The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2356 Sarcophagus

Chapter 2356 Sarcophagus
"It seems that someone still winked." Feeling the situation behind him, Li Bai murmured, "However, even if we go out like this, we still cannot escape death."

Even if the Fang family brothers finally left the ancient tomb, there were dozens of Qin family members waiting for them outside.

Li Bai and Qin Yubing continued to walk forward. This is a very long passage, but at the end of the passage, there is a light, like an exit.

The two quickened their pace, and at the same time found that the originally tall passage had become smaller and narrower with the deepening of the distance. In the end, the two could only walk forward one after the other, stooping forward.

When the light illuminated the entire line of sight of Li Bai and Qin Yubing, they were pleasantly surprised to find that they seemed to have finally reached the end of the ancient tomb.

This is a small room, or rather, a burial chamber.

Around the tomb, there are a row of cabinets neatly placed, and some books or decorations are also neatly placed on them, but in Li Bai's view, those are useless things, not even considered baby.

Four huge night pearls stood around the tomb, illuminating the dark tomb. At the same time, their lights were all concentrated towards the center of the tomb, where there was a huge sarcophagus.

"Brother Bai, what should we do now?" Qin Yubing looked at the huge sarcophagus in front of him, and suddenly lost his mind.

"Open it, what else can I do, if I guess correctly, all the real good things will be inside." Li Bai and Qin Yubing walked forward and came to the side of the sarcophagus.

This time, the ancestors of the Qin family did not frantically prevent any light curtains around the sarcophagus. Li Bai's hand easily rested on the sarcophagus, and a cold feeling rushed into Li Bai's heart instantly.

"I said, you have been with us for so long, shouldn't you show up?" Li Bai suddenly stopped and said without turning his head.

After being discovered, the steward and his last ninja walked into the tomb with some annoyance. The two stood at the exit, looking at Li Bai and Qin Yubing with cold eyes.

"I said you Japanese people are interesting? Don't you have any treasures in your country? You come to our Huaxia all day long, either stealing or robbing, and if you can't steal it, don't you think it's shameful for you to lose it?" Li Bai Turning around and looking at the butler, he was very disgusted.

The housekeeper still had a gloomy expression on his face: "These should belong to us Wa people, we just want to get them back."

"Damn it, I said that the relationship between the Wa Kingdom and the Khanate is really good, so who owns the things from the Wa Kingdom and the Khanate?" Li Bai sneered again, making the butler's face slightly hot .

The butler didn't say any more nonsense, coughed softly, and the ninja standing next to him was suddenly activated, which made Li Bai a little unresponsive.

As if burning all his vitality, the ninja's speed has been greatly improved, and at the same time, there is also an aura of selflessness.

Li Bai's expression changed, and he pushed Qin Yubing aside: "Be careful!"

Then the next second, Li Bai punched out, trying to kill the ninja before he got close to him.

However, when the ninja saw Li Bai's fist, he didn't panic or dodge in the slightest. Instead, there was a mortal grin on his face, and he opened his arms and rushed towards Li Bai.

With a sound of "chi", Li Bai's heavy fist hit the ninja's heart heavily, and only heard a muffled "touch", the ninja's heart was actually shattered directly inside his body.

But even so, the ninja still hugged Li Bai tightly, making Li Bai unable to break free for a while. At the same time, the next second, a hot feeling surged, and there was a "boom", like a human bomb, and the whole ninja People actually exploded.

The butler stood aside and laughed wildly. In order to kill Li Bai, he specially ordered the ninja subordinates to use the self-exposure technique of death. Using all the strength of a person as a bomb, Li Bai will definitely be broken into pieces.

Qin Yubing's shrill screams made the housekeeper even more proud. Blood and flesh splashed on his face, but he didn't care. He even used his hands to wipe the blood on his face evenly, making his face look abnormal. weird.

In front of the sarcophagus, there was a thick fog of blood at this moment, making Qin Yubing unable to see what happened there, thinking that Li Bai was also killed by such an explosion.

At this time, Qin Yubing looked a little crazy, a little decisive: "I'm going to kill you!"

As she said that, she frantically ran towards the butler from the side of the sarcophagus. Even if she didn't have a knife in her hand, even if she was not as strong as the butler, she would still smash the butler into pieces!
But at this moment, a calm voice suddenly sounded: "Don't be impulsive, I'm not dead yet."

As if he had seen a ghost, the butler's complacent expression suddenly became extremely stiff. Not far away, the cloud of blood slowly drifted into the air, and a tall figure slowly walked out from it. It wasn't Li Bai. , who else could it be?

