The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2338 Li Yaonong

Chapter 2338 Li Yaonong

Li Bai's words made Fang Wei very angry, and his face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Friend, what do you mean, are you kidding me?" Fang Wei put Jin Yan on the table, with both hands resting on his lap.

Li Bai pretended to be panicked, and hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no, third young master, you are wrong, that's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?" Fang Wei interrupted arrogantly, looking at Li Bai fiercely.

"It's like this. My relationship with Xiao Jin is too deep, so I don't want to leave him. It's true that I don't want to sell him, but what I mean is, I will give Xiao Jin to you." Li Bai pretended to be a little panicked and said .

When Fang Wei heard this, he showed a smiling face. Anyone who dared to come to the door to offer treasures would not dare to play with him: "I don't want money? Then what do you want?"

Li Bai scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "Well, I really can't do without Xiao Jin, so I still want to stay by Xiao Jin's side."

Fang Wei raised his eyebrows: "Stay with Xiaojin? You mean, stay with our Fang family? I'm afraid it won't work. Our Fang family already has enough cleaners."

Fang Wei was really surprised by Li Bai's proposal. He made it up casually because the cleaner was enough, because he didn't know the person in front of him, and he didn't know what other plans were behind this seemingly simple and honest appearance. .

"Third Young Master, when I came in, I saw a medicine field here. In fact, I was researching elixir, but because I was not strong enough, and because I didn't have capital, I couldn't get in touch with those top elixir. So, I thought, can I ask Xiaojin in exchange for you to let me work in that medicine field for a few days." Li Bai said slowly, paying attention to Fang Wei's expression.

There is not much change, it seems that he did not agree with Li Bai's proposal, and he seems to be thinking about it.

While Fang Wei was thinking, Li Bai gave Jin Yan the next move, so Jin Yan rolled on the table in front of Fang Wei, and kept sticking out his tongue, as if behave in a spoiled manner.

Jin Yan's tongue is very long, so he licked Fang Wei's palm easily, and a cold feeling came, which brought Fang Wei back to his senses.

"Your little Jin is really thinking about you, but if he knows that you gave him to me to study some elixir, I don't know what he will think." Yan picked it up in his hand, looked at Li Bai and asked.

Li Bai was a little caught off guard by asking this question, his lips kept moving, but he seemed to hesitate to speak.

"Okay, I agree, I know you have difficulties." Fang Wei finally nodded.

Li Bai pretended to be overjoyed, and looked at Fang Wei gratefully, but Fang Wei waved his hand: "Now, you can tell me, how did you let this little Jin recognize the master?"

Li Bai nodded quickly, and then Fang Wei said: "The way to recognize the master is very simple, just let Xiao Jin bite you, but it hurts a bit, San Shao, you have to be mentally prepared."

Li Bai reminded Fang Wei, but Fang Wei stretched out his arm and spread it on the table with a nonchalant expression on his face: "Bite it, hurry up."

Li Bai nodded, and once again showed a look of farewell, said a few words to Xiao Jin, and then slowly placed it on Fang Wei's arm.

Jin Yan spat out the letter, licked and licked Fang Wei's arm, making Fang Wei itchy: "What are you doing, give me an anesthetic?"

Li Bai looked at Fang Wei seriously: "Third Young Master, it's like this. When I was recognized as the master, it was just such a mouthful, but it made me unconscious for a day and a night."

"What?" Fang Wei looked at Li Bai in surprise, but at this moment, a piercing pain came from his arm, and Fang Wei passed out before he could scream out.

"Beautiful job!" Li Bai praised Jin Yan, and Jin Yan proudly raised his head: "Tell me, how will you reward me after it's done?"

"Whatever you want." Li Bai said to Jin Yan, and then gave Jin Yan instructions on what to do in the next few days, and then his soul consciousness penetrated into Fang Wei's mind, and at the same time he quickly learned a lot about the Fang family. information.

Li Bai didn't care much about the Fang family's history, most of the people's strength, etc. Li Bai only knew that Fang Wei didn't seem to know that the Qin family had planted the Thousand Insect Gu on Qin Yubing. As for the others, Not very useful for now.

The mouthful of Jin Yan just now contained some toxins, the purpose was to make Fang Wei temporarily unconscious, but the time would not be very long.

When the time was almost up, Li Bai asked Jin Yan to climb onto Fang Wei's arm again, while showing a panicked expression on his face.

"Third Young Master, Third Young Master, you finally woke up!" Seeing Fang Wei waking up, Li Bai seemed to have experienced some disaster, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Fang Wei quickly remembered what happened before the coma, and looked out the window, the sky was still bright.

"5 minutes." Li Bai looked at the time and said.

"Damn it, it's only been 5 minutes, why do you make me feel like I've been in a coma for five months." Fang Weibai glanced at Li Bai, and then saw Jin Yan lying quietly on his arm.

"Is this successful?" Fang Wei reconfirmed, and Li Bai nodded again.

