The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2357 Emperor Qin's Bloodline

Chapter 2357 Emperor Qin's Bloodline

After Qin Huang's long, long speech, Qin Huang's whole body turned into specks of dust like a dandelion and disappeared. At the same time, Qin Yubing's whole body actually floated out of thin air, suspended in the Above the sarcophagus, blue light lingered around him, very beautiful.

Immediately afterwards, the specks of dust left by Emperor Qin floated up again, covered Qin Yubing's body, and penetrated into Qin Yubing's body again. It didn't take long for Qin Yubing's body to slowly start to burn like a furnace. Heat and glow.

Qin Yubing only felt that his whole body was burning, and the blood all over his body began to boil, like boiling water, and there were bursts of gurgling sounds in his body.

It's just that Qin Yubing is very calm now, without the slightest panic, because just now Qin Huang has talked to her a lot, telling her everything that is about to happen.

This ceremony can become the activation of Emperor Qin's bloodline.

Li Bai discovered very early on that the power hidden in Qin Yubing's body was the Qin Emperor's blood of the Qin family. officially activated.

The entire activation ceremony lasted for half an hour before it finally ended. When Qin Yubing landed slowly, the air wall disappeared instantly.

Qin Yubing stood there blankly, feeling the changes in his body.

Like a rebirth, Qin Yubing's first feeling was refreshment, his whole body seemed to be cleansed, and what coexisted with it was a sense of power, as if he could destroy himself with just a few gestures. Everything in sight.

Of course, for Li Bai, Qin Yubing's biggest change is that he has become more beautiful. Although the tomb is still a little dark, Li Bai can still see that Qin Yubing's face is whiter, tenderer, and more watery. After Qin Huang's blood was activated, Qin Yubing's skin was already the first layer of barrier on her body, and ordinary attacks were absolutely painless to Qin Yubing.

Qin Yubing slowly opened his eyes, the tomb had returned to calm, and Li Bai stood quietly in front of him, looking at his brand new self with a smile on his face,
"Brother Bai!" Qin Yubing happily rushed towards Li Bai, and threw herself into Li Bai's arms, her excitement made her unable to say anything more.

"Okay, okay, you can't be such a little girl in front of others in the future, after all, from now on, you are the real head of the Qin family." Li Bai said, gently stroking Qin Yubing's hair.

Qin Yubing also just remembered that Qin Huang told her just now that she should lead the Qin family to glory again.

"I, I'm a little unprepared." Qin Yubing said a little at a loss, and Li Bai smiled: "I will tell your father and brothers that if they dare not listen to you in the future, they will court death."

Qin Yubing burst out laughing with a "puchi", but thought of something again, and her face instantly turned red like a red apple.

"What's wrong?" Li Bai asked in surprise.

"Qin Huang just said that after I activate Qin Huang's bloodline, I can't fully display my true power. I need, need..." Qin Yubing buried his face deeply in his chest, and then said with a mosquito-like voice. Said, "A double cultivation with the opposite sex."

This setting made Li Bai stunned for a moment, but he was relieved and immediately took off his shirt.

"Come on, I will reluctantly agree to you." The expression on his face was even more determined, and Qin Yubing was so angry that he hit Li Bai several times before he took the initiative to push Li Bai to the ground embarrassingly.

When the sun got angry again, Li Bai and Qin Yubing finally appeared on the hill, but it was not the entrance they came in from.

At the place where they walked into the ancient tomb, the grassland had completely recovered at this time, and the stone slab disappeared in front of everyone in the Qin family, which made them very shocked, but they didn't dare to leave just like that .

It wasn't until Li Bai took Qin Yubing's hand and appeared in front of everyone from the foot of the mountain that everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are finally back." Seeing that Li Bai and Qin Yubing came back safe and sound, Qin Rongyi was almost moved to tears, but the four Jianghe, Huhai and Huhai brothers rushed up and asked about what happened in the ancient tomb. .

"If you didn't see the Fang family brothers, then the Wa people and them are all dead." Li Bai said to everyone, which shocked everyone. Of course, Li Bai did not elaborate on how he died.

"Bingbing, have you got the treasure left by your ancestors?" Qin Rongyi is most concerned about this issue. Judging from Li Bai's actions, he seems to want to empty himself, the current patriarch, and let Qin Yubing do it.

Qin Yubing smiled and nodded, took the patriarch's ring from Qin Rongyi, and then approached Qin Jiang's clothes, Qin Jiang's clothes disappeared instantly.

