The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2365 Killing Dog Formation

Chapter 2365 Killing Dog Formation

When night fell, the hotel outside the school was filled with joy. The entire hotel had been contracted by Li Bai, and it was full of young men and women.

Among them, although only a small number of them are loyal fans of Li Bai, most of them come to eat and drink because of Li Bai's treats, but Li Bai doesn't care about these, if he can establish a brand new prestige in the hearts of his classmates , then the money for this night is not wasted.

"I wish the Emperor Nong a successful career!" While drinking wine, everyone greeted Li Bai loyally. Li Bai also nodded his head, and then sat on the steps beside him with his cronies, drinking wine and chatting .

"Boss, you handed over Xiannong Club and Xiannong Building to us, so do you have bigger plans?" Wang Chu asked with his arms around Li Bai's shoulders after drinking too much tonight.

Li Bai didn't dislike everyone's appearance. In normal times, it seemed that the relationship between them was somewhat obvious. Such a situation would only appear when they were drunk.

"Yes, but I haven't made up my mind yet. Of course I don't want to confine myself to such a small place like Kyoto." Li Bai told everyone his thoughts, scanning the men and women downstairs.

"Boss, it seems that your goal is the whole of China, but I think that with your strength, boss, it is impossible for anyone in the whole of China to do anything to you." Wang Chu said confidently, if Li Bai really If he can become the youngest and most promising businessman in China, then he, Wang Chu, is a friend of the youngest and most promising businessman in China.

Li Bai took a sip of his wine, then put down the bottle, and stood up: "Whoever said that, there are always troublemakers who want to harm me."

Li Bai's words were very witty, and everyone laughed. They thought Li Bai was trying to make everyone happy, but what they didn't notice was that when everyone was in high spirits, six people came in from the door of the hotel. boys.

Because Li Bai had already ordered the hotel that today's visitors are all guests, so the hotel's welcome lady did not do anything to stop them, but let the six boys enter the lobby on the first floor, and quickly mixed into the crowd .

Others may not know these six boys, but Li Bai recognized them the first moment they appeared. These six people were the six suspicious boys he met today.

Everyone was very puzzled by Li Bai's sudden standing up. Just when they were about to post, Li Bai spoke in advance.

"Don't drink now, the troublemakers are really here."

Li Bai's expression became serious, and everyone who was familiar with Li Bai immediately restrained their laughing expressions and became serious. They knew that Li Bai would never joke with them on such matters.

"Where are the troublemakers?" Wang Chu asked next to Li Bai, looking at the people downstairs.

"Did you see the man in black over the globe, and the one who was chatting with that girl? There are six people in total, all dressed like this. They are thugs." Li Bai pointed to Wang Chu, and Wang Chu was very I soon saw the six troublemakers Li Bai mentioned.

"Boss, arrest them directly or drive them out?" Wang Chu asked again. After all, under the current situation, everyone's interest is still high. If there is a big fight, it will definitely make the students feel panic.

"Send someone to negotiate with them first, say that they are not my guests, and ask them to leave here temporarily. If that doesn't work, I'll think of other ways." Li Bai told Wang Chu, and Wang Chu will soon order Pass it on.

After a while, a girl walked towards a boy in black with a wine glass in her hand.

"Student, you don't seem to be a student of our school." The girl was sent by Wang Chu to drive away the boy in front of her.

"Student, how could it be? I'm a student at the school. I'm a junior. Today isn't the reception of Nong Huang Li Bai, so let's come over to join in the fun." The boy said with a smile, but this smile can be as ugly as it is Ugly, as if he had never smiled before.

"Oh, are you really a student at the school? Which major? Do you have a student ID card?" The girl asked again. She could feel that the boy in front of her was obviously uncomfortable with such an environment. If it was true He is a third-year student at the school. Over the past few years, he must have become accustomed to such occasions.

"Student, isn't your smile a bit wide? I haven't heard that you need to bring your student ID card when you come here. Are you holding a reception or checking someone else's account?" The boy looked a little angry, and put the glass It was placed heavily on the table, making a muffled bang.

But the girl smiled: "It seems that classmate, you are really not a student of our school. The Emperor of Agriculture has already notified you. In order to prevent outsiders from coming in to eat and drink, all students need to bring their student ID cards. "Speaking, the girl took out her student ID and shook it in front of the boy, and said again, "Please leave quickly, I won't file a complaint, but if the Emperor Nong sees it, His anger is probably something you guys can't bear."

