The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2358 To Kyoto

Chapter 2358 Returning to Kyoto
After activating Qin Huang's blood, the whole Qin family became extremely excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

In Xihong City, the Qin family was already invincible, so on the day Li Bai left Xihong City, Qin Yubing, under the instigation of Qin Rongyi, led the warriors of the Qin family to attack the Fang family.

At this moment, the Fang family had no power to resist except for the head of the family, Fang Shiyu, and was taken over by the Qin family in minutes. It's a battle of swords, but everyone knows that this is just a microcosm of this era.

As for the subsequent development of the Qin family, Li Bai was not worried. The Qin family that has just risen should not attract the attention of others in a short period of time. They will at least have a one-year development time.

At this time, Li Bai, who had been away from Kyoto for nearly two months, finally came back by plane, but when he got off the plane, he felt the smog that he hadn't seen for a long time, which made Li Bai want to put on a mask quickly.

When he came back this time, Li Bai did not send text messages like last time, but walked slowly alone, feeling the changes in Kyoto in the past two months.

Of course, almost nothing has changed in terms of architecture, only the advertisements on the subway and various shops. Li Bai looked at it with a different feeling.

Unexpectedly, in the past two months, without his presence, the development of Xiannong Society has not lagged behind at all, but has a feeling of getting better and better, which makes Li Bai very gratified.

When Li Bai returned to Xiannong Building again, the mess on the first floor of the building had disappeared two months ago, and it looked more grand at this time. I don't know when the array has been repaired, but it doesn't feel as strong as before. It should be done by Wang Chu and the others.

Li Bai walked into the building slowly, and the receptionist immediately greeted him with a bright smile.

"Welcome to Shannon Building."

The voice was crisp and sweet, and Li Bai was very satisfied with his slender figure. It seemed that they were not slack in their work at the Xiannong Building.

"Excuse me, sir, do you need anything?" Seeing Li Bai standing in place and looking around non-stop, the lady at the front desk thought it was Li Bai's first time here, so she quickly walked up to Li Bai and asked.

"No, no, I just took a look." Li Bai waved to the receptionist, and then walked to the side by himself, but the receptionist was obviously embarrassed and a little at a loss.

"How about this, you go and call the person in charge of your Xiannong Building, I want to talk to him." Li Bai suddenly called the front desk lady back again, but the opinions he raised made the front desk lady very helpless .

"Sir, the person in charge of Xiannong Building is quite busy, and he may not be able to come over immediately. Look, why don't you wait a little while? I'll give him a call." The lady at the front desk said, with a smile still on her face, but she could It was obvious that the smile was unwilling.

Li Bai smiled, and didn't intend to make things difficult for the little girl anymore: "You don't need to bother you, I can do it myself." After saying that, Li Bai opened Tianxun and called Wang Chu.

Just when the front desk lady was full of doubts, Wang Chu, the person in charge of Xiannong Building who had been staring blankly at her all day, ran towards her with a smile on his face.

"Director, hello." The lady at the front desk saw Wang Chu coming, and hurriedly said hello, but Wang Chu just waved his hand, passed her line of sight, and walked in front of Li Bai.

"Nong Huang, you are finally back. Do you know how much we miss you?" Wang Chu gave Li Bai a bear hug, and Li Bai was also very happy, spending two months with so many strange faces Today, when I see old acquaintances, I really feel like a fellow townsman sees fellow townspeople with tears in his eyes.

The front desk lady who was standing by the side was almost stunned when she saw this scene. She just clearly heard Director Wang Chu call Nong Huang to the ordinary man in front of her, but she didn't know the meaning of it very well.

"How long has this girl been in the company?" Li Bai suddenly asked Wang Chudao.

The lady at the front desk didn't dare to speak at all, thinking that she had offended this man who seemed to have a good relationship with the director.

"It's been almost a month, what's the matter?" Wang Chu looked at Li Bai with a smirk, thinking that Li Bai wanted to attack the little girl again.

"It's been a month and you're still at the front desk? Hurry up and give her a promotion, this girl is pretty good." Li Bai blinked at the receptionist, then followed Wang Chu upstairs.

She clearly heard that after the farm emperor spoke just now, the director promoted her to become a salesperson in the company without saying a word. This sudden surprise made her stay where she was, unable to react for a long time.

"Xiao Huang, why are you still standing there!" Another front desk lady came over and patted Xiao Huang's shoulder, envious.

