Chapter 2340 Riot
"Third Young Master, I didn't know such a thing would happen." The housekeeper stood in front of Fang Wei, not daring to lift his head, enduring his endless anger.

Fang Wei is usually very talkative, but the premise is that you have to complete the tasks he has assigned to you. Some of these tasks may be difficult, but they are definitely within the capabilities of others, so when others cannot complete his tasks Fang Wei will be very angry when

"I don't listen to your explanation. As I said, I will see the wedding ring today. No matter what happens, you have to get it for me before the end of the day. And don't just find two rings from the stall for me. Come here with a ring, I want it to be exactly the same as before, do you understand?" Fang Wei stood on the street angrily, but because the surrounding environment was too noisy, he didn't notice the situation on his side.

"Understood." The butler responded repeatedly, but cold sweat broke out on his back. He knew Fang Wei's temper, so this matter must be done today.

However, the previous wedding diamond rings needed to be customized. Even if the two diamond rings are rushed out now, it will take at least a week, but Fang Wei wants him to get them today, so what should he do.

Fang Wei left the business district angrily, leaving the butler standing alone on the street in the busy city, feeling sad, watching the raging fire of the building, there was really nothing he could do.

Just when the butler was about to rush to the next business district, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"Du Fu? Why are you here?"

Li Bai pretended to be watching the fun and didn't see the butler, so he just appeared in front of the butler. When the butler called Li Bai's fake name, Li Bai pretended to be shocked, and then he saw clearly that it was the butler.

"Master Butler, are you going shopping today too? Mrs. Liu gave me a day off today, so I'm going out for a walk." Li Bai chatted with the butler enthusiastically as if meeting a fellow villager, "Master Butler, this is my first time. Come here once, how about you play with me?"

The butler looked at Li Bai with a gloomy expression. He is anxious now like an ant on a hot pot. How can he have time to play around with Li Bai, a "little boy": "You can play by yourself. I have something urgent, so let's go first." gone."

But Li Bai followed: "Butler, what's the matter, maybe I can help you too."

The butler still had some doubts about Li Bai's identity. After thinking about it, he still told Li Bai his problem.

When Li Bai heard this, he pretended to be contemplative, and snapped his fingers: "Housekeeper, you can contact the Qin family, and tell them that there was an accident here. If you can't get the diamond ring today, the wedding must be postponed." , In this way, they will definitely be anxious, and then help you find a way."

The housekeeper's eyes lit up. Although this is a bad idea, just as Li Bai said, the Qin family now attaches far more importance to the wedding than the Fang family.

The butler nodded, and then called Qin Jiang on Tianxun, telling Qin Jiang how angry Fang Wei was.

Li Bai didn't dare to appear on the steward's Tianxun screen to prevent himself from being discovered, but only confirmed in the steward's words that the Qin family did as he expected, and the four brothers Jianghe, Huhai and Qi Qi were dispatched to find a couple as soon as possible. Affordable diamond wedding rings.

"Master Butler, you don't have to thank me. Then I'll go and play by myself first, and you get busy first." After finishing the matter in front of him, Li Bai resigned. After a while, the butler must meet the Qin family. If it is smashed at that time, it will be a failure in the past few days.

Li Bai went around in a big circle in the downtown area, and learned about the cause of the fire from passers-by.

It turned out that the building that caught fire belonged to the property of Ma's family. As soon as it opened this morning, I don't know why it caught fire, and everything inside was burned to a mess.

Passers-by don't know what's tricky in this, but Li Bai knows that this is probably because the Niu family is already attacking the Ma family, but how this battle will be carried out is no longer Li Bai's business. He is going to the Qin family now. a trip.

When Li Bai came to Qin's Forest Park, he just happened to see the four Jianghe, Huhai brothers leaving together. Li Bai's plan of diverting the tiger away from the mountain worked so easily, which made Li Bai very happy.

Relying on his memory, he walked and stopped to identify the direction, and Li Bai finally came to the gate of Qin's community.

The Qin family seemed to let go of the power of their spirit array. There was no one guarding the gate. When Li Bai walked towards the gate, the protective cover appeared again, and Li Bai used the power of the silver stars to move it. , but also failed to open the door. It seems that this spiritual formation should be like the original Xie family formation, which needs to use its own special spiritual power.

But at this time, how could Li Bai have the time to find another Qin family member to come over to break the formation, the power of the silver stars was frantically urged, and rushed into Li Bai's fist. cover.

There was a muffled sound of "boom", as if the bell of an ancient temple had been struck heavily, and the entire spiritual formation made a deep sound, and immediately, with a "bang", the spiritual formation was torn apart.