"You, you're not dead?" The butler raised his finger and pointed at Li Bai tremblingly. He was shocked in his heart. He couldn't believe that Li Bai was not dead after such a horrible self-destruct. Looking at it, it seemed to be intact!

This made the butler feel ashamed for a moment, and turned around and ran away.

"You still want to run? Thinking too much?" Li Bai sneered, and in the next second he appeared in front of the butler, slapped the butler in the face with a slap, and the butler fell down without any strength to resist. on the ground.

"You're running away!" Li Bai yelled at the butler. He had given these Japanese people many chances, but they kept coming to find trouble again and again.

The housekeeper backed away in horror, not daring to say a word, and knew that at this time, even if he said something, it would be useless, and soon, he leaned against the wall, and there was no way out.

"Let's talk, you Japanese people came to our Huaxia, what purpose do you have besides Huaxia Jing?" Li Bai stood in front of the butler and looked at it coldly.

"Baga Yalu!" Unexpectedly, at this time, the housekeeper who had spoken Huaxia for ten years suddenly burst out a sentence in Japanese, which made Li Bai stunned for a moment.Li Bai had never watched the Chinese anti-Japanese drama decades ago, so he didn't understand the simplest Japanese sentence.

And just when Li Bai was in a daze, the butler's eyes flashed, and he pushed his hands towards the wall, and he used his strength to rush towards Li Bai again.

The butler yelled frantically, just like the ninja who blew himself up just now, and he also became hot all over.

When the butler hugged Li Bai tightly again, showing a smile, thinking that he could die with Li Bai by blew himself up twice, there was a mocking voice in his ear.

"It's been a long time since you committed suicide."

With a "boom", there was another explosion in the tomb, and in the eyes of the housekeeper, just a second before the explosion, Li Bai disappeared.

"No!" The housekeeper really wanted to shout, but his body was already torn apart, and he had no chance to shout at this moment.

The dust settled and the blood mist dissipated.

Trembling, Qin Yubing walked to the place where Li Bai disappeared, and picked up a dark golden ring from the blood on the ground.

In the next second, Li Bai suddenly appeared in front of Qin Yubing's eyes and hugged Qin Yubing tightly.

"How about it, this magic trick has become okay." Li Bai smiled, Qin Yubing really wanted to beat Li Bai hard, and he worried himself to death again.

"Okay, okay, no one will bother us anymore." Li Bai said as he walked towards the quiet sarcophagus.

"Are you ready?" Li Bai looked at Qin Yubing and asked, Qin Yubing took a deep breath and nodded.

Pushing the lid of the sarcophagus away vigorously, Li Bai did not experience much resistance. Under the lid, there was also a light blue light curtain, like a plastic wrap, sealing everything inside.

Through the thin light curtain, Li Bai and Qin Yubing could clearly see that in the middle of the sarcophagus was a man's corpse. Hundreds of years later, the man's corpse was still intact, as if he had just died , Even the wrinkles on the forehead can be seen clearly.

"This, is this Emperor Qin?"

Qin Yubing asked in surprise, there was something lingering in his eyes, but he didn't dare to touch the blue light curtain at all, as if Qin Huang would wake up if he touched it.

"There are quite a lot of good things." Li Bai whispered secretly at the side. In this sarcophagus, whether it is the silk or the decorations around Emperor Qin, they are all extremely precious.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and touch it." Li Bai urged Qin Yubing, Qin Yubing was a little dazed.

"I, I'm a little afraid." Qin Yubing said tremblingly, but Li Bai couldn't help but grab Qin Yubing's hand and press it on the blue light curtain.

Li Bai could tell that this blue light curtain was not like the previous one, no matter who it was, whether it was the Qin family or not, just touching it would trigger the next step, so he couldn't touch it, only Qin Yubing could come.

When Qin Yubing's hand touched the blue light curtain, it was as if someone had pushed Li Bai, and actually pushed Li Bai to a place two meters away from the sarcophagus, and when he wanted to walk over again, There is already an air wall blocking Li Bai's front.

"Don't panic, Emperor Qin probably won't hurt you." Li Bai could only say this to the flustered Qin Yubing.

What happened next was a bit miraculous.

When the blue light curtain slowly disappeared from the sarcophagus and was completely transferred to Qin Yubing's body, Qin Huang, who was still lying in the sarcophagus just now, was actually half of his body.

This scene looked so weird, but Li Bai knew that Qin Huang should have set some special procedures for himself before he died, so that he had the current reaction.

Qin Huang and Qin Yubing were facing each other, and kept talking to Qin Yubing, but Li Bai couldn't hear them because of the barrier of the air wall.

What happened next made Li Bai smile again.

(End of this chapter)

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