"You, you can use this patriarch's ring?" Everyone was stunned, and Qin Rongyi looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

In Li Bai's narration a few days ago, he already knew what this meant. If he could use the patriarch's ring, it at least shows that Qin Yubing is now a cultivator in the foundation establishment period.

"Dad, I'm sorry, but the current situation is like this, I..." Qin Yubing was speechless. After all, in the traditional Chinese concept, doing so is unfilial and offending.

Qin Rongyi stretched out his hand and directly interrupted Qin Yubing's words: "Bingbing, you don't need to say any more, I know what it means. Since Emperor Qin has recognized you as the successor, then, from now on , our Qin family, you are the real head of the family."

As Qin Rongyi said, he actually bowed towards Qin Yubing, and this gesture was the courtesy of the Qin family to the patriarch.

Qin Yubing was so surprised that he couldn't speak, and then, the Qin family present continued to show Qin Yubing the patriarchal ceremony, which made Qin Yubing look at Li Bai innocently, not knowing what to do.

"Why are you still standing there, let everyone get up, you are the head of the house now." Li Bai whispered to Qin Yubing, Qin Yubing nodded hastily, and then asked everyone to get up as Qin Rongyi usually did.

There was another moment of silence, Qin Yubing had obviously never been a leader and didn't know what to do.

"Patriarch, let's stop standing here stupidly, let's go back and talk about it first." Qin Rongyi took the initiative to say to Qin Yubing, Qin Yubing finally realized it, and told everyone to go down the mountain and go home.

In the car, the atmosphere of the Qin family was a little awkward. Before, she was her own daughter or sister, but now she suddenly became the head of their family. This change of concept made everyone very uncomfortable for a while. , but it was Qin Rongyi.

"If there's anything you can't let go of, you can get the Qinhuang's inheritance, that is Bingbing's strength, you say, why not you, not me?" Qin Rongyi pointed to the four Jianghe, Huhai brothers and said, the four brothers were a little embarrassed.

"Dad, it's not that we don't recognize Bingbing's identity as the patriarch, it's just that it's hard to adapt at once." Qin Jiang said to Qin Rongyi, but his eyes fell on Qin Yubing, which made Qin Yubing very embarrassed.

"Or, let's do it as before. I don't know how to be a patriarch." Qin Yubing thought about it, but she still said it, but Qin Rongyi directly refused.

"You don't know anything, I can teach you, but now you are the only practitioner of the Qin family, and you are our spiritual leader, understand?" Qin Rongyi said to Qin Yubing, at this time, she also meant to disobey the head of the family.

Qin Yubing didn't hear it, and after thinking about it, he asked Li Bai to take out all the things they got in the tomb.

"Some of these things are foundation building pills, some are spiritual cultivation methods, and there are several sets of cultivation methods. You pick the one that suits you and start practicing. I won't teach you, and you have to break through it yourself." Qin Yubing put everything on the table at once, and this scene really shocked the five of them.

"You mean, with these things, we can also cultivate?" Qin Rongyi picked up a book and opened it casually. There were some spiritual cultivation methods on it, which made Qin Rongyi very excited.

"Yes, with the help of Jidan, you can become a cultivator with almost no effort, but in the future, you will need your own efforts." Li Bai said, and then said to Jiang Hehuhai The four brothers said, "What you have to do now is to reach the ninth level of true qi as soon as possible, and then you can succeed in building the foundation."

The four brothers were also in a daze, but they understood that with these things here, before the next 100 years came, their Qin family would definitely make a splash in Shu County.

"Brother Xiaobai, what about you?" Qin Yubing finally asked his own question, with some reluctance in his eyes.

"I, to tell you the truth, I have already reached the Nascent Soul Stage. If you want to reach my level, you have to start from Foundation Establishment, to Jindan, and then to Nascent Soul." Li Bai talked eloquently, feeling very satisfied. It's a surprise, because during the double cultivation with Qin Yubing in the ancient tomb, his strength has improved a lot, and he has faintly touched the threshold of the late Yuanying period.

"That's not what I meant!" Qin Yubing interrupted Li Bai, and looked at Li Bai with some resentment, "I'm asking you, are you going back to the capital?"

Li Bai thought for a while: "It should be. After all, in Xihong City, the three sons of the Fang family are already dead. It is impossible for Fang Shiyu to do anything big. Next, you should strengthen your own strength. , don't show your sharpness, I have to remind you that in China, there are still many cultivation families who are in a state of seclusion, and you are just getting started..."

But before Li Bai finished speaking, Qin Yubing kissed his mouth, and a line of tears flowed from Qin Yubing's face to his heart, which made Li Bai feel a little bit reluctant.

"wait me back."

The two separated, but spoke in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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