The girl left as she said, and ignored the boy in black. Her mission had already been completed. In order to prevent the man from getting angry and hurting the girl, their last step was just a warning. If they didn't leave, it would be Li Bai's fault. Questions to consider.

Li Bai didn't want to think about the next step. If the matter was resolved like this, then he would be very happy to see it, but the accident still happened.

As if he had been greatly insulted, the boy in black looked at the back of the girl going away, and in a fit of anger grabbed the wine glass on the table again and slammed it on the ground.

The "crack" sound of the wine glass falling on the ground immediately sounded, and the glass shards splashed on the nearby people, causing many girls to scream. Soon, the whole hotel returned to calm, and everyone All eyes fell on the man in black, and at the same time, his other five partners also stood behind the man, as if they were supporting the boy.

"Fuck, do I still need to prove whether I am a student of the school? I said I am, and I am! If you can't afford this reception, Emperor Nong, then don't do it. Setting these sick rules is Are you burying people? What kind of Nonghuang, bullshit!" The black-clothed man said angrily, but it didn't arouse any reaction. Instead, everyone began to curse the black-clothed man for being crazy.

"Then according to your thinking, I said you are a fool, you are a fool!" A loud voice sounded from the crowd, and said to the man in black, the students burst into laughter, making the man in black blush.

"Okay, if that's the case, don't blame me for being rude!" the man in black said, pushing away the crowd of onlookers, finding the man who scolded him just now, and then slapped him on the face.

The crowd suddenly became chaotic and fled in all directions.

Li Bai, who was standing on the stage, frowned when he saw this. The person standing at the back of the crowd just now, if it was an ordinary person, would definitely not be able to tell who was talking, but this man in black was actually accurate. Finally found that boy, which made Li Bai finally confirm his thoughts.

"It seems that these are not troublemakers, but corrupt officials who want to rebel." Li Bai said coldly, jumped down from the steps, and landed in the hall like a savior.

The men in black didn't react to Li Bai's arrival, they continued to attack the flustered students, but Li Bai quickly dodged into the crowd and kicked the leading man in black away.

"If you are looking for me, then come to me directly and bully my classmates, what are you capable of?!" Li Bai said to the man in black in a low voice.

Seeing Li Bai's appearance, the people who were fleeing were overjoyed. They just wanted to stop and shout for cheers, but they were driven out by the people arranged by Wang Chu.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and even the hotel staff have been evacuated.

So, a few minutes later, in the lobby of the hotel, there were only Li Bai and six men in black standing together, and Wang Chu, Chen Feiyu and others standing behind Li Bai.

"You don't need to pretend to be a student anymore. Tell me, who are you and who sent you here?" Li Bai stood up straight, with his hands behind his back, and gestured to Wang Chu and others to move later. But he kept asking.

"Hehe, it seems that the so-called Nonghuang is not just a vase decoration, it really has two tricks, but that's what you are, you shouldn't offend people if you mess with it, you should have the consciousness to be killed." Black clothed The male voice said hoarsely, as if he hadn't drank water for a long time.

As soon as Li Bai heard it, he understood that he hadn't been in the capital for the past two months. If he had offended anyone, except Feng Xiu, the eldest son of the Feng family in Jincheng who had just taught him a lesson yesterday, who else hated him so much.

Li Bai snorted coldly: "It seems that Mr. Feng Xiufeng of yours still thinks that his face is not swollen enough. If this is the case, then I will definitely visit the house some other day and give him a pig's head feast." Li Bai laughed loudly, The gesture behind the back was finally completed and placed in front of him.

"Arrogance, if Mr. Feng didn't realize it at the time, you are already a corpse now, but you don't have to be too happy, because you will soon become a corpse." The leading man in black said viciously, and just as the words fell, the six men in black headed by him rushed towards Li Bai.

"If you use the method of sneak attack, you may still have some chances of winning, but..." Li Bai sneered, holding hands for a while, Wang Chu, Chen Feiyu, and Bai Jun stood behind Li Bai, and did not continue to attack. forward.

"Kill the dog array!"

This is exactly a four-person formation that the three of them practiced hard when Li Bai left. Of course, such a vulgar name was given by Li Bai himself, and the implication is to kill all the vegetables.

Now that Li Bai has returned, they are just in time to try how powerful this formation called the dog-killing formation is.

(End of this chapter)

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