The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2332 Conspiracy

Chapter 2332 Conspiracy
The same place, the same characters, but the atmosphere is already very different from yesterday.

Niu Yi and Ma Jiajun sat facing each other, without speaking to each other, the tense atmosphere spread in the eyes of the two, as if adding another fire would explode.

"Gentlemen, here is your coffee." When the waiter brother brought the coffee, the atmosphere here eased.

Niu Yi picked up the spoon and started stirring the creamer constantly, letting him blend into the thick black.

"To be honest, you really let me down a little bit." Finally, Niu Yi spoke first, but his tone was full of blame.

"I let you down? Hehe, it seems that you told me yesterday that this Li Bai is just a little difficult to deal with, but when the two people I sent out came back this morning, they were all seriously injured." Ma Jiajun was also very angry , crushing the sugar cubes on the plate with one hand.

"But I also told you, I hope you will send out enough fighting power from your Ma family. Can you blame me for underestimating the enemy yourself?" Niu Yi picked up the coffee and took a sip, the taste was still a bit bitter.

Ma Jiajun was silent, his heart was bleeding. Although the two people sent out were not the strongest fighters of their Ma family, they were also rare warriors. They were so seriously injured, and they don't know that they will recover in the year of the monkey.

"But the news that our Niu family wants to deal with your Ma family is indeed true. My brother held a meeting with us this morning to discuss this matter." Niu Yi said again, and Ma Jiajun's eyes widened.

"Didn't you say it was a misunderstanding?" Ma Jiajun seemed a little flustered. Although he and Niu Yi were talking about this matter calmly, he also knew that their Ma family would attack the Niu family sooner or later. The accumulated strength is not enough, it is impossible to fight the Niu family now.

"I said it, but it failed." Niu Yi shook his head helplessly, and then told Ma Jiajun everything that happened in the morning.

"Why is this Li Bai everywhere?" Ma Jiajun was also a little angry, but also a little helpless.

"How do I know? The ghost is still there. They must have discussed the plan after I left, but I don't know how to implement it. All I know is that Li Bai is definitely an important part of the plan. My brother To recruit him into the company is to treat him as a cheap thug." Niu Yi said sinisterly, and sighed again, after that, he would definitely not be able to participate in the action.

"Fuck, the focus is on this Li Bai." Ma Jiajun cursed secretly, then looked at Niu Yi, "Do you really want to kill this Li Bai?"

Niu Yi nodded. He didn't just want to kill Li Bai, he wanted to tear Li Bai's body to pieces.

Ma Jiajun lowered his head and was lost in thought. After a while, he raised his head again: "Well, come to my house with me, maybe the strongest fighting power of our two families can't do anything to Li Bai."

"Then how is it possible? If Li Bai doesn't die for a day, I'll feel bad for a day!" Niu Yi was in a hurry before Ma Jiajun finished speaking.

"Don't worry, I naturally have a way to get rid of him. Come to my house with me first." Ma Jiajun said to Niu Yi, and left the coffee shop without finishing his coffee.

At this time, on a booth not far away, a man put down the electronic magazine in his hand, watched the two leave, and showed a smug smile: "I didn't expect that there would be a second hand, so I'll take a look." , what can you do to me?"

This person, of course, was Li Bai. He heard all the conversations between the two of them, and he didn't make a move. He just wanted to wait for what they would say about something more important. Fortunately, he did.

Jin Yan quietly followed behind Ma Jiajun and Niu Yi again, lying on their car site and striding away. After waiting for a while, Li Bai also left the coffee shop and followed.

After walking for a long time, Li Bai finally came to the other side of Xihong City. It seemed that he was imitating Niu's house everywhere, and the overall architectural style of Ma's house was also antique.

Standing at the gate of Ma's mansion, Li Bai observed carefully, and found that Ma's house was more closely guarded than Niu's house, but in this case, these guards still had nothing to do with Li Bai's sneaking in.

A few minutes later, Li Bai came to a small courtyard on the side of Ma's mansion, where Niu Yi and Ma Jiajun were inside.

"This time, are you sure you can kill Li Bai?" Niu Yi's voice sounded.

Ma Jiajun nodded, but he didn't say it directly: "However, you have to tell me how your Niu family is going to attack us, so we can prepare in advance. Don't worry, we will not fight back. After all, someone framed us .”

Niu Yi's expression was serious, and he was a little troubled: "I know a general direction, but how should I trust you, this time, you can definitely get rid of Li Bai?"

"If you can't get rid of Li Bai this time, I will transfer all 5.00% of the Ma family's shares in me to you." Ma Jiajun said solemnly, Niu Yi's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he immediately agreed.

