The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2376 Xiao Xizhang is here?

Chapter 2376 Xiaoxi is back?
In the quiet room, Li Bai was still playing back the recording of that day's news. The more he heard it, the more he felt it sounded like Xiao Xi's voice who had been missing for several months.

"It seems that there is indeed a little resemblance." Su Daji also listened carefully several times, and then said to Li Bai with some uncertainty, "But hasn't Xiaoxi been captured by the Japanese people, it should be impossible to come back suddenly Right? Besides, some people have similar voices to others.”

Su Daji said again, as if she was explaining to Li Bai, but she was actually looking for a plausible reason for what happened to her.

Little girl Xiaoxi and the others have all seen each other. Because of the demolition incident before the establishment of Xiannong Building, Li Bai took Xiaoxi back to his villa. Similarly, there is also Xiaoxi's mother, who is still alive at this time. There is a disease in Li Bai's Qiankun ring.

The reason why Su Daji felt that the voice was not Xiaoxi was also very simple, because she couldn't believe that they were so kind to Xiaoxi before, but now they would come back and try to kill them.

Li Bai remained silent, stood up, and then walked towards the men who kidnapped Su Daji, with a fierce look on his face.

"Brother, brother, we have already told everything we know. We are just using people's money to help others. Please don't blame us." The man begged for mercy loudly.

"I knew I was wrong at this time? When I saw Qian's eyes open, why didn't I think about what would happen to me?!" Li Bai said angrily. If they hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid Su Daji would have been ruined by them. up.

Li Bai raised his foot and stomped on the man's lifeblood. Although Su Daji didn't suffer any insults, her heart was traumatized. This was something Li Bai couldn't bear no matter what. one thing.

All the men in a gang have been abolished by Li Bai. Unless they spend a lot of money on surgery, otherwise, it is impossible to be a man again in this life.

Ignoring the wailing of several people, Li Bai took Su Daji's hand and walked outside. Along the way, all the staff in the heaven and earth looked at Li Bai with great fear, for fear that Li Bai, who was angry, would also do something to their bathing center. Something out of the ordinary.

As they wished, Li Bai just left quietly. Immediately afterwards, all the members of the Xiannong Club who surrounded the heaven and the earth appeared again. This battle was seen by the middle-aged man with a pot belly, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared. If at that time If there was a real fight, their entire bathing center would be smashed into ruins.

"Let's go home." Li Bai said to Chen Feiyu, and the group left the bathing street in a mighty manner, as if they had never appeared before.

In a certain hotel room, the Tianxun thrown on the bed rang continuously, and was quickly picked up by a pair of tender little hands, followed by a burst of icy sound.

"Has the task been completed?" It was the voice of a little girl. If Li Bai heard it, he would know that it was the little girl who was suspected to be Xiaoxi again. However, the little girl with Liu Hai on her forehead had already The long hair covered her eyes, and at the same time, there was an obvious scar on the right cheek. Although the skin was fair and tender, because of that scar, if people saw her, they would think she was ugly.

"I'm sorry, we failed. Those women seemed very vigilant. We were already picked up by a car before we made a move. After we finally chased after a villa, there was no way to continue." Tianxun Among them, a new man's voice came.

"I see." The little girl seemed to have expected this, without any surprise.

"Then we won't refund the advance payment. After all, it's not that we don't want to complete your task." The male voice said again, and the little girl directly hung up Tianxun.

The black tights that the little girl was wearing at this time outlined a rough outline of her immature body, and quickly put on a set of casual sportswear, and stood in front of the mirror, looking a little lost.

"Why, why are they so important?!" The little girl looked at herself in the mirror, said a little crazy, and quickly calmed down again, a hint of sinister flashed in her eyes, "If this is the case, then I also Come to let you experience the feeling of losing them."

Li Bai sneezed for no reason, which was very strange. Given his physical fitness, it was impossible for him to catch a cold.It was also because of Li Bai's sneeze that broke the depressing atmosphere in the villa.

"Brother Bai, why did you call us back in such a hurry?" Zhang Yuhan looked at Li Bai in confusion and asked. She was still seriously attending class before, but she was directly taken out by the members of Xiannong Society.

"Someone wants to take us away." Feng Yunxi's mood still hasn't stabilized. If it wasn't for Li Bai's quick enough reaction, she might not know which small dark room she is locked in now.

Zhang Yuhan was stunned for a moment, not understanding why this sudden crisis came about.

At this time, Li Bai finally spoke: "I don't know what's going on with this matter. In short, in the past few days, you'd better not leave the villa casually. Your safety can be guaranteed here. From the outside, I can’t guarantee it.”

