The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2370 Weaknesses

Chapter 2370 Weaknesses
"Brother Bai, run, he's about to catch up!" Mu Xiaoting looked at the man in the trench coat who kept chasing towards them in her sight, and said nervously, in Mu Xiaoting's view, even Li Bai So powerful, this time he must have met a real opponent, otherwise, Li Bai would not have been injured last time.

Li Bai still didn't speak, and continued to gallop on the sidewalk, making passers-by scream romantically, but at the same time, he was always observing the surrounding environment, trying to find a place that was inaccessible.

After 2 minutes, when the man in the windbreaker was still ten meters away from Li Bai, Li Bai finally came to the outside of a small park. At that time, he tapped his right foot to the ground, hugged Mu Xiaoting as if flying over the high wall, and landed on the soft grass in the park.

"Hiss..." But the moment he landed, a tearing pain came from Li Bai's thigh. Due to the strenuous exercise, Li Bai's healing wound showed faint signs of bleeding.

Mu Xiaoting looked at Li Bai worriedly, and wanted to say something, but Li Bai still gritted his teeth and ran towards the inside of the park. There were still many aunts dancing in the square outside the park. Li Bai's goal, It is the small forest not far away.

"Xiao Ting, you just hide here. I'll go meet this ignorant mummy for a while." Li Bai finally put Mu Xiaoting down. won't be discovered.

"Be careful." Mu Xiaoting shouted anxiously looking at Li Bai's back. She knew that she must not be able to help, so she poked her head out from behind the thick tree trunk and looked at Li Bai's side. Scenes.

Because Li Bai stood still, the man in the windbreaker finally caught up. Unlike Li Bai's shortness of breath, the breath of the man in the windbreaker was still calm, or it could be said that he hardly breathed.

"Don't come here without any problems." Li Bai looked at the man in the windbreaker who was slowly walking towards him, and said, "If I guess correctly, your boss is that bitch named Feng Xiu again, right?"

The man in the windbreaker was sent by Feng Xiu. A few days ago, because of the failure of the fifth undead team, Feng Xiu had been thinking about how to kill Li Bai. Although his team had a large number of people, it was because In this way, their goal is also very big. If they are discovered, they may be escaped by Li Bai, but if a single mummy is against Li Bai, Feng Xiu is worried that he will not be Feng Xiu's opponent.

So after much deliberation, Feng Xiu decided to dispatch her most capable subordinate, the killer, that is, the man in the windbreaker Li Bai was facing at this time. Feng Xiu was very confident that Li Bai would never survive five minutes in front of his trump card.

Regarding Li Bai's way of calling Feng Xiu a bitch, the man in the windbreaker did not express any emotion, but continued to walk towards Li Bai, and while walking, he took off his windbreaker and threw it on the ground. There is such a little momentum.

Li Bai smiled, and took his Sky Meteor Knife in his hand unhurriedly. As for the mummy's cloth strip attack, without the Sky Meteor Knife, it would be very difficult to break the cloth strip with the strength of his hands alone.

The man in the windbreaker did not speak, and Li Bai did not continue to speak. The two stood facing each other, looking into each other's eyes. The night wind blew gently, stirring the leaves and rustling, and a leaf suddenly fell from the branch. It fell, fluttering lightly in the wind, and entered Li Bai's sight.

At this time, the man in the windbreaker finally moved. Like the members of the previous undead team, they all used the movement of shaking their arms, but Li Bai soon noticed the difference. The one in front of him The man in the windbreaker, his cloth strips are faster than the few people he met before.

"Looking for death!" Li Bai clenched the Tianyun Knife, and rushed towards the two cloth strips. Just a second before he was about to be hit by the cloth strips, the Tianyun Knife slashed out from under the rest, and slammed the windbreaker man's cloth strips hard. Cut off a section, and at the same time, there was a light "ding".

So Li Bai also successfully concluded that the cloth strips of the man in the windbreaker are almost twice as hard as before.

The strength of the enemy has obviously increased, but to Li Bai, no matter how strong he is, he is nothing more than a soldier ant among ants. In the end, he is still an ant.

After cutting off the man in the trench coat, Li Bai chose to pursue the victory, but at this time, the man in the trench coat no longer chose to fight Li Bai recklessly, but began to retreat rapidly, but the cloth strips in his cuffs flew out non-stop. But this time, instead of flying directly towards Li Bai, they chose to bypass Li Bai's back from both sides, preparing to encircle him.

"Whimsical." Li Bai naturally noticed the intention of the man in the windbreaker. The power of the silver stars covered the Sky Meteor Knife, and with a slash, a hole appeared in the surrounding circle of the man in the windbreaker.

