Chapter 2375

The speed of the taxi was not slow. When Li Bai arrived at the bathing street, Chen Feiyu and the others had just rushed in with a group of members of the Xiannong Society. Li Bai followed closely and quickly caught up with the anxious Chen Feiyu .

"Have you confirmed their location?" Li Bai asked Chen Feiyu.

Chen Feiyu immediately took out Tianxun and handed it to Li Bai. In the center of his Tianxun's screen, a red light spot was constantly flashing, and it had stopped, and it was not very far from their position.

"It should be this heaven and earth." Chen Feiyu said to Li Bai.

At this time, it was only around three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was not the time when Bathing Street actually started business, so when a large group of members of Xiannong Club appeared on the street, many people quickly noticed their presence. Appear.

"Go and send a few people to guard the entrance and exit of this street, so as to prevent anyone from leaking the news and being run away by them." Li Bai ordered, and the Bai army immediately picked a few people with good eyes to do this.

Li Bai and his party continued to walk towards the bathing center called Heaven and Earth. At this time, Tianshan Human World seemed a little deserted, and only a few men who looked very hungry and thirsty walked in together.

Seeing such a large group of people walking towards the store, the welcoming lady standing at the door immediately panicked, and hurried back to the hall, as if to find the person in charge of the bathing center.

"Let some people surround me with this heaven and earth, carefully check all the corners, and don't let go of any place that may hide a secret door." Li Bai ordered again. At this time, his anger has been completely suppressed. In his heart, he waited for the moment of the explosion to come.

When Li Bai and Chen Feiyu walked up the steps together and came to the gate of the heaven and earth, a middle-aged man with a pot belly quickly walked out from the revolving door, looking at Li Bai with disdain in his eyes.

"I don't know if the two of you are here to enjoy the world, or to cause trouble?" The middle-aged man squinted his eyes and looked at Li Bai and Li Bai with a slanted head. He also knew that this sentence was obviously nonsense. Well, since Li Bai and the others brought so many people here, they must have no good intentions. Of course, even if they come from the same company to enjoy together, it is impossible for a bathing center of theirs to provide so many girls at the same time.

"We're here to find someone." Li Bai just glanced at the middle-aged man, raised his head, and said coldly.

"Looking for someone?" The middle-aged man seemed to have heard a very funny joke, and snorted coldly, "Brother, you went wrong, there is no one you are looking for here."

Chen Feiyu didn't speak, just patted Li Bai's shoulder lightly, then pointed to a car parked on the side of the road, and the license plate number of that car was the car they were chasing.

Li Bai turned his head, glanced at the middle-aged man indifferently, and did not speak. If this fat man is not stupid, he must have understood what he meant.

"Do you have our membership card in Heaven and Earth? If not, you can't go in." The middle-aged man rolled his eyes and said to Li Bai.

The one who greeted him was Li Bai's punch, which hit his eyes heavily, which instantly turned black.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Where are the people driving that car now? I want to see them." Li Bai's tone became vicious, and the middle-aged man covered his eyes and screamed.

Seeing that the middle-aged man was injured, a group of spectators inside immediately quit, rushed out like mad dogs, and surrounded Li Bai and Chen Feiyu in the center.

"Hehe." Li Bai just smiled, and with a wave of his hand, the remaining members of the Xiannong Club who were staying on the side of the street rushed up the steps, easily encircling them.

"Let your people go away, I don't want to do anything yet, take me to see those people!" Li Bai picked up the middle-aged man with one hand, and the middle-aged man finally let go of all his arrogance at this moment, and led him tremblingly. Followed Li Bai and Chen Feiyu into the inside.

After walking around for nearly 2 minutes, the middle-aged man finally stopped at the door of a room.

"It's inside, me, can I go?" The middle-aged man asked tremblingly, Chen Feiyu kicked him, and he ran away quickly.

The door of the room was ajar, without Li Bai pushing the door, the voice of the conversation inside could reach his ears.

"Finance Master, I have already caught you. When will the final payment you mentioned be sent?"

There was a brief silence.

"Already called? Okay, then how can we leave this beauty to you? What, let us handle it ourselves? Okay..." A wretched man's voice came, as if Tianxun had been hung up. The voice sounded again.

"Brothers, my character has exploded recently. I have earned so much money just by completing such a simple job. This woman, we can still enjoy it. I heard that she is still a school belle in the university."

There was another burst of roaring laughter, and immediately after that, there was a whining sound, Li Bai could hear that it was the sound of Su Daji struggling.

