The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2369 Mu Xiaoting's Star Road

Chapter 2369 Mu Xiaoting's Star Road

How popular the movie Fairy Tears is in the whole of China, you may not be able to feel it just from the words, but the name of the fairy princess has spread all over the streets of China in almost a month. Alley, if Mu Xiaoting appeared in front of everyone at this time, most people would probably only call Mu Xiaoting the Elf Princess instead of calling Mu Xiaoting by her name directly.

This is actually the sorrow of an actor, making people remember his role, but not his name. However, for Mu Xiaoting, who participated in the movie for the first time, it is also a good thing, because Mu Xiaoting's outstanding performance in Fairy Tears made Mu Xiaoting become the object of competition from all major directors. In the past few days, Mu Xiaoting received many film offers from directors, and they all hoped that she would act as the female lead in their films. The role of number one.

However, because of the previous Feng Xiu incident, Mu Xiaoting has now developed some resistance to acting, but at this time, Fang Fei, who led her into the showbiz, came to her again, hoping that Mu Xiaoting could play a role in the show. comedy.

Mu Xiaoting originally wanted to refuse, but the director of this movie is the Huaxia director she has always liked, Xu Zheng. When she watched the movie directed by Xu Zheng before, Mu Xiaoting was always amused. Laughing, unexpectedly at this time, Xu Zheng actually came to his door, hoping that she would become the lead actress in his next movie.

This made Mu Xiaoting very embarrassed. On the one hand, the final exam was about to come, and on the other hand, Mu Xiaoting was a little afraid that when she appeared in front of the public again, she was met by the second Feng Xiu. Harassment by three Feng Xius.

So, Mu Xiaoting came to Li Bai to ask for advice. Li Bai thought about it and thought it was a good thing, so he brought Mu Xiaoting to find Fang Fei again.

"Don't worry, the previous director was too bad, but director Xu Zheng will never be blinded by these people's money." Fang Fei said to Li Bai and Mu Xiaoting.

Mu Xiaoting pursed her lips, because she clearly remembered that Fang Fei affirmed her like this last time, but Feng Xiu still came to harass her.

Seeing that Mu Xiaoting's eyes were all on Li Bai, Fang Fei knew that Li Bai was in charge today, so Fang Fei's eyes also fell on Li Bai.

"Li Bai, don't worry, as the Emperor of Agriculture, except for those who don't have eyes, no one would dare to snatch your woman." Fang Fei said to Li Bai like this, but she was very envious in her heart. Mu Xiaoting can have such a good man to protect her, and she is even more envious. Why do these big directors come to find Mu Xiaoting to act instead of her? When they receive a call, they ask her to help contact Mu Xiaoting. It really made her feel bad.

"Okay, we agree, but I want to meet the director in person." Li Bai took Mu Xiaoting's hand and said, Fang Fei nodded and went to contact Xu Zheng.

Xu Zheng's next movie has already been prepared, and the filming can start just after finalizing the heroine. When Xu Zheng saw Mu Xiaoting's excellent performance in Fairy Tears, he directly decided that the heroine would be Mu Xiaoting. Xiaoting.

When Xu Zheng saw Mu Xiaoting in the agreed coffee shop, his face was full of smiles, and his eyes were shining as he looked at Mu Xiaoting.

"Princess Elf, you are finally here." Xu Zheng and Mu Xiaoting shook hands lightly, and then let go. Li Bai, who had been by Mu Xiaoting's side, felt relieved. Xu Zheng didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about Mu Xiaoting.

"Who is this?" Xu Zheng invited Mu Xiaoting to take a seat, Li Bai also sat next to Mu Xiaoting, Xu Zheng asked in surprise.

"This is my manager, and his name is Li Bai." Mu Xiaoting introduced Li Bai's pretended identity to Xu Zheng, and Li Bai also shook hands with Xu Zheng very enthusiastically.

In the hearts of the fans, being able to shake hands with Xu Zheng should be such a happy thing, but on Li Bai's side, Li Bai didn't respond at all.

This made Xu Zheng a little embarrassed, but he has experienced various occasions, this kind of thing is still a piece of cake for him, so he quickly shifted the topic to his next movie.

Two people who love movies talked for three days and three nights. Xu Zheng and Mu Xiaoting talked from two o'clock in the afternoon to six o'clock in the evening before finally finalizing all the details of the movie. up.

"Princess Elf, do you have any questions?" When the conversation between the two was about to end, Xu Zheng's face was flushed, and he seemed very excited.

"Director Xu, please call me Xiaoting from now on. After all, the elf princess is just one of my roles." Mu Xiaoting said, and then turned her attention to Li Bai, who sat beside her for a whole afternoon , didn't say a word, but the hard work was broken.

"Director, I have another question." Li Bai finally spoke, looking at Xu Zheng with sharp eyes.

