The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2373 False alarm 1 game

Chapter 2373 A false alarm

When Li Bai and the others rushed to Wang Chu to explain the location, Li Bai and the others could not help but gasp at the scene. Right in front of their eyes, in a small underground parking lot, there was already It is filled with a sea of ​​people, and the center of this whirlpool is nothing but a crumbling car.

"Princess Fairy! Princess Fairy! Princess Fairy, I love you!" Fanatic fans kept rushing towards the car in the center. They seemed to know that although the windows of this car were all black, they couldn't see clearly what was inside. However, the elf princess Mu Xiaoting must be sitting in it.

"Sure enough, we are in trouble." Li Bai said dumbfounded. Wang Chu was in such a hurry just now, Li Bai thought that Feng Xiu had sent mummies to hunt them down again. Unexpectedly, the situation turned out like this, which made him a false alarm. .

However, it is estimated that such a situation will not be resolved within a short period of time. Obviously, the group of fanatical fans in front of them will not stop dying until they see Mu Xiaoting.It's just that she has so many fans not long after she became famous. It's hard to imagine what Mu Xiaoting will become if she really becomes an international superstar in the future.

Wang Chu and Mu Xiaoting were sitting in the car, unable to advance or retreat. They no longer dared to drive the car forcibly, because these fans were so fanatical that they directly blocked the surroundings of the car, and if they drove forcibly, they would definitely let Mu Xiaoting's fans were hurt.

Not wanting to hurt the fans, but also not wanting to be surrounded by so many people, Mu Xiaoting's situation was very embarrassing. She heard that Li Bai had arrived, but she couldn't find him in the dark crowd.

"Wang Chu, why don't I get out of the car, sign a few autographs and take a few photos, and then we'll leave." Mu Xiaoting bit her lip and said, it's not an option to waste it like this.

"Impossible, don't you see that the people outside are crazy? If you go down and there are fans with bad intentions who want to take advantage of you, how can I explain to the boss." Wang Chu looked at the people in front of the car, very worried is distressed.

While the fans outside had been stuck in traffic for a long time, Mu Xiaoting didn't intend to get out of the car to see them at all, and some male fans seemed a little annoyed.

"Smashing the car, smashing the car, the elf princess will definitely come out." Some male fans shouted, pushing through the crowd, and smashing a baseball bat on the window of the car.

There was a muffled "boom", and a slight crack appeared on the windshield.

"This is not your fan, he is definitely looking for trouble." Wang Chu watched the baseball bat hit again, his face darkened, "Sister-in-law, wait a moment, I will go down and clean up this man."

Because of the man's behavior of smashing the car, some rational fans quickly quieted down. They were wondering if doing so would make the elf princess feel angry, while other fans who lost their minds followed suit and began to boo. But they don't know that their emotions have been led astray by so many people.

At this time, the man who was smashing the car was not a fan of Mu Xiaoting, he just received a mission from another little girl to smash Mu Xiaoting's car.

At the beginning, the man was still wondering why a little girl could be so resentful towards a big star, but because the little girl gave him a very generous advance payment, he didn't care about it so much, just took a baseball bat and Taking advantage of the chaotic situation here, I squeezed in.

The man was not afraid of being hurt in any way, because if Mu Xiaoting's bodyguards dared to do anything to him, then the next day's entertainment news would definitely have something similar to "the elf princess instigated the bodyguards to beat the fans".

One stick after another, it is estimated that after three or four hits, this fragile windshield will be completely shattered, and then everyone will see Mu Xiaoting sitting in the back seat panicked, crazy Flock to him, and after completing the task, he can retreat completely.

The man was planning his own wishful thinking, but at this moment, a loud slap sounded on his face.

"Do you have any quality? Even if you want to see an elf princess, is there anyone like you?" Li Bai looked angrily at the baseball man in front of him. He had been thinking about countermeasures outside, but he didn't notice that The fans appeared, and it wasn't until the baseball guy started smashing the car that he realized that something was wrong. Relying on his extraordinary strength, he finally squeezed in front of him, and slapped him directly.

The chaotic scene suddenly became quiet because of this slap, and some excited female fans pointed at the baseball man and cursed: "You treat the elf princess like this, the elf princess will never give you an autograph." of!"

The baseball man froze for a moment. According to his plan, in such a scene, no one would take action to stop him. The elf princess's bodyguard did not appear, but an outraged male fan stood up instead.

In the car, Wang Chu, who was about to get out of the car, finally smiled with relief. Li Bai's appearance undoubtedly gave him a tranquilizer.

