still people who want to escape the crime for the Ma family, is it possible that you are an undercover agent sent by the Ma family?”

Li Bai's eyes fell directly on Niu Yi, and then everyone's eyes also fell on Niu Yi, making Niu Yi a little panicked.

"You fart!" Niu Yi slapped the table, a little annoyed, "I just don't want to wrong the good guy, why are you spouting blood? You are the undercover agent sent by the Ma family!"

"Enough!" At this moment, Niu De also patted the table hard, making Niu Yi finally calm down.

"Chairman, that's all I've said. By the way, let me remind you that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself." After finishing speaking, Li Bai sat down.

"Niu Yi, sit down too. The matter of dealing with the Ma family was decided by my father himself, and we cannot change it casually." Niu De said to Niu Yi.

"Fuck!" But at this moment, Niu Yi suddenly broke out and cursed, "Niu De, am I your younger brother or is he your younger brother? toward him?"

Niu Yi pointed at Li Bai, and sprayed all the saliva on Niu De's body: "I put my words here, in this conference room, if there is him, there will be no me!"

Li Bai watched Niu Yi go crazy quietly, with a faint smile on his face.

"Then you go out." Niu De thought for a while and said lightly.

"What?" Niu Yi's eyes widened, and he looked at Niu De in disbelief, "Okay, okay, okay." He said three good words in a row, pushed the chair back, and slammed the door out.

"Li Bai, you wait for me." Before leaving, he did not forget to give Li Bai a final threat.

Li Bai still smiled noncommittally, he had threatened himself several times, but he never succeeded.

"Director Li, he is like that, you must not take it to heart." Niu De said to Li Bai, Li Bai nodded.

Next, the meeting continued, and everyone discussed a lot of plans, and each plan seemed to require Li Bai's participation, and at the same time, Li Bai's force needed to be borrowed.

It was at this time that Li Bai understood why Niu De wanted to attend this meeting by himself. He just wanted to realize their Niu family's dream with his own hands. Li Bai didn't say anything about it, anyway, he didn't He will stay in Xihong City for a long time, and Niu De's salary is indeed not low in Xihong City, so he should do something.

After the meeting was over, it was already noon, and he declined Niu De's idea of ​​treating guests to dinner. Li Bai walked out of the company alone, and at the same time, telepathically sensed Jin Yan's location.

Before Li Bai went to the meeting, he had released Jin Yan and stayed at the door of the company, and only followed when Niu Yi left the company angrily.

Li Bai had expected that Niu Yi would definitely not give up, and wanted to find various ways to destroy himself, so he sent Jin Yan to track Niu Yi's location. Now it seems that in a certain coffee shop, he is talking with a man named Ma Jiajun.

"It's true, you are an undercover agent sent by the Ma family." Li Bai raised his lips, called a car, and rushed to the coffee shop.

(End of this chapter)

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