"Xiao Jin, turn over." Fang Wei hurriedly gave orders to Jin Yan, and Jin Yan obediently turned over.

"Not bad, I'm very optimistic about you." Fang Wei patted Li Bai's shoulder, very happy.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the medicine field. From today on, you will be a medicine farmer in the medicine field, but the salary is not much, only 200 yuan a day. You should think about it." Fang Wei took Li Bai toward Walking outside the house, Li Bai fully agreed.

Walking on the road, Fang Wei kept teasing Jin Yan, seemed to think of something suddenly, and asked without looking back: "Hey, I don't know your name yet."

"Third Young Master, my name is Du Fu." Li Bai said.

"Du Fu? Why aren't you called Li Bai? These are the two most famous poets in ancient China." Fang Wei joked, but he naturally didn't know that the "Du Fu" behind him was really Li Bai.

Li Bai laughed, and after a while, he followed Fang Wei to the outside of Fang's medicine field.

"Old Liu, Old Liu, come here." Fang Wei shouted to an old man who was working in the medicine field. Seeing that it was Fang Wei, the old man immediately stopped his hands and walked out of the medicine field.

"Third Young Master, what do you need to order?" Elder Liu asked respectfully, and his appearance surprised Li Bai who was standing aside.

In his perception, this old Liu turned out to be a martial artist of the seventh level of true qi, which made Li Bai unexpected that even a Yao Nong was so powerful.

"This is a new drug farmer named Du Fu. He wants to learn about elixir with you." Fang Wei said to Old Liu.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Bai also took the initiative to introduce himself: "Hello Mr. Liu, I'm Du Fu, and I have some research on elixir. I hope I can learn more about elixir from you."

For Li Bai's serious attitude, Mr. Liu nodded in satisfaction. In this age of martial arts, there are not many children who want to study elixir.

"Okay, third young master, I'll accept this child, you can go to work first." Mr. Liu said to Fang Wei, and then led Li Bai into a small house next to the medicine field.

Jin Yan naturally left with Fang Wei, and of course he didn't recognize the master. With him by Fang Wei's side, Li Bai can know about Fang Wei's movements at the first time, so there is no need to worry.

Now Li Bai only needs to worry about how to get the caterpillar plant.

"Son, you said that you have already done some research on elixir, tell me first." Mr. Liu and Li Bai sat on a simple table and poured two glasses of water.

For such a test, Li Bai was naturally not afraid. He randomly selected a few common elixir from the things he remembered in the castle and said them out, which made Mr. Liu amazed.

"Heaven is jealous of talents, heaven is jealous of talents." Elder Liu sighed, looking at Li Bai, "If your conditions are sufficient, many kinds of elixir will definitely be discovered to have more effects."

Li Bai chuckled, wondering what he would think if Teacher Liu found out that he had cheated.

"Okay, from today onwards, you are also a drug farmer of the Fang family. I will give you all I have learned in my life. You must listen carefully." Liu Laoyu said to Li Bai earnestly, and Li Bai also solemnly said Nod your head.

What made Li Bai dumbfounded was that the Nong Huang of his majestic Xiannong Society unexpectedly came to this Fang family and turned into a medicine farmer again. However, Li Bai didn't care about these things, he just wanted to win the favor of Mr. Liu as soon as possible , and then get the caterpillar, if it really doesn't work, then you can only steal it.

At the same time, on the other side, Fang Wei has returned to the villa again, and the butler who received Li Bai before also appeared in the room.

"This Du Fu, what do you think?" Fang Wei asked while still playing with Jin Yan.

"Third Young Master, I can't tell that there is no fluctuation of true energy in Du Fu's body. It may be that he has no force at all, or it may be that his strength has exceeded the point where we can perceive it." The butler said slowly.

"Should not be able to do anything. People who haven't even seen a few types of elixir, how could they have the conditions to embark on the road of warriors." Fang Wei snorted disdainfully, and then said, "By the way, This Du Fu, let me stay in the medicine field for a few days before I drive him away, preferably before my wedding."

There was silence in the room for a while, and Fang Wei's voice sounded again: "Ten days later, the wedding between Qin Yubing and I will be held, how many things have been prepared?"

The butler quickly replied: "In fact, the preparations are almost done, but Third Young Master, why are you in such a hurry?"

Fang Wei stood up, a little angry: "How do I know? The Qin family said that a man named Li Bai suddenly appeared and wanted to snatch Qin Yubing over. He was quite strong. They were afraid that Li Bai would cause trouble, so they wanted to hold the wedding early."

"Li Bai?" The housekeeper's heart moved, "Today this person is called Du Fu, could it be..."

Fang Wei also paused, thought for a while, and smiled lightly: "It shouldn't be such a coincidence, if they are the same person, why didn't this Li Bai go to the Qin's house to make trouble, and came to our house to have an egg, don't worry too much Think, go get ready."

The butler withdrew, but his expression was still full of suspicion.

(End of this chapter)

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