The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2344 Wedding

Chapter 2344 Wedding
There was no need for Mr. Liu to call, but Li Bai was woken up by the sound of hurried footsteps early the next morning. When he opened the window, he saw that the entire Fangjiadi site was covered with red flags flying.

Li Bai stretched out his waist, the sun is extraordinarily warm today, just like all happy days.

"Du Fu, Du Fu, what are you still doing, come and help!" Li Bai had just finished washing, when someone called Li Bai, Li Bai could only step forward to help, even though he had 1000 million reluctances in his heart.

At about 07:30, the door of Fang's house opened like never before, and luxury wedding cars drove in one after another. Every car was full of decorations. Fang Wei got into the first wedding car Among them, the whole convoy drove towards the Qin family in mighty manner.

Li Bai was also sitting in one of the wedding cars, but he was surrounded by people he didn't know, which made him very embarrassed.

This is Li Bai's first time attending a wedding on earth, so everything about the wedding is new to him.

In terms of customs, even the two ancient martial arts clans did not break the ancient traditions of China. For example, before Fang Wei entered the door of the Qin family, he was blocked by the Qin family for nearly half an hour. After countless red envelopes, they were able to enter the door; another example, in order not to let the bride leave the Qin family, the bridesmaids hid Qin Yubing's high-heeled shoes separately in the room, and Fang Wei finally found it after a lot of effort.

Of course, there were more places where Li Bai was not present, because he was a little afraid that if he couldn't hold back, he would beat Fang Wei on the spot. After all, Qin Yubing was his woman.

The whole morning, Li Bai wasted on these wedding customs. At noon, the wedding car team brought her natal family back to the Fang family's site again. , a luxurious stage-like venue has been built, and at the same time below the stage, it is full of banquets.

I didn't choose to hold the wedding in a certain big hotel. On the one hand, it was because the Fang family and the Qin family were considered hermit families, and they didn't want to show themselves in front of the world. Not as luxurious as it is today.

The time soon reached twelve o'clock at noon, and the master of ceremonies who had already arrived stepped onto the stage and began to speak.

"Today is a day of great joy. Fang Wei, the third young master of the Fang family, and Qin Yubing, the little princess of the Qin family, are going to tie the knot!" the master of ceremonies said in a loud voice, pa pa pa pa pa, the audience applauded immediately .

When the fireworks exploded in the air, Li Bai in the background realized that the wedding had already begun, and according to the expected progress, he was going to perform on stage in a short time.

"Jin Yan, are you ready?" Li Bai asked, stroking Jin Yan's skin.

"Of course I'm ready, you don't know, I've been suffocated by following that man for the past few days." Jin Yan complained, Li Bai smiled and put the mask he had prepared on his face .

On the other side, on the stage, the master of ceremonies has already begun to introduce the guests present from both sides.

The Fang family, Fang Shiyu, the head of the Fang family, Xiang Xiang, the eldest young master of the Fang family, and Fang Ren, the second young master of the Fang family, were seated at the front of the banquet, and standing side by side with them were relatives of the Qin family, Qin Rongyi, and the four brothers Jiang He Hu Hai .

It's not just them, everyone's faces are flushed and beaming. Fang Shiyu and Qin Rongyi are talking passionately about something. They are trying their best to build a good relationship. They know that after today is over, the two families will officially become in-laws , In the days to come, that is to share weal and woe.

The two kept talking politely, but on the stage, Fang Wei had already walked up, holding Qin Yubing's hand, and officially showed it in front of everyone.

"Third Young Master is really handsome. Look, the bride looks like a fairy. If only I were so beautiful."

Fang Wei and Qin Yubing were wearing traditional Chinese wedding dresses, all in red, beaming with joy, and Qin Yubing wore a red gauze on her head to block her face inside.

Fang Wei's face was flushed, Qin Yubing seemed to be more obedient today than before, as if he knew that he was about to join the Fang family, so he had already started to play the role of a good wife.

Of course, what Fang Wei didn't know was that behind the piece of red gauze, Qin Yubing's eyes kept rolling, trying to find Li Bai's figure in the crowd, but to her disappointment, she couldn't find it.

The process soon reached the stage of getting married. Fang Wei's parents walked onto the stage and sat on the north side of the antique hall that had been built, while Fang Wei and Qin Yubing faced the two elders.

This scene was watched by Li Bai, and his teeth itch with hatred. How much he thought that the groom was himself, but for the sake of future happiness, he had to choose to forbear for the time being.

The cheers of the guests became louder and louder, and it was finally quiet after the wedding banquet began.

"Du Fu, are you ready? It's your turn to play next." The butler appeared behind Li Bai at some point, and said to Li Bai. Li Bai nodded. The singer on the stage hadn't finished singing, and he still needed Wait a little longer.

