Chapter 2333
"Don't worry, let me analyze it." Li Bai picked up a teapot unhurriedly, poured a cup of tea, and blew gently.

Niu Yi and Ma Jiajun were anxious like ants on a hot pot. They looked up at Li Bai, but they didn't dare to speak at all.

"In this way, you two tell yourself, what is the worst outcome?" Li Bai looked at the two of them.

The two of them were already sweating profusely, thinking and thinking.

"Will he die?" Niu Yi said uncertainly.

"The Ma family may not have a bright future." Ma Jiajun said again.

Li Bai nodded in satisfaction: "So, this is a major matter related to your death. If you don't come with something that matches the consequences, you can figure it out." Li Bai finished his tea and blinked his mouth .

"Can I give you all of my wealth? I have [-]% of the shares of Brilliant Company, and I will give you all of it. I don't want any of it." Niu Yi said his decision first, and then hurriedly added, " This is really the best thing I can give, and besides this, I don't know what else I can give you."

Niu Yi was about to cry, and Ma Jiajun beside him was also having a hard time.

"Then I'll give you all my shares, just please don't publish this video." Ma Jiajun also looked at Li Bai, regretting to death.

Li Bai thought for a while, nodded and agreed, the attitude of the two of them admitting their mistakes was very sincere, and what they gave him was beyond his expectation, so they accepted it as soon as it was good, Li Bai understood this principle very well.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Wait for me to repent?" Li Bai yelled at the two of them, and only then did they realize that Li Bai had already agreed.

The two hurriedly took out their smart brains and transferred all the shares under each name to Li Bai. In just 10 minutes, Li Bai also had assets exceeding tens of millions in Xihong City.

"Okay, I don't think you guys are going back on your promises. I will destroy this video now." Li Bai said, took out the memory chip, flipped it in his hands, and the chip turned into powder.

This video is worthless to Li Bai. As for the life and death of the two of them, Li Bai doesn't need to care about it. It's not Li Bai's business to know who the Ma family and the Niu family will win in the end. Where is the Qin family in Xihong City?

"Brother, you destroyed it. What if the Ma family still wants to take action against our Niu family?" Niu Yi glanced at Ma Jiajun, wishing to avoid it.

"I don't care about this anymore. You can go back and tell your Niu family that your plan was accidentally leaked and you need to start a new one." Li Bai said, knocking Niu Yi and Ma Jiajun unconscious.

Li Bai didn't want to kill people to silence them, but started to search the souls of the two, and found that they hadn't lied at all before, but Li Bai discovered in Ma Jiajun's mind that in the past, if the Ma family encountered any problems that could not be solved , they will all survive in peace in the end.

It seems that Li Bai does not know what treasures the Ma family has or what backstage they have.

After leaving Ma's house, the sky had already darkened, Li Bai rushed home, and Ma Jiajun finally came to his senses.

"What the hell." The first thing Ma Jiajun did when he woke up was to curse. When he looked around, Niu Yi was no longer there. This made Ma Jiajun even more angry. If Niu Yi was still there, he would never let him Niu Yi left, but now, it was too late to say anything.

"Well, Li Bai, I, Ma Jiajun, have never suffered such a disadvantage since I was a child. If this is the case, don't blame me for being rude." Ma Jiajun said viciously, and then walked towards the center of Ma's mansion.

This is the residence of Ma Binggang, the head of the Ma family. When Ma Jiajun walked into the house, Ma Binggang was discussing something with some people.

"Father, I need your help with something very urgent." Ma Jiajun interrupted the conversation between his father and the others, his tone a little hasty.

Ma Binggang raised his head and saw that Ma Jiajun was disheveled, showing a puzzled expression: "What's the matter? Didn't you go to the company this afternoon?"

Ma Jiajun glanced at the people around Ma Binggang, hesitant.

"It's okay, we're all on our own. If you have anything to say, just talk about it." Ma Binggang said again.

Now, Ma Jiajun told Ma Binggang all the things he had experienced in the past two days, from Niu Yi finding him to deal with Li Bai, to being blackmailed just now, everything was detailed, and he didn't hide anything.

After speaking, Ma Binggang also fell into deep thought: "I didn't expect that the Niu family would invite such a master. Listening to you say that, it's really a tough nut to crack."

"Father, I know that our Ma family has a very powerful backer, so this time, I hope you can ask them for help, otherwise, this person will cause endless troubles for our Ma family." Ma Jiajun said, Ma Binggang was silent again Yes, after thinking for a long time, finally nodded.

"Okay, I see. I will arrange it. You can do your own thing first." Ma Binggang waved to Ma Jiajun, and Ma Jiajun retreated immediately.

Ma Jiajun's face was full of joy. He knew that once his father made a decision, he would definitely complete it. Now, with the help of those people, this Li Bai will definitely be eradicated successfully.

