The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2366 The Immortal Body

Chapter 2366 The Immortal Body
Four people vs. six people, if you look at it purely in terms of numbers, then this is definitely a battle that can never be won. Even if Li Bai's strength is the same as that of Wang Chu and the others, with the blessing of the formation, they are not afraid of facing each other. These six seemingly fierce opponents.

The dog-killing formation, the name was learned by Li Bai from a Chinese idiom, closing the door and beating the dog. As the name suggests, it means locking up the dog and then beating it severely.Therefore, the essence of this formation is that the four people are like four gates. As long as a "dog" enters their formation, they will inevitably be beaten violently.

Li Bai deliberately lowered his speed, and let his three companions keep up with him, which also made the formation run more smoothly.

The six men in black rushed towards Li Bai and the four of them. They were the first to meet each other, but they did not start fighting. The flank rushed over, and at the same time, Bai Jun and Chen Feiyu also flashed to the side, and continued to approach the inside.

After such a combination, only three men in black were left in the dog-beating formation of Li Bai and the others. Before the three men in black could make an effective defense, the attack of the four began immediately. It fell on the three of them like raindrops, and then stepped back to the side.

Because at this time, the other three men in black should also come back again. If they don't leave, then they will be the ones who were closed.

"I heard that your guerrilla warfare is a tradition in China. Today's one is really well-deserved. However, in the face of absolute strength, do you think your guerrilla warfare will be useful?" The leading man in black sneered and called everyone together again. Once, they did not choose to swarm up again, but approached Li Bai and the others together. Even if they were dogs, they were still a complete big wolfhound at this time. The door of Li Bai and the others was obviously smaller.

Li Bai raised his eyebrows slightly. In the round just now, it had already been shown that their dog-killing formation was effective, but what Li Bai didn't expect was that the opponent would find a way to break the formation so quickly, which made him very upset. Embarrassing, after all, they have practiced this dog-killing formation for a long time.

The other party already had countermeasures, so it would undoubtedly be a very stupid thing to continue to use the formation, so Li Bai had no choice but to dismiss the four and choose to fight on their own.

"Arrogant and conceited." Seeing this, the leading man in black showed a sinister smile again, and also dismissed six people, three of them attacked Li Bai, and the other three faced Wang Chu and the others one by one.

In the process of fighting just now, Li Bai has already determined that these six people are all warriors with about eighth-level true qi, and after several months of experience, Wang Chu and others have all reached the ninth-level true qi, and they are only one step away. The realm of successful foundation establishment, so for the three of them, Li Bai was extremely relieved.

Li Bai didn't care at all about the three zhenqi stage warriors besieging him together. After all, it is impossible for three fox dogs to beat a lion.

Without too many fancy skills, Li Bai didn't even draw out his Sky Meteor Knife, just relying on his own strength to beat the three of them back again and again, some couldn't stand it. On the other hand, Wang Chu and the other three were also very relaxed. I don't know where the six men in black got the confidence to dare to attack them.

The leading man in black wiped the corner of his mouth, and said with a sullen smile: "It seems that there is really nothing we can do about you without any real skills."

Li Bai didn't care about the threat of this defeated general, but in the next second, Li Bai's right eyelid twitched suddenly.

The three black-clothed men he was facing shook their arms towards him. Just when Li Bai was wondering what they were going to do, six sleeves flew out of the six sleeves of the three of them. The speed of the white cloth was so fast that Li Bai couldn't react.

Li Bai retreated again and again, the cloth strip hit a table next to Li Bai, the table should have been hard, but under the attack of this seemingly soft cloth strip, a big hole was forcefully poked out.

Li Bai's reaction was unsatisfactory, but on the other side, although Wang Chu and the others had already reacted, they were still a little slower after all. They were savagely drawn by the other party's cloth strips, and a streak of blood appeared on their bodies. mouth.

"You guys, are you still crazy?" The leading man in black sneered triumphantly, but it was undoubtedly a stupid behavior for him to do so.

The next second, Li Bai was furious, and the Sky Meteor Knife appeared in his hand in an instant, and rushed up to meet the cloth strips of the three of them.

After chopping and chopping, the pure white cloth was cut off by the Tianyun knife, and it floated limply on the ground.

The man in black's expression changed, but he didn't speak. Instead, he chose to speed up the attack frequency of the cloth, and at the same time, his body rushed towards Li Bai, making the attack of the cloth more threatening in an instant.

However, Li Bai didn't care about these attacks at all. He waved the Sky Meteor Knife crazily in his hand, like Monkey King wielding a golden cudgel. After one round, all the cloth strips in the cuffs of the man in black were shattered.

