Chapter 2355
What was supposed to be a thrilling expedition to the ancient tomb was turned into flirting by Li Bai. When Qin Yubing knew that Li Bai was scaring her just now, she stopped thinking about Li Bai at all and was very angry. A person walking in front, but was frightened back by Li Bai after not walking a few steps.

Soon, the ancient tomb fell into silence. Li Bai and Qin Yubing walked deeper together holding hands. When the two finally walked down the stone steps and onto a platform, under the light of the flashlight Next, the two were surprised to find that on this small platform, there were three or four corpses lying in a haphazard manner.

Li Bai distinguished, there were three corpses of Japanese ninjas, and one belonged to the Fang family. At the same time, their bodies were filled with wooden bows and arrows. Li Bai shone a flashlight on the surrounding walls, and found After opening one small round hole after another, it soon became clear that these arrow branches should be shot from here.

"Look, what did I say? It's more dangerous inside than outside." Li Bai led Qin Yubing, who was still in fear, and continued to walk forward, passing a pool with several corpses floating in it, and a place full of ground. On the flat ground with sharp knives, there is also a small passage, which is blocked by a huge round stone, and can only be drilled through under the stone.

Along the way, Li Bai counted the number of dead, guessing that by this time, the Japanese ninjas and the Fang family would have few people left to fight, so he chased after them with more confidence.

Li Bai has been secretly thinking in his heart that the ancestors of the Qin family are indeed very traditional, and their ancient tombs are not much different from some of the ancient tombs he knows. The footsteps of those who want to rob the tomb, as everyone knows, if these institutions keep their descendants out, then their hard work will be in vain.

But the steward and Xiang Fangren, who entered the ancient tomb first, have reunited at this time. There are only two ninjas left beside the steward. In such a cramped environment, the ninjas couldn't give full play to their advantages, so the two sides entered into an evenly matched situation.

Regardless of whether it is the housekeeper or the Fang family brothers, they all have some wounds on their bodies at this time, so neither of them said anything about the existence of the other party, but just stood quietly and looked at the road in front of them. A curtain of light emitting blue light.

After going through many traps, this should be the last hurdle in front of them. Although there is no danger, it is the most difficult one.

Because some casualties in the previous level can pass, but at this level, no matter how many people there are, it is useless.

"Do you want to try it first?" The housekeeper asked Fang Xiang and Fang Ren, but the two shook their heads. They were very suspicious and very afraid that these Japanese ninjas would take the opportunity to attack them when they did something.

The butler chuckled disdainfully, and then asked the ninja beside him to try it.

The ninja nodded, pulled out the dagger, and shot his whole body towards the blue light curtain like a spring. When the dagger in his hand was inserted into the light curtain, it felt like it was inserted into a jellybean, and the next second All the power of the ninja was bounced back by the light curtain, and the ninja was thrown directly to the opposite hard wall like a slingshot.

A pool of blood appeared on the stone wall in an instant, and the ninja was too dead to die.

"Now, do you want to come and try?" The housekeeper felt extremely heartbroken about another casualty of his few remaining ninjas, but he was helpless.

Fang Xiang and Fang Ren shook their heads, but they still didn't come forward. They were not blind, and the light curtain in front of them was weird. Unless it was broken with one blow, otherwise, no matter how hard you hit him, you would have to bear how much it was. big power.

"People from the Qin family haven't come here yet. When they come, we won't be able to survive." Fang Xiang looked back at the dark passage behind him. The Qin family hadn't caught up yet. He didn't know that those organs had been reset. Or they created some problems of their own.

The housekeeper also frowned. Although they entered the ancient tomb first, it seemed that they had seized the opportunity, but the price they paid was also painful. If the Qin family appeared at this time, it would definitely be a disaster for them sex blow.

The steward no longer said anything to the two cowards of the other party's family, nor did he try to break through the light curtain, but took his only remaining ninja towards the darkness not far away, and then quietly hid Fang Ren and Xiang Xiang, who watched each other hide, couldn't feel the existence of these two ninjas at this time.

"We hide too." Fang Fangren said, and led the last elite into another dark place. Now they are somewhat looking forward to the arrival of the Qin family. If they can break through this light curtain, then they You can reap the benefits.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, a burst of footsteps sounded in the empty passage.

