The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2374 The Murderer

Chapter 2374 The Murderer
This kind of choice is very easy for the baseball guy. After all, one side is a vicious man who is close in front of his eyes, while the other is a small and cute little loli who is far away in the sky. Of course, the baseball guy doesn't want to die, so He was going to tell the whole truth about it.

"Brother, that person is just a little girl..." The baseball man was about to start his eloquent speech, but just as he opened his mouth, the baseball man stopped his words again.

"What's wrong?" Li Bai looked at the baseball man suspiciously, but found that at this moment, the baseball man's eyes were wide open, as if he felt some unstoppable evil, and he made a "amount" sound, but said no. Speak up.

Li Bai's face darkened, and his soul consciousness swept into the baseball man's body. He was surprised to find that there was an outrageous black aura in the baseball man's body, wantonly destroying the baseball man's internal organs. , the internal organs that were supposed to be blood-red, all turned into ashes.

Some people don't want the baseball man to tell the truth!

Li Bai frowned, and no matter they were in the downtown area with people coming and going, the power of the silver stars surged into his hands, and Li Bai lightly patted the baseball man's stomach, trying to help the black The aura was driven out of the baseball man's body.

However, the next second, the baseball man spurted out a mouthful of thick blood, which sprayed all over himself and Li Bai.

late.Li Bai was very annoyed, if he shot the baseball man at the first time he found out that something was wrong, he might have saved the baseball man's life, but that fierce black aura never seemed to have thought of giving Li Bai such a chance, The moment Li Bai made a shot, it accelerated the speed of erosion, and it took the baseball man's last breath almost in an instant.

"Who the hell is going to attack an ordinary person so viciously!" Li Bai gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He was certain that Feng Xiu was not the one behind the scenes this time, because those Egyptian mummies had no It is impossible to break through to the realm of comprehension.

But while Li Bai was thinking, the pedestrians coming and going also saw what happened here.

"Killer, murderer!" Someone yelled in horror, and the panic began to spread throughout the street in an instant, and everyone ran around wildly, as if the next target of the murderer they said was one of them.

Li Bai was very astonished, he was still thinking about who was the real murderer, but the crowd of onlookers had already found him.

Where is the murderer?Li Bai looked around, only then did he realize that everyone was looking at him in horror, and the murderer they mentioned might be himself!
Li Bai looked down in astonishment. His right hand was still on the baseball man's stomach. There was blood there, and he clenched his fist again. The man was beaten to death in public.

Li Bai was in a daze. The baseball man definitely did not kill himself, but at this time, no matter how he explained it to others, they would not believe it.

Not long after, sirens whistled and several police cars stopped a long way away from Li Bai. Immediately afterwards, dozens of policemen, holding pistols in their hands, approached Li Bai slowly.

Li Bai threw the baseball man's body on the ground, and before the police could say "put down your weapon and surrender immediately", he raised his hands high.

Although, in this day and age, the role of the police in front of warriors is already negligible, but for some things, the necessary procedures still have to be followed, and at this moment, it is even more impossible for Li Bai to just run away, which will only make his situation worse. embarrassment.

"Murderer, murderer!" When Li Bai was taken into the police car, more people who didn't know the truth hurled insults at Li Bai, and there were fans of Mu Xiaoting who had just left, and they hated Li Bai's actions even more .

Li Bai didn't know what they thought and didn't want to think about what they thought. Now his mind was full of thinking about who that little girl was, and she was so vicious.

From the baseball man's last words, there are many doubts.

The other party is a little girl, as for how young, young?Small?Still have small breasts?These are difficult to judge from the three words "little girl". Secondly, in order to embarrass Mu Xiaoting, a little girl actually paid the baseball guy an advance payment of 2 yuan, and this figure is likely to be In fact, there must be more people who are suppressed by baseball men.

So here comes the question, who is this rich and sinister little girl who seems to know Mu Xiaoting?

At this time, Li Bai's Tianxun rang a cheerful bell, which seemed incompatible with the tense and serious atmosphere at this time.

"Can I pick up a Tianxun?" Li Bai turned his head and asked, his wrists were handcuffed, although he could break free with a little effort, but he didn't do it.

"No, you are a murderer now, how dare you make these demands!" The policeman said to Li Bai arrogantly. Li Bai laughed out loud after being yelled at like this. It is unexpected that a policeman would dare to do this to him.

In the next second, with a "snap", the handcuffs on Li Bai's wrists snapped off.

