The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2334 The Qin Family

Chapter 2334 The Qin Family
When Qin Hai appeared in front of Li Bai, all the confusion in Li Bai's heart disappeared immediately.

First of all, the Qin family is indeed in Xihong City, but it does not show up in front of the world like the Niu family and the Ma family, but hides it. Secondly, the Ma family can quickly make a fortune in a short period of time. The active driving force behind them is probably the Qin family.

Maybe the Ma family is just a pawn of the Qin family in Xihong City, or it may have other purposes, Li Bai doesn't know, what he only knows now is that he, who has been looking for the Qin family for nearly a month, finally found it. up.

"Say, why did you appear in front of me."

When Qin Hai escaped last time, Li Bai was very angry, but now Li Bai was a little bit angry, and asked Qin Hai lightly.

"How do I know, I really just came to check the water meter, and I ran into you unexpectedly." Qin Hai said slyly, but Li Bai naturally didn't believe it, and punched Qin Hai hard in the stomach, which made Qin Hai feel so painful Almost spit out my stomach.

"Don't tell me? I'll make your life worse than death." Li Bai said viciously again.

"I said I said." Qin Hai hurriedly begged for mercy, he didn't even have the slightest doubt that Li Bai would kill him here on the spot, "It was Ma Binggang, the head of the Ma family, who asked me to do it to you."

Li Bai nodded, and it was the same as his guess. It seems that neither the Niu family nor the Ma family are good things in Xihong City.

Li Bai didn't ask about the relationship between the Qin family and the Ma family, but directly picked Qin Hai up: "Take me to your Qin family, now!"

Li Bai couldn't wait in his heart, Qin Yubing hadn't been by his side for a long time, and when he thought of seeing Qin Yubing soon, Li Bai was also a little excited.

"What did you go to our Qin's house for? You didn't know any of them." Qin Hai muttered, and Li Bai slapped Qin Hai on the back of the head directly, making Qin Hai dare not say any more nonsense.

Driving the car, Li Bai followed Qin Hai's gestures and drove towards the outside of Xihong City. It took about an hour for the car to finally stop.

When Li Bai got out of the car and looked at the scenery in front of him, he finally realized why he couldn't find the Qin family after searching for so long.

What Li Bai never imagined was that the Qin family was located in a forest park, with tall trees everywhere, even if Chen Feiyu was capable, he would definitely not be able to find it.

"It's well hidden." Li Bai pretended to praise Qin Hai and said to Qin Hai. Qin Hai naturally understood that Li Bai had something to say, which probably meant that the Qin family was a shrinking turtle.

But now Qin Hai was still tightly bound by Jin Yan, unable to move at all.

The two walked one after the other, passing through layers of trees, and passing through a bird garden with many birds. Even Li Bai was a little envious, wondering if he would move to such a place in the future come and live.

After following Qin Hai for a long time, Qin Hai finally stopped at the gate of a residential area. Only then did Li Bai discover that there was a residential area in this forest park, and the people who could live here were probably not rich. That is expensive.

"The people living here are all our Qin family, there is no one else." Qin Hai said proudly to Li Bai, and then looked at Li Bai and said, "Can you let me go now, I don't have hands, I'm fighting Do not open the door."

Li Bai glanced at Qin Hai suspiciously, then pushed towards the gate with his right hand, when Li Bai's palm was still ten centimeters away from the gate, something similar to a protective cover appeared in front of the gate out of thin air.

"That's right, I didn't expect your Qin family to be protected by a spirit formation." Li Bai said with a smile, thinking that this Guwu clan is different from those ordinary Guwu clans.

"But if it's just like this, if I want to go in, this spirit array still can't resist me." Li Bai said, making a gesture to break through the gate with luck.

Seeing this, Qin Hai hurriedly stopped Li Bai's movements: "Brother, you want to die and I don't want to die. If you break through the spirit formation, our family's guards will come soon. I think I will take you in." It’s better to be sneaky.”

Qin Hai said to Li Bai with sincere eyes, Li Bai thought about it, nodded again, and at the same time asked Jin Yan to untie Qin Hai.

Qin Hai, who had been tied up for a long time, finally had a chance to loosen his muscles and bones, but when he saw Li Bai's fierce eyes, he was so frightened that he hurriedly attached his hand to the gate. Open slowly.

Li Bai followed Qin Hai into the community and looked around. From the outside, this community is no different from the one he and Tian Yu rented. The place where the Wu clan lived.

But when Li Bai followed Qin Hai into a unit building, he understood that all the contents of the Qin family were inside.

Unexpectedly, in that long unit building, each floor is completely connected, except for a few huge pillars for support, and Li Bai heard Qin Hai say that in this, every unit building is a residential building. It is a branch of the Qin family. In terms of quantity, the size of the Qin family is almost the sum of the four major families in Kyoto.

