The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2349 Treasure Map

Chapter 2349 Treasure Map

Sometimes it is unbelievable what a man says, even if you are not lying when you speak, but life is a stinky and shameless mistress, she will create some accidents for you at any time, making your plan not as scheduled conduct.

Although touched by Li Bai's words, Qin Yubing still clearly knew that, as the descendant of the strongest farmer Li Xiaogang, it was impossible for Li Bai to be restrained only in the capital and in Shu County.

"I love you." Qin Yubing didn't expose Li Bai's sincerity with the cruelty of reality, and kissed passionately back.

"But, the set of self-cultivation skills you gave me, isn't it only for me to practice alone? It's unlikely that you will pass on a set of self-cultivation skills to every one of our Qin family, right?" Qin Yubing asked, curling her lips. Li Bai said.

Even for Qin Yubing herself, after obtaining Li Bai's exercises, her strength has just reached the sixth level of true qi. If she wants to build a foundation, she still has a long way to go.

"What I mean is, I might have a way to let everyone in the Qin family know how to embark on the road of cultivation." Li Bai looked at Qin Yubing seriously, and then asked himself from the Japanese ninja in the afternoon Everything was relayed to Qin Yubing.

"The ancient tomb of the Qin family?!" Hearing these words, Qin Yubing covered her mouth in disbelief. As a little princess of the Qin family for more than 20 years, she didn't even know the existence of the ancient tomb. Even Qin Rongyi didn't know the existence of the ancient tomb, but a group of Japanese ninjas found out about it.

This made Qin Yubing unacceptable for a while.

"The ancient tomb of the Qin family should not have been discovered yet, so don't worry." Li Bai hugged Qin Yubing and said, patting her on the back lightly.

"You mean, other people already know the approximate location of the ancient tomb?" Qin Yubing found a breakthrough in Li Bai's words, and Li Bai nodded.

"This person should not be from our Qin family, so it can only be from the Fang family." Qin Yubing analyzed, thinking back to who in the Fang family might know the location of the Qin family's ancient tomb, but he couldn't figure it out at all.

Li Bai chuckled lightly, took Qin Yubing back, and said as he walked: "It's useless to go to the Fang family now, let's not talk about today's wedding, just say that if you are from the Fang family, Will you tell others the location of the ancient tomb? Moreover, if the Fang family really coveted your Qin family's ancient tomb for a long time, I'm afraid there should be more than one or two people who know about it now."

Qin Yubing nodded, feeling a little annoyed, not knowing what to do.

"I think you should go back to the Qin family first and ask your father if he knows about the ancient tomb of the Qin family, or if there are any clues. As the ancestors of the Qin family, it is definitely impossible for them to set up a deadlock Yes." Li Bai said.

"If I go back, will I not be able to come out again?" Qin Yubing was a little worried, Li Bai squeezed Qin Yubing's face: "What are you afraid of, I will accompany you, and meet your parents by the way."

The two were laughing and chatting here. On the other side, Fang Wei and the butler had already received the news that their family members confirmed their safety, and moved out of the basement.

The two immediately rushed towards the butler's room, the most urgent thing was to see if the treasure map was still in the room.

When a small box locked by a combination lock appeared in front of the butler, the butler finally breathed a sigh of relief, entered the preset password, and with a "click", the small box that had been dusty for many years was finally opened.

Spread the paper inside out on the bed, and a huge treasure map was displayed in front of the two of them.

"Is this the treasure map of the ancient tomb of the Qin family?" Fang Wei looked at the treasure map excitedly. On the top of the treasure map, there are densely packed roads. It looks like it is on the side of a mountain, with a big tombstone painted on it.There is no such mark in other places. This place should be where the ancient tomb of the Qin family is located.

"Do you know where this is?" Fang Wei looked at the treasure map in doubt and asked the butler, who shook his head helplessly.

"Although there are some routes marked on this treasure map, it is obvious that these routes were long, long ago. Of course, the ancestors of the Qin family would not have imagined that these routes have disappeared completely after hundreds of thousands of years. , even if they were reborn to find it themselves, they probably wouldn’t be able to find it.”

The housekeeper was very helpless, why didn't he try his best to find this ancient tomb these years, but he searched for a long time in the whole Shu County, but he couldn't find it.

"It doesn't matter, since you have the treasure map, you can definitely find it." Fang Wei put away the treasure map and patted the butler on the shoulder, "This time, you have made a great contribution. After you find the ancient tomb, Whatever you want, I can give you!"

The butler kept saying thank you, but what Fang Wei didn't notice was that there was a sinister look in the butler's eyes.

The next day, the Qin family.