"I'm asking you to save face. Just dozens of you, don't you really think you can deal with me?" Li Bai said with a sneer, and the policemen in the car fell silent instantly, sweating profusely. It's just a group of warriors who can't even reach the warriors with true energy. If they really fight, they can't be Li Bai's opponent.

Li Bai took out Tianxun to connect, but Feng Yunxi's anxious face appeared on the screen.

"Brother Xiaobai is not well, something serious has happened!" Feng Yunxi looked panic-stricken, Li Bai frowned, but he remembered that Wang Chu had also looked like this when he called him Tianxun.

"What's the matter this time? I still have a little trouble here." Li Bai said, shaking Tianxun, and put the policemen around him into the screen.

And over there, seeing Li Bai being arrested, Feng Yunxi was about to cry: "Brother Bai, why have you been arrested? What about Su Daji?"

Li Bai's heart trembled suddenly, what happened to Su Daji?Quickly asked: "What happened, tell me."

"Su Daji was taken away!" Feng Yunxi's voice was a little broken, which was enough to show the fear in her heart.

Because there is no class today, Feng Yunxi and Su Daji were going to go shopping together, but when they were walking on the road, they were stopped by a few hooligans. At that time, the hooligans just blocked the two of them, After confirming Su Daji's appearance again, they arrested Su Daji together, and left Feng Yunxi to get into a car. Before getting into the car, Feng Yunxi heard them say that they sold Su Daji to wash their feet. If you are in the city, you will definitely make a lot of money.

"What the hell!" Li Bai yelled and punched the backrest of the front seat. There was a fist mark on it in an instant, which shocked the policemen in the car even more.

"Didn't I entrust you to practice the exercises? How could a group of hooligans take advantage of you?" Li Bai blushed and looked at Feng Yunxi on the screen. Feng Yunxi was terrified seeing Li Bai like this.

"We resisted, but we couldn't beat them. How come those few people have the strength of the fifth level of true energy, and there are five of them in total." Feng Yunxi cried and said, "But I remembered their license plate numbers, brother Xiaobai! We must rescue Su Daji!"

Li Bai hung up Tianxun with anger written all over his face, and called Tianxun to Chen Feiyu again, asking him to quickly find the location of the car Feng Yunxi mentioned.

"This car is already on the third ring road, and there is no sign of stopping." Chen Feiyu quickly sent a message, "Boss, what happened?"

"Su Daji was taken away!" Li Bai simply relayed what Feng Yunxi told him just now, and then ordered Chen Feiyu to take Wang Chu and others, as well as the members of Xiannong Society, to track down the car first. car.

"Boss, come quickly too." Chen Feiyu said to Li Bai, he already knew what happened to Li Bai just now, but he couldn't help him now.

Li Bai nodded, hung up Tianxun, then turned to look at the policeman and asked: "You have also seen that I have encountered a big problem here, whether it is the person who died in my hand just now, or the person on the phone I The kidnapped women must be targeted by black hands behind the scenes."

Li Bai looked at the policemen coldly, but the policemen had no idea what Li Bai meant.

"How can you let me go?" Li Bai had no choice but to ask.

The policeman sitting next to Li Bai was already frightened, and replied tremblingly: "You need to go back and make a statement first, and then we will send a forensic doctor to identify the cause of the man's death. If you really didn't kill him, you just need to provide reliable evidence, we can let you go."

The police said, but Li Bai scolded again, if you follow the procedure that the police said, you don't have to think about it in less than three days.

"Hey, Jiang Gu, I have encountered another trouble here. You go and tell the chief of the police station in Kyoto that I killed a person, but I definitely didn't kill him. I have an urgent matter here. If there is If you need my assistance in the investigation, please contact me later." Li Bai hung up Tianxun hurriedly, then opened the car door and jumped off.

"Hey!" The police yelled out loudly, you know, the police car hasn't braked yet, and they didn't agree to let Li Bai go.

But in less than a minute, the police's sky news also rang, and on the screen was the chief of the police station, telling him to let Li Bai go now.The police streak agreed, but Li Bai had already left.

After getting off the police car, Li Bai quickly recognized his location, and at the same time contacted Chen Feiyu again, asking where he and the car were now.

"That car has stopped, it's at the bathing street on the Fourth Ring Road." Chen Feiyu's voice came quickly, and he heard Li Bai's scolding again.

"If you dare to let Su Daji suffer the slightest insult, I will cut off your lifelines with my own hands!" Li Bai stopped a taxi again, and suddenly regretted that he should have been taken away by the police just now.

(End of this chapter)

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