In the next hour, the two started their plotting. First, Niu Yi told Ma Jiajun from which directions the Niu family was planning to attack the Ma family, and then helped Ma Jiajun think a lot about how to resist the attack. method.

Ma Jiajun kept saying that their Ma family would not fight back. Li Bai wanted to laugh when he heard it, but Niu Yi believed it completely. When the discussion between the two finally ended, Niu Yi's face was still full of spirits.

"Thank you brother Niu for your help. When we survive this time, I will treat you to a big meal." Ma Jiajun said to Niu Yi, very happy.

"Now, can you tell me how to deal with Li Bai?" Niu Yi still did not forget the original question, and asked again.

Ma Jiajun's face darkened: "Brother Niu, this is our Ma family's hole card, so I can't tell you, but don't worry, it's still the same sentence, if I can't kill Li Bai this time, my 5.00% of the shares will be lost." for you."

Niu Yi thought for a while, then nodded.

But at this moment, a discordant voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the two: "Niu Yi, Niu Yi, should I say you are stupid, or are you stupid?"

Li Bai's figure suddenly appeared in the line of sight of the two of them, as if he had been here early in the morning.

In the past hour, Li Bai, like Niu Yi, has been waiting for Ma Jiajun to say what the method of dealing with him is, but Ma Jiajun is very witty, not only has all Niu Yi's words come out, but his own The secret was not revealed at all.

Li Bai couldn't wait any longer, so he could only choose to appear.

"You, how did you find this place?!" Seeing Li Bai's appearance, Niu Yi was shocked and terrified. Seeing Niu Yi's reaction, Ma Jiajun, who had never met Li Bai, also reacted instantly. This is what they wanted. Deal with Li Bai.

"This is our Ma family's territory. You'd better get out of here immediately, or I'll call someone!" Ma Jiajun said threateningly to Li Bai. Li Bai sneered again and again, and a memory crystal appeared in his hand.

"Of course I know that this is your Ma family's territory, but if I don't take the risk of sneaking in, I won't be able to see such a good show." The picture in the memory crystal flashes quickly, and it is impressive that the two of them had before. dialogue.

"Niu Yi, if you say, I show this to your Niu family, what kind of rice will you get?" Li Bai looked at Niu Yi with a smile. On his forehead, cold sweat was dripping to the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

With a "plop", Niu Yi suddenly knelt down on the ground, walked up to Li Bai with two legs alternately, and almost kowtowed: "Li Bai, brother Li Bai, dad, grandpa, please, please don't show them this." , if I show them, I will definitely not be able to gain a foothold in the Niu family in the future, please..."

Niu Yi pleaded repeatedly. In fact, each family has never been merciful to those who leaked family secrets. If Niu Tianming found out, he would definitely kill himself directly.

Li Bai kicked Niu Yi away: "Did you admit your mistake? Regret it? It's too late!"

Ma Jiajun watched what happened with cold eyes from the side, but he was a little nervous, but not very frightened, because it was only Niu Yi's fault.

However, Li Bai's gaze soon fell on Ma Jiajun again, making Ma Jiajun tremble all over.

"You, what are you going to do?" Ma Jiajun finally panicked.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to ask you, if this is shown to the Niu family, will they adjust their strategic direction? With their current strength, if they attack your Ma family with all their strength, your Ma family can hold on." Do you want to go down?" Li Bai said coldly, after saying these words, Ma Jiajun also felt a little shivering down his spine.

Ma Jiajun knows that sooner or later the Ma family will attack the Niu family, but the Ma family expects it to be two years later. Although they have some strength now, they are not yet the opponents of the Niu family. Tibetan mastiff difference.

"What exactly do you want?" Ma Jiajun asked again, with a nervous look on his face. If the Ma family was wiped out by the Niu family, it would undoubtedly be because of Ma Jiajun's problems.

"Tell me first, what is the hole card you just mentioned?" Li Bai put away the memory chip.

"I..." Ma Jiajun glanced at Niu Yi, swallowed, "I just lied to him."

As soon as this remark came out, Niu Yi stopped admitting his mistake, and looked at Ma Jiajun in shock: "Well, Ma Jiajun, from now on, I will be at odds with you!"

"You yourself are so stupid, can you blame me?" Ma Jiajun retorted.

"Shut up!" Just when the two were about to quarrel, Li Bai couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted loudly, "You shouldn't think about it now, what will happen to you two if I publish this video?"

Niu Yi and Ma Jiajun finally calmed down and looked at Li Bai with ashamed hearts.

"What should I do so that you can let me go?" Niu Yi and Ma Jiajun asked in unison.

Li Bai unhurriedly found a chair and sat down, crossing his legs. This was another opportunity to cheat, so why didn't he take advantage of it.

(End of this chapter)

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