The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2339 Elixir

Chapter 2339 Elixir
Li Bai is not the kind of person who is eager for success. After he sneaked into Fang's house and became a "glorious" medicine farmer, for three days in a row, his life seemed ordinary.

The daily routine is to get up at six o'clock in the morning and run ten laps around the medicine field with Mr. Liu. Mr. Liu explained that as a medicine farmer, if you don't have excellent physical fitness, if something unexpected happens in the future , You can also escape with the elixir.

Then, after eating breakfast at about seven o'clock, resting for half an hour, I entered the medicine field and carefully watered each elixir plant. It was still specially made water. In fact, it was just some tap water and some vitamin tablets.

Next is the time for Mr. Liu to give lectures to Li Bai. The only wrong thing Li Bai did may have originated from this. As this person gets old, he talks too much. In addition, no one can listen to himself so patiently Speaking, therefore, when Mr. Liu explained each elixir to Li Bai, he was very detailed, down to how to plant and how to cut the soil.

As a person who has a very special interest in elixir, Li Bai has no choice but to continue to hold on to this lie. Every time he listens to Mr. Liu's explanation, he uses the power of silver stars to forcibly open his eyelids to prevent anyone who doesn't Be careful and fell asleep.

When the time came to the third night, Old Liu finally explained the elixir to the range where the caterpillar fungus was located, but at this time, the time just happened to be six o'clock in the evening.

"Okay, that's the end of today's explanation. I wonder if you can fully digest what I say every day?" Mr. Liu looked at Li Bai kindly, as if the man in front of him was the most modest and studious student in the world. , and at the same time the hardest working.

Li Bai nodded quickly, and like the previous two days, he recounted everything that Mr. Liu had said for nearly a day in 2 minutes, but Mr. Liu didn't realize that Li Bai had completely mastered this knowledge, and thought that his teaching method is quite effective.

"Well, tomorrow will be the last elixir area. After I tell you all these contents, I will open up a special piece of land and show you how to practice it." Mr. Liu said, leading the way to the outside of the medicine field.

Li Bai looked at the insectivorous plant that was close at hand, and was about to cry. Isn't he just for this little insectivorous plant these days, but why is this process so difficult.

After dinner, Li Bai was lying quietly in his hut. After a while, the sky news rang, and it was the little girl Tian Yu who called. It had been going on for three days, and she was asking Li Bai what to do every day. What's the matter, when can I go back.

The company's business trip is Li Bai's persistent excuse. As for the return date, it belongs to the company. Li Bai said that he can't make the decision.Of course, it is impossible for Li Bai to tell Tian Yu right now that he will not go because of another woman. If this is the case, Tian Yu, who has just come out of a setback in a relationship, may enter another eternal doom.

Li Bai sighed, then hung up the phone, and started telepathic communication with Jin Yan.

During these three days, Fang Wei didn't make any big moves, and played with Jin Yan in the room every day, but Jin Yan could hear from the conversation between him and the housekeeper that the housekeeper was busy with Fang Wei's wedding. After being busy, three days passed, and he had brought Fang Wei's suit and Qin Yubing's wedding dress back home, and tomorrow's itinerary was to pick up the custom-made diamond ring and send out the first batch of wedding invitations at the same time .

Everything seemed to be proceeding in an orderly manner. Fang Wei was very satisfied. He even got Qin Yubing's Tianxun number from Qin Jiang. He called Qin Yubing one night and exchanged stories between the two of them over the past 20 years— — even if the story never existed.

This made Li Bai really itch to see it. Although in the conversation between Qin Yubing and Fang Wei, Li Bai could feel that Qin Yubing didn't like Fang Wei, but he had never had such an opportunity these days. Given the opportunity to communicate, Li Bai is even confident that Qin Yubing's sleeping memory can be awakened without using the caterpillar.

It's not that Li Bai didn't think about asking Jin Yan to steal Qin Yubing's new Tianxun number, but when Li Bai called, Tianxun had just been established, and when their faces had just appeared on each other's screens, Qin Yubing would Tianxun hung up, and when Li Bai called again, his own Tianxun had already been blacklisted by Qin Yubing.

This made Li Bai dumbfounded. The couple who were once so loving are now like enemies.

On the night of the third day, Li Bai decided not to sit still. As the scheduled wedding time approached, he still hadn't gotten the caterpillar. At the same time, he didn't know that it would take a few days for the caterpillar to restore Qin Yubing's memory. But now, there is not much time left for Li Bai.

"Mr. Liu, I want to talk to you." When the night completely enveloped Xihong City, Li Bai left his room and knocked on Mr. Liu's door.

