Chapter 2335
Seeing Li Bai's serious, seemingly serious expression, Qin Yubing frowned and thought.

"Bingbing, are you sure you know this villain? You don't know how evil this person is." While Qin Yubing was thinking, Qin Hai kept saying this, as if he was afraid that Qin Yubing would really remember What, interfere with her thinking.

Hearing what Qin Hai said, Li Bai really wanted to rush up and run Qin Hai away, but just as soon as he got angry, Qin Yubing's eyes fell on him, which made Li Bai's anger dissipate again. Can turn and look straight at Qin Yubing, waiting for her answer.

"I don't know you." Qin Yubing finally spoke, but at this time, her tone became extremely firm.

Li Bai was dumbfounded, and stood there blankly, looking at Qin Yubing who was also standing not far away looking at him in disbelief.

Li Bai couldn't believe what happened in front of him. The two had only parted for less than a month, but when they met again, it seemed that many years had passed, and Qin Yubing seemed to have completely forgotten what happened in the past. Little by little, but in her eyes, Li Bai is a stranger.

"You guys, did you feed Qin Yubing something?" Li Bai yelled at Qin Hai angrily, stepping forward, trying to grab Qin Hai's lapel.

However, at this moment, Qin Yubing stood in front of Qin Hai, staring at Li Bai with cold eyes, as if looking at an enemy.

"I don't care who you are, and I don't care if you know me or not. I just hope that you don't hurt my brother anymore." Qin Yubing opened his hands, protecting Qin Hai like a child.

And Qin Hai hid behind Qin Yubing, with a sinister and tricky smile on his face.

"Okay, you're ruthless!" Li Bai's eyes fell on Qin Hai, he said through gritted teeth, and turned around to leave.

But when Qin Yubing was still looking at Li Bai suspiciously and Qin Hai heaved a sigh of relief, not far away, there was a sudden loud noise, the second and third.

When the two turned their heads to look in surprise, they realized that Li Bai seemed to be crazy, beating and smashing in the room like an exposed beast, because he couldn't eat the meat he wanted. And go crazy.

Ever since Li Bai came to Earth, he had never been so angry. Qin Yubing was clearly in front of his eyes, but she seemed to have lost her memory and couldn't remember herself at all.

Qin Yubing looked at Li Bai's madness, and was a little dazed, as if in her memory, no one had ever gone crazy for herself.

Just when Qin Yubing was in a trance, hurried footsteps sounded from a distance, and he suddenly looked back, but it was his brothers, Qin Jiang, Qin He, Qin Hu, and Qin Hai who had been with him all the time, His four older brothers have all appeared here at this time,
"Friend, please calm down." Qin Jiang's voice came from a distance, thick and full, like a hunter who has experienced too many vicissitudes of life.

Hearing Qin Jiang's words, Li Bai finally stopped, with a triumphant smile showing on the corner of his mouth. In fact, he did this to lure out all the four brothers of the Qin family so that he could ask them clearly.

"Who are you?" Li Bai looked sideways at Qin Jiang.

In the face of this slightly contemptuous question, Qin Jiang seemed neither humble nor overbearing: "Xihong Qin's eldest son, Qin Jiang."

"Oh, Jianghehuhai, it's really easy to choose your names." Li Bai said again.

This made Qinhe and Qinhu a little angry. He wanted to do something when he disagreed, but was stopped by Qin Jiang: "My friend, what do you want to do when you come to our Qin's house?"

Li Bai's eyes fell on Qin Yubing's body, which made Qin Yubing tremble slightly, as if getting an electric shock.

"It's nothing, I just want to get back what belongs to me." Li Bai's eyes withdrew from Qin Yubing's body, and immediately became cold, sweeping across Jiang He, Hu Hai and the others.

This look, it seems, is more of a trace of pity, a kind of pity for the dead.

Qin Jiang's expression changed slightly, but in front of his brother and sister, he didn't want to lose his aura: "Oh? Your stuff? Our Qin family still has your stuff?"

Li Bai chuckled, and pointed to Qin Yubing who stood silently at the side: "This is my thing, you should give it back to me now, right?"

The air seemed to become heavy, and even his breathing became stagnant, but Qin Yubing only felt as if a bomb had exploded in his mind, which shattered his thoughts even more.

I'm his thing?Or, am I her woman?Qin Yubing opened her bright eyes wide, trying to see the man's appearance clearly, but no matter how she looked, she couldn't remember who this man was.

