The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2350 The Patriarch's Ring

Chapter 2350 The Patriarch's Ring
This kind of feeling made Li Bai a little familiar. For example, when he wanted to open the door of space when he was in Xie's house, for example, he also needed specific spiritual energy at the door of Qin's house two days ago. A way to prevent outsiders from infiltrating their interiors.

Although, if the external force is strong enough, these barriers can't stop the opponent at all, but Li Bai doesn't seem to directly break through the barriers in the ring. If that happens, everything in the ring may be destroyed at once.

The dark green ring kept flickering, but after a few minutes, it was completely silent again.

"What's going on here?" Qin Rongyi asked anxiously, took the ring from Li Bai's hand, and examined it carefully.

Li Bai shook his head: "There must be something hidden in the ring of your patriarch, but it should only be opened by your Qin family with the Qin family's unique aura, I can't."

"Aura?" Is this word new to Qin Rongyi, and I don't quite understand its meaning, "As warriors, shouldn't we have true energy? How did it become aura again?"

Li Bai glanced at Qin Rongyi indifferently, making Qin Rongyi let out his true energy.

And Qin Rongyi's so-called exhalation of true energy is nothing more than knocking down a teacup in the distance from the air, but it has no other effect.

With a wave of Li Bai's hand, the power of the silver stars surrounded his palm, like a lamp, illuminating the room.

"This, what is this?" Qin Rongyi seemed to be surprised when he saw something incredible.

"This is spiritual energy. Don't you know that you are not the pinnacle of martial arts now, and above you, there are cultivators." Li Bai said to Qin Rongyi, and did not hide this matter.

Qin Rongyi didn't speak, and sat slumped on the chair. How could he not know that the one who is above the true qi warrior is cultivation. In the ancestral study of the Qin family, there are many books that record what happened to the Qin family hundreds of years ago , At that time, the Qin family was all cultivators from top to bottom. What kind of true energy warriors were just a group of people at the bottom.

However, Qin Rongyi also understands that due to the development of the times, elixir and aura are getting thinner and thinner on the earth, so in the end, only those with great talent can become the most ordinary foundation builders. .

It's not that the descendants of the Qin family have worked hard, but after generation after generation, almost everyone has given up the idea of ​​breaking through the bottleneck and becoming a cultivator.

However, when Li Bai showed his aura in front of Qin Rongyi, Qin Rongyi was surprised and disappointed to find that in this world, there are indeed people who can become cultivators.

"Dad, Dad, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that Qin Rongyi seemed to be paralyzed, Qin Yubing was very anxious. Although he was very dissatisfied with their previous attempt to forcefully marry Fang Wei, when Qin Rongyi had an accident, Qin Yubing was still very worried.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Qin Rongyi gently pushed Qin Yubing's hand away to help him, then slowly stood up, walking towards Li Bai with a solemn expression.

"Uncle? What's wrong with you, don't scare me, I didn't do anything." Seeing Qin Rongyi like this, Li Bai was a little uneasy, why did he feel that Qin Rongyi looked at him as if he was looking at the savior.

"Li Bai, can you..." Qin Rongyi spoke, but squeaked, as if he was about to say something unspeakable, "Since you are already a cultivator, can you tell us what to do? this bottleneck."

Qin Rongyi looked at Li Bai expectantly, as if a huge opportunity was in front of him, if he caught it, he would be ecstatic, if he didn't catch it, he would collapse instantly.

Both Li Bai and Qin Yubing were stunned. They did not expect that Qin Rongyi, who is the head of the family, would say such begging words to Li Bai.

Li Bai turned his head to look at Qin Yubing, and found that Qin Yubing was also looking at him with a blank look.

"Uh, this." Li Bai scratched his hair, a little embarrassed.

Seeing Li Bai's hesitation, Qin Rongyi took another step forward, his knees slightly bent, and he almost knelt down: "Li Bai, I know that you must have a grudge against me because of the previous incident, but this time, you must Help our Qin family, I don't know how many years, our Qin family has always been like this, life or death, if you can help us, I can give you whatever you want within my ability you."

And at this moment, the four Jianghe, Huhai and Huhai brothers finally walked into Qin Rongyi's room, heard what their father just said verbatim, and felt a "buzz", and their heads exploded pot.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Qin Jiang quickly walked up to Qin Rongyi, trying to pull Qin Rongyi away from Li Bai, but Qin Rongyi pushed Qin Jiang away with a palm, not wanting him to approach him.

