Chapter 2341 Doubt

When Li Bai rushed back to the Fang family, the whole Fang family was still very peaceful as usual, although most people knew that their third young master Fang Wei was going to marry Qin Yubing, the only daughter of the Qin family, in a week's time. Because they are not very helpful with today's affairs, so one by one seems a bit boring.

Li Bai quickly walked towards the medicine field. At this time, Elder Liu was the only one patrolling the whole medicine field. As for the other medicine farmers, it was all because of what happened this morning. Mr. Liu gave them a day off .

This made Li Bai a little confused, why Mr. Liu suddenly handed him back.

"Mr. Liu, I'm back. You are looking for me in such a hurry. What's the matter?" Li Bai walked to Mr. Liu, who was squatting on the small piece of land where the caterpillar fungus disappeared.

"Come on, Du Fu, come and see." Elder Liu waved to Li Bai, but Elder Liu, who always called Li Bai a child, suddenly called Li Bai's pseudonym Du Fu, which gave Li Bai a bad feeling.

"I remember, when we finished the class yesterday afternoon, the caterpillar was really still here, right?" Mr. Liu asked Li Bai in a very calm tone. Li Bai nodded, and Mr. Liu also nodded. .

"That means that the loss of the caterpillar must have been last night, but you were telling me your story last night, right?" Elder Liu asked Li Bai again, and Li Bai still nodded.

Elder Liu suddenly pointed to some traces on the ground and asked Li Bai to look: "Can you see the traces of the earth?" The place that Elder Liu pointed to was covered with some small scratches, no surprises, this is Hei Yan The mark left behind, "This kind of scratch is definitely impossible to be man-made, so I guess, it must be a small animal that stole the caterpillar, otherwise it would not have succeeded so easily."

Li Bai hummed to express his agreement, but still did not speak.

"But I'm very surprised, why there has never been a scene of a small animal stealing the elixir in our medicine field before you came, but it happened as soon as you came? You know, this elixir is very important to us humans. What is nourishing, but to small animals, it is poison." Liu Lao looked at Li Bai thoughtfully, and Li Bai seemed a little anxious.

"Old Liu, you can't blame me. How did I know that the elixir would be lost? I was with you last night." Li Bai pretended to be flustered, but his heart became more and more nervous. From the beginning, he knew that Mr. Liu had already suspected him.

"I don't blame you." Elder Liu patted Li Bai's shoulder and said again, "I just remember that the way you came into Fang's house was to present a fun lizard to Third Young Master, right?"

Old Liu stared straight at Li Bai, as if he wanted to see through Li Bai.

Li Bai didn't speak, and looked at Liu Lao quietly.

Finally, Mr. Liu once again broke the almost suffocating calm between the two of them: "Your name should not be Du Fu. If you guess correctly, your real name should be Li Bai."

Mr. Liu said lightly, and became quiet, which surprised Li Bai very much. I don't know when Mr. Liu guessed it, but Li Bai, whose identity was discovered, did not attack Mr. Liu, because Mr. Liu didn't seem to be at this time. The plan to give him out.

"Really?" Elder Liu asked Li Bai again, Li Bai thought about it, and then nodded.

"Hey." Mr. Liu sighed, and began to recall something, "I told Third Young Master long ago that what is his is his, and what is not his is not his after all, but he didn't listen. That little girl is stalking, but that little girl Qin Yubing has never liked Third Young Master, and even sneaked away to the capital a few years ago."

"When I came back this time, I felt something was wrong, and then I heard the news of the wedding between the third young master and Miss Qin Yubing, and you worked so hard to get this caterpillar, what happened to you young people , I roughly understand a seven or eight."

Elder Liu sighed again, turned around and looked at Li Bai seriously: "I won't tell the third young master about you. After all, only by following you can the little girl Qin Yubing get real happiness. To be honest, I don't I think so. However, I don’t think San Shao knows about the Thousand Insect Gu, so I hope that when you do something later, you can give San Shao a way out.”

Li Bai nodded vigorously, then turned around and left. In just a short while, it can be said that Li Bai also felt the feeling of heaven and earth. If it is shaken out, then Li Bai will definitely fall short.

"I don't know what happened to Qin Yubing now?" Li Bai thought to himself.

On the other side, the four Jianghe, Huhai and Huhai brothers returned to the Qin family sweating profusely. Today they followed the housekeeper of the Fang family to search for a wedding diamond ring in Xihong City for a day, and finally found a pair of wedding rings similar to the one before. The few people who usually don't buy things are tired and sweaty.

