Chapter 2372
The gloomy look on Li Bai's face was not because of his injuries, but because Mu Xiaoting felt that he couldn't protect her when she was injured. This made Li Bai very helpless. Could it be that Mu Xiaoting didn't know The most taboo thing for men is to be told no by others?
However, it was done, and Mu Xiaoting had already followed Wang Chu, so Li Bai could only lie on the bed and sigh.

"Boss, boss, Wang Chu is here to protect his sister-in-law, not to seduce her. If he dares to seduce her, you don't need to tell me, we will be the first to depose him." Bai Jun and Chen Feiyu joked, Li Bai He glared at them fiercely. The time spent with them these two days is too long. There is no such barrier between them as superiors and subordinates. They can make any kind of joke. Of course, Li Bai doesn't care about it. of.

It's just that Li Bai can't just be idle like this. His head grew bigger after reviewing the courses these two days. He didn't expect that the textbook called advanced mathematics was so difficult, which made Li Bai feel that learning advanced mathematics is not as good as going through a complete experience Once in the ancient tomb of the Qin Emperor.

After thinking about what happened in the past few days, Li Bai took out Tianxun and called Jiang Gu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Dragon King." As soon as Tianxun was connected, on the other side of the screen, Jiang Gu and five people had already stood together, and they all bowed to Li Bai.

"Looking at your complexions, you seem to be living a good life recently." Li Bai said with a smile. This was a joke, because Li Bai could clearly see that "tired" was written on the faces of the five people. The words, the dark bags under the eyes can almost hold water, and the chapped lips prove that they have worked very hard recently.

Li Bai's joke made Jiang Gu and five people stunned for a moment. They didn't know whether Li Bai was praising them or mocking them, so they quickly bowed their heads to admit their mistakes.

"Dragon King, we are wrong, and please ask the Dragon King to make amends." The five people bowed together again, which made Li Bai also stunned, not knowing what they were doing.

"Where did you go wrong?" Li Bai asked dumbfounded.

Even Li Bai himself forgot that when Li Bai and Jiang Gu were separated last time, they were given a half-year mission to grow the number of members of Longwei to more than 480 within half a year. , and now, five months have passed quietly, no matter how hard Jiang Gu and the others try, there are only more than [-] people.

Because if you want to join Longwei, you must have the restriction of the eighth level of true energy. It is impossible for Jiang Gu and the others to lower their standards just to complete the task. As time goes by, such warriors become more and more powerful. It was hard to find, but there was still a month to go, and they should have finished it on time, but Li Bai called at this time, so Jiang Gu and others felt that Li Bai was blaming him.

"No, no, you all think too much, am I praising you?" Li Bai couldn't laugh or cry, it turned out that his casual words made them so nervous, but it also reflected from the side, Jiang Gu and others I still respect Dragon King Li Bai very much.

"Let's suspend this task for now. Jiang Gu, come to Mu's house first. There is a new task that Long Wei needs to complete." Li Bai said to Jiang Gu on the screen, and at the same time sent him the address of Mu's house.

In less than half an hour, Jiang Gu rushed to Li Bai in a hurry, with a dusty look on his face.

In the past five months, Jiang Gu and the others have been exhausted, because they are afraid that their "soldiers" are not high enough, so the more than 480 new members of Longwei are all personally selected by Jiang Gu and the five of them. It was within the scope of Kyoto, and they even selected members in several provinces around Kyoto. At the same time, they continued to investigate and search for the bases set up by the Wa people in China, and destroyed them one after another.

It's easy to say, but perhaps only the five of them can understand the ups and downs of it. After going through life and death again and again, they have gone through untold hardships, and now these 480 new dragon guards also have an indomitable momentum, and it can even be said , Long Wei at this time is no longer the Long Wei before meeting Li Bai.

And the source of all this is due to Li Bai giving the five of them a powerful cultivation method.

"I've seen the Dragon King." When Jiang Gu saw Li Bai, he immediately saluted. Bai Jun and Chen Feiyu were stunned. They knew that Li Bai was the "Nonghuang", but they didn't know where the name "Dragon King" came from. here.

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce you. This is Jiang Gu, the general of Huaxia Dragon Guards. Jiang Gu, they are my brothers, Bai Jun and Chen Feiyu." Li Bai briefly introduced the two sides, nodding to each other.

"Tell me about your achievements in the past five months." Li Bai looked at Jiang Gu and said.

Jiang Gu thought for a while, and then said: "In the past five months, Dragon Guard has added 480 new members, 370 seven warriors of the eighth-level true qi, and [-] warriors of the ninth-level true qi, and no one has successfully established a foundation. , we haven’t taught them cultivation techniques, and we still need your instructions on this.”

Li Bai nodded, signaling Jiang Gu to continue.