At this time, the man in the windbreaker finally became a little flustered, and quickly retracted the cloth strip into his cuffs. The next second, he suddenly showed a ferocious smile, and instead of retreating, he rushed towards Li Bai.

"Fight melee?" Li Bai sneered, with the Sky Meteor Knife lying across his chest. If the man in the windbreaker was head-on, Li Bai could cut off his head before his attack started.

Unsurprisingly, the man in the windbreaker rushed over aggressively, but he didn't hit Li Bai directly, but chose another way, and suddenly threw a white strip of cloth from his cuff.

Li Bai was already playing with the man in the windbreaker, but when the cloth strip really flew out, with the super fast speed and the short delay in Li Bai's reaction, two "ding ding" sounds were heard on the meteorite knife, and The huge impact force also made Li Bai lose his balance, and he repeatedly backed up, using this method to relieve the strength of the man in the windbreaker.

At this time, it was the turn of the man in the windbreaker to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

The cloth strips in his cuffs seemed to be inexhaustible, and he kept throwing them towards Li Bai. Because he had lost his balance, Li Bai couldn't make an effective counterattack, but kept waving the meteor knife Cut off the cloth so that the cloth cannot easily hit him.

But if this continues, there is no way. Li Bai secretly urged the power of the silver stars to pile up on his legs, and his body suddenly exploded with an extremely fast speed. There was a long distance between the men.

Seeing that things were not going well, the man in the windbreaker also increased his speed crazily, not wanting to give Li Bai any chance to breathe.

However, the opportunity Li Bai had already created by himself. The moment Li Bai escaped, the power of the silver stars began to circulate gracefully, and the silver light shrouded the body of the Tianyun knife. An incomparably terrifying force.

"Heavenly Slash!" Li Bai yelled angrily, and his body suddenly affected the man in the windbreaker who was also rushing towards him. The Tianyun Knife slashed fiercely at the waist of the man in the windbreaker, and then turned the handle of the knife vigorously, turning the man's internal organs upside down.

Although it is not known whether there are internal organs in the mummy's body, he must be dead now.

"Whoo--" Li Bai sat down on the ground, panting for breath. This dead man in the windbreaker definitely has the level of a golden core monk. Fighting against others still made him look a little tired and a little inexperienced, but fortunately, the battle was finally won.

Mu Xiaoting ran over from one side, constantly checking Li Bai's body, fearing that Li Bai would be injured again, but this time, although the battle looked dangerous, Li Bai was still intact.

"Brother Bai, will he come back to life later?" Mu Xiaoting hid behind Li Bai, looking at the man in the windbreaker with trepidation, Li Bai nodded: "Don't be afraid, once he comes back to life, I will Kill him once."

Li Bai squeezed Mu Xiaoting's face, just at this moment, the windbreaker's body moved a few times, it seemed that he came alive again.

Li Bai didn't wait for the man in the windbreaker to stand up completely before going to fight him again. He got up and stabbed the man in the windbreaker in the heart. So the man in the windbreaker didn't even say a word this time, and died tragically again.

What Li Bai didn't know was that the number of resurrections of mummies was related to their strength. For example, a mummy with a ninth level of true energy could be resurrected nine times, and a mummy with an eighth level of true energy could be resurrected eight times. The waiting time was getting longer and longer, so when Li Bai killed the mummy for the fourth time, five hours had passed, and it was midnight of the next day.

"Brother Bai, I'm so sleepy." Sitting on the grass, Mu Xiaoting kept dozing off. Coupled with the humidity of the summer night, Mu Xiaoting felt a little cold.

Li Bai shook his head helplessly. If the mummy is let go, he will still be in trouble next time, and he may even find other people instead of his troubles. Therefore, tonight, he must kill the mummy. Die the mummy.

"Brother Bai, I have a solution." Mu Xiaoting said suddenly, then walked towards Li Bai, took Li Bai's meteorite knife, and chopped it on the man's body in the windbreaker, except for the heart. Do not move.

Mu Xiaoting fell into deep thought, her eyes wandered to Li Bai's wound, and she suddenly thought of something: "Brother Bai, I'm going to buy a lighter, you have to wait for me!"

Hearing what Mu Xiaoting said, Li Bai suddenly realized that the mummy's body was covered with phosphorous powder, and phosphorous powder is an extremely flammable element. If it is burned with fire, it will definitely have a miraculous effect.

And the fact is true, when Li Bai took a lighter to light the windbreaker man's clothes, the whole body of the windbreaker man quickly burned into flames, at this moment, the windbreaker man revived again, feeling the heat of his body, Screaming in horror, he kept turning and rolling to put out the fire, but Li Bai stabbed him on the ground with a knife, and he couldn't move anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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