"Maybe it's been too long, and you have forgotten?" Li Bai found a sofa and sat down. This sofa only had one corner left because of Li Bai's brain just now, but Li Bai didn't care.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Li Bai, and I am from Kyoto. There is an organization in Kyoto called Xiannong Society, and a company called Xiannong Building was built. Qin Yubing used to be the main person in charge of Xiannong Building, but because of you The four forcibly tied Qin Yubing back to your Qin family, so Qin Yubing and I have not seen each other for more than a month." Li Bai said slowly, looking at the four people in Jianghe, Huhai, and noticed that their faces were uncertain look.

"Nonsense!" Qin Jiang spoke again, seeming a little angry. He was not afraid that Qin Yubing would recover his memory just because of Li Bai's words, but because everything Li Bai said was true, but they were that A bunch of liars.

"Oh? I'm talking nonsense? Then tell me, how did it happen?" Li Bai sneered again and again. A lie needs countless lies to be true. He wanted to see what Qin Jiang could do.

The annoyance on Qin Jiang's face subsided a little, he thought for a while, paused for a while, and then said: "She has lived in Xihong City since she was a child, and has never left at all. As for the capital you mentioned, she has never been to it." But, moreover, just one month ago, Qin Yubing was already engaged to Fang Wei, the third youngest of the Fang family, I don't care what plans you have for my Bingbing family, but please stop here."

Qin Jiang's tone became loud and loud, and at the same time he gave the order to evict the guest.

Li Bai frowned, no wonder they brought Qin Yubing back to the Qin family in such a hurry a month ago, it turned out that the family was going to force the marriage.

Li Bai glanced at Qin Yubing again, and found that her eyes were very blank, as if she didn't care about the engagement, but Li Bai was surprised that Qin Yubing lost her original memory and even returned it to her. A new memory was added to her mind.

"Qin Yubing, do you like that man?" Li Bai suddenly raised his head and asked Qin Yubing, Qin Yubing was a little dazed and didn't know how to answer.

At this time, Qin Hai stood up again: "How can a person like you understand the affairs of our clan? Two people don't necessarily have to have love when they get married, understand? Let me tell you again, like you Such a person is not worthy of our Bingbing at all, not only because of inappropriate background, but also because of your lack of strength!"

Of course, after saying "the strength is not enough", Qin Hai shrank his head back. He still doesn't know how strong Li Bai is.

"Isn't it right? Hehe." Li Bai smiled and said nothing. If he said he was right, he was wrong. After all, he was Li Xiaogang, the son of the strongest farmer in Chinese history, and what was the Qin family? An ancient Wu family in Xihong City is nothing more than a Cultivation family.

"Then let me show you how strong I am!" As he spoke, the power of the silver stars radiated from Li Bai's side, and at the same time attacked the place where Jiang He Hu Hai stood.

Seeing Li Bai rushing so aggressively, the expressions of the four of them changed.

"The tribulation formation!" Qin Jiang shouted, and the four of Jianghe, Huhai immediately stood in a formation. The strength of his body actually faintly has the strength of a monk in the foundation period.

"Sure enough, this formation is much more powerful than formations in other places." Li Bai praised, but he didn't care at all, so what about the four foundation building stages, even if there were four golden core stages, he was not afraid.

With one punch, Li Bai slammed heavily on Qin Jiang's body at the front of the tribulation formation, and there was a wave of true energy immediately in the tribulation formation, which evenly distributed Li Bai's strength to everyone.

And then, the battle was over, because Li Bai's punch was too powerful, and after it was spread out, no one could resist it, so the four of them all flew upside down. Go out and smash the coffee table into pieces.

"Now, will you still question my strength?" Li Bai said viciously to the four people lying on the ground. If that punch had only landed on Qin Jiang's body, then Qin Jiang at this time was already a A dead body.

"Demon, get out of here! Get out of here!" But at this moment, Qin Yubing also got mad, shouting and cursing crazily, and at the same time hitting Li Bai with his own arm.

With one punch and one palm, there was a lot of wind. Although Li Bai's dodge prevented Qin Yubing from attacking him, Li Bai could also see that Qin Yubing's skill seemed to have improved a lot.

"What are you doing, murdering your own husband?" Li Bai said to Qin Yubing while stepping back, but Qin Yubing became even more angry.

"I'm going to kill you!" Qin Yubing said with teeth and claws, but she didn't notice something under her feet and accidentally stepped on it. Then, Qin Yubing lost her balance and fell towards Li Bai.

"Be careful!" Li Bai said repeatedly, stepped forward, and hugged Qin Yubing in his arms. Qin Yubing's face appeared in front of Li Bai's eyes.

"Why are you so careless?" Li Bai squeezed Qin Yubing's face, then suddenly lowered his head and kissed Qin Yubing's lips fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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