Chapter 2336 Fang Family Third Young Master
From the month Qin Yubing was brought back by the four brothers of the Qin family, plus the one month Li Bai stayed at the Xie family, it can be said that Li Bai had not seen Qin Yubing for two full months, and when this kiss When I went down, during these two months, all the ups and downs seemed to have become worthless.

The two tongues were constantly intertwined, as if entangled, but in fact, Qin Yubing was constantly resisting. At this time, she had already hated Li Bai's attitude to the extreme.

The rivers, lakes and seas on the side were stunned when they saw this scene, and wanted to get up to stop it, but they couldn't because of the pain in their bodies.

After Qin Yubing bit Li Bai's tongue hard, Li Bai finally let go of Qin Yubing's lips: "Although you have forgotten me now, trust me, I have a way to make you change back."

Li Bai squeezed Qin Yubing's face again, Qin Yubing turned his head reluctantly, but he still couldn't escape.

"Wait for me." Li Bai said to Qin Yubing gently, then turned his head to look at Jianghe, Huhai and the other four, his expression turned cold at this moment, "I warn you, take good care of Qin Yubing, if she is half If a vellus hair is injured, then none of you will live."

After speaking, Li Bai left the Qin family, but his heart was still a little heavy. He wanted to know as soon as possible what the thing that could make Qin Yubing lose his memory was.

When the room became quiet again, Qin Yubing sat on the sofa in a daze, wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth with his hands, and was a little dazed.

What Qin Yubing can confirm now is that she really does not know this Li Bai, but when Li Bai kisses her, that feeling seems a little familiar.

"Did I really lose my memory?" Qin Yubing murmured to himself, at this moment, his brothers wailed all over and brought Qin Yubing back to his senses.

"Brothers, how are you doing?" Qin Yubing hurried to the four of Jianghe, Huhai, and checked their injuries one by one. Although the previous scene looked horrible, it seems that Li Bai has saved his hand, otherwise, now They are not just skin trauma.

"Don't move, I'll get you some medicine." Qin Yubing said, walking upstairs.

After confirming that Qin Yubing had gone far away, Qin Hai finally spoke: "Where did this Li Bai come from? Why is he so powerful? I can't even tell what level he is now."

Qin Jiang also had an angry look on his face, but his skills were inferior to others, so he couldn't say anything.

"Fortunately, we planted the Thousand Insect Gu on Bingbing early, otherwise, Bingbing might really run away with Li Bai today." Qin He said with lingering fear, "But if Li Bai does it again next time... What should we do if we come to make trouble?"

"He dares!" Qin Hu said immediately, "After all, Bingbing is going to marry the third young master of the Fang family. If Li Bai wants to steal Bingbing, how can the Fang family sit idly by, even if our Qin family's strength is possible. Not enough, then there is the Fang family, and the two join forces, I don't believe that Li Bai can't be beaten to death."

When Qin Hu said that, everyone nodded in unison, agreeing with what Qin Hu said.

As early as a month ago, when the four brothers tied Qin Yubing back to the Qin family, they had planted the Thousand Insect Gu on Qin Yubing's body. The Thousand Insect Gu was not poisonous, but had a unique characteristic , that is, it can make people lose all previous memories, and can make the person who cast the inscription change his memory.

Therefore, Qin Yubing at this time is brand new to everyone. In her memory, there has never been a man named Li Bai. Instead, Fang Wei, the third youngest of the Fang family, has been pursuing Qin Yubing until a It was only a month ago that they finally came to propose marriage, and the Qin family also made it easy.

Of course, everything is not certain, and the variable may be Li Bai. Therefore, the four Jianghe, Huhai brothers have made up their minds, no matter what, they must prevent Li Bai's plot from succeeding.

"Brother, what are you talking about?" After a while, Qin Yubing came over with a medicine box, the four of them stopped the conversation quickly, and at the same time the ninja stood up in pain.

"Bingbing, let's apply the medicine ourselves. Wait a while, you have to see someone." Qin Jiang took the medicine box from Qin Yubing's hand and said again.

"Meet someone? Who is it?" Qin Yubing asked.

"Your fiancé, Fang Wei, the third youngest of the Fang family, has been engaged for a month. Let's go to him today to discuss the details." Qin Jiang said, because of Li Bai's appearance, he had a strong feeling A strong sense of crisis, if the wedding is not held as soon as possible, maybe in the end, it will really be messed up by him.

Qin Yubing nodded in agreement, while on the other side, Li Bai had already got into the Qiankun ring.

Xiaoxi's mother's physical condition is getting better and better. According to Jin Yan, she can walk around occasionally, but now she is still sleeping.

Li Bai didn't wake up Xiaoxi's mother, but thinking of Xiaoxi, who had also been missing for a long time, gave him a headache, and he had to find time to find Xiaoxi and come back.