Seeing Li Bai's sad expression, Mr. Liu hurriedly invited Li Bai into the room and poured tea at the same time: "Son, what's wrong with you?"

Li Bai looked at Mr. Liu seriously, and tears began to brew in his eyes: "Actually, I have always wanted to find someone to talk to this passage in my heart, but no one has ever been able to be my listener until I met you……"

The next two hours turned into a history of Li Bai's crying, from how he was abandoned by his parents to how he fell in love with the elixir. It sounds as touching as it should be.

Mr. Liu naturally didn't know that these were just Li Bai's pretending. After going through so many things, Li Bai's acting skills had reached a level of perfection. His real purpose was to attract Mr. Liu's attention and make Hei Yan Go help yourself to steal the caterpillar fungus.

Jin Yan was by Fang Wei's side, and couldn't move away at all, while Hei Yan was still small, but his speed was almost as fast as Jin Yan's. Coupled with the cover of the night, the guards around the medicine field didn't notice such a small person at all. Something rushed into the medicine field, and at the same time dug out the caterpillar weed bit by bit.

After receiving the reply of Hei Yan's success, Li Bai ended his story.

"Mr. Liu, that's it for today. I just want to tell someone about my story. I hope I won't disturb your rest." Li Bai wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and stood up.

"Son, go to bed quickly, from now on, you can treat me as your real grandfather." Mr. Liu sent Li Bai away with loving eyes, and stood by the window again, looking at the medicine field, in the darkness, He didn't realize that a elixir had disappeared so quietly.

Early the next morning, Li Bai was woken up by a noise. After Li Bai opened the door, he saw Fang Wei standing beside the medicine field, furious.

Li Bai rubbed his sleepy eyes, walked to one side and watched what happened in the medicine field. On the medicine field, there were countless people patrolling back and forth, as if they were looking for something.

"Son, what happened?" Elder Liu also just woke up, and was a little surprised when he saw this scene. At this time, Fang Wei also walked towards Elder Liu.

"Mr. Liu, I want to know if there are any elixir like this in this medicine field?" Fang Wei took out a photo and handed it to Mr. Liu, who nodded and said, "Of course, this is a caterpillar plant." .”

When Mr. Liu looked up at Fang Wei suspiciously, Fang Wei put his hips on his hips angrily and said, "Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu, I don't know what to say to you. The caterpillar is lost!"

Hearing the news, Mr. Liu showed a surprised expression, and Li Bai also pretended to be even more surprised, looking at Fang Wei, pretending that he was joking.

But when the three of them walked to the place that originally belonged to the caterpillar, the place really became empty, as if there had never been anything.

"No way, could it be that this elixir was stolen?" Li Bai looked at Elder Liu in surprise, and Elder Liu was also very puzzled: "This is a terrible situation, and there is a elixir that I can't tell you. "

At this time, Mr. Liu was still thinking about giving lectures to Li Bai, which made Fang Wei almost angry on the spot: "Mr. Liu, I limit you to find this caterpillar for me within one day. It was named by the Qin family. If you don't have the dowry that Dao asked for, you probably can't bear the anger of the Patriarch."

After finishing speaking, Fang Wei shook his head and left, and at the same time gave Li Bai a suspicious look, as if he wanted to see through Li Bai.

"It's nothing to do with the child. He was with me last night. It's impossible for him to steal. Of course, if you doubt me, I can't help it." Mr. Liu was talking to Li Bai again, which made Li Bai secretly happy , all that is left to work hard on your own.

At this moment, Fang Wei's Sky News rang, and Li Bai heard the words "why did the ring disappear?", which made Li Bai very strange. Could it be that someone secretly gave him another helper?

"Son, I don't blame you for today's incident. I'll give you a day off. Come and study with me tomorrow." Old Liu said, and Li Bai nodded quickly. Find out what's going on.

Following Jin Yan's instructions, Li Bai walked in the direction of the city. He didn't return to Huihuang Company for a few days, and he didn't know if Niu De and Niu Yi missed him.

Li Bai stopped in a business district of Xihong City, but the business district was in a hustle and bustle. People either left in a hurry because of panic, or wanted to enter the center to have a look out of curiosity. So what happened.

Going against the flow of people, Li Bai walked into the center of the business district. At this moment, a building was ablaze, and the fire seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

Li Bai soon sensed Jin Yan's voice again, and at the same time quickly found Fang Wei. Fang Wei was standing on the side of the road with the housekeeper, discussing something fiercely. Obviously they didn't realize that, right at their This is what happens here when getting ready to get your wedding ring.

good chance.Li Bai was secretly delighted.

(End of this chapter)

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