"Fuck, I just want to meet my elf princess, who knows that she is putting on airs like this, isn't she just a newly famous actress." The baseball man held the baseball bat in his hand and looked angrily at Li Bai in front of him , there are also some irrational fans, or the group performers are echoing, saying that Mu Xiaoting's acting skills are not good, and she is putting on airs.

"Fart!" Li Bai had no choice but to swear, and punched the baseball man in the face again, "Princess Elf doesn't want to see fans now, there must be a reason for her, give you a chance, give me now Get out, otherwise, I will be rude!"

Li Bai yelled at the baseball man, because of the pain from the successive two punches on his body, at this moment, the baseball man didn't dare to make any more moves.

The scene seemed to have been controlled by Li Bai, and at this time, Wang Chu got out of the car in good time, and said loudly in advance before everyone was about to cause another commotion.

"Everyone guessed right, your elf princess is indeed in the car, but because of physical discomfort, I can't meet with you today. In order to compensate for your enthusiasm, you can mail your belongings and other things to Our company, which is the Xiannong Building, will be signed by Princess Elf and I will send it back for you.” Wang Chu said to many fans that Mu Xiaoting’s real fans were very happy, and they all speculated that Mu Is Xiaoting's address in Xiannong Building?

Li Bai looked at Wang Chu's handling method and was very satisfied. Since becoming the person in charge of Xiannong Building, Wang Chu's handling of things has become more and more like a boss, but sometimes there are still some problems, such as In Tianxun before, he didn't tell Li Bai clearly what the situation here is.

"I'm also a fan of the elf princess, and I want to take a photo with her, but what I don't want is to let the elf princess suffer any harm. If you can still meet such a man in the future, don't doubt it, he is definitely not true love If you are a fan, let’s just scold him together.” Li Bai said to everyone again, winning everyone’s approval.

Li Bai and Wang Chu looked at each other tacitly, but at this moment, there was a hint of astonishment in Wang Chu's eyes.

Li Bai followed Wang Chu's eyes and saw that the baseball man who had just been beaten to the ground by him had disappeared, leaving only a baseball bat on the ground.

"You're good at seizing the opportunity." Li Bai murmured, when he was talking just now, he didn't care about the baseball guy, but he never expected that he would see the short time and run away without a trace.

Li Bai did not intend to let this man go. His appearance undoubtedly caused great psychological trauma to Mu Xiaoting. Moreover, his actions were definitely arranged by someone. I don't know if it was Feng Xiu. If If it is, then Li Bai has to do it in advance.

Relying solely on his naked eyes, Li Bai couldn't find the figure of the baseball man among the crowd of fans rushing out of the parking lot, so he could only choose to disperse his soul consciousness and spread it around.

It was only a minute later that Li Bai discovered that this man had chosen to escape from the stairway behind the parking lot.

"You guys leave here as soon as possible, I'll come as soon as I go." Li Bai said to Wang Chu, then turned around and chased after him. Mu Xiaoting wanted to say something to Li Bai, but Li Bai's figure ran away very quickly.

At this time, the baseball man refused in his heart. Obviously, this is an easy task to complete, but such an unexpected situation happened. Moreover, the male fan who came out for Mu Xiaoting seemed to be very strong. Any retaliation.

The baseball man ran panting, and only stopped when he saw the sky again, panting heavily at the same time.

In retrospect, the little girl who sent him the task gave him an advance payment of 10 yuan. He originally wanted to take the money and leave, but he was fascinated by the high balance of 90 yuan.But the current situation is that the baseball man doesn't know whether his advance payment will be taken back if the task is not completed, thinking to himself, it is generally not possible...

"What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about life?" At this moment, a stern voice sounded next to the baseball man's ear. The familiar voice made the baseball man tremble violently. He stood up tremblingly. The arm is on his shoulder.

"Why are you running? I still want to chat with you." Li Bai said to the baseball man with a smile, but his palms were on the baseball man's joints. If the baseball man wanted to run, Li Bai could just take his arm off down.

"Brother, please forgive me, please forgive me, I also use money to do things, please forgive me, otherwise, I will give you half of my money, she gave me [-] yuan, how about I share [-] yuan with you... "The baseball man said to himself, but the smile on Li Bai's face became wider. It really was someone behind his back.

"You don't need to give me money, you just need to tell me who that person is." Li Bai looked at the baseball man, with the corners of his mouth raised evilly, as if he would kill you if you didn't tell me.

(End of this chapter)

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