In the next second, Li Bai broke into the door.

"Who the hell dares to ruin the good things of the old man?!" The man was very angry, but he hadn't seen who broke in, but his eyes were darkened, and he was slapped on the wall, and he was slapped again. fell to the ground.

His accomplices were not much better, but within 30 seconds, they all lost their combat effectiveness and fell to the ground crying for their parents.

Li Bai didn't continue to pay attention to these people, but rushed to Su Daji's side, and quickly removed the towel from her mouth and the rope wrapped around her body.

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Bai hugged Su Daji tightly, and patted her on the back lightly. At this moment, Su Daji's whole body was trembling, which was the reaction after being extremely frightened.

"Brother Bai, I'm so scared. I don't even know why they want to arrest me." Su Daji flung herself into Li Bai's arms, crying into a ball.

Li Bai winked at Chen Feiyu and asked him to interrogate these men.

Chen Feiyu nodded, gathered several people together, and took a large basin of cold water and poured them directly on their heads, so that they woke up from their coma.

"Tell me, why did you arrest her?" Chen Feiyu stood in front of several people and said condescendingly.

At this time, several men were also tied together by Chen Feiyu, unable to move, but the leading man looked around and found that there were only two men in the room, that is to say, in less than 30 seconds, the two One man, maybe only one, knocked them all unconscious.

With such strength, they all swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Looking at Chen Feiyu, they knew that they should not be messed with.

"It was a mission given to us by our benefactor. He gave us an advance payment of 90 yuan, and just sent us a final payment of [-] yuan." The man said.

"Who is the patron?" Chen Feiyu asked again.

"It's a little girl, not tall, about 1.6 meters tall, and her age is estimated to be fifteen or sixteen years old. She is definitely not very old. We don't know why she wants us to do something to her. It looks like revenge. Like an enemy." The man said everything he knew in one breath.

Chen Feiyu glanced at Li Bai, wanting to know if Li Bai had any questions to ask.

"Just now I heard your newsletter, do you know what that little girl looks like?" Li Bai's voice came muffled, and he was very puzzled now. No matter how the man described it, he couldn't believe it. An underage girl would do such a frenzied thing.

"I don't know why, when I communicated with Tianxun, the other party's screen was always black. We also received the mission directly from Tianxun, and we have never met each other." The man said again.

"Give me your Tianxun." Li Bai said to the man, Chen Feiyu immediately went up and took out the man's Tianxun, dialed back the last Tianxun, and handed it to Li Bai.

Li Bai pressed the camera and waited quietly for Tianxun to connect.

"As I said, don't contact me again after the task is completed. The final payment has already been sent. If you haven't received it, it should be a system delay problem." The screen was really dark, but the other party's voice was It was transmitted very clearly.

Li Bai was obviously startled when he heard this voice. The voice seemed a little far away, but it was also a little familiar.

Li Bai pointed at Su Daji, asked her to speak, and turned on the recording function at the same time.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you send someone to arrest me?" Su Daji's voice was very angry.

Hearing Su Daji's voice over there, there was an obvious silence, and then he said in an extremely cold voice: "Because, you all deserve to die!"

After finishing speaking, there was a busy tone, and the other party had already hung up Tianxun.

Li Bai's expression became more serious. The other party was not talking about you, but you. When he thought about the baseball guy who died in his hands, it was obvious that the same person was setting up this puzzle for beautiful girls. .

The first is Mu Xiaoting, the second is Su Daji, and who is the third?
Li Bai's expression suddenly changed, it was clearly aimed at his woman!

"Hurry up, tell Feng Yunxi and Zhang Yuhan to go back to the villa as soon as possible, and it's best not to go out in the next few days!" Li Bai shouted to Chen Feiyu in a hurry, Su Daji also realized the seriousness of the situation, and Chen Feiyu Call the two separately.

Li Bai called Qin Yubing, and was finally relieved after learning that nothing happened to her.

"Feng Yunxi and Chen Feiyu have been picked up by our people, and nothing should happen." Chen Feiyu said to Li Bai, not understanding why Li Bai became so nervous.

Li Bai held his head and scratched his hair, with a painful expression on his face.

"Brother Bai, what's wrong with you?" Su Daji asked with concern.

Li Bai picked up Tianxun again, found the recording just now, and after clicking to play, the little girl's words sounded again.

"Because you all deserve to die!"

After listening to it many times, Li Bai looked at Su Daji in disbelief: "Do you think this voice is very similar to Xiao Xi?"

(End of this chapter)

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