The entire Qin family immediately issued a lot of alarm sounds, resounding through the sky, deafening, and soon many people ran out of their respective units, wanting to see what happened.

But at this time, Li Bai had already rushed towards Qin Yubing's apartment building at a flying speed. Just when he was about to break in, the door opened by himself, and Qin Yubing, who was still wearing pajamas, suddenly appeared in front of him. in front of Li Bai.

"You!" Seeing Li Bai's appearance, Qin Yubing was taken aback and wanted to yell, but a generous palm covered her mouth before she could speak, and then pulled Qin Yubing back into the room without resistance.

"Qin Yubing, it doesn't matter whether you recognize me or not, but you just listen to me quietly." Li Bai threw Qin Yubing on the sofa, and spoke roughly what happened in the past month in an unquestionable tone. again.

Qin Yubing looked shocked, although she still didn't quite believe what Li Bai said, but if what Li Bai said was true, then everything she experienced now was because her brothers were deceiving her.

"This elixir is called Cordyceps. If you eat it, you will restore your previous memories. If you want to know the truth of the matter, please believe me. I don't have much time, so I have to go now." Li Bai said to Qin Yubing, and left in a hurry.

Because of the destruction of the spirit formation, the entire Qin family was in chaos. The head of the Qin family, Qin Rongyi, stood at the gate and inspected the destroyed place of the spirit formation. Feeling the remaining power of the stars, his heart tightened.

"Qin Jiang, did you tell me before that there is a very powerful person named Li Bai?" Qin Rongyi wanted to make sure that the person who could break his Qin family's spiritual formation was at least as strong as a Jindan period cultivator.

Over there, Qin Jiang quickly gave an affirmative answer: "What's the matter, Dad? We are in a hurry now, and we need to get Bingbing's wedding ring quickly."

"When are you going to look for the ring? The spiritual formation at home was breached by that Li Bai!" Qin Rongyi cursed.

Hearing this news, Qin Jiang was very flustered, and hurriedly said to Qin Rongyi: "Father, if it's really him, go and see if Bingbing is still there. If Bingbing is snatched away by that kid, everything will be fine." It's over!"

At this time, Qin Rongyi didn't care about the tone of Qin Jiang's words to him, so he hurriedly hung up the Tianxun and walked towards Qin Yubing's apartment building.

"Bing Bing, are you there?" Qin Rongyi roared loudly, sitting on the sofa blankly recalling what Li Bai said to her just now, hearing Qin Rongyi's voice, hurriedly put away the caterpillar.

"Father, I'm here. What's going on outside? Why are you making so much noise so early in the morning?" Qin Yubing asked Qin Rongyi.

Seeing that Qin Yubing was still at home intact and not injured, Qin Rongyi was relieved.

"It's okay, you just stay at home today, don't go anywhere, I will send some people to protect your safety, there are assassins coming." Qin Rongyi said, and did not leave at ease until the guards of the Qin family arrived here .

Even if the guards couldn't beat Li Bai, they could send a signal immediately and wait for Qin Rongyi's arrival. As for whether Qin Rongyi could beat Li Bai when he came, that was unknown.

At this time, the Qin family was still in turmoil. The assassin Qin Rongyi mentioned seemed to have just destroyed the spirit array and then disappeared.

"Are you just here to show us off?" Qin Rongyi murmured, but since Li Bai didn't make any further moves, then this is also a good thing for the Qin family.

Qin Rongyi hurriedly arranged for the restoration of the spirit array, while on the other side, Qin Yubing returned to his bedroom, took out the caterpillar and looked at it again and again.

In the end, regardless of the bad smell of the caterpillar, he stuffed the whole caterpillar into his mouth abruptly. When the whole caterpillar was eaten, a sharp pain came to Qin Yubing's mind , it seems that there are two ends of the memory that are constantly tearing back and forth, making Qin Yubing miserable.

Qin Yubing kept holding back and didn't cry out, fearing that the guards outside would hear it, but after 5 minutes, Qin Yubing finally couldn't hold on any longer and passed out.

"I hope the wormwood didn't lie to me." Li Bai jumped down from a big tree with a look of relief on his face. He never did, but he was afraid that Qin Yubing still didn't believe him, so he would just throw away the wormwood. If that was the case Otherwise, Li Bai would have to choose to forcibly feed the caterpillar fungus to Qin Yubing.

However, Qin Yubing obviously also wanted to know the truth of the matter, which saved Li Bai a lot of trouble.

Just when Li Bai was about to leave Qin's house humming about the community, his Tianxun suddenly rang, and when the Tianxun was picked up inside, the figure of Old Liu appeared on the screen.

"Du Fu, where are you now? I need you to come back immediately." Elder Liu's expression was serious, as if something important had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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