The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2347 The Man Who Leaked Secrets

Chapter 2347 The Man Who Leaked Secrets

The world gradually quieted down, leaving only the heavy breathing of the ninja, as if feeling that there was no new pain in the body, the ninja slowly opened his eyes.

A disgusting thing that looked like a lizard lay on the ninja's face, and a man with an indifferent face stood aside and looked at him coldly, making the ninja's breathing stop for a moment, he recognized it The face of this man is the man who just killed them.

"Private wo kill し て は い け ません!" The ninja completely ignored the pain on his body at this time, propped up his body, and wanted to get away from the demon Li Bai as soon as possible, but soon a hard feeling came from behind, the ninja It was only then that he realized that he was now in a dead corner and could not escape at all.

"What the hell are you chirping about?" Li Bai couldn't understand the Japanese language that the ninja spoke, but from his expression, it seemed that he was very afraid of himself, "Shut up for me!" Mouth!"

Li Bai yelled at the ninja, and the ninja was so frightened that he immediately fell silent.

"Do you understand Chinese?" Li Bai squatted in front of the ninja, and the ninja nodded, "Then do you speak Chinese?" The ninja nodded again.

"This is going to be very difficult, so I'd better just kill you, anyway, I probably won't get anything useful from you." Li Bai sighed, and took his dagger out from the ninja's body, and then Arriving at the lower abdomen of the ninja, "Don't you Wa people always like to commit seppuku? Let me do it this time."

Li Bai licked his lips, but the ninja suddenly panicked and struggled, the Japanese warrior spirit was not reflected in him at all.

"I can, I can speak a little English!" The ninja yelled at Li Bai vigorously. Li Bai's hand shook, and he cut the ninja's dagger a little bit, and made the ninja scream heart-piercingly.

"Can you say something that I can understand? I can understand Huaxia." Li Bai was very angry. In front of this ninja, he felt like he was underestimated.

At this time, Jin Yan jumped on Li Bai's shoulder: "Are you saying you are stupid? He is saying, I can speak a little English."

Seeing Jin Yan speak suddenly, the ninja was frightened all over for a while, but at this moment, he didn't care about guessing what Jin Yan was, and nodded to Li Bai repeatedly.

"Can you understand?" Li Bai looked at Jin Yan in surprise, and Jin Yan wagged his tail triumphantly: "What he just said was Japanese, meaning don't kill me, I know it all."

"Oh." Li Bai said depressedly, and asked Jin Yan to translate between them.

At today's wedding, Li Bai had expected the appearance of warriors, but Li Bai had never expected the appearance of ninjas.

Because of Longwei's previous reasons, they have already started to encircle and suppress Japanese warriors throughout China. Judging from their replies, the record is very good.

However, judging from today's situation, Longwei has not infiltrated into Shu County, otherwise, these Japanese people would not dare to be rampant.

After some questioning, Li Bai finally found out that they appeared because someone contacted them. The other party didn't explain who he was, but just told them that there would be assassins appearing at today's wedding and asked them to hide aside. By the time he fires the flare, that's when they should strike.

In exchange, it was a secret from the other party, about the ancient tomb of the Qin family.

"The ancient tomb of the Qin family? What is this? Is it because of this ancient tomb that you came to Shu County?" Li Bai was slightly shocked, and asked again.

The ninja nodded and said that there are more than ten generations of treasures left by the ancestors of the Qin family in the ancient tomb of the Qin family, but where is the ancient tomb of the Qin family, they have not found it after searching for a long time.

And the man who contacted them told them that as long as they completed the task, they would tell them the exact address, but now that the task failed, they got nothing, and the whole army was wiped out.

"Are you sure you don't know who contacted you?" Li Bai squinted at the ninja, and the ninja shook his head affirmatively, so he was killed by Li Bai.

After all, the Wa people are useless, and Li Bai doesn't like the Wa people very much.

Unwillingly, Li Bai probed the ninja's memory with his soul consciousness, but the Japanese language in his head made Li Bai almost explode, so he could only choose to give up. However, from the ninja's words, Li Bai also knew that in this county of Shu In the boundary, there is an ancient tomb of the Qin family, and very few people know his address.

"There will be another fierce battle." Li Bai curled his lips and left the Fang family's land that had shed too much blood. Before leaving, Li Bai still asked Jin Yan to untie everyone, but Li Bai disappeared.

"Master, what should we do now?" In a certain basement of Fang's house, the butler looked at Fang Wei who was furious, and did not dare to raise his voice a little.

"What should I do? Damn, didn't I make you fully prepared? Why did this Li Bai make such a fuss!" Fang Wei was very angry, and threw all the things that could be thrown on the table to pieces. .