Li Bai sneezed twice and rubbed his nose: "Could it be that Tian Yu misses me?" Li Bai said inwardly, urging the driver to hurry up.

When he got home, Li Bai was surprised to find that Tian Yu had prepared a sumptuous dinner for himself.

"You must be tired after a busy day. Come and try my handicrafts. I can make them all afternoon." Tian Yu helped Li Bai take off his coat, and then pulled Li Bai to the dining table, picked up a chopsticks dish, and gave it to him. into Li Bai's mouth.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Tian Yu asked expectantly, watching Li Bai chewing mouthfuls.

"Not bad, it's delicious!" Li Bai pinched Tian Yu's face, making Tian Yu jump up so happy.

"Brother Bai, let me tell you, I'm looking for a job today..." Tian Yu seemed to hold back her words, while eating dinner, Tian Yu talked to Li Bai about her today's story.

Li Bai listened quietly. He knew that Tian Yu was bored by himself, so he also chatted with Tian Yu. When Li Bai said that he blackmailed Ma Jiajun and Niu Yi, Tian Yu was already surprised. up.

"Brother Bai, I found out that you are really a bad person." Tian Yu said in a low voice.

"Really? What's wrong?" Li Bai picked up Princess Tian Yu and said with a smirk.

"Everywhere is broken!" Tian Yu wanted to struggle, but she couldn't resist at all, and could only let Li Bai's big hands scurry around her body.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

"Open the door!" Tian Yu said to Li Bai as if she had escaped a catastrophe. Li Bai pouted, very annoyed.

It was so late, and they didn't know who was coming, and it was impossible for them to know someone here, which made Li Bai suddenly feel uneasy.

"Who are you looking for?" Li Bai asked as soon as he opened the door. Outside the door stood a man who looked like a worker, wearing blue overalls, a white mask and a hat.

"Hello, I'm from the community property, I'm here to check the water meter." The worker said to Li Bai, looked up at Li Bai, and at the same time saw Li Bai's face clearly.

At this time, the worker's eyes twitched violently, as if seeing a devil, his eyes were very flustered.

"Quickly check, my girlfriend is still waiting for me." Li Bai naturally saw the reaction of the workers, but he didn't think too much about it. Maybe he was too powerful and domineering to scare them.

But the worker didn't enter the room right away, hesitantly lowered his head, and looked at the notebook in his hand: "Well, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I'm in charge of Building No. [-], not No. [-], excuse me .”

The worker said to Li Bai apologetically, just to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, a hand snatched the notebook from the worker's hand with lightning speed, and Li Bai looked at it, showing a sneer: "It seems that you are very good, the words written It's invisible."

That notebook was clearly brand new, without a single word in it.

The lie was seen through, the worker turned around and ran, smashing the glass in the corridor, and his body flashed outside the building in an instant.

With a sound of "dong", the worker jumped directly from the height of the sixth floor to the ground, but it seemed that there was no problem at all, and hurriedly ran towards the outside of the community.

"All the troubles are coming to you. You really can't do what you can." Li Bai snorted coldly. Naturally, he would not let this worker go. He also jumped from the window and chased after the worker's back.

"Golden Flame, Black Flame, help me wrap him up."

The worker's running speed was not slow, Li Bai was only a few points faster than him, it would take a while to catch up, Li Bai was afraid that an accident would cause the worker to slip away, so he called Jin Yan Hei Yan out, and got After the order, two figures, one gold and one black, rushed out like lightning, and within a few seconds, they caught up with the fleeing workers.

"The general ordered you to stop." Jin Yan said to the worker, but the worker would not stop, his heart was full of panic, and even the shock caused by the appearance of these two ghosts was covered up.

The persuasion failed, Jin Yan and Hei Yan ran to the front of the worker, and stopped suddenly, the man was tripped, coupled with the reason of too fast speed, the whole person lost his balance and threw himself in front on hard ground.


"I can't tell, you run pretty fast, kid." Li Bai quickly caught up and stomped the worker who was about to get up on the ground.

Asking Jin Yan to tie the man with gold wires, Li Bai turned the man over: "Who are you?" Li Bai threw the worker's hat and mask on the ground while talking, and the worker When Li Bai saw his face clearly, a rare happy smile finally appeared on Li Bai's face.

"Long time no see, Qin Hai." Li Bai licked his lips and said with a smile.

Seeing Qin Hai, Li Bai actually had a feeling of regaining what was lost. About half a month ago, this Qin Hai escaped from his hands. Unexpectedly, the meeting between the two was completed in such a form.

"There is a way to heaven if you don't go, there is no way to enter hell." Li Bai slapped Qin Hai's face, Qin Hai was so frightened that he couldn't speak a word.

(End of this chapter)

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