"What? Bingbing came back again?" Hearing this news, Qin Rongyi was as shocked as if he had eaten a lump of rice. In his opinion, after Li Bai made a scene at the wedding yesterday, Li Bai would take Qin Yubing away and fly away. , Qin Rongyi was already prepared to never see her daughter again, unexpectedly Qin Yubing came back after only one day.

"Let her come to see me, I must break her leg!" Qin Rongyi said viciously, but accidentally touched the knife wound that Li Bai left on his body yesterday, although it had already been bandaged once.

"Miss said, she won't meet you alone, she wants to meet you with Li Bai." The servant said again, hearing Qin Rongyi's mouth twitch, Li Bai had already created a psychological shadow in his heart.

Sighing, Qin Rongyi had no choice but to agree: "Let them come in, by the way, you go and call my sons over."

The servants retreated, and after a while, the figures of Li Bai and Qin Yubing appeared in Qin Rongyi's room.

"Hi Uncle, I wonder if you slept comfortably last night?" Li Bai asked Qin Rongyi with a smile, Qin Rongyi's right eye kept twitching, and did not answer Li Bai's words.

Seeing Qin Yubing leaning on Li Bai's body like a girl next door, Qin Rongyi was even more angry. The one who slept comfortably last night should be you.

"I said, can you stop torturing me? The wedding has been messed up by you. My daughter is in your hands now. Can't you take her as far as you can? I really don't want to see her again. You." Qin Rongyi was furious.

Li Bai smiled embarrassedly: "Uncle, don't be in a hurry, we came to you this time to understand something with you." Having said that, Qin Yubing also sat up straight, and at the same time Qin Rongyi also realized the problem seriousness.

"whats the matter?"

Li Bai looked at Qin Yubing and motioned for her to speak.

"Dad, do you know that our ancestor left an ancient tomb for our Qin family?" Qin Yubing asked Qin Rongyi very seriously.

Li Bai's mouth grew wide when he heard it, didn't he say that he should not cut straight to the point, at least consider his old man's ability to bear it.

Sure enough, after hearing her daughter's question, Qin Rongyi froze as if his heart had stopped suddenly, and looked at Qin Yubing uncertainly after a long time: "What ancient tomb? What do you mean?"

Qin Yubing still didn't hide anything, and directly told Qin Rongyi everything Li Bai told her: "Yesterday, when the Japanese assassinated Li Bai, Li Bai learned from a Japanese that their target was us. The ancient tomb of the Qin family, we don't know what things the ancestors left behind, but they must be treasures."

Qin Rongyi only felt that his head was a little dizzy, and Li Bai's voice came from next to his ear.

"Wasn't the Wa people sent here by you?"

"No, no." Qin Rongyi hastily denied, "No matter how much I don't like you, I will never use Japanese people to deal with you. It is a disgrace to the family."

Li Bai nodded, that should be from the Fang family.

"Are you sure this news is true?" Qin Rongyi confirmed again, and both of them nodded.

At this time, Qin Rongyi seemed a little crazy. He, as the head of the Qin family, didn't know what the Wa people knew, what the Fang family knew, he was going crazy.

"Uncle, think about it carefully, do you have any family heirlooms, the clues of the ancient tomb should be hidden very well." Li Bai said to Qin Rongyi again.

Qin Rongyi hugged his head, thought and thought, and finally shook his head: "Probably not, the heirloom is just a ring of the Patriarch, and there is no pattern on it."

Um?Hearing the news, Li Bai's eyes lit up.

"Can you show me that ring?" Li Bai said to Qin Rongyi, but he thought of his Qiankun ring in his heart. Li Bai suddenly found that the seniors seemed to like to hide some important things in the ring.

Qin Rongyi usually didn't wear the patriarch's ring on his hand. After a while, Qin Rongyi found it and handed it to Li Bai.

It was a dark green ring with an incomparably smooth surface, except for the word "Qin" engraved on it in an unknown font, there was nothing else.

After repeatedly confirming that he would not find anything with the naked eye alone, Li Bai began to quietly stimulate the power of the silver stars, wanting to enter the ring, but to Li Bai's delight, under the influence of the power of the silver stars, the ring really had After some reactions, it emitted a faint dark green light.

Qin Rongyi was stunned when he saw it. He never knew that the Patriarch's ring could still shine.

"How did you do it? Could it be that you are the head of the Qin family?" Qin Rongyi looked at Li Bai in disbelief, and Li Bai smiled helplessly. This ring should be able to produce some changes as long as it is activated by spiritual energy. It's just that the Qin family has never had a successful foundation builder for hundreds of years, so the Patriarch's ring has become a decoration.

Li Bai didn't answer Qin Rongyi's words, and continued to activate the power of the silver stars, wanting to go deep into the ring, but was disappointed to find that there seemed to be some barrier blocking him in the ring, preventing him from having the slightest chance. progress.

(End of this chapter)

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