The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2377 Killing to Jincheng

Chapter 2377 Killing to Jincheng

Cool night, huge rooftop, chilling atmosphere.

Li Bai quietly looked at the Jiang Gu five standing in front of him, and the 480 three new members of the Huaxia Dragon Guard behind them.

Everyone's expression was very serious, with their hands straddled behind their backs, they also looked at Li Bai quietly.

"Not bad, not bad." Li Bai murmured, no matter what the strength of this group of dragon guards is, everything in front of them has already told Li Bai that they have iron-like discipline, and they will definitely fulfill the orders of their superiors faithfully.

"Jiang Gu, did you tell them about the content of this operation?" Li Bai walked up to Jiang Gu and asked in a low voice.

Jiang Gu nodded. He had already told them that what he was going to face on this trip was the Egyptian mummy. At the same time, he also relayed to everyone the characteristics and weaknesses of the Egyptian mummy that Li Bai told him.

Li Bai nodded in satisfaction again, then took a few steps back and faced the crowd.

Everyone puffed up their chests, knowing that it was Li Bai who was about to speak.

"Brothers." Li Bai said, warming everyone's hearts, and the gap between superiors and subordinates disappeared in an instant, "This time, this is the first large-scale group activity since the reconstruction of our Huaxia Dragon Guard. The opponent is The Egyptian mummies that came from Egypt have been eyeing our China for a long time. Now that we have discovered them, do you want to drive them out of China so that they dare not invade China's territory again?!"

"Yes!" Everyone replied in unison, with great momentum.

"Very good, imposing, not bad, but what I want to tell you is that the opponent is very strong, even me, your Dragon King, was injured by them, let alone you, are you afraid? " Li Bai said loudly to the crowd again, not shying away from the fact that he had been injured.

"Don't be afraid!" The dragon guards shouted in unison again, everyone's expression was even faintly excited, and there was determination in their eyes.

"Let's go!" Li Bai ordered without talking nonsense.

In order not to let Jincheng get the news in advance, this time Longwei's operations were all carried out in secret. Even the way to rush from Kyoto to Jincheng did not choose to use trains and airplanes as transportation methods, but chose The bus used by the tour group.Every Longwei had changed into casual clothes again, and there were eight full cars. Although it was said that this strange tour group was all men, because of the late night, no one noticed this.

At ten o'clock in the evening, a group of buses slowly drove onto the expressway and headed towards Jincheng.

During these four days, Jiang Gu was collecting all kinds of information about Jincheng Feng's family while convening everyone. Like all big families, Jincheng Feng's family did not choose to set up their family residence in Jincheng city center, but also chose the suburbs.

Coincidentally, the location of the Feng family's mansion is not very far from the intersection of the highway, that is to say, Li Bai and the others can launch a lightning raid on the Feng family almost as soon as they get off the highway.

"Dragon King, we can probably arrive in Jincheng at four o'clock tomorrow morning. At that time, their Feng family must be in a state of relaxation, and we can take advantage of it." Jiang Gu said to Li Bai about his own plan.

Li Bai shook his head. He didn't think that the Feng family would put down all their guards at four o'clock in the morning. If that was the case, as the public enemy of all the families in Jincheng, the Feng family would have been attacked long ago. , How could it be possible to stand on the top of Jincheng so safe and sound.

Jiang Gu lowered his head in embarrassment. When it was so easy to think of it, he was careless: "Dragon King, what do you mean?"

"Go on a trip." Li Bai said to Jiang Gu with a smile, Jiang Gu was taken aback: "Travel, what do you mean?"

"Of course it is impossible for us to directly enter the Feng family. Not only do we not know how many troops the opponent has, but we also don't know the average strength of the opponent. If we rushed in like this, if they wait for us to go, wouldn't that be courting death?" Li Bai patted Jiang Gu on the head, making Jiang Gu bow his head in embarrassment.

"Then I'll send a few people to find out their details." Jiang Gu said again.

"No need, I'll go by myself, just wait for my order at any time." Li Bai thought for a while and said, after all, Feng Xiu hates him so much now, when he appears in Jincheng, there will definitely be Feng's family The spies found out his whereabouts. In this case, Li Bai might as well go to the door himself, so as not to expose Long Wei's whereabouts.

"Then Dragon King, aren't you in danger?" Jiang Gu said to Li Bai worriedly. Li Bai smiled and didn't answer. He closed his eyes and leaned on the backrest to rest.

"Go to bed early." Li Bai turned off the lights above his head, and the car was plunged into darkness.

Jiang Gu's timing was very accurate. At four o'clock in the morning the next day, their tourist bus arrived in Jincheng.

However, the bus did not move on, but stopped on the side of the road one by one.

