The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2378 Jincheng 1st

Chapter 2378

Although the distance is not far away, people from Jincheng speak with a slightly different accent from people from Kyoto. This made Li Bai very curious. He imitated Jincheng's accent and bought a basket of steamed buns, but was caught by the boss. It was punctured directly.

In fact, if there are not always some people who come to trouble Li Bai, Li Bai would be more willing to turn all the scenery of China to experience the different customs and customs in different places, but the cruel reality always reminds Li Bai, There are always things that require him to give up something he wants to do.

The information that Jiang Gu gave to Li Bai is very complete. The Feng family owns a lot of industries in Jincheng, and they merged into a large company called Pyramid Group. When Li Bai saw the information, the name was the one that happened five years ago. What was changed later is to make sure what the Egyptian mummies did before.

Fortunately, the Tianxun map shows that the distance between Li Bai and the Pyramid Group is not far away, so Li Bai didn't choose to take a taxi there, but wandered slowly on the streets of Jincheng.

Just when Li Bai was passing by a small alley, an old man came out slowly on a bicycle "jingle dingling". Li Bai quickened his pace and quickly crossed the intersection. But there was only a "bang" sound behind him, and the bicycle fell to the ground.

Li Bai turned his head and saw that the old man fell to the ground for some unknown reason, lying there screaming.

Li Bai shook his head, the road is so flat, he didn't collide with him, and he didn't know how the old man fell down, but his respect for the old made Li Bai walk to the old man quickly, wanting to Help the old man up.

"Old man, you are too careless." Li Bai said helplessly, bent down to help the old man up, and the old man also put his hand on Li Bai's arm.

Because the old man looked old, Li Bai didn't dare to use force, but just when Li Bai was about to help the old man up slowly, the old man's hand was tightly gripping Li Bai's arm.

"Come on, come on, I've been knocked down!" The old man wailed in a miserable voice, not even the slightest sign of physical pain.

Li Bai was also stunned for a moment, wondering what the old man was doing: "Old man, I didn't hit you, you accidentally fell down on your bicycle." Li Bai explained to the old man, but the old man But it didn't stop at all, still shouting, and soon attracted the attention of a group of passers-by.

"Everyone, I really didn't bump into it." Li Bai said helplessly to the crowd. Li Bai was also a little angry at the old man's unreasonable troubles, but he couldn't break free from the old man. In that case, he could only treat the old man. Cause secondary damage.

Poor Li Bai, the word "Pengci" has never been in his mind until now, he just thought that the old man was being foolish, so he held on to him.

Passers-by were discussing, the voice was too noisy, Li Bai couldn't hear clearly, just because he could know, they seemed to say that he was finished.

At this time, a few tall and three-faced men ran out from the alley, pushed through the crowd, and looked anxiously at the old man who fell on the ground.

"Dad, Dad, what's wrong with you?!" Several men said nervously.

"Grab him, he knocked me down and wanted to run." The old man seemed to have been greatly wronged, and finally let go of Li Bai at this moment, but Li Bai was surrounded by several other men up.

Seeing this scene, Li Bai finally understood from the eyes they exchanged with each other that this was just a trap they had set.

"I said, can you have some brains? Although the country opened up the policy of having a second child decades ago, the country doesn't allow you to have five or six sons in a row, you know?" Li Bai said to several men .

The deception seemed to be seen through, and the faces of the men changed slightly, but they recovered quickly: "Stop talking nonsense, you broke my dad's bone, don't even think about leaving today if you don't lose money!"

Li Bai chuckled: "Broken bone? You can tell me where the broken bone is? Besides, shouldn't the police be called for civil disputes?"

Hearing what Li Bai said, the old man yelled even louder, but it was just pretending.

"I'll give you 1 minute to decide. If you don't lose money, you don't want to leave today." A palm was placed on Li Bai's shoulder, threatening Li Bai.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers hurriedly hid away, because they had already guessed what was going to happen next, either Li Bai swallowed his anger and left with a loss of money, or he was brave enough to be broken into bones.

"Okay..." Li Bai's voice suddenly weakened, and the men's faces were overjoyed, knowing that Li Bai was going to spend money to eliminate the disaster, but in the next second, Li Bai's hand grabbed the hand on his shoulder, and his body With one bow and another effort, the man behind him was thrown over his shoulder by Li Bai and fell to the ground hard.