"Du Fu, why are you wearing a mask?" The butler suddenly asked, looking at the slightly terrifying pale mask on Li Bai's face.

"Well, I think I'm a bit ugly, so I cover my face, or I'm afraid that everyone won't be able to eat." Li Bai laughed at himself, and tightened his mask again.

Of course, the reason why he wears a mask is not this, the most important thing is because, at the bottom of the stage, people from the Qin family are sitting there, if he goes up there without a mask, the four Jianghe, Huhai brothers will definitely recognize him immediately .

"Okay, you can go to eat after the performance." The housekeeper said to Li Bai, and then left quickly.

At the end of the song, the stage immediately fell silent, and Li Bai also walked up it quietly. Coupled with Li Bai's strange mask, the entire wedding scene was silent in an instant.

The housekeeper not far away frowned, this scene was a little weird.

"Hi everyone, my name is Du Fu. In order to cheer up the wedding of the third young master and Miss Qin, I specially prepared a show for everyone. I hope you like it." Li Bai said to everyone nervously.

Off the field, Fang Wei, who was toasting his relatives at every table, was very happy. He stopped to toast and looked up at Du Fu on the field. Although he was wearing a mask that made Fang Wei feel a little strange, he didn't care. these details.

Another detail that Fang Wei didn't notice was that Qin Yubing, who was beside him, trembled involuntarily after hearing Li Bai's self-introduction, and the wine in her glass accidentally spilled on Fang Wei's. hand.

"What's wrong?" Fang Wei looked down at Qin Yubing, and the servants quickly took out a tissue to wipe Fang Wei's hands clean.

"I'm fine, maybe I'm looking forward to this person's performance." Qin Yubing said, also looking up at Li Bai on the stage, under the cover of the red gauze, no one could notice Qin Yubing's imperceptible smile.

At the same time, behind the wall next to the central area of ​​the Fang family, dozens of warriors hid there motionless, and the leaders watched the performance on the stage, a little depressed.

"What's the situation? Some people dare to disturb the third young master's wedding. Is this the rhythm of not wanting to live anymore?" The leader said depressedly. They had been hiding here for two full hours. Her feet were so numb that she couldn't feel it, but no one went to the stage to make trouble.

"Do you want something to happen to Young Master San or not to him?" Someone said to the leader, who rolled his eyes, but continued to focus on the stage, especially the situation of those people below the stage.

Li Bai's performance also officially started at this time.

"When my father was about to pass away, my father told me a secret. He said that in fact, there are some creatures in this world that are stronger than humans." Jin Yan took it out and placed it on the table in front of him.

There was laughter in the audience, because the contrast between Jin Yan and Li Bai was too great, one was so big and the other was so small, in their opinion, Jin Yan could be trampled to death with one foot.

"They not only have their own wisdom, but also their own language."

Jin Yan stretched and retracted his big eyes, and at the same time let out a "tragic" cry.

"Then my father gave Xiaojin to me. He said that this is a magical beast that he has exhausted his whole life to domesticate, and he can do whatever the master wants him to do."

Li Bai patted Jin Yan's head and said to Jin Yan, "Little Jin, stand up."

So, amidst the exclamation of everyone, Jin Yan, who was on all fours, stood upright with two legs.

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by Jin Yan's magic, and they even forgot to eat.

"Third Young Master, your Fang family has such a strange person, I admire you." Someone praised Fang Wei.

Fang Wei smiled triumphantly: "That's natural. My biggest hobby is to collect all kinds of magical items. The stories told by the above person are actually false, and that Xiaojin is actually mine, the most amazing Yes, Xiao Jin only listens to me, the master, for the others, even if you yell out your throat, it's useless."

Fang Wei laughed loudly, a little Xiaojin already had an incomparably long face.

Everyone agreed again, making Fang Wei even more happy, but at this moment, a child from someone's family ran to Fang Wei's side, pointing at Li Bai on the stage and saying.

"Brother, brother, didn't you say that Xiao Jin only listens to his master? But why does that Xiao Jin also listen to that brother on the stage?" The child asked Fang Wei loudly in an innocent voice.

The smile on Fang Wei's face suddenly froze, as if he had heard something incredible.

The child cried out in fright at Fang Wei's expression, and the child's parents hurried over to Fang Wei to apologize, saying that children should not mind if they are ignorant.

However, Fang Wei ignored the other party's apology. Now, his expression became more and more gloomy, because he clearly remembered that when Xiao Jin was handed over to Li Bai, Li Bai and Xiao Jin did not repeat the confession that made him unconscious process.

(End of this chapter)

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