And at this time, the Qin family's spiritual array has almost been repaired, so Qin Jiang told the other three brothers that Li Bai had come to the Qin family in the morning, and when they heard that Li Bai had only destroyed their spiritual array, he did not capture them. When Qin Yubing left, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where is Bingbing, how is it now?" Qin Hai asked the guard who was arranged in the room. The guard told Qin Hai that since Qin Yubing returned to the room in the morning, he had never come out again, but what they can guarantee is that no one entered the room.

Qin Hai nodded, then opened the door and quietly walked into Qin Yubing's room, but at this moment, Qin Yubing seemed to be sleeping, curled up with a pained expression on his face.

"Bingbing? Bingbing?" Qin Hai called Qin Yubing in a low voice, but how could Qin Yubing, who was in a coma, hear Qin Hai's call.

"Come out, she must have been frightened in the morning, it should be good to let her rest more now." Qin Jiang also came in, saw the scene in front of him, and pulled Qin Hai out.

"Could it be that Li Bai drugged Bingbing?" Qin Hai asked suspiciously. Qin He said that it was impossible. If Li Bai could get in touch with Qin Yubing, based on his previous actions, he would definitely bring Qin Yubing to him. go.

But what Qin He didn't expect was that Li Bai didn't take Qin Yubing away.

"Wait, nothing will happen," Qin Hu said.

Unexpectedly, this wait was like waiting for five days.

Because of Qin Yubing's coma, the entire Qin family became very panicked. As the wedding day approached, the panic spread to everyone in the Qin family at an increasing speed.

"What the hell is going on? How did Bingbing fall into a coma so well?" Qin Rongyi was furious, making everyone afraid to approach him.

Qin Rongyi was really angry, not only because Li Bai might have caused Qin Yubing's coma, but also because, with Fang Wei's temperament, it was absolutely impossible for him to bypass the Qin family if the wedding was not held as scheduled. You can't tell Fang Wei that Qin Yubing accidentally fell into a coma, so this marriage can't be done.

"Where's Qin Jiang? Where's Qin Jiang?" Qin Rongyi yelled loudly, and his servants quickly spread the word, which made Qin Jiang rush over when Qin Rongyi was on the verge of erupting again.

"Father, what's the matter?" Qin Jiang looked at his father in trepidation, feeling very depressed. During these five days, not only Qin Rongyi was angry, but the four brothers were even more anxious.

"I'll give you one day. At this time tomorrow, I want to see that Li Bai. No matter what method you use, I want to see him." Qin Rongyi ordered Qin Jiang, and Qin Jiang showed embarrassment: "Father , this Li Bai..."

"Do you dare to disobey my orders?" But before Qin Jiang finished speaking, Qin Rongyi interrupted Qin Jiang's words roughly. Qin Jiang could only nod his head and retreat. To suffer.

When Qin Jiang conveyed his father's order to the other three brothers, they were going crazy.

"How is this possible? At that time, the four of us joined forces and couldn't stop Li Bai's punch, and now we are asked to bring him over. Isn't this asking us to court death?" Qin Hai said angrily.

Qin Jiang had no choice, he didn't dare to disobey his father's order.

"It seems that we can only go to the Fang family for help." Qin Jiang thought for a while, and then said to the three of them.

As for Li Bai, the party concerned, he can be quite busy during these five days. Because he "graduated" from Mr. Liu, Li Bai soon came to Fang Wei's side again to help Fang Wei with the final preparations for the wedding. , busy all day and night almost broke his leg, but he still enjoys it and is very happy every day, as if the person who is about to get married is not Fang Wei but himself.

This day passed in another busy day, Li Bai wiped the sweat off his brow, went back to his residence, opened Tianxu, but there was still no call from Qin Yubing's Tianxun.

"Maybe he hasn't woken up yet." Li Bai said to himself, in his plan, when Qin Yubing wakes up from the coma, he will definitely call Tianxun to confirm.

But when Li Bai was about to go to sleep, there was a burst of noisy footsteps outside the door, and a conversation that Li Bai could clearly hear.

"It's so late. I don't know why Brother Qin Jiang came here. There are only two days left for the wedding. I wonder if your Qin family is ready." This was Fang Wei's voice.

"Everything is ready, but we have encountered a problem and want to ask you for help." This is Qin Jiang's voice.

"Oh? What's the matter? Your Qin family can't even handle it."

"Help us find a person named Li Bai. If this Li Bai can't be found, we are a little scared. This Li Bai will destroy the wedding scene."

Li Bai saw from the window that Jianghe, Huhai and the four had all come to Fang's house. Li Bai quickly guessed that this might be Qin Rongyi's intention, otherwise, lend the four Jianghe, Huhai brothers a hundred courage, and they It is also impossible to have the courage to trouble him again.

"Then it's useless for you to look for me. In our Fang family, Li Bai doesn't have one, but Du Fu does have one." Fang Wei's voice slowly reached Li Bai's ears, making Li Bai's heart tighten.

(End of this chapter)

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