Chapter 2343
Since Qin Yubing woke up, she never took a step away from the door. She locked herself in the room all day long, facing the mirror with a blank face, and kept talking to herself.

The servants did not dare to disturb Qin Yubing, but only reported to Qin Jiang that although the young lady has been a little abnormal recently, she still seems a little excited, which should be because of the upcoming wedding.

This news made Qin Jiang very relieved. Thinking about it, every girl seems to have this kind of nervousness, so he didn't pay much attention to it before, but what he didn't know was that Qin Yubing was constantly reciting Li Bai and him. Talk about some arrangements, some things she needs to do on the wedding day.

Just when Qin Yubing was delighted again because he successfully recited all the steps, there was a knock on the door of the room.

"Didn't I say, don't bother me before dinner time?" Qin Yubing was a little annoyed, opened the door, and Qin Hai walked in with a smile.

"Bingbing, don't you welcome my brother?" Qin Hai didn't wait for Qin Yubing's consent, but walked into the room on his own, but his eyes quickly scanned Qin Yubing's room, hoping to find something strange. Something that should exist here.

"Not welcome." Qin Yu said to Qin Hai with a cold face, which made Qin Hai startled.

"Why?" Although Qin Hai was a little uneasy, he actually had some expectations in his heart. If Qin Yubing said that she hated him, then it was very likely that Qin Yubing had recovered his previous memory of him.

Although Qin Hai doesn't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for himself, but if it is true and he can know Li Bai's whereabouts from Qin Yubing's mouth, then it will be a good thing for the entire Qin family. Qin Yubing recovered his memory, and they could also kill Li Bai before the wedding.

"Before the wedding, I don't really want to see other people, so why don't you just let me be quiet for a while?" Qin Yubing said angrily, like a little girl sulking.

Qin Yubing's reaction made Qin Hai very surprised. Could it be that Qin Yubing was really thinking about getting married?

"Okay, okay." Qin Hai pretended to leave, but asked Qin Yubing the moment he turned around, "Bingbing, have any strange people come to you in the past two days?"

"No! The strangest person is you!" Qin Yubing almost yelled, causing Qin Hai to flee the room in a hurry.

After the room was quiet, a smile appeared on Qin Yubing's angry face. Li Bai had already expected the reaction of his brothers, and Qin Yubing's response was just repeating what Li Bai told her.

Here, Qin Hai returned downstairs with a depressed expression on his face. The other three looked up at Qin Hai, but Qin Hai shook his head.

"That's weird, this Li Bai, where did he go?" Qin Jiang murmured, puzzled.

But at this moment, a sense of spiritual fluctuation surged into the hearts of several people, and at the same time, a sound of shouting and cursing came to their ears from outside.

"The Qin family, you are all a bunch of bastards, just steal my woman, and use something as evil as Thousand Insect Gu to erase Bingbing's memory, you guys will die!"

A shrew's scolding sound resounded over the Qin family, and everyone who heard it came out of the room one after another, and the first one to come out was naturally Qin Rongyi, the head of the Qin family.

At the gate of Qin's house, a young man turned his face sideways and yelled towards the inside. The curses became more and more ugly, which made Qin Rongyi very angry.

"Okay, Li Bai, I didn't go looking for you, you came here by yourself, in this case, you can stay with me!" Qin Rongyi roared, and chased after Li Bai's figure.

And Li Bai, who had always shown others with a domineering posture, turned around and ran away after seeing Qin Rongyi at this time, without any intention of fighting at all.

"Li Bai, see if I don't kill you!" Qin Rongyi yelled, chasing Li Bai's figure into the dense forest of the forest park.

This scene made the four Jianghe, Huhai and Huhai brothers look at each other in blank dismay. They thought that Li Bai came to the door on his own initiative to fight, but they didn't expect to be so cowardly.

"Does it mean that his strength is not as strong as your father's?" Qin Hai asked.

"Probably, otherwise, why did he run away when he saw Dad?" Qin Hu continued.

"Then how did he hit the four of us alone before?" Qin He asked again.

"Father alone can beat eight of us." Qin Jiang frowned, "But I don't think it's that simple."

After waiting for about ten minutes, Qin Rongyi finally came back out of breath, his entire right arm was already stained red with blood.

"Father, are you alright?" Jiang Hehuhai rushed up to meet Qin Rongyi, and surrounded Qin Rongyi. In fact, they were very happy in their hearts. After all, they were still worried about Li Bai's whereabouts before. Now that Li Bai appeared, they don't have to Look again.

"It's solved." Qin Rongyi gritted his teeth and said, this Li Bai was almost his serious worry, "That kid wanted to compare his speed with me in the woods, but I directly crippled his right foot, but I didn't expect this kid to jump. The lake ran away, otherwise, his life would be here today."