"Your luck is really great. Nonghuang usually sees the dragon and sees the end. I didn't expect you to get a promotion. Unlike me, I have worked here for more than two months, and I am still a front desk."

Another person said enviously, the girl named Xiao Huang still didn't react.

"Nonghuang? Why is he called Nonghuang?"

"Are you stupid? You don't even know Nonghuang? The founder of Jingdu Xiannong Society, the real owner of Xiannong Building, is him!"

Xiao Huang's companion said angrily, and Xiao Huang finally realized what kind of person she was facing just now, and she thought it was an ordinary person.

But the "ordinary person" Li Bai was very happy at this time. He followed Wang Chu all the way and found that in the past two months, not only the decoration of Xiannong Building has improved, but also the medicines developed. There are many more types.

"Tell me, what happened during the time I was not here." Li Bai sat on the soft sofa in the office. After such a long time, he could finally rest comfortably for a while.

Speaking of this, Wang Chu couldn't help being delighted, and asked the secretary to bring two cups of coffee, and then talked to Li Bai.

Because Li Bai had already specified a detailed development plan for them before leaving, they were just taking the drug market back step by step and consolidating the influence of their own brand at the beginning, but Li Bai never came back. I have reached my established goal, so the entire Xiannong Society and Xiannong Building were briefly confused for a few days.

But soon, after the small meeting of Wang Chu, Zhang Yuhan and others, they quickly formulated a new plan. At the same time, they were not only satisfied with continuing to expand in the capital, but also set their sights on several provinces around the capital. .

So there was the scene that Li Bai came back to see. They not only applied for the trademark, but also quickly started to promote the "Xiannong" trademark. Arrived at Jincheng on the other side.

Naturally, profit is needless to say. Although Wang Chu doesn't know how much the daily profit of Xiannong Club and Xiannong Building is now, the four words of earning a lot of money every day will definitely not satisfy them.

After listening to Wang Chu's narration, Li Bai's face was also full of red light. This Xiannong Society was his first property on earth, and he could not have imagined that he had made such an achievement. If his father Li Xiaogang knew about it, he might not know How would you praise yourself?

"Okay, okay, okay, then let's have a dinner party tonight and celebrate it!" Li Bai said happily, and Wang Chu immediately went to contact everyone. The place was on the top floor of Xiannong Building.

You know, this Xiannong building is not just selling medicine.

When night falls, the open-air top floor of Xiannong Building has become a sea of ​​joy. Because of Li Bai's return, all the people who are either at home or working outside rush back to the capital and gather together.

Li Bai was surrounded by many beauties, and they all held exquisite wine glasses to drink with Li Bai, and kept telling Li Bai how much they missed, which made Li Bai happy and troubled at the same time.

"Everyone be quiet, everyone be quiet." After drinking for three rounds, Li Bai blushed and walked to the open space in front of the swimming pool. At this moment, all the music and lights stopped, and everyone's eyes fell On Li Bai's body, waiting for Li Bai's next words.

"I want to announce something here. I have thought about it." Li Bai glanced at everyone. Most of the people in this party have been working hard with him from the beginning. Xiannong Society and Xiannong Nong Building had such a glorious day, and they also contributed a lot.

"In the two months since I left, I know that each of you has been very tired, but with your joint efforts, Xiannong Society has developed so well, shouldn't we raise a glass together for yourselves? Cheers for your hard work?!" Li Bai said, raising his glass high, and everyone also raised their glasses together, and drank it down in one gulp with the sound of "cheers".

"Next, let's talk about my decision." Li Bai paused, and everyone became quiet again.

"I have learned from Wang Chu how you have been doing in the past two months. I think that the future development of Xiannong Society should be decided by you. Therefore, I formally appoint Wang Chu, Zhang Yuhan, Hong Yu, Chen Feiyu and Bai Jun are jointly responsible for the Xiannong Mansion and Xiannong Society, I retreat behind the scenes, unless there is something that you can't solve, I will come forward."

When Li Bai announced his appointment, everyone exclaimed.

Everyone knows that Xiannong Society and Xiannong Mansion are the foundation of Nonghuang Li Bai, but at this time, Li Bai actually handed them over to a few other people. This is a decision that can only be made by trusting them! .

The few parties involved know how lucky they are. As the first group of people who followed Li Bai, they have grown a lot, and now they are entrusting such a heavy burden to themselves. The pressure, but also the infinite motivation!
(End of this chapter)

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