The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2354 Qin Family Ancient Tomb

Chapter 2354 Qin Family Ancient Tomb
It's not just the housekeeper who forbears for so long, Fang Wei's two elder brothers, Fang Xiang and Fang Ren, are also doing the same.

When Fang Wei was very young, he showed extraordinary talents. Not only in business, management, but also in strength, he had amazing talents that had not been seen in decades.

Although this so-called talent may be insignificant in the eyes of cultivators, for the Fang family, this is a rare occurrence in a hundred years, so Fang Shiyu, the head of the Fang family, piled most of the family's supplies to Fang Wei early on. , hoping to make him the next head of the family with more potential than himself.

In this way, the two eldest sons of the Fang family were naturally left out in the cold. It's not that they didn't resist, but it was useless at all, so they could only show the appearance of appointment in front of their family members. In fact, the two had already joined forces secretly. , ready to look at the right time to get rid of this younger brother who has somehow squeezed out their position.

Of course, if Xiang Xiang and Fang Ren knew that their younger brother, whom they had hated for more than ten years, had been stabbed to death by his housekeeper, how would they feel?At this time, a group of them followed the Qin family from a distance, watching closely what happened in the distance.

"The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows." Xiang Xiang smiled sinisterly.

On the mountain, with the addition of the Qin family at this time, it became even more chaotic. Several forces didn't even see the shadow of the Qin family's ancient tomb, and they were all dead.

However, the team led by Fang Xiang and Fang Ren didn't just be a squirrel quietly. Their hiding place was soon discovered by the night wolf and the Japanese ninja, and the brutal fight pulled them into the water in an instant.

Li Bai's side is almost the most relaxed. For him, the biggest threat is the night wolf. Although the night wolf comes and goes without a trace, his pair of big blue eyes are deadly in the dark. Weaknesses, the ferocious nocturnal wolf in the eyes of others, is just a rhythm of one knife under Li Bai's men.

The moon was getting higher and higher, and there were more and more bloodstains on the ground. No one noticed that not far from them, a tombstone slowly rose from the ground, and the bloodstains on the ground were unexpectedly At this moment, as if they had found an exit, they rushed towards the tombstone from all directions, and there was even a scene of water going to a higher place.

When more and more bloodstains gathered, people who had been fighting for a long time finally discovered this strange phenomenon. When everyone's eyes followed the blood-colored river to the tombstone, they discovered that a blood-red The tombstone suddenly appeared in front of them.

The four big characters "Tomb of the Emperor Qin" are like hideous mouths, sucking the blood of humans on the ground like crazy.

Li Bai, the Qin family, the Japanese ninjas led by the steward, and Xiang Fangren who arrived late, the three forces stopped attacking at the same time, standing in a triangle, guarding each other against the other two parties, but they did not choose to attack.

Streams of blood slowly rose from the root of the tombstone, filling the gaps between the four characters little by little, as if a mysterious ceremony was being performed.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, we didn't realize that you are a Japanese." Xiang Xiang and Fang Ren finally noticed that the leader of the Japanese ninja was the butler who had worked hard and hard for nearly ten years in their Fang's house. Fang Wei is not by his side, it seems that he has been plotted against.

"It's too much of a reward, I didn't see it. In order to win the position of Patriarch, you secretly trained an elite team." The housekeeper retorted, "But it seems that the effect is not very big."

Behind Fang Xiang and Fang Ren, there were only about ten people left at this time, but all of them were not in good condition, and the Japanese ninjas were not much better, and there were only seven or eight of them left.The Qin family is in the best condition. Because of Li Bai's existence, the Qin family still has as many as [-] members.

Seeing that the Wa people and the Fang family ignored the Qin family's self-contained chat over there, Qin Yu was furious: "I think you all know that this ancient tomb was left for us by our ancestors, and you are here What are you doing for fun?"

For Qin Yubing's anger, the Fang family and the people of the Wa country scoffed.

"There is no evidence to prove that the tomb of Emperor Qin is the ancestor of your Qin family. If that's the case, I will change my name to Qin now and say that I am the heir of Emperor Qin, so you should get out too." Fang Xiang Said to Qin Yubing without showing any weakness.

Qin Yubing was so angry that she wanted to say something, but was stopped by Li Bai.

"It seems that you are bound to get the treasure in this ancient tomb." Li Bai smiled and said to several people. Although they didn't answer, judging from their expressions, they had already answered Li Bai's question.

As for the reason why they didn't take action for a long time, it was because they knew that the strength of the three parties was evenly matched at this time. If you and me were killed here, no one would be able to enter the ancient tomb in the end.

Of course, Li Bai didn't count in it. If Li Bai made a move, neither the Wa people nor the Fang family could survive.