The girls nodded. It's a bad feeling that the enemy is in the dark and they are in the light. It's like there are a pair of evil eyes, waiting for you to be negligent, and then pounce on you, killing you with one blow.

"You guys find something to do first, I still have something to do." Li Bai said again, got up and left, and returned to his room, carefully recalled what happened today, and then flashed into the Qiankun Ring middle.

The space inside the ring is still the scene of spring all the year round, everything is peaceful and has nothing to do with the outside world.

Xiaoxi's mother was lying on a soft bed. Because of several months of self-cultivation, her expression was already rosy and shiny, but she was very weak when she got up and walked around occasionally.

Li Bai knew that this was all because Xiaoxi's mother didn't see Xiaoxi, and it was her heart disease.

"Auntie, are you feeling better?" Li Bai walked towards Xiaoxi's mother. At this time, Xiaoxi's mother was staring blankly at Jin Yan and Hei Yan who were playing not far away. The appearance of Li Bai.

"Thank you for taking care of me. I'm much better now." Xiaoxi's mother looked at Li Bai and asked expectantly, "Where is Xiaoxi, is there any news about her?"

When Xiaoxi was taken away by the Japanese people, Li Bai told Xiaoxi's mother. Although that made Xiaoxi's mother's condition fall into a crisis again, Li Bai also promised that Xiaoxi must be taken away. Bring it back intact.

However, for the past few months, Li Bai has been busy with other things and has no time to think about Xiaoxi's affairs, so the task of rescuing Xiaoxi seems so far away.

"Sorry, not yet." Li Bai said apologetically, and then took out Tianxun, "Auntie, listen to it, is this Xiaoxi's voice?"

As he said that, Li Bai played the recording of "Because you all deserve to die" to Xiaoxi's mother again, but she only listened to it once, and Xiaoxi's mother shook her head.

"It sounds like it, but it's definitely not my daughter's voice." Xiaoxi's mother said firmly, "My daughter's voice is warm, but this girl's voice is full of resentment, definitely not."

Li Bai played it again, but he still couldn't tell the difference. However, since Xiaoxi's mother said no, it is quite possible that the little girl who wanted to harm Li Bai's woman was not the Xiaoxi he knew. .

This made Li Bai feel a little relieved. In this case, even if the other party was a little girl, Li Bai would not have any mercy. And if the little girl was really Xiaoxi, it would be very difficult for Li Bai to make a move.

After talking with Xiaoxi's mother for a while, Li Bai left Qiankun Ring.

The time is approaching the end of the term, so it doesn't matter whether you go to class or not, as long as you review at home, and Mu Xiaoting also agreed with director Xu Zheng, and when the semester is over, I will go to the set with him for a two-month filming , so she will spend the last month with everyone.

Although he is the person in charge of Xiannong Building, Zhang Yuhan will not go to work recently due to special circumstances. Wang Chu and the other three elders can actually hold on, but they are definitely not as good as they were when Zhang Yuhan was there. I am more careful.

During the two days, everyone stayed in the villa, studied together, ate together, and slept together. The little girl did not send anyone to trouble them again, probably because she knew that Li Bai's villa was not so easily destroyed. broken by people.

The two days passed in such a peaceful way, until at night, Li Bai's sky message finally rang, and it was Jiang Gu's call.

"Dragon King and Huaxia Dragon have a total of 480 people. All of them have arrived in Kyoto, and they can gather at the designated place at any time. Please instruct." On the screen, Jiang Gu was in the darkness of night.

Li Bai just remembered at this time that he asked Jiang Gu to gather all the dragon guards a few days ago to go to Jincheng to find trouble with the Feng family. He didn't expect that because of the events of the last two days, he actually forgot.

Looking at the time, it was already seven o'clock in the evening, and Li Bai said again: "At nine o'clock in the evening, gather on the top floor of Xiannong Building."

Over there, after Jiang Gu got the order, he immediately hung up Tianxun to convey Li Bai's message.

"Brother Xiaobai, are you leaving?" Seeing Li Bai's action of calling Tianxun, all the girls cast puzzled looks, Li Bai nodded and explained.

"You should all know that Mu Xiaoting was harassed by a man named Feng Xiu before. I'm going to avenge Mu Xiaoting." Li Bai said jokingly, without telling all the specifics, otherwise If so, they have to worry again.

The happiness on Mu Xiaoting's face made the other women very envious, but she was thinking again, if someone came to pursue her, would Li Bai teach them a lesson for them.

(End of this chapter)

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