The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2364 Return of Emperor Nong

Chapter 2364 Return of Emperor Nong
The next day, when Li Bai found that almost no one was walking in the villa, Li Bai knew that it was another Monday and the girls were all going to school.

It was also at this time that Li Bai suddenly remembered that he who came to Earth is actually just a college student.

This made Li Bai himself feel a little bit embarrassed. It seems that he has done more things in the year since he came to the earth than ordinary people can do in a lifetime. Thinking of this, Li Bai is still a little proud , wanted to compare with his father Li Xiaogang, but found that there was no comparison at all.

The Xiannong Building has been handed over to Wang Chu and the others, so now Li Bai is like a hands-off shopkeeper, and there is nothing too much to do, so he simply sorted out his recent goals.

The first thing, of course, is to increase your strength to the late Yuanying stage as soon as possible. If you can break through to the stage of transforming gods, that would be great.However, judging from the current overall level of China, Li Bai in the Nascent Soul stage is definitely more than enough to deal with them, but Li Bai can also clearly feel that his opponents seem to be gradually getting stronger, so he can only fight against them. Go on the road of becoming stronger without hesitation.

Second thing.Xiaoxi's mother, who has been recuperating in the Qiankun ring, has actually recovered a long time ago, but she has never really recovered. Li Bai thought, maybe the biggest reason is Xiaoxi. If they meet each other, then Xiaoxi's mother's inner demons will definitely be lifted soon and she will recover completely.It's just that Li Bai is not very clear about where Xiaoxi is now, but he just thinks that Xiaoxi must be in the hands of the Wa people now, but if he wants to find Xiaoxi, it is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

The third thing is still aimed at the Wa people.The Japanese people are eyeing the Huaxia Crystal in China. Li Bai has known about this for a long time. He also ordered Longwei to develop the power of Longwei within two months. Now that two months have passed, it should be Go to Long Wei to find out about the situation. If possible, we must eradicate the Wa people on the Chinese land.Li Bai hated the Wa people deeply, no matter where he went, there would be the participation of the Wa people, which made him very angry.

For the fourth thing, it can be regarded as a relatively far-reaching thing. To be honest, Li Bai really wanted to establish a family on earth. The family can definitely become the most powerful family in China.

Of course, Li Bai only thought about the last thing temporarily. After all, he was still too young, and he still had a lot of unfinished business. Li Bai also didn't want to be bound by a family in one place.

After simply sorting out his thoughts, Li Bai also left the villa and went straight to the school. He hadn't been to school for too long, and he didn't know what the school was like now.

Li Bai strolled in the campus, the summer sun shone violently on every inch of the campus, making everything seem a bit uninteresting, whether it was on the playground or on the path, maybe because of the class time, only A few students were walking on the road.

However, Li Bai was in a good mood. Looking at this familiar campus, he recalled the little things that happened when he came to the campus. What happened to the top ten generals of the campus? At this time, all the school belles have come to Li Bai's roof.

Now Li Bai, of course, can proudly announce these news. At this time, he is no longer afraid that someone will point fingers at him, or in other words, no one dares to point fingers at Li Bai anymore. The achievements are there, besides envy, they have nothing but envy.

Li Bai checked the class schedule and walked towards the place where he was going to class. He was very excited to see Li Bai's classmates on the way, as if he saw his idol. Li Bai didn't put on airs and waved to them with a smile.

But at this moment, on the other side of the path, there were six men walking towards this side.

At first, Li Bai didn't pay much attention to these six men, because these six boys were probably roommates in the same dormitory, and they went to the Internet cafe together to have a game when there was no class, but Li Bai soon found out that something was wrong. Because these six boys walked all the way, they didn't chat or even said a word, and all of them were expressionless, and their eyes shot straight in Li Bai's direction.

Li Bai could feel that these eyes were not on him, but they just made Li Bai feel a little uncomfortable.

"Could it be that I'm overthinking it?" Li Bai shook his head, turned around and walked into the path on the lawn, passing those six people at the same time, and they didn't make any other movements.

"It seems that I really think too much." Li Bai smiled self-deprecatingly. He has experienced so much in Shu County in the past two months, and even his nerves have become a little tense. It seems that he really needs Take some time off and let yourself relax.