"In the past five months, we have traveled to Shu County, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, and Hebei provinces, destroyed a total of 650 Japanese strongholds, and recovered a total of [-] Chinese crystals." Jiang Gu continued, such a record , which made Li Bai very satisfied.

"This task can be suspended for a while. We have destroyed so many strongholds of the Japanese people. They will definitely not dare to continue rampant in the land of China for a while." Li Bai analyzed, while Jiang Gu stood aside and did not speak.

"However, do you know that in addition to the Japanese and Koreans, there are also Egyptians who are causing trouble in our land of China?" Li Bai asked suddenly, and Jiang Gu was stunned to prove that he didn't know about this matter.

Therefore, Li Bai briefly introduced Jiang Gu to the situation he had encountered recently, and it was also the first time Jiang Gu encountered the Egyptian mummy.

"Dragon King, is our next task to eradicate them?" Jiang Gu asked, his eyes burst into light. For these foreign forces that invaded the land of China, their Dragon Guard's task is to eradicate them.

"Yes!" Li Bai said affirmatively, "And, we must kill them all!" Li Bai put a lot of effort into the words "kill them all", and then told Jiang Gu about the mummy's ability to resurrect and its weakness of being afraid of fire.

"As far as I know, their power should be concentrated in the Feng family in Jincheng, and there is no other information showing that they have any strongholds elsewhere. Therefore, our temporary goal is to kill all the mummies in Jincheng." As Li Bai said, he asked again, "How long will it take to gather all the Dragon Guards together?"

"Four days." Jiang Gu gave a very clear answer without any explanation.

"Okay, then four days. After four days, all the dragon guards will gather on the fifth floor of Xiannong Building, so as not to attract the attention of the public, and then we will set off to Jincheng." Li Bai said to Jiang Gu, and Jiang Gu was ordered to leave. To prepare for this action.

After talking a lot, Li Bai felt a little thirsty, and when he turned around to get some water, he saw Bai Jun and Chen Feiyu staring at him dumbfounded.

"What are you looking at me for?" Li Baibai glanced at the two of them.

"Boss, I found that following you is indeed right. So, you have quietly taken all the Dragon Guards under your command?" Bai Jun looked at Li Bai with adoring eyes, and when he saw Li Bai nodded , Bai Jun just wanted to hug Li Bai's thigh tightly.

"The boss is mighty." Bai Jun and Chen Feiyu said.

Li Bai smiled and didn't speak, but what Bai Jun said next attracted Li Bai's attention again.

"Boss, I'm actually from Jincheng, and I know a little about the Feng family." Bai Jun said, seeing Li Bai's puzzled eyes, he continued.

Five years ago, the Feng family in Jincheng was not the largest family in Jincheng. Moreover, Feng Xiu was actually the same age as Bai Jun. At that time, Feng Xiu was not as domineering as she is now, but a gentle image of a scholar.

At that time, Feng Xiu was deeply loved by the people around her, but since five years ago, for unknown reasons, a particularly big change suddenly occurred in the Feng family.

According to later information, before that accident, a group of foreign entrepreneurs came to Feng's house as a guest. After leaving Feng's house, no one came in or out of Feng's house for two full days.And after two days passed, the entire Feng family seemed to be no longer the Feng family.

Since then, Feng Hui, the patriarch of the Feng family, has never appeared in front of the world again. Except for Feng Xiu, all his sons disappeared mysteriously. The family's business was an enemy to the businesses of other families in the entire Jincheng, but in the end, they defeated all the families and stood proudly at the pinnacle of the entire Jincheng.

What happened during those two days, up to now, no one knows clearly, everyone just knows that Feng Xiu, who used to be gentle and gentle, suddenly became irritable and had an incomparable desire for women.

"No wonder, I'm so anxious to catch up with Mu Xiaoting." After listening to Bai Jun's narration, Li Bai snorted coldly, and also roughly understood the history of Feng's family.

If there is no accident, those foreign entrepreneurs back then were mummies from Egypt. Although I don't know what method they used, the entire Feng family has been forced to accept the inheritance of mummies. As for why Feng Xiu's father Will retreat into the world, Li Bai at this time is not clear.

"Do you treat the entire Feng family as a puppet?" Li Bai drank his saliva, moistened his throat, and analyzed the possible situation of the Feng family. calling.

"Boss, it's not good!" Wang Chu said in a very hasty voice, which shocked Li Bai's heart.

"Where are you? I'll go look for you now." Li Bai hurriedly got off the bed and put on his shoes while asking.

"It's at the place where the contract was signed. Come quickly, I can't resist anymore." Wang Chu was about to cry.

The moment Bai Jun and Chen Feiyu saw Li Bai get up, they also began to prepare. They could see that the situation this time seemed to be really critical.

(End of this chapter)

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