The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2346 Sneak Attack

Chapter 2346 Sneak Attack
"Li Bai, you are finally going to die!" Looking at what happened in front of the stage, Fang Wei finally showed a smile on his face, because everyone rushed towards the place where Li Bai was in the center. In his opinion, this time It was the final blow, and by the time it was over, Li Bai must have been torn to pieces.

However, in the next second, there was a flash of white light.

The Sky Meteor Knife didn't touch anyone's body, but the extremely violent silver star power at this time followed Li Bai's sweep, and flew towards the warriors like a shock wave.

It's like the feeling of the air being severely compressed and hitting people's bodies again. All the warriors only felt that their stomachs were hit hard by something. Immediately afterwards, before this powerful impact, even The body involuntarily flew towards the rear.

Fang Wei's expression froze again, and the facts in front of him slammed on his face like a huge slap, mocking his ignorance mercilessly.

The housekeeper standing next to Fang Wei was equally astonished. He did not expect that under the siege of nearly fifty warriors and the two heads of the Fang family and the Qin family, Li Bai was still standing there intact.

"Master, don't worry, there is still a solution." The butler Fang Wei said, at the same time he took out a flare gun from his body, and fired it towards the sky.

Li Bai naturally noticed the red powder floating with the wind in the sky. From his point of view, it was just that the Fang family was asking for more support, but to him, no matter how many people came, it would be useless.

At this time, Li Bai was walking slowly towards Qin Rongyi and Fang Shiyu. After the move just now, the two families did not lose their fighting power like other warriors, but stood still after taking several steps back. down.

"Do you two want to die?" Li Bai asked as he looked at the two with twisted expressions. They didn't speak, but clenched their fists tightly, as if they wanted to attack again at any time.

"Today's matter doesn't need to be like this. If you didn't send your sons to the capital to snatch Qin Yubing back, or when I found you, you could hand Qin Yubing back to me obediently, then today's event Nothing will happen." Li Bai looked at Qin Rongyi coldly, he naturally knew that all the actions of the four Jianghe, Huhai brothers were ordered by Qin Rongyi.

It's just that at such a moment, Qin Rongyi and Fang Shiyu's sons seemed to be unreliable, and they were all tied up by Jin Yan.

"Do you want my daughter? Tell you, there is no way, only Fang Wei can be worthy of my daughter." Qin Rongyi yelled loudly at Li Bai, but after Tianyun knife rested on Qin Rongyi's neck, Qin Rongyi just didn't make a sound.

"You should know that you now have no right to speak. I'm here to ask for your opinion, just to give you face." Li Bai stroked Qin Rongyi's neck lightly with the Tianyun knife, because Tianyun's sharpness , There, traces of blood have already seeped out.

"You come back too!" Li Bai's head suddenly flicked, and on the other side, seeing that Li Bai seemed to be focusing on Qin Rongyi, Fang Shiyu wanted to escape, but Li Bai still saw him.

Of course, when Fang Shiyu was greeted, Li Bai kicked him angrily and knocked him to the ground.

"You should also know that Qin Yubing has never wanted to marry into your Fang family, right? Then have you ever wondered why Qin Yubing suddenly made such a big change?" Li Bai asked, stepping on Fang Shiyu's thigh.

Fang Shiyu shook his head hastily. At this moment, the dignity of any patriarch has been completely wiped out in front of absolute strength. He just wants to survive now.

Then, Li Bai told Qin Yubing that the Qin family had planted Thousand Insect Gu, and that he had come to Fang's house to steal the caterpillar fungus.

Fang Shiyu glanced at Qin Rongyi in disbelief, and Qin Rongyi, who was exposed, became even more furious at this moment.

"You're talking nonsense, I'm going to fight you!" Qin Rongyi couldn't bear it anymore, all the qi in his body was mobilized in an instant, he picked up a broken chair leg from the ground, and charged towards Li Bai.

"Although you are the head of the Qin family, you are not my opponent." Li Bai said lightly, holding the Tianyun knife with one hand, and blocked all Qin Rongyi's offensives. Seeing this, Fang Shiyu, Also flying up, the two patriarchs started to fight with Li Bai in such a situation.

However, within a minute, the two of them were slashed by Li Bai, and Gu Gu's blood stained their clothes red.

"Do you still fight? If you continue to fight, I can't guarantee your lives." While speaking, Li Bai kicked the two of them hard like beating a dog in the water. Still not ready to kill them, he turned around and left. .

Qin Yubing has been waiting for him at the agreed location for a long time, and they can leave here immediately and return to the capital.

But at this moment, a strong sense of crisis surged into Li Bai's heart. Li Bai turned around abruptly and made a dodging movement, but he saw in his sight, a dozen black darts spinning wildly in the air. It was to seal all his dodging directions.