"Target confirmation, when to act."

But at this moment, Li Bai suddenly heard a faint voice coming from behind him. Li Bai turned his head to look without any trace, and found that one of the six people raised his collar, as if Talking something through the walkie-talkie.

Li Bai's expression darkened immediately, unexpectedly he was being followed by someone just after returning to school.

The first thought in Li Bai's mind was that there must be someone in this school who wanted to shoot Li Bai off the throne and smash Li Bai's myth, but after much deliberation, he couldn't think of it. In the school, apart from the previous top ten generals , Who else has the guts and strength to attack him.

The six men left directly, and Li Bai didn't chase after them. If they really dared to come, they would definitely let them go without returning.

Li Bai came to the place where he was supposed to attend the class. This class was supposed to be taught by Qin Yubing, but now it was an old man, which made Li Bai feel a little bit confused. He didn't know how Qin Yubing was doing in Xihong City. up.

The students who were not interested in studying in the classroom soon saw Li Bai wandering outside the classroom, and they began to discuss in a hurry, which made the teacher unable to continue the class. As a last resort, the teacher stopped the lecture and came out to invite Li Bai. Li Bai entered the classroom.

"I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed. As a student, you are more popular than the teacher. The teacher doesn't know whether to be happy or sad." The teacher smiled kindly, and led Li Bai into the classroom, attracting everyone's attention. laughter.

Speaking of which, in the school, from the school principal to the cleaning aunt, there is almost no one who does not know Li Bai's name. From an ordinary student to a company owner worth hundreds of millions in the capital, Li Bai just It took a year, and I don't know how many people feel ashamed.

"Teacher, I'm just lucky. In terms of knowledge, I have to teach us, teacher." Li Bai said modestly. He didn't know why. At that time, he restrained a lot in front of his classmates, but Li Bai himself knew that if someone still dared to pretend to be compared in front of him, he would not be polite.

"Okay, okay, go back quickly, the final exam is coming soon, I won't show mercy to you just because of reasons other than your studies." The teacher waved his hand, and amidst the laughter of the students, Li Bai found Take an empty seat.

Su Daji, Feng Yunxi, and Mu Xiaoting kept sneaking out of their seats and sitting next to Li Bai when the teacher turned around to write on the blackboard, making the students envious and the teacher speechless. However, the teacher didn't say What, he can't stop young people from falling in love.

By the time get out of class was over, Li Bai had already been surrounded by his classmates, who either came to ask for an autograph or to take a group photo.

"Brother Xiaobai, you are more popular than me as an elf princess." Mu Xiaoting said jealously, but she was also very happy to see that her classmates liked Li Bai so much.

"Students and classmates, please be quiet. How about this? In order to thank you for your kindness, tonight, in the hotel outside the school, I will pack him up. How about having a good night with everyone?" There were too many, and Li Bai couldn't bear it alone, so he stood up and said, this way, everyone was happier, and they left the classroom one after another to inform their friends.

It is conceivable how popular that hotel will become tonight, but Li Bai naturally doesn't care, after all, he is not short of money now.

"Girls, let's go to Xiannongshe with me." When the world finally calmed down, Li Bai brought a few girls to Xiannongshe after two months away.

I haven't been here for two months. From the outside, Xiannongshe has not changed much. There are still things that should be there, such as the land planted with Donggen, such as the poisonous insects guarding the gate.

Li Bai also released all Jin Yan and Hei Yan, especially Jin Yan, who already missed his children very much. As soon as he came out of the Qiankun Ring, he rushed towards its poisonous insects, while Hei Yan held on tightly. Chase after him.

Walking into Xiannongshe, the decoration inside has been completely changed. Although it is not luxurious, it is cleaner than before. It feels more like a place to enjoy than a place to work.

"Wang Chu and the others really know how to play." Li Bai jokingly said, Wang Chu is not here, if Wang Chu is there, Li Bai will definitely kick his ass. It's comfortable.

In the office, Li Bai recalled many stories that happened here again, but in order not to let himself become sentimental, Li Bai only stayed for a while, and then left. It exists, and it will definitely get better and better.

Now Li Bai needs to open up some new territories.

(End of this chapter)

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