The man in front of Li Bai only felt that a gust of wind was blowing, and one of his brothers fell to the ground. The man raised his head in astonishment, his eyes were dark again, and he was knocked down straight to the ground by a punch.

There was an uproar at the scene, no one thought that Li Bai would strike back so decisively, and so quickly and fiercely.

But at this time, several other men came to their senses and rushed towards Li Bai clamoring, but they were also knocked down by Li Bai three or two times.

The old man was shocked by what happened in front of him at this time, but he couldn't understand why his family had been touching porcelain for so long, how could they suddenly kick an iron plate, you know, his accomplices But they were all ninth-rank warriors, and they were beaten by Li Bai until they had no strength to resist after just meeting each other. This made the old man panic and wanted to sneak away.

But soon, the old man bumped into a body head-on, and looked up, who else could it be if it wasn't Li Bai.

"Old man, didn't you have a broken bone? Can you still run if you have a broken bone?" Li Bai looked at the old man with a smile and said.

"No, no, I felt wrong just now. It turned out that it was just a stone." The old man said tremblingly.

Li Bai was still smiling: "So that's the case, but I just saw you had a broken bone, sir, and I'm going to pay you for it. Look, I've prepared all the money, but you didn't have a broken bone. It makes me so uncomfortable." Li Bai said, but he bumped into the old man's knee with a knee-lifting motion, and with a click, the old man really broke a bone this time.

"You...I'm an old man, don't you know how to respect the old and love the young?" The old man resisted the pain all over his body this time, pointing at Li Bai and said in disbelief.

"Since you also know that you are an old man, why don't you do these things of relying on the old and selling the old, and want to kidnap me with morality? Hehe." Li Bai said coldly, took out all the cash on his body, and threw it on the old man. Then walk away.

People exploded even more. Although they also hated the old man's behavior of touching porcelain, when the old man was punished, their free compassion began to flood again.

"I think that person did the right thing. This old man can do such shameless things, why should we sympathize with them." Some people understand Li Bai's approach very well.

It's just that in the crowd, two men looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Li Bai's decisive and ruthless attack seemed impossible for people of their level.

"Do you want to call the young master?" One person asked the other.

"We don't need it for now, our task is to follow him." Another person said again, and then the two squeezed out of the crowd and chased after Li Bai.

Li Bai was very angry. Before he came to the earth, his father Li Xiaogang told him many stories on the earth. In his imagination, the people on the earth were all kind and amiable. Everyone has it, and they all tricked him.

At this time, Li Bai was in no mood to appreciate the customs of Jincheng, so he walked quickly towards the Pyramid Group. It took less than 5 minutes to reach the downstairs of the company.

After seeing the company building of the Pyramid Group, Li Bai suddenly understood why the Feng family is the largest family in Jincheng. Even their company building is as high as dozens of floors, and it looks incomparably brilliant, even more impressive than Xiannong's. The building looks much more high-end.

But Li Bai didn't care about these appearances. If he wanted to, Xiannong Building could even become better than them.

At this time, the rush hour for going to work has passed, so there are not many people entering and leaving the pyramid building. Li Bai walked in, only to find that there was not even a welcoming lady inside, but a huge pillar stood in the center of the hall. , it says what company each layer is.

Li Bai glanced roughly, and found that the scope of the pyramid group was really wide, and he was also thinking in his heart, after the matter here is over, whether Wang Chu and the others should come to learn and learn from it.

Li Bai didn't know which subsidiary Feng Xiu was in, so he stopped an employee who looked very laid-back.

"Who are you, what's the matter?" The blocked employee looked Li Bai up and down, and found that he was not an employee of the group, but was talking to Li Bai in a very arrogant tone.

Li Bai smiled secretly in his heart, as expected, there are all kinds of employees as there are bosses, but Li Bai didn't express what he thought in his heart on his face.

"Where is Chairman Feng Xiufeng now?" Li Bai asked politely.

"Are you out of your mind?" Who knows, the employee said again, "Everyone in Jincheng knows that Feng Shao doesn't go to work. Aren't you from Jincheng? Or are you out of your mind?"

Li Bai's expression changed, he didn't expect this employee to be so rude.

"You look awesome." Li Bai said to the staff with a smile, "What I can assure you is that from tomorrow onwards, you won't have to come to work again. Your name is Liu Qingchun, right?" Li Bai lifted up the badge of the staff , said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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