The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2345 Identity Exposed

Chapter 2345 Identity Exposed
Just when Fang Wei was about to lose his temper, his right hand sank suddenly, Qin Yubing's legs went limp, and he almost fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Fang Wei hurriedly helped Qin Yubing, and asked with anger and concern.

"I have nothing to do. Maybe it's because I've been too tired preparing for the wedding these days and haven't had a good rest." Qin Yubing said delicately.

"Then go and rest for a while, I'll take care of things here." Fang Wei helped Qin Yubing aside, then returned to the previous position, looking at Li Bai on the stage with a gloomy expression.

At this time, Li Bai had already made Jin Yan do various movements, which became more and more difficult, and at the same time attracted more applause from the crowd.

The more Fang Wei watched, the more angry he became, he waved his hands, and the housekeeper who had been guarding not far away immediately walked to Fang Wei's side.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Go and tell Du Fu to end the performance, I have something to ask him."

Fang Wei's expression was very solemn, but Li Bai on the stage became more and more excited.

In the audience, Qin Yubing has temporarily left the surrounding area of ​​the stage according to his plan. At the same time, Li Bai also saw Fang Wei's dull expression. Li Bai knew that there might be some problem somewhere, which made Fang Wei start to doubt himself. It was seeing Fang Wei and the housekeeper talking, which made Li Bai more determined in his mind.

But Li Bai didn't panic at all. When the housekeeper walked towards the stage, he continued his performance.

"Everyone, in fact, what Xiao Jin performed just now is some of his basic skills. He still has a unique skill that has not been shown. Do you want to see it?" Li Bai asked loudly to everyone, full of "thinking" The voice responded.

This embarrassed the butler who was standing on the side curtain of the stage, so he had to wait for a while.

"Everyone knows that caterpillars can spin silk, and spiders can spin silk, but do you know? Lizards can also spin silk." Li Bai touched Jin Yan's body, and told him what to do next.

But at this moment, Qin Hai's face under the stage suddenly became frightened, as if he had thought of something bad.

"What's the matter?" Qin Jiang noticed the bright look on Qin Hai's face, and asked strangely.

"I, this..." Qin Hai was speechless, but the scene of seeing Li Bai for the second time and being tied up with gold threads was playing in his mind like a movie.

"What happened?" Qin Jiang asked.

At this time, Qin Haiteng stood up, pointed at Li Bai on the stage and shouted in horror: "This person is Li Bai!"

At the same time, Li Bai on the stage covered Qin Hai's voice with a louder voice: "Next, it's time to witness the miracle!"

Qin Hai only felt a chill run down his spine, as if a pair of eyes glared at him fiercely under that terrifying mask.

In the next second, golden threads were shot out from Jin Yan's mouth in all directions. The audience who didn't know the situation saw it and shouted hello.

However, they soon fell silent, because the whole wedding scene suddenly became a commotion. The four brothers of the Qin family, Jiang He, Hu Hai, were running out as if fleeing for their lives, while Fang Wei and the butler of the Fang family One from under the stage, and the other from sideways to kill Li Bai on the stage.

"It's only now that I realize it, isn't it too late?" Li Bai snorted coldly, and took off his mask from his face. It was the legs of the Qin family and the Fang family at the wedding scene.

"Li Bai, do you know that we are very lucky to find you, unexpectedly, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in!" In the audience, Qin Rongyi, the head of the Qin family, was very angry. Only at this time did he realize , Two days ago, I was tricked by this kid once.

"Oh? Do you want revenge? You should solve your own problems first." Li Bai sneered at Qin Rongyi. At this time, Jin Yan was no longer on the stage, and quickly rushed to the bottom of the stage, using one after another The root of the golden thread tripped the guests, and even tied them into a silk cocoon when they encountered some strength.

Qin Rongyi looked down, only to find that his legs had been completely bound by Jin Yan's gold thread, and he struggled hard, but he couldn't break free at all. This made Qin Rongyi a little annoyed, and frantically tore at the seemingly soft skin with his hands. The silk thread, however, cannot be broken at all.

"Should I call you Li Bai? Or should I call you Du Fu?" At this time, Fang Wei finally rushed onto the stage, and looked at Li Bai from a distance, with a face full of cheated anger.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, from the first day I saw you, you were probably already preparing for today's event, and I never thought that I would believe your nonsense so easily." Fang Wei slowly turned towards As the butler approached, he knew that his strength was definitely not Li Bai's opponent, but he was still pretending to be calm.