Seeing this, Xu Zheng felt uncomfortable, but as Mu Xiaoting's manager, he still wanted to listen to Li Bai's questions: "Please tell me."

Li Bai sat up straight: "Director, you should also know that Xiaoting was harassed many times by a person when she was promoting Fairy Tears. I hope you can guarantee that this time, Xiaoting will not be subjected to such harassment again." Troubled, otherwise, there is no need to continue to cooperate in the future.”

Li Bai said aggressively, Mu Xiaoting looked at Li Bai nervously, her expression was a little embarrassed, she and the director had a good chat all afternoon, if Li Bai's words disturbed... But, Mu Xiaoting also knew , Li Bai is thinking of her.

"Sir, you are entering the entertainment circle for the first time, right? You can inquire about it. My actor, Xu Zheng, has never made a movie or promoted it. He has never caused any trouble." Xu Zheng smiled and assured Li Bai. She glanced at Mu Xiaoting suspiciously, and she also nodded.

After Li Bai asked this question, he didn't say anything more. The two parties agreed to go to Xu Zheng's studio to sign the contract tomorrow.

"Brother Bai, do you know that it is my greatest wish to work with director Xu Zheng. Unexpectedly, my second film will come true." After saying goodbye to Xu Zheng, Mu Xiaoting looked very happy.

Seeing Mu Xiaoting happy, Li Bai is also very happy. Although Mu Xiaoting is already his woman, everyone has their own dreams. For example, Mu Xiaoting's dream is to become a big star, such as his own My dream is to achieve higher achievements on earth than my father Li Xiaogang.

But for Xu Zheng's guarantee, Li Bai just listened to it. If Feng Xiu still wants to do something to Mu Xiaoting, Xu Zheng, who is an excellent director but just an ordinary person, can't stop him. That's right, so in this regard, protecting Mu Xiaoting has to rely on herself.

Of course, there is another way to get rid of Feng Xiu directly, cutting the grass and root is also a good choice.

But now there is another problem before Li Bai, that is, it is obvious that Feng Xiu is inextricably related to those Egyptian mummies. If he goes to find this Feng Xiu alone, he does not know how many people he has and how many can be resurrected. In this case, Li Bai's move is almost sending him to death.

After thinking about it, Li Bai still plans to go to Longwei another day, and go to Jincheng together to investigate the matter of the Egyptian mummy.

"Brother Bai, in order to celebrate the successful signing of the contract tomorrow, let me treat you to dinner tonight!" Mu Xiaoting happily took Li Bai's hand, and circled around him like a child.

Li Bai also smiled with Mu Xiaoting, and suddenly felt that he should also go out alone with every girl to cultivate their relationship.

The two of them just laughed and danced as they walked on the street, the cars were busy with traffic, and the street lights made the night of Kyoto extraordinarily bright. There were also many couples like Li Bai, Mu Xiaoting, and they also walked slowly on the street. Walking around, enjoying the rare coolness of this summer night.

But in such a leisurely environment, there was a man walking hurriedly.

Although it was almost autumn, the night was still relatively hot. What was even more strange was that this man was wearing a white windbreaker, a white long-sleeved shirt inside, and a white hat.

Like a white ghost, he buried his head and walked forward without saying a word, and accidentally bumped into a pedestrian, causing the pedestrian to complain for a while, but the man didn't mean to apologize in the slightest, he just quickly walked towards Walking in front of him, he suddenly raised his head, a pair of bloodshot eyeballs were revealed from under his white hat, and the direction he was staring at was Li Bai and Mu Xiaoting who were walking towards him.

"Brother Bai, where do you want to eat today? You have been here on Earth for so long, and you have never said what you like to eat. I remember that uncle's favorite food was fish-flavored shredded pork." Ting leaned obediently on Li Bai's shoulder, enjoying this rare comfort. Fortunately, passers-by did not recognize her as an elf princess, otherwise, she would be surrounded again.

"Then I also like to eat fish fragrance..." Li Bai touched Mu Xiaoting's face lightly, before he could say the word "meat shreds", Li Bai felt a murderous aura coming towards him.

Li Bai fixed his eyes on the front, over there, a man in a white windbreaker seemed out of place with the surrounding environment.

"So soon, did you come to the door again?" Li Bai thought to himself, picked Mu Xiaoting up in his arms and picked up the princess, and grinned at Mu Xiaoting, "I'm here to surprise you, don't scream."

As he said that, Li Bai turned around and ran towards the road, appearing in the middle of the road, and then appearing on the opposite side of the road again.

"Brother Bai, are you crazy? It's dangerous to cross the road." Mu Xiaoting asked frightenedly, holding Li Bai's neck tightly.

"Look behind you." Li Bai didn't say anything more, just kept running with Mu Xiaoting in his arms, he didn't want the battlefield to be on this street, otherwise, many people would be accidentally injured.

And Mu Xiaoting saw that behind them, there was also a white figure chasing them like lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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