However, Li Bai didn't think too much about it. The most important thing is to do the current thing first. Li Bai quickly walked into the castle, and began to look for something in the part of the spirit.

This time it didn't take long, Li Bai found it in a book, it turned out to be Thousand Insect Gu.

Although the effect of Thousand Insect Gu is very powerful, it is not irresistible. The only solution is to use a kind of spiritual grass called caterpillar grass to neutralize the medicinal properties of Thousand Insect Gu, which made Li Bai feel dizzy again. In his ring, he can be sure that there is no such thing as a caterpillar.

Leaving the Qiankun ring, Li Bai appeared in the forest park of the Qin family again. His soul consciousness spread out and sensed it, but he found that Qin Yubing and the four brothers Jianghe, Huhai were no longer in the room.

"Leaving?" Li Bai was a little surprised, he thought that at this time, they should be discussing how to deal with him.

Closing his eyes, the power of the silver star fluctuated slightly. Li Bai confirmed the direction Qin Yubing left. When he kissed Qin Yubing forcefully, he left a new power of the silver star in Qin Yubing's body. It is to prevent the Qin family from hiding Qin Yubing.

In Li Bai's perception, they seemed to have not left very far, and Li Bai followed quickly.

An hour later, in a restaurant in a certain hotel in the suburbs, Qin Jiang and Qin Yubing finally appeared here, sitting on an ordinary table, except for Qin Yubing's amazing face, from the outside, the two of them seemed to be in harmony with each other. Ordinary people are no different.

Li Bai also hid in the distance early. Looking at everything here, he couldn't help admiring in his heart. No wonder the Qin family was able to hide in Xihong City for such a long time. They also paid a certain price.

After a while, the conversation between Qin Jiang and Qin Yubing suddenly stopped, and they got up, as if they were welcoming someone.

Li Bai looked over and saw a man walking from the other side, also wearing ordinary casual clothes, but Li Bai could tell from his gestures that this man was also a true energy warrior.

And this person is Fang Wei, the third young master of the Fang family who is about to marry Qin Yubing.

"Long time no see. I wonder if Bingbing is doing well recently?" Fang Wei looked at Qin Yubing and asked, very happy. This was the first time Qin Yubing took the initiative to ask him out after the engagement. Although Qin Jiang was also there, Fang Wei understood It's done, Qin Yubing is a little shy.

"Not good." Qin Yubing replied directly, but her mind returned to an hour ago.

Fang Wei asked a few more questions, but Qin Yubing's tone was still so cold, which made Qin Jiang a little embarrassed, and hurriedly stood up to speak: "Young Master Fang, to tell you the truth, I asked you out this time because I wanted to talk to you. Let’s talk about the exact date of the wedding.”

Fang Wei looked at Qin Jiang with some doubts: "Isn't it already agreed that it will be held in two months?"

Qin Jiang smiled embarrassingly, and then Fang Wei said: "We thought about it later, we don't need to prepare so much for the wedding, it's better to be simpler, and even though Bingbing seems to be lukewarm towards you now , In fact, I have long wanted to marry into your Fang family."

As Qin Jiang spoke, Qin Yubing bowed his head aside. In Fang Wei's view, this was a sign of shyness, which made him very happy.

In the early days, Fang Wei was actually a little strange. Qin Yubing left home for so many years just to avoid himself and not marry him. When Qin Yubing returned to Qin's house a month ago, the Qin family came to Fang's house. Talking about the engagement with him, what Qin Yubing showed was completely different from what Fang Wei remembered.

But Fang Wei didn't think too much about it. He thought that Qin Yubing changed his mind after years of life, so now he finally wanted to marry him.

"Then what do you think is the best time to hold the wedding?" Fang Wei asked a little excitedly.

"Well, let's prepare together with you, hurry up, and hold the wedding next Sunday, what do you think?" Qin Jiang thought for a while and said, there are still ten days before next Sunday, the preparations can be prepared Well, as for that Li Bai, it is impossible to make effective plans within such a period of time.

It is very likely that when Li Bai was ready to grab the marriage, their wedding had already been held.

Of course, what Qin Jiang didn't know was that Li Bai listened to the content of their conversation verbatim. Li Bai can definitely do it if he wants to rob a marriage, but Li Bai still wants to find the insect called the caterpillar before that. This makes, if Qin Yubing's memory recovers, the two of them will be stronger together.

The brief meeting between the Qin family and the Fang family was over, and the two separated and went home separately. Li Bai also followed, but not with Qin Yubing, but with Fang Wei.

The Qin family is already considered an ancient martial clan, and before Qin Hai kept saying that he was well-matched, this Fang Wei must also come from another ancient martial clan, the Fang family.

"I'd like to see what ability your Fang family has to marry my woman." Li Bai clenched his fists and followed Fang Wei far away.

(End of this chapter)

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