"Master, I don't know that Li Bai is so powerful." The butler really wanted to quarrel with Fang Wei, but he still didn't dare.

"What do you think we should do? The wedding was not completed, and now that Qin Yubing must have run away with Li Bai, and the guests who came to the wedding were insulted like that. What do you want others to think of our Fang family? Raise your head in front of the Guwu clan?"

Fang Wei walked around in circles angrily, pointed at the steward again and cursed: "Do you want me to tell them that the enemy is too strong for us to fight? Fucking two of fifty strongest fighters, Even the f*cking Japanese ninjas were called in, but one person was not dealt with, and the two patriarchs were injured..."

Fang Wei became more and more angry as he talked, and he couldn't catch his breath, which caused a severe cough.

"Master, please calm down, I have a solution." The butler hurriedly patted Fang Wei on the back, and said to Fang Wei at the same time.

"Oh? What can you do?" Fang Wei straightened up, with hope shining in his eyes.

The housekeeper was silent, thought for a while, and finally said: "I think this Li Bai is no longer at our level."

Um?Fang Wei didn't understand what the butler meant, and looked at the butler suspiciously.

"Master, you know, we are the same as the Qin family, we are the ancient martial clan, and every warrior cultivates true qi, but I don't know if you know, master, in fact, in this world, true qi warriors are not the strongest Big one." The butler said slowly, as if talking about this very distant thing.

Fang Wei shook his head subconsciously, because he instinctively believed that just like his father, the ninth level of true qi was already the most powerful in the world, but soon Fang Wei shook his head even more violently. He is the most powerful, so what is Li Bai who can injure both his father and Qin Rongyi?
"You mean?" Fang Wei looked at the butler in disbelief, and the butler nodded.

"Yes, young master, there are people in this world who are more powerful than true qi warriors. They are called, cultivators. The silver light that we saw before Li Bai radiated should be his aura, aura, or It’s not just 01:30 that’s stronger than true qi.” The butler said solemnly.

"You mean, Li Bai is a cultivator?" Fang Wei sat down on the chair, a little soft. If this is the case, then no matter how hard they try, they can't defeat Li Bai?
"Master, it's not impossible. If one of us can become a cultivator, then we can deal with this Li Bai." The butler said slowly again, Fang Wei stood up violently, and grabbed the butler clothes.

"What can I do?"

The butler took a step back indiscriminately to make himself feel less uncomfortable, and then said: "I heard that according to the general method, if a true qi fighter wants to become a cultivator, he must first build a foundation, and this step is almost the last step in comprehension. Difficult step..."

Fang Wei couldn't be sure of Zhexi's useless nonsense, so he interjected directly: "Quickly tell me if there is any shortcut. If Li Bai doesn't die, I won't be able to sleep peacefully."

"Yes." The housekeeper nodded seriously, "But this process will be very difficult."

Fang Wei's face was full of joy, completely ignoring the second half of the butler's sentence: "What should I do?"

"We have to find it first, the ancient tomb of the Qin family." The steward sighed, but said it anyway.

If Li Bai was present at this time, he would definitely realize that the man who leaked the secret was the housekeeper of the Fang family, but now Li Bai is already rushing towards home, constantly urging the driver.

"I said young man, why are you so anxious? I'm not an airplane. Will you be scolded by your girlfriend if you come home late?" The middle-aged uncle driver still calmly maintained the speed at [-] mph, Li Bai was already dying of anxiety.

The address he gave Qin Yubing before was exactly the house he and Tian Yu rented. Li Bai didn't think too much when making the plan, he just hoped that Qin Yubing could get out of danger as soon as possible, but when the matter was really over, Li Bai suddenly realized , if Qin Yubing meets Tian Yu, what kind of collision will happen?

"Of course I won't scold me." Li Bai said to the driver with a wry smile, "But I will die." Li Bai's mournful expression left the driver speechless.

"Looking at you, you are already late. Since you are going to die, why don't you stay in my car for a few more minutes." As he spoke, the driver uncle reduced the speed of the car to [-] mph, and Li Bai was about to vomit blood .

"Brother, uncle, grandpa! I beg you to drive faster..." Li Bai almost knelt down to the driver. Seeing Li Bai like this, the driver couldn't continue joking. Go in the direction of the suburban community.

But when Li Bai ran to the door of the house out of breath, the door was ajar, but there was no sound of quarreling as he imagined.

"Could it be that the two of them have allowed each other's existence?" Li Bai thought, and gently opened the half-hidden anti-theft door.

(End of this chapter)

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