"What's going on?" Li Bai opened his eyes. Under the bus, a group of people were holding flashlights and were constantly waving towards the interior of the bus, which was very dazzling.

Everyone's sleep was very light, so they all woke up soon, Jiang Gu got out of the car in a hurry, and negotiated with each other with the eight drivers.

"What's going on? Why did you stop the car?" Jiang Gu looked at the men in front of him a little angrily, because it was very dark, and because the other party's flashlight was aimed at him, Jiang Gu couldn't see Clear each other's face.

At this time, Jiang Gu was wearing a tour group hat on his top and a satchel on his waist. Coupled with his hasty tone, he looked like a tour guide.

"Check." Someone on the other side began to speak, his tone full of impatience, "Recently Jincheng City is strictly checking foreign vehicles to prevent large-scale foreign forces. Tourist buses like yours are our focus of inspection." The man said.

When Jiang Gu heard this, he was a little anxious: "We are a regular tour group, and the cars are full of tourists. How could we do something illegal? The tour fee this time is 100 yuan, not the kind of compulsory consumption of [-] yuan. The tour group." Jiang Gu took out various documents from the satchel while talking.

The man waved a flashlight on it, and it was stamped with the seal of Kyoto. Some believed what Jiang Gu said. What he didn't know was that it was very simple for Jiang Gu to obtain these formal certificates. things.

"Well, if you don't believe it, get in the car and check it out, but you'd better be quiet, if you wake up the tourists, they will complain about our company." Jiang Gu said again, moving away Just prepare to let these people go up.

And sometimes, the more you take the initiative to ask you to do something, the less people will do it. When the man heard this, he waved his hand and motioned for them to leave quickly.

"What's the matter with the young master recently? I'm just talking about it, let's stop the car, I guess, that person has no time to hide, how could he dare to come to Jincheng to trouble the young master."

When Jiang Gu got into the car, he heard someone talking and remembered it in his heart.

"What happened?" Li Bai drew the curtains and asked Jiang Gudao.

At this time, Jiang Gu had already cast his eyes on Li Bai's admiration. They had just got off the expressway, and they were interrogated by the Feng family. They must have prepared a way to deal with them in the Feng family.

"Why are they so vigilant?" Jiang Gu looked at Li Bai suspiciously, and Li Bai also shook his head.

Li Bai was very puzzled. No one would know about Longwei's actions this time, but why did Feng Xiu know his purpose so clearly? No wonder Feng Xiu didn't send out the mummy again in the past few days. Chasing and killing him, thinking about it, should be preparing for Li Bai's arrival.

"Did someone inform you?" Jiang Gu lowered his voice and said to Li Bai. Li Bai also had this concern. After all, except for the five Jiang Gu people he knew at the beginning, he didn't care about the other 400 people at all. I understand, maybe even Jiang Gu and the others haven't understood everyone's character and morality. If there are one or two undercover agents among this group of people, it is possible.

"Don't say anything, maybe there is no traitor, but Feng Xiu used other methods to find out that we are coming." Li Bai said again, and then asked Jiang Gu to tell the drivers to go to the hotel they booked.

What Li Bai didn't know was that this time, he was completely overthinking.

After Feng Xiu's trump card failed, Feng Xiu calmed down a lot, knowing that Li Bai was not an easy target, so she sent someone to collect some information about Li Bai. If you don't check, you don't know. In the past year, how Li Bai developed from a freshman to having such a huge power now was all displayed in front of Feng Xiu.

Although it is only the Xiannong Society and the Xiannong Building, such forces are not enough to shake the existence of their Feng family, but when Feng Xiu learned that more than 80.00% of the members of the Xiannong Society are true qi fighters After all, the number of mummies under him is only about [-]. If there is a hard fight, although Feng Xiu is confident that he can win, the secret of their Feng family will definitely be revealed to the world.

Therefore, Feng Xiu, who has always been arrogant and domineering, chose to be cowardly at this time, waiting for Li Bai, who is also sure of vengeance, to come to his door. He has already set a trap. If Li Bai dares to come, he will let Li Bai go without returning. , he can still hug Mu Xiaoting and dream his sweet dreams.

What Feng Xiu didn't expect was that this time, Li Bai didn't bring over the members of his Xiannong Society, but the more powerful Longwei.

"What, Li Bai has come to Jincheng? Alone?" Early the next morning, Feng Xiu's sky message rang, which was accidentally discovered by his spies while having breakfast on the streets of Jincheng. .

"The boy is quite bold. Since he is here alone, let's have fun with him." Feng Xiu showed a sinister smile, and immediately passed on the order.

At this time, Li Bai was walking on the small road in Jincheng in the morning, and the dragon guards had all been settled. Next, it was up to him how to lure Feng Xiu to relax his vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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