"I also know that the fact that I sent them to bring Bingbing back made you very angry. May I apologize to you now?" Qin Rongyi said, his knees softened, and he was about to kneel down.

"Dad!" Seeing this scene, five exclamation voices appeared together, and Qin Rongyi's five sons and daughters all watched in disbelief. At this moment, Li Bai hurried forward to support Qin Rongyi, but he failed.

"Uncle, what are you doing? I was just thinking about it, and I didn't refuse." Li Bai said to Qin Rongyi awkwardly.

Li Bai was very annoyed. He already knew that when he and Qin Yubing told Qin Rongyi about the Qin family's ancient tomb, such a thing might happen, but when this situation really happened in front of him, Li Bai didn't But I found that I was not prepared how to deal with him at all.

"Dad, what the hell are you doing? He hurt you yesterday. He is an enemy of our Qin family. What are you doing so lowly?!" On the other side, the four brothers didn't know what happened before, Just looking at the current situation, it was their father, the head of the Qin family, who was begging Li Bai for something.

"Shut up!" Qin Rongyi roared angrily, the four brothers were startled and did not dare to speak again.

Li Bai wiped his forehead. Although there was no trace of sweat there, Li Bai felt that he was very hot: "Uncle, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but the fact that the exercises you are practicing now have already told you how to break through. Are you late?" The reason why you haven't made a breakthrough is because the blood of your family has not been activated."

Li Bai looked at Qin Rongyi, then at Qin Yubing and the four brothers. This statement surprised everyone.

"What do you mean?"

Generally speaking, as a comprehension family, the degree of difficulty in building a foundation is far less than that of others, just like heredity, a couple who play basketball gets married, and their children will not be low.
Li Bai even discovered very early that there seemed to be a huge energy hidden in Qin Yubing's body, but this energy had been bound by something and could not be released at all.Li Bai thought of many ways, using the power of the silver stars, making love and so on, but all failed.

And when Li Bai learned about the Qin family's ancient tomb, he became more certain that if he wanted to activate this power, he must have a considerable relationship with the Qin family's ancient tomb.

"So, do you mean that as long as we find the ancient tomb of the Qin family, we can solve our current problem?" Qin Rongyi looked at Li Bai in shock, and Li Bai nodded, there should be nothing wrong.

"However, I should be able to open the ring for you guys now." Li Bai said again, and Qin Rongyi hurriedly handed the ring to Li Bai.

"What should I do?" Qin Rongyi looked at Li Bai expectantly again, but Li Bai ignored Qin Rongyi's gaze and handed the ring to Qin Yubing.

"Take it on." Li Bai said to Qin Yubing in an unquestionable tone. Qin Yubing was stunned for a moment, because this is the ring of the Patriarch. If she wears it, what will her father do?
"Uncle, because I have taught Bingbing some cultivation methods before, it should be easier for her to succeed." Li Bai explained to Qin Rongyi. Infuriating Warrior.

"It's nothing, nothing, as long as it can help our Qin family, you can do whatever you want." Qin Rongyi nodded quickly, and the four Jianghe, Huhai and Huhai brothers who finally realized what happened also gathered around, wanting to see what happened. what happens.

"Put on the ring and sit cross-legged." Li Bai said to Qin Yubing again, just like teaching martial arts in a martial arts novel, the two sat on the floor, while Qin Rongyi and his sons walked away, holding their breath, As if a little noise would make Li Bai fail.

Li Bai ignored them and asked Qin Yubing to send his zhenqi around the ring first, but the situation was that Qin Yubing's zhenqi could not enter the ring at all.

"It's okay, just keep this movement." Li Bai said to Qin Yubing again, and at the same time, slowly released his silver star power, and at the same time penetrated into Qin Yubing's body along the pores on her skin, and then It is to accurately find the meridians in Qin Yubing's body, the power of this silver star is running quickly in her body as if it is integrated with Qin Yubing.

"Did you feel it?" Li Bai asked Qin Yubing softly, Qin Yubing nodded, this feeling is very strange, like someone else's stuff has entered into his body, it is more uncomfortable than doing something shameful .

"Control it to enter the ring." Li Bai ordered again, and under the guidance of Qin Yubing, the star power quickly ran towards Qin Yubing's finger.

Li Bai got up and sat in front of Qin Yubing again, watching Qin Yubing's situation with some nervousness. After all, sending one's aura into a body without aura is relatively risky.

And at this moment, the power of the silver stars in Qin Yubing's body seemed to have turned into his own aura, and the moment it poured into the ring, the dark green Patriarch's ring burst out with a burst of dazzling light.

(End of this chapter)

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