"That's because you have no brains at all." Li Bai made no secret of his distaste for Fang Wei at this time, and walked towards this side step by step, "Qin Yubing is my woman, and you are not only ugly but also brainless. Want to marry her too? It's like a toad wants to eat swan meat."

"Hehe." Fang Wei sneered, "Do you think you will completely disrupt our plan with such a move?" Fang Wei looked at Li Bai coldly, turned around and walked down the stage, leaving the butler alone Looking at Li Bai on the stage.

"Actually, I suspected you had bad intentions early on. It's just that San Shao has never believed it. So what if you are strong? In the end, you still can't escape our palms." The butler also said coldly, but Turn around and flee towards the stage at a very fast speed.

His strength is also not good, and against Li Bai, he probably would have been killed on the spot with less than [-]% of his strength.

Just when Li Bai was about to hunt down the butler, there was a burst of murderous aura from the front of the stage.

"The fighters from the Qin family and the Fang family joined forces to deal with you. I wonder if you still like this gift?" From afar, the butler's voice came, full of excitement that you had fallen into my trap.

"Do you think that if this is the case, you can kill me?" Li Bai sneered coldly. He knew that some security guards were invited to the wedding scene, but the butler secretly arranged some warriors. Li Bai didn't thought of things.

Without waiting for these [-] or [-] fighters to rush to the stage, Li Bai killed them himself. Most of these fighters are masters of Qi level [-] or so. It seems that they should be the trump cards of the Qin family and the Fang family.

But these words are simply not enough for Li Bai.

When Li Bai rushed into the crowd, it was like a wolf fighting with forty or fifty sheep that were struggling to resist but had no eggs at all. fell to the ground.

Li Bai didn't intend to drive them all to death, but let Jin Yan follow closely and tie them up tightly.

Fang Wei and the housekeeper have already reunited. The two of them looked at the chaotic battle circle. With the joint efforts of about fifty fighters from the Fang family and the Qin family, they could no longer see clearly what Li Bai was at the center. Condition.

Fang Wei was a little happy: "But this Li Bai is finally going to be solved. Li Bai turned our Fang family and Qin family upside down."

But the housekeeper still frowned: "Master, I also think there should be no problem, after all, these people are already the strongest combat power of our two families, and you see, the Patriarch and the Patriarch of the Qin family are also joining the battle. "The steward pointed to that side and said.

Qin Rongyi had already escaped at this time, he did not break the golden threads by himself, but cut off the golden threads one by one with the help of Fang Shiyu, the Patriarch of the Fang family.

Jin Yan was very dissatisfied with this. To him, these two humans were just scum, but just when Jin Yan wanted to explode his strength, Li Bai stopped him, so there were two A scene where people are able to join the battle.

"I don't know if you know this Li Bai well, but he has impressive strength at such a young age, but this kind of person cannot be used by you or me." Qin Rongyi said to Fang Shiyu.

"Since this is the case, let's take precautions before they happen." Fang Shiyu said the same lightly, and the two nodded, looking at the emptiness and wanting to rush in.

At this moment, two bangs were heard, and two figures flew towards Qin Rongyi and Fang Shiyu, forcing them to stop their footsteps and catch the two warriors.

"This kid is really crazy." Fang Shiyu threw the martial artist on the ground, his true energy burst out immediately, and he walked towards Li Bai in the circle with killing intent.

But Li Bai didn't care about these two patriarchs at all. In his opinion, both a worker ant and a soldier ant could be trampled to death with one kick.

"Li Bai, it's my fault that I didn't kill you before. Today, you don't want to leave the Fang family's territory alive." Qin Rongyi shouted, a cold light flashed in Li Bai's eyes.

At this point in the battle, there was no need to procrastinate any longer. Counting the time, Qin Yubing should have already changed his clothes and was about to leave Fang's house.

"Want to kill me? Let's see if you have the strength!" Li Bai laughed wildly, and the Sky Meteor Knife appeared in his hand instantly.

But seeing the appearance of Li Bai's weapon, these warriors were not too surprised, and also took the prepared weapon from their bodies.

Li Bai smiled coldly, wondering why these people didn't take out their weapons from the beginning, and he didn't even want to think about it now, he held the Tianyun knife in his hand, and then glanced at the warriors.

The power of the silver stars surged towards the Sky Meteor Knife in a manic manner. The irresistible momentum made Qin Rongyi and Fang Shiyu's expressions change drastically.

"Oops, everyone, come on, don't let Li Bai get the upper hand!" Qin Rongyi shouted, and all the warriors rushed towards Li Bai desperately at the same time.

Li Bai put the knife across his waist, squatted down, and swept around.

(End of this chapter)

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