Just as the man in black was about to retreat in a hurry and attack with the cloth again, Li Bai's figure appeared in front of him in an instant.

"If you want to come to my side to find something, wait until your strength is enough."

Li Bai leaned close to the ear of the man in black and whispered, but he stabbed the Tianyun knife into the man in black's heart without pausing at all.

The man in black fell to the ground stunned, lifeless, but what surprised Li Bai was that when the Meteor Knife was pulled out from the man in black's heart, there was not even a trace of bleeding.

But Li Bai didn't have time to think about this issue at all. He first chose to kill the remaining two black-clothed men on his side, and then rushed to the other side of the hall to help Wang Chu and the others behead the other three black-clothed men.

When all the dust settled, Wang Chusan sat on the ground panting, because of his strange cloth strip attack, all three of them suffered minor or serious injuries, and they looked really miserable.

"Boss, who are these people? Dongfang Bubai? They used cloth strips as weapons, and the cloth strips are so hard, it hurts me to death." Wang Chu said wheezingly. The three of them could completely abuse each other, but when the opponent used that strange trick, they were injured before they even realized it.

Li Bai also doesn't know what the hell these six people are, but he just thinks they are very strange, like the onmyoji of the Japanese country, or the genetic people of the West, these six people are probably strange existences somewhere.

Li Bai looked at the injuries of the three people. Fortunately, they were only skin wounds and nothing serious. Then Li Bai walked to the place where the battle had taken place before. Cloth strips of the men in black were scattered everywhere on the ground.

Li Bai picked up a piece of broken cloth, put it in the palm of his hand and observed it carefully, and on the other side, the three of Wang Chu gathered together to discuss the strange thing that happened just now.

It's just that the four of them didn't notice that the man in black who was killed by Li Bai first moved his body slowly, lay down on the ground and raised his head, looking in Li Bai's direction.

A thick sneer appeared on the face of the man in black, and he slowly moved his two arms in front of him. The next second, the white cloth strip that had just caused Li Bai and the others to be late was like a dragon coming out of a hole, sticking to the ground and facing towards the ground. Li Bai shot away.

Li Bai, who was still observing the cloth strip, only heard a few sparse sounds. The next second, his legs were violently attacked. Li Bai suddenly looked down, and he didn't know where the white cloth strip was. When he hit his thigh, two blood holes appeared in an instant.

"You're looking for death!" Li Bai suddenly stood up from the ground, picked up the Tianyun knife, endured the severe pain in his thigh, and chased after the man in black, but the man in black who succeeded in one blow At that time, he didn't choose to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but chose to escape.

At the same time, in the sight of Li Bai and the others, all the black-clothed men who had just been killed by Li Bai himself stood up vigorously at this moment, and then fled the scene with the first black-clothed man.

"Fuck, hell." On the other side, Wang Chu and the three said in unison. What happened in front of them was beyond their understanding. "Back to life? How is this possible?"

Li Bai was also dumbfounded. He was sure and sure that after he killed these men in black just now, they were indeed dead, but the fact that they were resurrected again really happened before his eyes, which made " Li Bai, who is well-informed and well-informed", was a little shocked.

If it wasn't for the injury on his thigh, Li Bai might even wonder if he was dreaming just now.

Thinking of the wound, a sharp pain came from Li Bai's thigh. With the improvement of the realm, Li Bai's physical fitness has also been enhanced to a certain extent. Li Bai in the Nascent Soul stage, even ordinary bullets cannot cause wounds to Li Bai. However, under the attack of that strange cloth strip, two blood holes the size of eyeballs appeared on Li Bai's thigh, which made Li Bai also know how strong the opponent's attack power is and gained a certain understanding.

"Boss, I feel like my wound is rotting." At this time, Wang Chu suddenly said to Li Bai. Li Bai struggled to walk over, and Wang Chu's wound began to slowly turn black like rotten flesh, and the Stinky, then, the same thing happened to the wounds on Chen Feiyu and Bai Jun's body, which made Li Bai's brows tighten.

"Be patient, I'll call someone over." Li Bai picked up Tianxun and called Mu Xiaoting. The Mu family is a family of medicine, and they will definitely solve such wounds easily.

And when Li Bai hung up the Sky News, another itching came from his thigh. Li Bai looked down, and the wound on his thigh also had the problem of rot. A little more violently, it is almost spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What the hell." Li Bai cursed, and with a cruel heart, he picked up the Tianyun knife and cut off the flesh and blood near the two blood holes on his thigh.

Then the dense white bones were exposed, which made Wang Chu and the three of them gasp when they saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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