"Bingbing, do you think they are stupid? After seeing so many organs, they don't know to wait for us. Now that so many people have died, they still have to move forward. I think they must have no brains." Li Bai said to Qin Yubing while walking, although it was not a joke, but it always made Qin Yubing giggle.

It's just that these words made the housekeeper and Fang's brothers feel very uncomfortable, but they were hiding in the dark and dared not make a sound.

"Hey, Bingbing, there is actually a light curtain here, it's so beautiful." When Li Bai and Qin Yubing finally appeared in front of the light curtain, the housekeeper and the Fang brothers felt their hearts ache, and they looked at them quietly.

What made them a little strange was why only two people from the Qin family came in in the end. Could it be that the others were already dead?But why didn't the two of them have any blood on their bodies.

And the next scene made them want to vomit blood even more. Li Bai and Qin Yubing stood in front of the light curtain, took out their mobile phones and started to take a group photo. They took several poses before stopping.

"Brother, they must have never seen such a beautiful place. When we go out, they will be very envious." Qin Yubing said to Li Bai with a smile. The two of them are no longer exploring, they are here to travel of.

If eyes can kill, Li Bai and Qin Yubing have been killed hundreds of times by Wu Dao eyes.

"Hey, look, another person died here."

Although Li Bai was very calm, he didn't relax all of a sudden. He kept observing the surrounding scenes, and soon found the body of a Japanese ninja under a stone wall. Looking up, he saw bloodstains in the sky again.

"It's interesting." Li Bai murmured, turned to look at the seemingly beautiful light curtain, and looked at the location of the bloodstain, and understood what happened before.

Li Bai took Qin Yubing to the front of the light curtain, and put his hand on the light curtain. The light curtain didn't respond at all, but it felt very soft to the touch.

"If you didn't guess wrong, the more force you use to hit the light curtain, the greater the rebound will be." Li Bai said to Qin Yubing, but there was a click in the butler's ear.

I knew that he had let the dead ninja try this too, if that was the case, he wouldn't have died.

"It's a bit strange. Why did they disappear? How did they get in?" Li Bai looked around again, but the surrounding area was still pitch black. Because they hid so well, the light of Qin Yubing's flashlight didn't reach them. them.

Li Bai frowned, his soul consciousness was instantly released, and he found the people hiding in two places almost in the next second.

"Interesting." Li Bai showed a smile on his face, but he didn't expose them immediately, "It seems that they have already entered, so let's hurry up."

Under the watchful eyes of the steward and the Fang family brothers, Li Bai sacrificed the Tianyun knife, and asked Qin Yubing to stand aside first, while walking towards the distance by himself, and stopped when he reached a similar position.

If you guessed correctly, there are two ways to pass through this light curtain, one is to use brute force to break through directly, just like what Li Bai is going to do now, and the other is to use the Qin family's aura to open it, but if this time If Li Bai continued to send spiritual energy to Qin Yubing like last time, Li Bai could not guarantee that the Fang brothers and the housekeeper would not come out to attack.

Li Bai did not move until Qin Yubing stood in a safe position. The Meteorite Knife was raised high, and the power of the silver stars poured into the blade of the Meteorite Knife crazily. With a roar, he slashed at the light curtain in front of him.

The power of the silver stars escaped from the Sky Meteor Knife, like a virtual knife tip, and rushed straight towards the light curtain.

Like a ray, this slash quickly hit the light curtain, and then, like chopping vegetables, the blue light curtain was forcibly separated from the middle by a crack, as if it had no skeleton , the light of the blue light curtain flickered intensely a few times, and then returned to the darkness.

Seeing this scene, both the Fang brothers and the housekeeper were stunned. The Fang brothers were thinking, Li Bai is so powerful, should they withdraw from the fight, but the housekeeper was thinking, after such a strong blow, Li Bai's The strength must have been much weaker, and they just took advantage of it.

Li Bai also cooperated and made a very weak appearance, so soft that he fell to the ground, Qin Yubing hurried over to help Li Bai up, and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, help me in. After I go out, I'll rest for a few days." Li Bai said weakly, but he blinked at Qin Yubing and showed a naughty smile.

How could Qin Yubing not know what Li Bai was thinking, and even cried out in cooperation: "Brother Bai, why don't we go on, and you must not die."

However, while talking, the two of them walked through the huge arch and walked into the deeper darkness.

The steward and the Fang brothers finally came out of the darkness, as if they didn't see each other's existence, but the steward chose to move on, while the Fang brothers decided to leave after thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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