"Brother Xiaobai?!" Qin Yubing looked at Li Bai with some doubts, and Li Bai whispered in Qin Yubing's ear, "Don't worry, I'm just making the game more difficult."

Afterwards, Li Bai turned to the other two sides: "Well, since this is the case, we will rely on our strength to speak, and whoever can get the treasure will own it."

Hearing this sentence, the Japanese steward didn't react, Fang Xiang and Fang Ren breathed a sigh of relief, because on the wedding day, the strength Li Bai showed was really terrifying.

At this time, all the blood on the ground was finally absorbed by the tombstone, and when the last drop of blood disappeared, the four large characters on the tombstone were finally filled with blood. The quiet tombstone actually emitted a burst of dazzling red light, illuminating the entire mountain top, even shooting into the sky, heading straight for the full moon, turning the moon into blood red.

At the same time, there was a sound of "click, click", and the blood-stained grooves on the tombstone became solidified like quick-frozen, and as if they were hammered hard by something, they began to fall piece by piece. on the ground.

When the blood-red light disappeared, when the blood-colored lump fell to the ground, the entire tombstone disappeared, and an entrance for two people to pass through appeared on the ground, and a deep and long stone staircase appeared. In front of everyone.

The Japanese ninja was the first to react, and a few black shadows flashed into the deeper darkness in an instant, and the shadows could not be found soon, but Fang Xiang and Fang Ren only reacted at this time, but they dared not move. Looking at Li Bai, he was extremely frightened.

Once the Japanese ninjas left, only the Fang family and the Qin family were left. If Li Bai wanted to make a move, they could not resist at all.But the next scene shocked them again. Li Bai, who was standing opposite them, actually made a gesture of invitation to them, which made them feel flattered.

Fang Xiang and Fang Ren walked into the dark stone steps equally quickly, and did not thank Li Bai for his kindness, because after entering the ancient tomb, they would definitely still be enemies.

"Just put them in like this? What if they take away the contents of the ancient tomb?" Qin Hai said anxiously, with the intention of blaming Li Bai.

Li Bai just smiled. Although he hadn't experienced anything like ancient tomb exploration, he knew by wiggling his toes that the level of danger inside was not necessarily lower than that outside. Maybe the most difficult test had just begun.

"Don't worry, it's not the Qin family. They can't take any of the things in the ancient tomb." Li Bai smiled at everyone. Just when Qin Hai was about to enter the ancient tomb first, Li Bai gave him to him again. stopped.

"What are you waiting for, they have already entered for almost 5 minutes, if you don't go in, it will be too late." Qin Hai anxiously shouted at Li Bai.

"Bingbing and I go in, and you stay here to guard." Li Bai said quietly to everyone, making everyone startled.

"Why?" Qin Rongyi also asked out loud.

"First of all, going in will definitely encounter danger, not only the two of them, but also the mechanism set up in the ancient tomb. Secondly, it is no longer safe here. If people from other provinces find out and come here, we all go in, maybe You will be shut down and beaten, and in the end, if you stay here, if someone comes out, just kill them." Li Bai quickly explained to them, but the most important thing is that they are too weak.

"Okay, okay..." Qin Rongyi thought for a while, and finally said, the four Jianghe, Huhai brothers didn't dare to object, and could only watch Li Bai lead Qin Yubing into the ancient tomb.

When the figures of Li Bai and Qin Yubing completely entered the ancient tomb, the moon above the head slowly hid behind a dark cloud, and the passage of the ancient tomb was slowly covered by a huge stone. It seemed that there was no more gone.

The Qin family looked at each other and could only sit on the grass, slowly waiting for the time to pass.

At this time, the hillside was clean, as if nothing had happened, but in the passage of the ancient tomb, it was extremely dark.

"Brother Bai, how did they go on?" Qin Yubing hugged Li Bai's arm tightly, and the situation at this moment was really invisible.

Li Bai didn't answer Qin Yubing's words, first took Qin Yubing back to Qiankun Ring, found a few flashlights, and appeared in the passage of the ancient tomb.

"How do you know you need to prepare a flashlight?" Qin Yubing took the flashlight and shone it on himself from the chin, which looked a little scary.

"I'm a ghost..." Qin Yubing said faintly, but found that Li Bai's face was pale, "Brother Bai, what's wrong with you?" Qin Yubing felt a little lost, and patted Li Bai's face.

"You, behind you..." Li Bai raised his finger palely and pointed behind Qin Yubing, "There is someone."

With the sound of "Ah", piercing screams echoed in the passage, Qin Yubing threw herself into Li Bai's arms, so frightened that no one dared to move.

Of course, Qin Yubing didn't notice the expression of incomparable enjoyment on Li Bai's face at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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