This is probably the power of the Guwu clan, Li Bai thought to himself, but the Guwu clan is still the Guwu clan, after all, it has not reached the realm of the Xiuzhen clan. Therefore, although there is a threat from the Qin family to Li Bai, it is still possible Say very small.

Li Bai found a sofa and sat down, as if he had returned to his own home, he picked up something and ate it, which made Qin Hai disgusted.

"You came to our Qin's house just to eat? If so, why don't you leave, I'll buy you a lot of food." Qin Hai just escaped from Li Bai's grasp, as if his skin was itchy, and said loudly He yelled at Li Bai.

Naturally, Li Bai couldn't bear it, and before Qin Hai could see clearly, he kicked Qin Hai to the ground.

"I want to see Qin Yubing." Li Bai looked at Qin Hai and said calmly.

Unexpectedly, Qin Hai sneered: "Meet my sister? Do you have the qualifications? My sister is the only woman in the entire Qin family. Therefore, a person like you who has no name and no surname should treat my sister less Use your brains."

Qin Hai chuckled, he naturally knew the relationship between Li Bai and Qin Yubing, and he had known it since early in the morning.

When he and his older brothers went to the capital to arrest people, they did it in the Xiannong Building, and they just searched for information, and they knew that the Xiannong Society was closely related to a man named Li Bai. In addition, Qin Yubing was very resistant to returning to the Qin family, so Qin Hai and others could clearly see the relationship between the two.

"So, are you saying that you are not qualified to marry Qin Yubing?" Li Bai said in a low voice, and looked at Qin Hai coldly. Qin Hai was so frightened by Li Bai's sudden chill that he couldn't answer Li Bai's question right away, but From the look in his eyes, Li Bai could naturally tell that this was what he meant.

"If you don't deserve it, then you don't deserve it." Li Bai suddenly said to himself, just when Qin Hai breathed a sigh of relief, Li Bai suddenly slapped Qin Hai, "However, if I take the whole Qin Hai If everyone is pierced through, do you still have the qualifications?"

The huge palm hit Qin Hai's face, revealing a blood-red palm print, and the crisp sound caused by the contact between the palm and the skin echoed in the empty room.

"I, I, I..." Qin Hai covered his face, trying to say something, but couldn't say a word.

"Tell me, what am I?" Li Bai stared at Qin Hai fiercely.

"Are you sure Qin Yubing still has feelings for you?" Qin Hai thought for a while, and finally said it.

Li Bai just laughed, so many things happened between him and Qin Yubing, how could he lose his feelings after a month of parting: "Are you talking nonsense? Take me to see Qin Yubing quickly!"

Qin Hai stood up slowly, wiped the corners of his mouth, looked at Li Bai and said proudly: "Well, if Qin Yubing doesn't have feelings for you now, or even doesn't know you, you automatically get out of the Qin family. How about it?"

For Qin Hai daring to speak to him like this, Li Bai spewed out another burst of anger, and wanted to beat Qin Hai severely again.

But at this moment, an emotionless female voice sounded in the air.

"Who are you and why did you hit my brother?"

Hearing this voice, Li Bai's hand suddenly stopped in the air. Although the voice was a little cold, he was unfamiliar with it, and he was thinking about it day and night.

Li Bai turned around slowly and looked in the direction of the sound. The person who appeared at the stairs was not Qin Yubin, who else could it be?
"I'm Li Bai. I hit your brother because he prevented us from being together." Li Bai thought Qin Yubing was deliberately teasing him, and answered her questions.

Qin Yubing frowned, and walked down the steps step by step. A long white dress outlined Qin Yubing's perfect figure, which made Li Bai's heart flutter.

Qin Yubing didn't speak, and walked slowly towards Li Bai. Li Bai smiled all over his face, and he had already gone through the next scene in his mind.

When Qin Yubing finally walked in front of her, her cold face would suddenly turn into a smile like his, and then she would suddenly throw herself into his arms and call her husband sweetly.

At this moment, Qin Yubing finally walked up to Li Bai and stopped, but he didn't smile or hug, but had a cold face.

"I don't know you." After finishing speaking, he bypassed Li Bai and walked towards Qin Hai.

"Brother, what's wrong with your face? Was it this bad guy who beat you? He's really too bad. Let's go tell father to beat someone up and teach him a lesson." Qin Yubing greeted Qin Hai with concern.

But to Li Bai's hearing, his heart turned cold one after another.

Li Bai turned around again in disbelief, seeing Qin Yubing's extreme dependence on Qin Hai, his right eyelid suddenly started to jump wildly.

"Qin Yubing, don't you really know me?" Li Bai asked word by word, looking at Qin Yubing's expression, trying to find a hint of a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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