Although Li Bai's feeling was very timely, when Li Bai found these darts, it was still too late. Even though Li Bai had tried his best to dodge, three darts still ruthlessly stuck in Li Bai's arm and On the thigh, blood was dripping out as if he didn't want money.

"What the hell, Japanese people." Li Bai gritted his teeth and took off all three darts. Fortunately, these Japanese people did not poison the darts madly, otherwise, it would really make Li Bai uncomfortable for a while .

At the same time, on the walls around Fang's house, ninjas wearing black samurai uniforms kept jumping down from the walls, and then quickly ran towards Li Bai, holding a bar dagger in their hands. At the same time, it also used the reflection of the dagger to shine on Li Bai's eyes, trying to make Li Bai temporarily lose his vision.

"Heh, these Japanese people, I didn't bother you, but you came here yourself." Li Bai sneered, just standing there waiting for their arrival. As for the little trick like sunlight reflection, Li Bai didn't care at all.

The Japanese ninjas like to sneak attack, so they are so blatantly walking over in Li Bai's sight, which made Li Bai very strange.

At this moment, there was a sound of planks breaking from the stage behind Li Bai, and nearly ten daggers stabbed towards Li Bai from behind the curtain.

Hearing this voice, Li Bai didn't turn around to check the situation, but directly took a step forward, and at the same time adjusted his orientation with the swing of the Meteorite Knife.

The sound of "Ding Ding Ding Ding" came, and Li Bai's Sky Meteor Knife and the daggers of the ninjas hidden near the stage rubbed together violently, and the ninjas who couldn't bear Li Bai's strength at all, their daggers hadn't exerted their power yet, He was beaten to the ground by Li Bai.

"Go to hell!" Li Bai roared angrily, and the Sky Meteor Knife flung out suddenly came back, leaving deep wounds on the stomachs of all the ninjas in front of him, blood spraying like a fountain After leaving, it seemed that he could no longer live.

Originally, the cooperation of the ninjas was quite good, but when the time came, those ninjas who looked aboveboard had already approached Li Bai's side. If the sneak attacking ninjas could withstand Li Bai's attack, then the current Li Bai, It will be attacked by ninjas.

But now, there is a taste of sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

Under Li Bai's anger, none of these ninjas could survive under Li Bai's hands for three seconds, but within three minutes, all the ninjas had died around the stage.

If there is an airplane taking aerial photos at this time, you can find that in the entire wedding scene, except for Li Bai, everyone is lying on the ground, either covered in blood or covered in gold threads.

After seeing this terrifying scene, the four Jianghehuhai brothers, Fang Wei and others understood how innocent they were in wanting to kill Li Bai.

"Is this the backhand you said?" Fang Wei asked the housekeeper, trembling all over his body.

The housekeeper was also extremely shocked. Those fifty or so warriors were not his strongest backhands. His strongest backhands were these Japanese ninjas. But judging from the situation just now, they seemed to be stronger than the warriors. To die cleanly.

"Master, let's go quickly, don't let Li Bai find us." The butler took Li Bai away as if fleeing, and the two heads of the Qin family and the Fang family have already ignored them at this time.

Li Bai saw Fang Wei's escape, but he didn't chase after him. Instead, he walked towards the wall where the ninjas were hiding before. Under such a scene, Li Bai was not sure whether all the ninjas were dead, so he couldn't think of it. A ninja took the opportunity to escape when Li Bai was not paying attention.

The appearance of Japanese ninjas at the Fang family's wedding must have been noticed by the Fang family or the Qin family, but Li Bai also knew that it was impossible for the Wa people to dispatch such a large number of ninjas without huge benefits.

Jin Yan had already chased after Li Bai one step ahead, and Li Bai took advantage of this time to dial Qin Yubing's Tianxun.

At this time, Qin Yubing had already left Fang's house, and was sitting in an unremarkable car in the parking lot of a supermarket on the roadside. The wedding dress had been changed into ordinary clothes, and her expression was very anxious and worried.

"Brother Xiaobai, why haven't you come here yet, is there something unexpected?" Qin Yubing asked anxiously.

"It's a little accident, but it's nothing to me, you go to the address I gave you before, I will go back to find you soon, don't worry." Li Bai comforted Qin Yubing, and then Hang up Tianxun.

Jin Yan seemed to have been suffocated by the battle just now. After stopping the injured ninja, he actually summoned some poisonous insects nearby, and after the ninja passed out, he woke up the ninja again.

The ninja was going crazy, and he wanted to bite his tongue to kill himself, but he couldn't even do this. When Li Bai appeared in front of the ninja, the ninja had already started talking nonsense.

"Stop playing." Li Bai said to Jin Yan, and Jin Yan jumped on the ninja's face, calming him down quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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