After Jiang He Hu Hai heard this, their faces were full of suspicion and joy.

"Now, this Li Bai shouldn't mess up Bingbing's wedding, right?" Qin He asked excitedly, and the answer was self-evident.

Just when everyone in the Qin family was rejoicing, outside the forest park, a man dragged his bloody right leg to a hillside.

"Fuck, you didn't tell me that your life would be in danger. I almost lost my life. No, I have to double the price you said." The man turned to another man sitting on the hillside. The man said, and then received his reward of 10 yuan.

"Let's go, call me if there is such a thing in the future, the price is negotiable." The man waved his hand and left, leaving behind the other man who was still sitting quietly on the hillside, looking at the Qin family's community in the distance.

"It seems that you are quite happy." Li Bai said softly.

Everything that happened just now was arranged by Li Bai. He specially hired a warrior who ran faster to pretend that he had done everything before, in order to give the Qin family and the Fang family the illusion that Li Bai had been injured. In this way, When it comes to the wedding, the vigilance will definitely be much less.

Li Bai didn't call Qin Yubing, and quickly returned to Fang's house. During the business trip, the butler asked Li Bai a lot of questions, which seemed ordinary, but Li Bai knew that the butler was still trying to test him.

"I heard that today Li Bai went to your Qin's house to look for something, and one of his legs was broken?" Fang Wei quickly called Tianxun to Qin Jiang's side. Qin Jiang was still a little excited and told Fang Wei that Li Bai couldn't do it now. Stop the marriage of the two of them.

"Very well, then this Du Fu on our side must not be Li Bai, his leg is not injured at all." Fang Wei said.

Seeing how relaxed Qin Jiang and Fang Wei were, the housekeeper frowned, but didn't say anything to Fang Wei.

After another night of peace, nothing major happened on the last day before the wedding. All the preparations for the wedding have already been completed, and they are waiting for tomorrow.

But today's scene was more like a celebrity walking a red carpet. Li Bai hardly stopped all day long. All kinds of relatives rushed from all corners of China to attend tomorrow's wedding.

Seeing Fang's family laughing, seeing the guests laughing, Li Bai himself laughed too.

"Laugh, laugh, wait until tomorrow and see if you can still laugh out loud." Li Bai's smile hides a knife, a knife that has been sharpened, waiting for the moment when the time is right He drew his sword and killed all directions.

When night fell, there was a knock on the door of Li Bai's room. Li Bai opened the door, and the person standing outside turned out to be the housekeeper, saying that the young master had something to look for.

"Third Young Master, do you have anything to do with me?" Li Bai quickly came to Fang Wei and asked respectfully.

Fang Wei nodded in satisfaction. After several days of observation, he found that Li Bai was determined to serve the Fang family.

"During the day, I suddenly thought, if I show Xiaojin to everyone, will it cause a little sensation?" Fang Wei asked Li Bai, looking at him.

Upon hearing this, Li Bai knew that Fang Wei was looking for him for something, and he was overjoyed: "Of course, San Shao, after all, Xiao Jin is very precious in the whole of China, if you let them see it, they will definitely admire you, San Shao of."

These days, Li Bai has learned a lot of flattering skills. After a burst of hype, Fang Wei is even more proud.

"But, you also know that tomorrow I will be the bridegroom official. Wouldn't it be great if I went to perform for everyone?" Fang Wei said, his eyes fell on Li Bai.

"Third Young Master, do you mean that you want me to bring Xiao Jin to perform for everyone at the wedding?" Li Bai asked in surprise.

Fang Wei nodded. He felt that Li Bai's surprise was because he suddenly gave Li Bai a chance to perform. In fact, Li Bai was because if he could do this, then tomorrow's action would definitely be smoother.

"Alright, alright, young master, I promise to complete the task satisfactorily." Li Bai pretended to be very happy, and almost jumped up.

After Li Bai left, the room became quiet again. After waiting for a while, Fang Wei showed a dissatisfied expression.

"Why, do you think it's inappropriate for me to do this?" Fang Wei turned to look at the butler standing aside, the butler nodded, not daring to show any disobedience.

"Third Young Master, that's not what I meant. It's just that I feel that something is wrong with Du Fu, but I can't tell exactly where it is." The housekeeper said.

Fang Wei snorted, and then waved his hands: "I see, you are already confused, and everyone thinks something is wrong. Let's get some rest tonight. We have to get up early tomorrow to put on makeup or something."

Fang Wei got up and walked towards the bedroom. The butler left, but stood at the door and dialed a Skycom.

"Tomorrow, can you come and help me?"

(End of this chapter)

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